09-001 ITS Ops & Maintenance along Appleway & Sprague
WSDOT Contract No. K237
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered mto by and between the DEPARTMENT OF
TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter referred to as 'WSDOT," and the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, hereinafter
referred to as the "CITY"
WHEREAS, the CITY owns certam Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) located along Appieway
6oulevard, and Sprague Avenue between I-90 and Urnversity Road, and
WHEREAS, it would be to the mutual benefit of WSDOT and the City for the WSDOT to perfoRn the
operation and mamtenance of certain ITS systems to the extent set forth in this Agreement, and to establish,
m wrbng, each party's responsibdity
WHEREAS, the CITY and WSDOT are authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the
authority granted RCW 47 28140, RCW 39 34 and RCW 43105
WSDOT agrees to perform certam activities regarding the maintenance and operabon of the designated ITS
systems ovmed by the CITY as identrfied in Exhibd A attached hereto and by this referenoe made part of this
The CITY and WSDOT mnll meet as necessary, a minimum of once annualiy on or about Apnl 1 of each year,
to review maintenance and operations issues for the CITY owned ITS systems These reviews shall be
documented on Attachment C One (1) ongmal countersigned copy of the Annual Performance Revrew by
both parties shall be sent to the WSDOT Contract Admirnstrator and CITY Contract Manager for the official
file. The CITY retams ownership of said ITS systems As such, the WSDOT will coordmate review of
modrfications with the CITY prior to implementaUon The exception is where extraordinary circumstances
require WSDOT to take immediate remedial actron. in the event a condition exists resulting from storm
damage, third party damage, or other reasons, WSDOT may of their own volition, remove any obvious
and immediate trafFic hazards before notdication to the CITY WSDOT is responsible for implemenUng
and mamtammg necessary traffic controi from the point at which the condition is identrfied untd the ITS
system is restored to its previous functional state
• Emergency Mamtenance
WSDOT agrees to perform emergency maintenance on said ITS systems at CITY expense
Emergency mamtenance includes repair or replacement of ITS systems or components and the
necessary traffic control for WSDOT workers to perform the work WSDOT shall notify the CITY
within one working day of the emergency work as to any relevant mformation WSDOT may
possess if the damage was caused by a third party
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• Replacement or repair caused by accidents, vandalism, adverse weather or unanbcipated forces
or acfions
WSDOT agrees to perform replacement or repair of the ITS system components and at CITY
expense d the damage was caused by accidents, vandalism, adverse weather or unanticipated
forces or actions WSDOT shall notify the CITY within one working day of the replacement or
repair work as to any relevant information WSDOT may possess if the damage was caused by a
third party
• Standards
Work to be performed by WSDOT mnll be consistent with current WSDOT practices concerrnng
the operation and maintenance of ITS systems set forth as follows
(a ) Components employed in traffic signal systems, Intelligent Transportation
Systems (ITS) or any other electrical installation wdl conform to requirements of
WAC 296-4613-901 Traffic Management Systems.
