1992, 10-09 Permit: 92008698 Mechanical FixturesSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any stat- or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF /� ��j % / APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROjECT NUMBER= 92008698 08698 ISSUED PERMIT DATE:: 10/09/92 PAGE= 01 * 33 3 3 i 3 # 3 3 3 * * 3 3 3 * 3rit r333*33rR L:CiT INFORMATION * it ii• ii• * iEr.• * iE * ik •a• it• h it ii ii• ii• # •»• ir..k• i?• * ie •iE * * SITE STREET= RE.E:.T= 146 0 E OLYMPIC AVE F ARCELO= 46353„2801 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PERMIT USE= GAS FURNACE, A:E, ,AiATE::R HEATER, ATR CONDITIONER, PIPING PLATO= 00409 PLAT i NAME:::: ,CUi-iMERi:`1E-i_.D EAST 1, T ADD i ,:3 r A. __ BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= UR -3,5 I/ .!. ,,, :,,..... ; •! AREA= F/A= F= WIDTH= 81 DEPTH= 120 R/W= OF F:• I:? I... I:; (. 1 :n: DWELLINGS= j WATER DIST ::_ OWNER:::: L_OVE L._L. , GERALD STREET= -14820 E OLYMPIC AVE ADDRESS= SS= .>>i::'i:ai<'fiN WA 99216 PHONE-- 509 924 6574 CONTACT NAME::::: EVERGREEN HEATING AL.. NAY PHONE NUMBER= 09 536 .., ....,: ^:. ........ BUILDING SETBACKS: K; : i=Rr-!Ni'= NA LEFT= tri RIGHT= NA REAR= NA x * t u aRnqxM3lt k3*ih**K* pp}*{*pppMECHANICAL FI"Ii * x x * * 3 3 i 3 { rit k 33Nui *„ i.xx.... CONTRACTOR:::: EVERGREEN HEATING & COOLING PHONE= 509 ;, 5053 STREET= 6 0: E Ai'1AVE °_ 02 ;? ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 1:iE::i''t (DESCRIPTION PROCESSING SS1:NGT FEE:: GAS WATER i• HEATER I ER _ GAS I••i..it.x t:.QU I.•h•'(.1 (i0, 0(i., t =..f 1,f• PIPING AIR CONDITIONER 0-3 TONS 2.UANI.1:TY F•E::E:: AMO)1.JNf. i6_0() i;j^00 2.00 12,00 r• r• * it * * as •n.• aC• ii 3i• •ie * it 3{• n• it 3k 3i• * i;• 3i• 3E 36 ii• * ii 3E * 3>; 3E FA Y I"I i :.N ! ,:.' !.! t"I ! f A ti 'Y 3k * 3i• 35 * 3r 3r * 3i• *3k 3(• ii n• ii• r• 3E 3E * * 1?. it •ir •r• :v 3E i, :N: PAYMENT DATE RE::r:F::1:I::'T';i: PAYMENT AMOUNT 10/09/92 8829 61,00 ................................................ TOTAL )"il.W:::: :. 00 TOTAL PAID:::: 6.1„00 PERMIT TrFFEE AMOUNT r-ti_PAID AMOUNT OWING . MECHANICAL F F r1T 61,00 61.,00 „00 ---------- 61„00 61,00 ..00 PF (:)r:t_::a 'ED BY: WENDEL. , GLOR.T.A PRINTED BY: WE::NDE::L.. , GLORIA .N. P: R• ... H: 3 . •P:.. 'i•:...) 3': 3 3': 3{. 3k 'A: 3i. * 3 . 3[• g. 3i• * •P:. * * 3f• * THANK •T r! I t P. * M• 3 3t• 3 . * 3{. P:• . R 34 . 11• * . 3 . * r: •r:• •ii• 3r: 3k 3t• •A• * * 'P: 'H::4• .P:* Y: