2016, 02-02 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday,February 2,2016 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue,First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL ACTION ITEMS: 1. Councilmember Wood Proposed Resolutions Gender-Segregated Facilities a. Discussion of Draft Resolutions Discussion/Information b.Motion to Approve Resolution Approval Consideration [public comment] NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2.Kevin Twohig,Public Sportsplex Discussion/Information Facilities District 3. Steve Worley Amended 2016 Transportation Improvement Discussion/Information Program 4. Gabe Gallinger, Sidewalks and Development Discussion/Information Adam Jackson 5.John Hohman City Hall Update Discussion/Information 6. Councilmember Hafner Spokane Transit Authority(STA)Appointment Discussion/Information of Board Alternates 7.Mayor Higgins Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 8.Mayor Higgins Council Comments Discussion/Information 9.Mike Jackson City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Study Session Agenda February 2,2016 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 2, 2016 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolutions regarding Gender-Segregated Facilities GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 49.60 RCW—Washington's Law Against Discrimination; chapter 162-32 WAC— Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information only item March 25, 2014; administrative report April 22, 2014; administrative report on January 26, 2016. BACKGROUND: During the January 19, 2016, City Council meeting, Councilmember Wood introduced for future discussion, a draft resolution concerning Senate Bill 6443/House Bill 2589, and opposing certain actions taken by the Washington Human Rights Commission with regard to its recent adoption of chapter 162-32 WAC and specifically some of the requirements set forth in WAC 162-32-060. On January 26, 2016, City Council conducted an administrative report on the issue, and specifically on providing a letter in support of Senate Bill 6443 to the Washington Legislature. Chapter 162-32 WAC — Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, was adopted by the Washington State Human Rights Commission, effective December 26, 2015. The Human Rights Commission is the state agency tasked with enforcing Washington's Law Against Discrimination (WLAD) codified in chapter 49.60 RCW. This includes drafting, submitting for public comment, and adopting administrative rules for interpreting and enforcing the WLAD, which become the approved WAC provisions. A copy of the resolution provided by Councilmember Wood has been provided. Alternatively, staff has drafted a resolution capturing the intent of Councilmember Wood's resolution in the traditional City form has also been provided. Further, a copy of chapter 162-32 WAC and proposed SB 6443 and HB 2589 have been provided as part of this RCA. a. Discussion of Draft Resolutions Options: Council consensus whether to move forward for motion consideration on either draft resolution, with or without amendments. b. Motion to Approve Resolution: Options: Take other or no action, or "Move to approve [Councilmember Wood's resolution regarding gender-segregated facilities] or [Resolution No. 16-003 Declaring Support for Amending Chapter 49.60 RCW, Washington's Law Against Discrimination]. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a STAFF CONTACT: Councilmember Wood/City Attorney Cary Driskell ATTACHMENTS: Councilmember Wood's Proposed Resolution Proposed Resolution 16-003 Chapter 162-32 WAC Senate Bill 6443 House Bill 2589 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON DRAFT OF POTENTIAL RESOLUTION TAKING A STAND AGAINST ONE PARAGRAPH OF THE WAC ON RESTROOM ACCESS AND PRIVACY A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,AFFIRMING THE RIGHT OF ALL PEOPLE LIVING IN,ATTENDING SCHOOL IN, DOING BUSINESS IN,WORKING IN,OR VISITING THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TO NON-DISCRIMINATION AND PROTECTION FROM HARASSMENT OR INTIMIDATION AS PRESCRIBED BY THE U.S.CONSTITUTION, WASHINGTON STATE CONSTITUTION, RCW 49.60.010 AND WAC 162. WHEREAS The City Council of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIRMS that the City of Spokane Valley protects the rights of all people according to the U.S.Constitution and the Washington State Constitution,including the following: "We the People of the United States,in Order to form a more perfect Union,establish Justice,insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,promote the general Welfare,and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America."