(b ) Work will be performed in accordance mnth current WSDOT Mamtenance Practices for
mamtenance procedures for traffic signals, highway lightmg and ITS eqwpment
(c ) Work performed on these ITS systems wdl be documented in ITS Maintenance
Management records
The CITY'S responsibilities regardmg the designated ITS systems identrried in Exhibit "A" shall include
the followmg
(a ) Provide maintenance, operation, repair and replacement activites that are not covered in
WSDOTs Responsibdity of this Agreement
(b ) The CITY is responsible for payment of operational power costs associated mnth all ITS
(c ) Locatmg all underground conduits or equipment associated with said ITS systems
(d ) Request WSDOT perform repair or replacement work of the ITS systems The ITS
system for Repair or Replacement Amendment shall mclude at a mmimum a description
and location of the existing facdity, description of work, cost (labor and materials) and the
effective date to start the specific ITS system repair or repiacement
The CITY grants WSDOT access to CITY right of way for the purpose of performing operation,
mamtenance, repair or replacement of the ITS systems designated in Exhibit "A" and any systems that
are added to this Agreement by way of an Amendment
This Aqreement's inital teRn shall be one (1) year, beginnmg on the date first entered below, and endwg on
December 31 of that year Tlns agreement shall automatically be renewed on a calendar year basis unless written
notice of termmaaon is given by either patty by the precedmg November 1 of any such year Failore of either party
to notify the other of such terminahon on or before November 1 of any such year shall cause this Agreement to
automatically be renewed for the next ensiung calendar year
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The estimated cost of routme mamtenance and operation in (the current year) is as defined m Exhibit "B"
attached hereto and by reference made part of this Agreement The ClTY agrees to set aside funds for
payment to the WSDOT for such work in this amount It is anticipated that actuai costs will rise in
subsequent years as materials, wages and other costs mcrease
The CITY further agrees to reimburse the WSDOT for the actual cost of work covered by this Agreement
includmg additional work for emergency mamtenance and additional work performed at the request of the
CITY Payments shali be made upon presentation of progress billmgs by WSDOT, and within thirty (30)
calendar days after the CITY has received each billmg
The CiTY agrees that ff payment for the work is not made withm forty-five (45) calendar days after the
CITY has been bdled for the work, the WSDOT may wthhold any mornes which the CITY is entitied to
receive from the Motor Vehicle Fund and apply the withheld monies to the amount bdled by the WSDOT
until satisfied
Dunng the progress of any and all work assigned to WSDOT, and for a period of not less than three years
from the date of payment to WSDOT for that work the records and accounts pertaming to said work and
accounting therefore are to be kept avadable for inspection and audit by the CITY Copies of all records,
accounts, documents, or other data pertairnng to the project will be furnished upon request to the CITY If
any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced, the records and accounts along with supporting
documentation shall be retamed untd all litigation, claim or audit findmg has been resolved even though
such Idigation, claim or audit continues past the three year retention penod
In the event that it is determmed that an overpayment has been made to WSDOT by the CITY, the CITY
will bdl WSDOT for the amount of overpayment
The parties to this Agreement shall each maintain books, retrords, documents and other evidence which
sufficientiy and propedy reflect all direct and mdirect costs expended by either party m the performance of the
service(s) descxibed herein These records shall be subject to inspection, review or audd by personnel of
both parties, other personnel duly authonzed by either party, the Office of the State Auddor, and federal
officials so author¢ed by law All books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this Agreement
will be retamed for suc years after expirafion and the Office of the State Auditor, federal auddors, and any
persons duly authonied by the parties shall have full access and the right to examme any of these materials
during this penod
Records and other documents, m any medwm, furrnshed by one party to this agreement to the other party,
will remam the property of the fumishing party, unless otherwise agreed The receNing party will not disclose
or make available this matenal to any third parties without first givmg notice to the fumishing party and givmg
it a reasonable opporturnty to respond Each party will utdize reasonable security procedures and protecUons
to assure that records and documents provided by the other party are not erroneously disclosed to third
The employees or agents of each party who are engaged m the perfortnance of this Agreement shall
oontmue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be
employees or agents of the other party
