1980, 07-10 Permit: 80-6932 Inspecta INSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR NS E TYPE OF WORK W FINAL INSPECTION: SET BACKS DATE REMARKS: 1.. -%'7 r 0 air woo I. £10410 Nora s r }Ie or n.! Rlchnd'Ont lepton \V APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH Su:EFFEK1ON ( SPOKANE. WASHINGTON wfl0 lapel .Sane APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES— PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED AE 10410 Yore corrnircion "+Servtioft 'Systems 918P-5456 P 99206 1 As owl 28-6651 Ow Pew* Zona C N. 507 Indiana 99205 Apbere fruition Ove. U.. One. mwln•At. In ae OS apM«.. TO Area el bows Pelma ere aN ' DMw IDALT. DAc. Dpi_ D•. wenn o..nlL 0..Ao. U mem O.Nr. 0 P00L 1.• CERTIFICATE el EXEMPTION 0000ms INe0rOWeln•e Sett Nater µWTlbll ep��'o� °Ai I '"'""c [Trrr nT•n '41,INndy' artily N¢t I h.. nM and mmin10Me eppllceuon .04 Mee reed Ne Puepe El Pe erns 'NOTICE" provisions Include INeNNb. 4q Pneer the game to be true end eorr004 All provlllonl 01 law end ordinmeee governing th r .01111,. type' [0mgled WIN %#aher epee lied heraln or 001, The Orman of a permit day not plum.Io pbe u[morityy t0 v101ete Or eml M• prwlalone 01 any onNr stale in loud la yyliirnPo [ n,V1M Uetlon or brl / omtrUctlmlS 0REVERSE 110E FOR AEOUIREO INSPECTION eq PI mbl ¢ir 4 APPLICATI0118.•10` SI 6NANPECe APDL IC 1/41. 0 Mann. OECr1L 00115IT10 oI.1.000e SOCIAL APPROVALSNAYS 1 COLLECT EO 3.00 SEPA GIIr IawI1P1�� TOTAL 1....1•451.6 03. •300':4 •300x6 •3005"/ •ti0` a 6931£ 07-I'o 280 e 6479, %x: uRr 1/4 0