(PREAMBLE to U.S.Constitution) Washington State Constitution Article I—Declaration of Rights: Protection of Rights—"...governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights"(Section 1) Personal Rights—"No person shall be deprived of life,liberty,or property..." Invasion of Private Affairs—"No person shall be disturbed in his private affairs..." WHEREAS The City Council of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIRMS the rights protected for ALL PEOPLE by RCW 49.60: "This chapter shall be known as the "law against discrimination." It is an exercise of the police power of the state for the protection of the public welfare, health,and peace of the people of this state,and in fulfillment of the provisions of the Constitution of this state concerning civil rights.The legislature hereby finds and declares that practices of discrimination against any of its inhabitants because of race,creed,color, national origin,families with children,sex, marital status,sexual orientation,age, honorably discharged veteran or military status,or the presence of any sensory, mental,or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability are a matter of state concern,that such discrimination threatens not only the rights and proper privileges of its inhabitants but menaces the institutions and foundation of a free democratic state.A state agency is herein created with powers with respect to elimination and prevention of discrimination in employment, in credit and insurance transactions, in places of public resort,accommodation,or amusement,and in real property transactions because of race,creed,color, national origin,families with children,sex, marital status,sexual orientation,age, honorably discharged veteran or military status,or the presence of any sensory,mental,or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability;and the commission established hereunder is hereby given general jurisdiction and power for such purposes." USING THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS FROM RCW 49.60.040: (25)"Sex" means gender, (26) "Sexual orientation" means homosexuality, bisexuality,and gender expression or identity. (26)"gender expression or identity" means having or being perceived as having a gender identity,self-image,appearance, behavior,or expression,whether or not that gender identity,self-image,appearance, behavior,or expression, is different from that traditionally associated with the sex assigned to that person at birth. (0.3%of total population according to NY Times article 06/09/15) AND THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION DEFINED IN THIS RESOLUTION: "traditional female" means traditional biological and psychological females whose gender identity,self-image, appearance, behavior or expression is the same as assigned at birth as female. (99.7%of total population according to NY Times article 06/09/15) WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIRMS the rights of all people as defined by WAC 162-32-020 Leave policies and reasonable accommodation. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIRMS the rights of all people as defined by WAC 162-32-030 Employee benefits and privileges. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIRMS the rights of all people to be protected from harassment as defined by WAC 162-32-040 Harassment. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIRMS the rights of all people as defined by WAC 162-32-050 Dress and grooming standards. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, regarding WAC 162-32-060 Gender-segregated facilities,which states: Gender-segregated facilities. (1)Facility use.All covered entities shall allow individuals the use of gcnder-segregated facilities,such as restrooms,locker rooms,dressing rooms,and homeless or emergency shelters,that are consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity. In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs,covered entities shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity. (2)Cannot require use inconsistent with gender expression or gender identity.A covered entity shall not request or require an individual to use a gender-segregated facility that is inconsistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity,or request or require an individual to use a separate or gender-neutral facility. (a)If another person expresses concern or discomfort about a person who uses a facility that is consistent with the person's gender expression or gender identity,the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility, if available. (b)Any action taken against a person who is using a restroom or other gender-segregated facility,such as removing a person,should be taken due to that person's actions or behavior while in the facility,and must be unrelated to gender expression or gender identity.The same standards of conduct and behavior must be consistently applied to all facility users,regardless of gender expression or gender identity. (3)Provision of options encouraged.Whenever feasible,covered entities are encouraged to provide options for privacy, such as single-use gender-neutral bathrooms or private changing areas that are available to any individual desiring privacy. AFFIRMS the right of traditional females(99.7%of the total population)to the privacy and perceived safety, security and sanctuary traditionally provided in womens/girls restrooms,locker rooms,showers, and changing rooms,including the traditional right of not being exposed to male genitalia regardless of the gender expression or identity of the person with male genitalia. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Spokane Valley City Council: 1. Will support action taken against individuals and/or organizations who harass,discriminate against,threaten or intimidate any person for any reason. 2. Does not condone action taken against traditional females who,while respecting the rights of other people,assert their right to traditional privacy as described above. 3. Does not condone enforcing"laws"(rules) made by Executive-branch appointees. 4. Will lobby with our State Legislature to repeal WAC 162-32-060 by; a. Directing our City Manager to add the repeal of WAC 162-32-060 to the City's Legislative Agenda. b. Directing our City Manager and Mayor to send a letter to all State Senators and Representatives making our case for the above. c. Meet with our local 4th District Senator and Representatives to work together on this and other civil rights issues. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 16-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING SUPPORT FOR AMENDING CHAPTER 49.60 RCW, WASHINGTON'S LAW AGAINST DISCRIMINATION, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, from time-to-time,the City Council identifies issues occurring at the state level which may substantially impact the lives of Spokane Valley residents; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes the recent adoption of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 162-32-060 by Washington's Human Rights Commission exceeds the provisions required in Washington's Law Against Discrimination, codified in chapter 49.60 RCW; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that WAC 162-32-060 fails to appropriately balance the respective beliefs of the citizens of the state, including Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS,the City Council supports amending chapter 49.60 RCW to better reflect the views of a broader segment of the population. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Support for Amending Chapter 49.60 Revised Code of Washington. The City of Spokane Valley supports amending chapter 49.60 RCW so that it more accurately reflects the beliefs of the citizens of the state of Washington,and so that it does not inappropriately intrude upon the rights and beliefs of other citizens. Section 2. Support for Repealing Washington Administrative Code 162-32-060. The City of Spokane Valley supports a Legislative directive requiring the repeal of WAC 162-32-060 because it exceeds the requirements of chapter 49.60 RCW. Section 3 Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. PASSED by the City Council of Spokane Valley, Washington this 2'"day of February, 2016. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY L. R. Higgins,Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 16-003 Resolution Supporting Amendment to Washington's Law Against Discrimination Page 1 of 1 Chapter 162-32 WAC SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY Chapter I.ititili+_a WAC Sections 162-32-010 General purpose and scope. 162-32 020 Leave policies and reasonable accommodation. 162-.3 -031 Employee benefits and privileges. 162-324)40 Harassment. [62-32-050 Dress and grooming standards. I62-32.1160 Gender-segregated facilities. 162-32-010 General purpose and scope. This chapter interprets and implements the sexual orientation and gender expression and gender identity discrimination protections of RCW 41).61).0 30, 49.6,0.3 0, and -1-)+A-10.2 l 3 and provides guidance regarding certain specific forms of sexual orientation and gender expression and gender identity discrimination. [Statutory Authority: RCW ,:.9,60.120(3). WSR 1.5-24.071, § 162-32-010, tiled 11/25115, effective 12126115.] 162-32-020 Leave policies and reasonable accommodation. (1) Leave. When an employer grants leave or time off of work to employees for medical or health reasons, the employer shall treat leave requests to address medical or health care needs related to an individual's gender expression or gender identity in the same manner as requests for all other medical conditions. For example: (a) If an employer provides paid sick leave for periods of disability that require medical leave,the employer must provide paid sick leave for periods of disability related to an individual's gender expression or gender identity that require medical leave; (b) If the employer's policy requires a medical provider's statement to verify the leave period as a reasonable accommodation, a medical provider's statement may be required to verify the leave period as a reasonable