This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties Such amendments shall not be
binding unless they are in wrrting and signed by personnel authorized to bmd each of the parties
Amendments addressing a change in the SOW shall include at a mmimum a descnption of the ITS system
mstallation(s) to be added or deleted and the system(s) precise location The effective date of coverage
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i •
or deletion shall be defined m the Amendment An ITS system may be deleted from this Agreement at the
sole discretion of WSD4T upon thirty (30) calendar days written notce to the GITY
Either party may terminate thFS Agreement upon sDcty (60) calendar days' pnvr written notlfication ta the ather
party 1fi this Agreerrsent is so #erminated, the parties shall be liabfe oniy far performance rendered or costs
mcurred in ac:cordance wi#h #he terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of terminabon Upon
terminabon, #he WSDOT shall have no further responsibdity of the CiTY's ITS systems, includmg equipment
that was added to this Agreement by amendmeni
If for any cause, erther party daes nvt fulfill in a Umely and proper manner rts obligations under thls
Agreement, or ff either party violates any of these terms and conditions, the aggheved party wnll gNe the other
party written notiee of such farture or violation The respvnsible party wdl be giveh the opp+orturnty to correct
the vioiation or failure wthm fifteen (15) woakmg days ff #adure or violation is nvt correctea, this Agreement
may be termirrated immediately by vvritten nobce of the aggrieved party to the other
In fhe event that a dispute arises under thrs Agreemerrt, it shall be determmed by a Dispute Baard ih the
followmg manner Each party to this Agreement shall appoint one member to the Uispute Board The
members so appointed shall jantfy appoint an additional member to the Dispute Board. The DESpute Bvard
shall review the facts, agreement terms and appficable statutes and nrles and make a determmalbon of the
dispute The determination of the Dispute Board shail be final and bindrng on the parties hereto As an
ciItemative tQ this process, either of the parties may request interventon by the Govemor, as provided by
RCW 4317 330, in which event the Governor's process wnll controi
The C1TY shall protect, defend, mdemrnfy, and hold harmless WSDQT, its afficers, officrals, employees,
and agents while acUng within the scope of their employttieht as such, from any and all cvsts, claims,
judgments, andlor awards of damages (both to persons andJor property) The G1TY wi11 nvt be required to
indemnrfy, defend, or save harmless WSDaT if the claim, suit, ar action for injuries, death, or damages
(both to persons andlor property) is caused by the sole neglcgence of the WSDOT Where such claims,
suits, vr actions result from the concurrent negligence of both Parties, vr involves those actions covered by
RCW 4 24115, fhe mdemnrty provrsions provided herein shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent
of each Party's owm negligence
Ta the ex#ent allowed by Isw, WSDOT agrees tv protect, defend, indemrnfy, and hold harmless the ClTY its
afficers, officiais, employees, and agents while acting within the scope of their employment as such, frvm
any and all costs, cfaims, judgments andlor awards of damages (both to persons andlor property) The
WSDOT wnll not be required to indemnify, defend, or save harmless #he CITY d the claim, swt, or action for
mjuries, dea#h, or damages (both to persons and/or property) is caused by the sole negligence of the CITY,
or involves those actions covered by RCW 4 24115 Where such claims, suits, or actions resuft from the
concurrent negligence of both Parties, the indemrnty provisions provjded herem shall be vafid and
enforceable only to the extent of each Party's own negiigence
The CITY agrees that i#s obligations under this section extend #v any claim, demand andlor cause vf
action brougttt by, or on behaif of, any CITY employees or agents while performmg work authonzed under
this Agreement Far this purpose, the CITY, by mutUal negotiation, hereby wawes with respec# to
WSDOT only, any immunity that would othermse be availabRe to rt against such claims under the
Industrral Insurance provisions of chapter 51 12 RCW
These mdemnifica#ians and waiver shall survtve the termination of this Agreemenf
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. ,
No officer or empioyee of WSDQT or the CITY shail be personaily liable for any act, or failure to act, m
connect+on with this Agreement, it is understood that m such matters they are acting solely as agents of
their respective agencies
The CITY, its employees, contractors, and subcontractors shall be deemed for all purpases as employees
of the CiT'`r' and shall not in any manner be deemed empioyees of WSDOT
Any forbearance by WSDOT or the CITY in exercising any right or remedy hereunder or otherwrse afforded
by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of, or preclWde the exercise of, any such right or remedy
In the event that either Party deems it necessary to mstitute legal actian or proceedmgs to ehforce any
