15-148.00 WSDOT: Certification Agreement P Agency: City of Spokane Valley Agency Number: 1223 The agency agrees to comply with the following requirements when developing all Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)projects under FULL CA status. 1. Adherence to the Local Agency Guidelines and all policies and procedures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) which accomplish the policies and objectives set forth in Title 23, U.S. Code, Highways, and the regulations issued pursuant thereto. 2. The overall approval authorities and conditions will be as follows: a. The project prospectus will be reviewed and approved by the following official. Capital Improvement Program Manager(Position Title Only) b. The local agency agreement will be reviewed and approved by the following official or officials. Capital Improvement Program Manager(Position Title Only) c. The designs and environmental documents will be reviewed and approved by the following state of Washington registered Professional Civil Engineer. Capital Improvement Program Manager(Position Title Only) d. The hearing's findings (if required)will be reviewed and approved by the following official or officials. Public Works Director (Position Title or Titles Only) e. The contract plans, specifications and estimate of cost will be reviewed and approved by the following state of Washington registered Professional Engineer. Capital Improvement Program Manager(Position Title or Titles Only) f. Agreements will be signed by the following responsible local official: i. Railroad City Manager (Position Title Only) ii. Utility City Manager (Position Title Only) iii. Consultant City Manager (Position Title Only) iv. Technical Services City Manager (Position Title Only) g. The award of contract will be signed by the following responsible local official. Capital Improvement Program Manager(Position Title Only) h. All projects will be constructed in conformance with the Washington State Department of Transportation/American Public Works Association (WSDOT/APWA) current Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction M 41-10 and such specifications that modify these specifications as appropriate. Multimodal enhancement projects shall be constructed in conformance with applicable state and local codes. i. The contract administration will be supervised by the following state of Washington registered Professional Civil Engineer. Capital Improvement Program Manager (Position Title Only) j. Construction administration and material sampling and testing will be accomplished in accordance with Construction Manual M 41-01 and the Local Agency Guidelines. DOT 140-550 10/2015 3. The agency agrees that they have the means to provide adequate expertise and will have support staff available to perform the functions being subdelegated. The support staff may include consultant or state services. 4. The agency agrees that the signature on each project prospectus and local agency agreement will be consistent with section 2 above. 5. All projects under Certification Acceptance shall be available for review by the FHWA and the state at any time and all project documents shall be retained and available for inspection during the plan development and construction stages and for a three year period following acceptance of the project by WSDOT. 6. Approval of the local agency certification by the Director, Local Programs may be rescinded at any time upon local agency request or if, in the opinion of the Director, Local Programs, it is necessary to do so. The rescission may be applied to all or part of the programs or projects approved in the local agency certification. i lzpyeei v l -1/Y is' Mayor or Ch�irman City Manager Date Washington State Department of Transportation Approved By: a_At---t,m,j, Di ctor, L cal Programs Date DOT 140-550 10/2015