09-006.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines Mansfield Congestion Relief , ~ ~ Waslring~on f e Deparbmnt at Transpa,tation Change Order ~ Date 1 /2/2009 Page 1 of 3 Pages Contract Number 08-016 Federal Aid Number CM-9932 (032) Contract Title Pines-Manfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project Change Order Number 9 Pnme Contractor Inland Asphalt M Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04 4 of the Standard Specifications ❑ Change proposed by Contractor Endorsed By Surety Consent w r' ccp Attomey on Fact Dete Date , Origmal Contract Amount 390619916.95 Current Contract Amount 391349553.73 Estimated Net Change This Order 39176.00 Estimated Contract Total After Change 391379729.73 Approvai Required [:1 Region ❑ Olympia Service Center M Local Agency If the amount authonzed in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not availabie for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order Approval Recommended ~ Approved Approved ~ ~ Project Engineer Approving Authority per C A Agreem p ,bo~ d 9 _ ' Date Date ~ [:]gApproval Recommended F-] Approved Other Approval When Required gy Signehme Date Date RepreseMing :)OT Form 140-005 EF ' Revised 10/97 C09-006 ~ 'd GHANGE G1RDER Page 2 of 3 Contract No: 48-01 g Change Order No. 9 This Contract is revised as follovvss: aescription of Work Swale #4 on Mansfield Avenue, fhe Precast Concrete Drywell Type B- Swale that is lacated in the swale, and the Curb Inlet Type 2 located at Statian 14+85 Lt. will be deleted. The system shall be revised by installing a Catch Basin Type 1 with a Metal Frame Type 1 and Grate Type 1 at Station 14+85 Lt and 60 LF of Ductile Iron Pipe 8 inch Diam. across Mansfield Avenue to outlet to Swale #2 Materials Ductile Iron pipe 8 Inch Diam. shall meet the requirements of Section 9-05.13. Measurement Dwcti(e Iron Pipe 8 Inch Diam. shall be measured by the iinear foot. Payment F'ayment will be made for each of the following items• Exisfing contract items: Item 19, "Metal Frame Type 1 and Grate Type 1" per each. item 22, "Catch Basin Type 1," per each. Item 81, "Q►ther Traffic Contr+al Labor," per hour. Item 82, "Flaggers and Spotters," per hour. New confract ifems: "Ductite tron Pipe 8 fnch Diam.," per linear foot. Contrac# Time One (1) working day vtrrill be added to Contratct Time as a result of this Change Order. At#achments None CHANGE ORDER Page 3 of 3 Contract No: 08-016 Change Order No. 9 Item No. Group No. Item Descrip0on Unit Unit Price Est Qty. Est AmL Change Measure Change 15 5 Curb Inlet Type 2 EA $770 00 -1 ($770 00) 16 5 Precast Concrete Drywell Type B- 51a►ale EA $2,000.00 -1 ($2,000 00) 19 5 Metal Frame Type 1 and Grate Type 1 EA $206 00 1 $206 00 21 5 Metal Frame Type 4 and Grate Type 4 EA $210 00 -1 ($210 00) 22 5 Catch Basin Type 1 EA $1,540.00 1 $1,540.00 NEW 5 Ducfile Iron Pipe 8 Inch Diam LF $60 00 60 $3,600.00 81 5 Other Traffic Control HOUR $42 50 4 $170.00 82 5 Flaggers and Spotters HOUR $40 00 16 $640.00 TOTAL $39176.00