right or vbiigatron under this Agreement, the Parties hereto agree that any such acbon or proceedings
shall be brvught in a court of competent jurisdiGtion located in Thurston County, Washington
During the progress of the performance of the work authoflzed andlor performed under the terms of this
Agreement and #or a period not less than six (fi) years from the date of termination of this Agreement, the
records and accounts pert,airnng to the work herein and accounting therefore, are to be kept avaiiable for
mspection and audrt by the state andfor the Federal Government and copies of ail rec:ords, accaunts,
documents, ar other data pertaming to the perfvrmance of the work authortzed and/or perFormed under
fihe terms of this Agreement will be furhished upan request If any litigation, claim: or audit is
commenced, the records and accounts along wnth supportrng documentation shall be retained until all
litrgativn, claim or audrt finding has been resolved even thvugh such litagation, claim, or audit contmues
past the three-year retention period
All c[aims brought which arise out of , in cannectivn wnth, on meident ta the execution of this Agreement
wiil be forwarded to the CITY fvr initial processmg Any such ciaims believed to be caused by #he
concurrent or sole negligence of WSDOT will be formally tendered to the General Admirnstration's Qffice
of Risk Management far processmg pursuant #o RGW 4 92100
This Agreement is entered mto pursuant to and under the authordy granted by the laws of the state of
Washingtan and any applicable federal laws The prorriszons of this Agreement shall be cons#ru+ed to ronform
to those laws
In the event of an mcvnsistency m the terms of this Aqreement, or between its terms and any applicable
statute ar rule, the mconststency shalt be resofved by givmg precedence m the followmg order
(a ) Applicabie s#ate and federal statutes and rules,
(b ) Statement of work, and
(c,) Any other provisions of the agreement, includmg matenals mcxorpurated by reference
The work ta be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising thereunder, is not assignable or
delegable by either party in whole or m part, without the express prtor wrdten consent of the other party,
which consent shall not be unreasonably wrthheld
15 WAtV'ER
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A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement shall not preclude that party from
subsequent exercise of such nghts and shali not constitute a waever of any other rights under this Agreement
unless stated to be such in a wrNtmg srgned by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the
original Agreement
if any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document mcorparated by reference shall be held
invalid, such mvalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can te given effect vuithout
#he mvaiid provision, rf such remamder cvnforms to the requirements of applicable faw and the fundamental
purpose of this agreement, and to this end the provrsians of this Agreemen# are declared to be severable
This Agreement contams all the terms and canditions agreed upon by the parbes No other understandmgs,
oral or atherwise, regarding the subJect matter of this Agreement shall be deemeri #o exist or to bind any of
#he parties hereto
The program manager for each of the parties shall be responslble for and shall be the contact person for all
communrcabons regarding the perFormance of this Agreement
The Program Manager #or WSDOT is. Harold Whtte, Eastem Regian Traffic Engineer
2714 North Mayfair Street
Spokane, WA 99207-2050
(509) 324-6550
WhiteMl@wsdot wa gov
The Program IVlanager for the ClTY is lnga Note
Sernvr Traffic Engineer
11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106
Spokane Valley, WA 99206-6124
(509) 688-0227
mote@spokanevalley orh
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, #he parties have executed this Agreement
City of Spokane Valley State of Washington
Department of Transpartation
-IJAO_ . I 1/0/0 ~
Date Grant Rodeheave Da#e r
Crty Manager Director, 4ff'ice of Irrformatia Technology
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WSDOT's responsibilities regarding the designated ITS systems shall include
the following:
• Provide routine maintenance and operation which shall involve the
performance of the following activities.
(a.) Day to day observation of camera and VMS sign operations and
(b.) Removal and replacement of failed components. These failed
components that will be replaced by WSDOT shall be replaced with
CITY owned components or the CITY shall purchase the new
components from WSDOT.
(c.) Maintain accurate maintenance records, as to the time and
materials used in completing the various tasks for each location
(d.) Routine preventative maintenance to the extent consistent with
WSDOT'S current preventative maintenance standards.
(e.) Maintenance of communications end equipment located at each
device location cabinet, communications end equipment located in
shared use hub located on I-90 at Sprague Ave. Interchange, and
communications end equipment located at Spokane Regional
Transportation Management Center (SRTMC)
transmitting/receiving video/data from ITS systems identified in this
Exhibit "A".
