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1975, 07-22 Permit: D9401 Plumbing Fixtures
Plumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT County Court House, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND JOR REPAIR A Na D 4 Property Address------- QLYHPIC _ E., _14-117 ------------- Permit for ------- ---PjXMNG__1V3TJ4�T1 S ----- (Res.- (Com.__......__.) Owner --------- :rAC= - - C01MCTORS ---------- --------------------------- Address-- ------ -- Phone ------- 9Z Contractor. ___,mmLF,R __P_LUMR1-NG__&,_HEAT,1NG - ------ -----------Address...---.i..-_30.0,9..B.est__VeraLU.1q -------- Phone. .... 92.4--26.06 ...... 99037 NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets -..-..--2 ----- Bath Tubs_ ---- 1 ----- Sinks --_.7._.___ Slop Sinks_______________ Wash Basins ------ 2 . ...... Laundry Trays._---.-. --- Urinals--------_--__ Separate Shower Baths_ ----- I --------- Rain Leaders__________________- Garbage Disposal Units___.......-.____. Floor nits------------- ---- Floor Drains- __j ----- .- Fountains_.__..._.__._ Bar Connections ................ Dental Cuspidor___..._.--__--.._. Automatic Washing Machines -- ---- _ I _ - Mechanical Dishwasher --.___1--------- Refrigerators---_.-_.-__-__. Sumps------_.-.._ Water Softeners...___.-.--_-_. Hot Water Tanks.-__---____------_._-___.___ Sprinkler anks-- --- -------------- ---------- SprinklerSystem -- ---- ---------- ----------_----- -------- -------- ---- ------------ -- - -- --------------------------------- __ -------- ------- --- ----- ----- - ---------- -------- -------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -- --------- - --------- ------------------------ --------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -1 -------------- --------- ----- --------- -__ ----------- ------------------------------ -------- Fee ..I---- Fee Paid $-------?_3_ _00_ ------- ------------ Date Issued.- 22%%5 _ - ----- dd - - ---------- -------- Inspection ��?e--- Inspected By & Date-------------------------------' I j ------------------------------------ Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION By ----... y----....... ...................................... ......... Inspector ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------- (Final) .....I------ (Final)