1991, 11-12 Permit: 91007766 Roof RepairSPOKANE COUNTY-tEPARTMENT OF BUI,I_DINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application. state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF t �� APPLICATION it/�?/ 1/ OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 75 00 7766 ISSUED E di9t. i.: ii Se SLIT fiTF� PERMIT USD )iiiie itie r: 4iie ri 4eii PLATO': BLOCK:. 0: OF BL..DC; STREET= ADDRESS= IIT DATE= 51/1:,:91 1i.)i. PERMIT INFORMATION *: ��i;r �ii�4i�ie i•: ri�ie ii�fi� 5711 S PINES RD E'ARCEL..O== 27542....1144 SPOKANE 41A 99202 .N...ACE PORTION OF ROOF ( TREE: DAMAGE) 001220 PLAT NAME:.:: LOi' 00000000 00000 F %'A- 5 DWELLINGS= 'ON, CYNTHIA 5S PINES RD 'lfKANG WA 99202 HILL CR.=., T PARK ADD ONE:: ,SFR DI:,'aTi:::=: I F WIDTH= DEPTH= 1 WATER DIST -- CONTACT NAME= 1<IMPEL. CONSTRUCTION i.):1 1) tiJ; SETBACKS: FRONT= NA LEFT= NA CONTRABTOR STREET ADDRESS NEW= DWELL UNITS= REQ Pr1RK:I:NG:.,, nun-msim'.m;*ii BUIL_DINC: K IMiPir:L. CONSTRUCTION 5708 N MARKET ;;: OKANE LA 992(•)7 OCCUR, LD= X SC., FT= O - .0 .L L..r.:,l.==: DESCRIPTION GROUP REMCODE:L.. R-3 ITEM DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL. VALUATIONSTATE SURCHARGE COUNTY SURCHARGE .A..p...p...A..u. * *-)e.)t..➢: *')F.}i..)t' 3'..*.}F YMENT DATE:: 51/12/91 TOTAL. DUE i'ERml...f. BUILDING PERMIT PRINTED FI PHONE:::: PAGE:- 01 PHONE: NUMBER= -- =%fi _j 4:00 RIGHT== NA REAR== NA .... .. E. 1'{.)�:.)1..1i.:li:'llA'Y4'�l'Yl'it')l'Yl")l'it':k:'.'A"It R"h:"h'll ik ii'•}(. **il' PHONE= 509 403 "1500 ADDITION= BLDG HGT= SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT= )4 CHANGE OF USF TYPE :i'4 FT VALUATION VN 2100.00 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT T 54.00 Y 4.50 Y 3.6 PAYMENT SUMMARY }idi-}iiiu)rai..u..u..i.*.u.X.u.x., R .E1r e. B573 00 TOT,,)l._ PAID= G:: AMOUNT ,.,r.14 _....--- 67.14 SI iAT TO sI-IATT0 .***'f;.*** ii 9i. si Y.:ri 4Ii a: it .*:,.. rn: ni 4i )E Yi 4i.:u.,,. AMOUNT PAID 11 67.14 PAYMENT AMOUNT r'.1="4 AMOUNT OWING 0 LI ii li; • * * * 3t )i m'r - ik * * iii * *