CCTV System Appleway and Park Ave SW
CCTV System Appleway and Dishman-Mica
NE Corner
CCTV System Appleway and University NW
VMS and Controller Cabmet Sprague Ave between I-90 and
Thierman Road
Communication Equipment CC 080 050/shared use cabinet
at Sprague Ave I/C (I-90)
Patch Panel w/72 fiber terminations
EtherWAN svintch for signal data transmission
Optelecom Transmitter and Receivers for video transmission
Communication Equipment SRTMC
Optelecom Receiver for video transmission
Irteragency Agreement
Exhibit B
Item Unit Quantity Cost Totei
CCTV 4 Der vear
3 TST's far 3 hours @$5139 per hour (mcludes traffic control) Hour 9 $ 5139 $ 46251
17G5 bucket truck for 3 hours @$19 29 per hour Hour 3 $ 1929 $ 5787
1 TMA for 3 hours @$5 55 Hour 3 $ 5 55 $ 1665
Matenals $20 LS 1 $ 2000 $ 2000
Total per PM per camera $557 03 $ 55703
CCTV 4»er vear 4 $ 55703 $ 2,22812
VMS 2 per vear
3 TST's for 4 hours @$S 139 per hour (includes traffic control) Haur 12 $ 5139 $ 61668
17G5 bucket truck for 4 hours @$19 29 per hour Hour 4 $ 1929 $ 7716
1 TMA for 4 hours @$5 55 per hour Hour 4 $ 5 55 $ 2220
Matenals $10 LS 1 $ 1000 $ 10.00
Total per PM per sign. $803 04 $ 72604
vMs 2 ner vear s $ 726oa $1,45208
$500 per camera per year These are very expeasrve devices
so the actual cost to repair could be much higher
$S00 per sign per year These are very expensive devices so the
actual cost to repair could be much higher
Unit QuaMityi Cost Total
Cameras Each 3 $ 2,22812 $ 6,68436
VMS Each 1 $ 1,45208 $ 1,45208
CCTV Repair Each 1 $ 50000 $ 50000
VMS Repau Each 1 $ 50000 $ 50000
Total Agreement Cost $ 99136,44
• • Attachment C
Interagency Performance Report
Date Reviewed:
Agency Najiie Contract WSDOT
Number Administrat3on/Division/Office
Contract Obhgation Descnption WSDOT Other Agency
Frequency Responsibilrty`1 Responsibilrtyl
N ~ N
1 Were all contract goals and objecbves accomphshed properly and on time? ❑ Yes ❑ No
2 Was the uistallation of the one hme products listed above completed m a tunely manner
❑ Always ❑ Most of the time ❑ Some of the ❑ Seldom ❑ Never
3 Overall, the qualrty level of the ongowg services were (1= Poor, 3= Satisfactory, and 5= Outstan(hng)
❑ 1 ❑2 ❑3 ❑4 ❑5 ❑N/A
4 Was there any ongoing services whose quahty level was less than satisfactory? If yes, please hst and rate each one on a separate
❑ Yes ❑ No
5 The quaLty of the work performed was (1 = Poor, 3= Satisfactory, and 5= Outstanding)
❑ ] ❑2 ❑3 ❑4 ❑5 ❑NA
6 Were the agency staff s manner and conduct professionaP {1 = Poor, 3= Sahsfactory, and 5= Outstan(hmg)
❑ 1 ❑2 ❑3 ❑4 ❑5 ❑NA
7 The worlang relarionslup between agency staff was (1 = Poor, 3= Satisfactory, and 5= Outstandmg)
❑ 1 ❑2 ❑3 ❑4 ❑S ❑NA
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8. Fiber Strands
, . - .
WSDOT Owns Other Agency Owns ~ i otal Strand Count m Conduit
New Basehne
9 Are there any changes or comments?
10 4vera1l contract performance has been (1 = Poor, 3= Sahsfactory, and 5= Outstanding)
❑1 ❑2 ❑3 ❑4 ❑5
11 Please elaborate on any areas rated 2 or less (Attach additional sheets as necessary)
Review Frequency
Addittonal Review Penods If yes, mdicate new frequency Permanent Review Frequency Change?
Requved9 Yes ❑ No ❑
Yes ❑ No ❑
Approved by:
WSDOT Contract Manager BCPUD Contract Manager
Signature Date Signature Date
Submit completed Vendor Performance Report to the Contract Administrator below.
Name/Tide: Tim Carroll
Phone. 360-705-7595 Email carrolt@wsdot wa gov Fax 360-705-6842
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