2013, 07-17 Duct Leakage AffidavitNrIINt TON STATEUNIVERSITY
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Duct Leakage Affidavit
Permit #:
House address or lot number: 2 GC Y5 /fes pr --4 r%
City: G0ntecnic i_ 'Cl!(Py Zip:
Cond. Floor Area (ft2): 19O) Source (circle one): Plans (Estimated i Measured
❑ Duct tightness testing is not required for this residence per exceptions listed at the end of this document
Air Handler in conditioned space?'es ❑ no
Circle Test Method: Leakage to Outside
Maximum duct leakage:
Post Construction, total duct leakage: (floor area x .08) = CFM@25 Pa
Post Construction, leakage to outdoors: (floor area x .06) = CFM@25 Pa
Rough -In, total duct leakage with air handler installed: (floor area x .06) = (O' CFM@25 Pa
Rough -In, total duct leakage with air handler not installed: (floor area x .04) = CFM@25 Pa
Air Handler present during testi,tyes 0 no
Test Result: ' % CFM@25Pa
Ring (circle one if applicable):
Duct Tester Location: C.VrtneiCC
Pressure Tap Location:
S. ( 'Trun
1 certify that these duct leakage rates are accurate and determined using standard duct testing protocol.
Company Name: �J(�'Tc Technician: �' awx �7 �i.,_
Technician Signature: OrDate: ?/77-'/3 Phone Number: -S-09-92/- q yet9
Washington State Energy Code reference:
503.10.3 Sealing. All ducts, air handlers, filter boxes, and building cavities used as ducts shall be sealed. Joints and seams shall comply
with Section M1601.3 of the International Residential Code or 603.9 of the International Mechanical Code. Duct tightness testing shall be
conducted to verify that the ducts are sealed. A signed affidavit documenting the test results shall be provided to the jurisdiction having
authority by the testing agent. When required by the building official, the test shall be conducted in the presence of department staff.
Exceptions: 1. Duct tightness test is not required if the air handler and all ducts are located within conditioned space.
2. Duct testing is not required if the fumace is a nondirect vent type combustion appliance installed in an unconditioned space.
A maximum of six feet of connected ductwork in the unconditioned space is allowed. All additional supply and retum ducts
shall be within the conditioned space. Ducts outside the conditioned space shall be sealed with a mastic type duct sealant and
insulated on the exterior with R-8 insulation for above grade ducts and R-5 water resistant insulation when within a slab or