accommodation when the disabling condition is related to the individual's gender expression or gender identity, however, an employer may not inquire if the leave is related to gender expression or gender identity or gender transition, nor can the employer require that the note specify if the leave is related to gender expression or gender identity or gender transition; (e) If the employer's policy permits the retention and accrual of benefits, such as seniority, retirement, and pension rights, during the leave period for other disabilities, the policy must also permit such accrual of benefits during leave for disabling conditions related to an individual's gender expression or gender identity; (d) If an employer allows an employee to use shared leave for disabling conditions, the employer must apply the same policies and procedures for disabling conditions related to an individual's gender expression or gender identity. (2) Reasonable accommodation. An employer shall provide reason-able accommodation far a disability when the disability is related to the individual's gender expression or gender identity, absent undue hardship to the employer_ Such reasonable accommodation includes, but is not limited to, medical leave for medical and counseling appointments, surgery,and recovery from surgery that are related to gender reassignment procedures and treatments, An undue hardship as a reason for denying an accommodation in situations involving disabilities related to gender expression or gender identity shall be analyzed in the same manner as with accommodations for any other disability. To the extent consistent with personal medical information connected to other disabilities, personal medical information connected to disabilities related to a person's gender expression or gender identity must be kept confidential, (3) Nothing in this section is intended to suggest that a per-son's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity itself is a disabling condition. [Statutory Authority: RCN 49.6O_l L't7(3). WSR 15-24-071, § 162-32-020, filed 11/25/15, effective 12126115.1 162-32-030 Employee benefits and privileges. (1) Consistent and equal basis. Employee benefits provided in whole or in part by an employer must be consistent between all employees and equal for all employees,regardless of the employee's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity. For examples it is an unfair practice to: (a) Provide health insurance coverage to an employee's oppositeldifferent sex spouse but to fail to provide health insurance coverage to an employee's same sex spouse (except in situations where such a rule is prohibited or preempted by federal law.) (b) Provide parental leave or bonding time for the father of a child newly born or adopted into a heterosexual relationship, but fail to provide the same parental leave or bonding time to the parent of a child newly born or adopted into a same-sex relationship. (2) Other benefits and privileges of employment. All other employee benefits, provided formally or informally including, but not limited to, health club memberships, discount programs, training, staff retreats, company gatherings and parties, and use of company vehicles or other company services, shall be provided on an equal basis to all employees regardless of the employee's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity. If the benefit or privilege is extended to the employee's opposiieldifferent sex spouse, it must be extended to an employee's same sex spouse as well. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.6(+, l20(3). WSR 15-24-071, § 162-32-03O, filed 1 li25/15 effective 12126115.) 162-32-040 Harassment. (1) Harassment. Harassment based on an individual's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity is prohibited. Sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity harassment in employment is offensive and unwelcome behavior serious enough to affect the terms and conditions of employment and which occurred because of an individual's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity, and can be imputed to the employer. (2) Prohibited conduct. Prohibited conduct may include,but is not limited to, the following: (a) Asking unwelcome personal questions about an individual's sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity, transgender status, or sex assigned at birth.; (b) Intentionally causing distress to an individual by disclosing the individual's sexual orientation. gender expression or gender identity, transgcnder status, or sex assigned at birth against his or her wishes; (e) Using offensive names, slurs,jokes, or terminology regarding an individual's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity; (d) The deliberate misuse o:f an individual's preferred name, form of address, or gender- related pronoun (except on legally mandated documentation, if the individual has riot officially obtained a name change); (e) Posting offensive pictures or sending offensive electronic or other communications; (f) Unwelcome physical conduct. (3) Harassment in a place of public accommodation. Sexual orientation harassment or harassment based on gender expression or gender identity in a place of public accommodation is offensive and unwelcome behavior serious enough le alter the individual's experience at the place of public accommodation,or severe enough that the individual has no choice but to leave the place of public accommodation, which occurred because of the individual's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity, and can be imputed to the place of public accommodation. In schools, such harassment is offensive and unwelcome behavior serious enough to interfere with a child's access to educational opportunities, which occurred because of the child's sexual orientation or gender expression or gender identity, and can be imputed to the school. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49_60,120(3). WSR 15-24-071, § 162-32-040, filed 11/25/15, effective 12/26/15.] 162-32-050 Dress and grooming standards. (1) Standards allowed_ Covered entities may require standards of dress or grooming that serve a reasonable business or institutional purpose, such as promoting safety,developing a company identity, or projecting a professional,positive public image, (2) Prohibited standards_ Covered entities cannot require an individual to dress or groom in a manner that is not c.onsistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity. [Statutory Authority_ RCW 00(3). WSR 15-24-071, § 162-32-050, filed 11/25/15, effective 12/26115.] 162-32-060 Gender-segregated facilities. (1) Facility use. All covered entities shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrocros, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity. In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs, covered entities shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity. (2) Cannot require use inconsistent with gender expression or gender identity. A covered entity shall not request or require an individual to use a gender-segregated facility that is inconsistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity, or request or require an individual to use a separate or gender-neutral facility. (a) If another person expressos concern or discomfort about a person who uses a facility that is consistent with the person's gender expression or gender identity, the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility, if available. (h)Any action taken against a person who is using a restroom or other gender-segregated facility,such as removing a person, should be taken due to that person's actions or behavior while in the facility, and must be unrelated to gender expression or gender identity. The same standards el conduct and behavior must be consistently applied to all facility users, regardless of gender expression or gender identity, (3) Provision of options encouraged. Whenever feasible, covered entities are encouraged to provide options for privacy, such as single-use gender-neutral bathrooms or private changing areas, that are available to any individual desiring privacy. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.60.120(3). WSR 15-24-071, § 162-32-060, filed 11/25/15, effective 12/26/15.] S-3885 . 1 SENATE BILL 6443 State of Washington 64th Legislature 2016 Regular Session By Senators Ericksen, Bailey, Padden, O'Ban, Angel, Becker, Braun, Miloscia, Warnick, Dammeier, Honeyford, Hewitt, Roach, and Benton Read first time 01/20/16. Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor. 1 AN ACT Relating to the human rights commission's rule-making 2 authority; and adding a new section to chapter 49. 60 RCW. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 4 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 49. 60 5 RCW to read as follows: 6 The human rights commission shall repeal the rule currently 7 codified at WAC 162-32-060 in its entirety. The human rights 8 commission may not thereafter initiate any rule-making procedure that 9 involves the subject of gender segregated facilities. --- END --- p. 1 SB 6443 H-3300 .2 HOUSE BILL 2589 State of Washington 64th Legislature 2016 Regular Session By Representatives G. Hunt, Short, Van Werven, Rodne, McCabe, Taylor, Holy, Manweller, Shea, Walsh, Scott, Muri, Smith, Schmick, Harmsworth, McCaslin, Kochmar, Condotta, MacEwen, Buys, Griffey, Wilson, Pike, Young, Klippert, Hawkins, Haler, Kretz, Wilcox, Zeiger, Dent, Hargrove, Hickel, Stambaugh, Caldier, Hayes, and Parker Read first time 01/15/16. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. 1 AN ACT Relating to allowing the use of gender-segregated 2 facilities; and amending RCW 49. 60. 030. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 4 Sec. 1. RCW 49. 60.030 and 2009 c 164 s 1 are each amended to 5 read as follows: 6 (1) The right to be free from discrimination because of race, 7 creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or 8 military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, 9 mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or 10 service animal by a person with a disability is recognized as and 11 declared to be a civil right. This right shall include, but not be 12 limited to: 13 (a) The right to obtain and hold employment without 14 discrimination; 15 (b) The right to the full enjoyment of any of the accommodations, 16 advantages, facilities, or privileges of any place of public resort, 17 accommodation, assemblage, or amusement; 18 (c) The right to engage in real estate transactions without 19 discrimination, including discrimination against families with 20 children; p. 1 HB 2589 1 (d) The right to engage in credit transactions without 2 discrimination; 3 (e) The right to engage in insurance transactions or transactions 4 with health maintenance organizations without discrimination: 5 PROVIDED, That a practice which is not unlawful under RCW 48.30.300, 6 48 . 44. 220, or 48. 46.370 does not constitute an unfair practice for 7 the purposes of this subparagraph; 8 (f) The right to engage in commerce free from any discriminatory 9 boycotts or blacklists. Discriminatory boycotts or blacklists for 10 purposes of this section shall be defined as the formation or 11 execution of any express or implied agreement, understanding, policy 12 or contractual arrangement for economic benefit between any persons 13 which is not specifically authorized by the laws of the United States 14 and which is required or imposed, either directly or indirectly, 15 overtly or covertly, by a foreign government or foreign person in 16 order to restrict, condition, prohibit, or interfere with or in order 17 to exclude any person or persons from any business relationship on 18 the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, honorably discharged 19 veteran or military status, sexual orientation, the presence of any 20 sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog 21 guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or national 22 origin or lawful business relationship: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That 23 nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of boycotts as 24 authorized by law pertaining to labor disputes and unfair labor 25 practices; and 26 (g) The right of a mother to breastfeed her child in any place of 27 public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement. 28 (2) Any person deeming himself or herself injured by any act in 29 violation of this chapter shall have a civil action in a court of 30 competent jurisdiction to enjoin further violations, or to recover 31 the actual damages sustained by the person, or both, together with 32 the cost of suit including reasonable attorneys' fees or any other 33 appropriate remedy authorized by this chapter or the United States 34 Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, or the Federal Fair Housing 35 Amendments Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 3601 et seq. ) . 36 (3) Except for any unfair practice committed by an employer 37 against an employee or a prospective employee, or any unfair practice 38 in a real estate transaction which is the basis for relief specified 39 in the amendments to RCW 49. 60.225 contained in chapter 69, Laws of 40 1993, any unfair practice prohibited by this chapter which is p. 2 HB 2589 1 committed in the course of trade or commerce as defined in the 2 Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19. 86 RCW, is, for the purpose of 3 applying that chapter, a matter affecting the public interest, is not 4 reasonable in relation to the development and preservation of 5 business, and is an unfair or deceptive act in trade or commerce. 6 (4) Nothing in this chapter prohibits a public or private entity 7 from limiting access to a private facility segregated by gender, such 8 as a bathroom, restroom, toilet, shower, locker room, or sauna, to a 9 person if the person is preoperative, nonoperative, or otherwise has 10 genitalia of a different gender from that for which the facility is 11 segregated. Nothing in this chapter grants any right to a person to 12 access a private facility segregated by gender, such as a bathroom, 13 restroom, toilet, shower, locker room, or sauna, of a public or 14 private entity if the person is preoperative, nonoperative, or 15 otherwise has genitalia of a different gender from that for which the 16 facility is segregated. 17 (5) Nothing in this section prevents a minor child or a person 18 with a disability from entering a facility segregated by gender when 19 the child or person is a different gender from the gender for which 20 the facility is segregated if: (a) A parent, guardian, supervisor, or 21 caretaker is escorting the minor child or the person with a 22 disability to or from the facility, (b) the child or person is under 23 the custody, control, supervision, or care of the parent, guardian, 24 supervisor, or caretaker, and (c) the gender of the parent, guardian, 25 supervisor, or caretaker is the same as the gender for which the 26 facility is segregated. --- END --- p. 3 HB 2589 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 2, 2016 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: [' consent ❑ old business [' new business [' public hearing [' information ® admin. report [' pending legislation [' executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Spokane Regional Sportsplex GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Mr. Kevin Twohig of the Spokane Public Facilities District, will give a presentation on the proposed Spokane Regional Sportsplex OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: 47,— iSP®RTS L: ,- - _,- 411' j''' l fis. l Aro `- .� "V'4wv"*. �' lf i11G!' 42 r'P 4,,• . F2tr, G1 P p e s Ql'C \Lt' _� ' ice- i rr.r- 1LLA II FEATURES MULTI-PURPOSE FIELDHOUSE: • Flexible multi-sport space • 200-meter, 6-lane indoor hydraulic banked track • 17 volleyball courts • 10 basketball courts • 21 wrestling mats ICEHOUSE: • NHL-Sized ice sheet st) • Seating for approximately 1500 people n4'45/... 1 , ?'14-11 � � r SPOKANE REGIONAL : e"l� is 1 __ - �{'� L T __.�• '�R_-��S- h-'SLI _ ' ._ r _ 'FT i SPOKANE r-. r LCV,... 4„..._.,...f ., . 1 . _: � �' a:>.1. i5 . ARENA T«4r: t k -- _ •:s , . . ;-�; __ ��� •r- — PO ENTIAL —t*• NORTH If ! ;LJ '. •3 C -`s 1 Ulf--2----.-4.ALSD . wn • I `�*c.. ��..;..4 '� Y -r� � ;1 3 4S ` � umrrte %.�"�-' •j Z rt ,..'' $.77 . . RED LION AT - ,-.-- }c .+us Za THErP-ARK-• '1 3- s• Y � •• 1 o ,,gy.pp ,• - • x 5` ` � / - . E-.i� _iC_ .• .'"'x'0.4 `S- ._.,. - _.y ./ _ ,�a^ SPOKANE RE u_!:1 . SPORT PL . _.,._... , ____,....A,.. ,..o.'"........<--. Al --____ • 'OKANE REGIONAL PORTSPLEX 2 s — s _ arr 'VT , !--7-. *l: s jtai `!.. 1 eN'x f;liff. - •r ` int. � it ���tit 1 y� „a a shi \ tiAleici- -;,- ,.,..:4 ...i , l7 � 1 � • � _4 4 I ter ; I ,�fj�r�a / ...% 1 \ ‘;‘,,,' lb) a+ ' \i. 4k .;•-,,,„ I;OKANE REGIONAL • ._ ='PORTSPLEX 3 i4> Development and Operational Cost vs. Economic Impact (5 Year-Total) $41.1 MM ®Total Facility Cost Economic Impact -OKANE REGIONAL PORTSPLEX 4 SPOKANE REGIONAL SPORTSPLEX .,...,,. o,,.,„ o„.. 11..1.:,.,. ..o. Create a multi-purpose sports facility for alL to enjoy. Nmxmbero5L �%. _ ®_�1vNrimem 571 www.spokanesportsplex.org BENEFITS Annually: • 18-23K additional visitors o 26-46K additional hotel stays o $19—$33M additional tourism spending • $1—$1.7M increased general tax revenues • Equally important, provides our local athletes an exceptional facility to achieve their goals. ar,„-Olk — J 4 1J 111 SPOKANE REGIONAL ORTSPLEX i ,u1 ,., 5 City Parks Agreement o Lease of Parks property on north bank via an Interlocal Development agreement o Parks input to design process o Connection from Sportsplex / North Bank to RFP o Parks free use of Sportsplex o Revenue Sharing Agreements o LTAC cover operating losses o Sports Commission marketing and programming o Public Facilities District to maintain and operate 6 Financing Working Group Options 1) Levy lid lift—50%to Sportsplex and 50%to County Parks with max of approx$52M 2) Community Capital Strategy—sales tax increase to fund a)STA b)County-Community Corrections and Parks c) City—Sportsplex and economic development d)Spokane Valley-? e)Other jurisdictions-? 3) PFD sales tax rebate extension—requires legislative approval. Could fill the gap in funding remaining from the levy lid lift. 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 2, 2016 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: [' consent ❑ old business [' new business [' public hearing ❑ information ® admin. Report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft Amended 2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council Adopted the 2016-2021 Six Year TIP on June 23, 2015, Resolution #15-005; Council approval for TIB Grant Applications on July 14, 2015; Recreation and Conservation Office Grant Funding Resolution 14-004 for the Appleway Trail; and Info RCA on January 26, 2016 for the Amended 2016 TIP. BACKGROUND: Council adopted the 2016-2021 TIP based upon information staff had at that time relative to available funds and how these funds could be utilized for transportation projects. Since the adoption of the 2016-2021 TIP, staff submitted grant applications for the following projects that were selected for funding that will begin in 2016: • Appleway Trail, Sullivan to Corbin (Recreation and Conservation Office Grant and WA State Legislature) • McDonald Rd Preservation Project (Transportation Improvement Board (TIB)) • Opportunity Elementary— Safe Routes to School (SRTS) (Bowdish Rd) (TIB) • Mirabeau Pkwy & Pines (SR-27) Traffic Signal (TIB) • Sprague Low Impact Development (LID), Park to University (ECOLOGY) Additional proposed changes identified in the Amended 2016 TIP include the following: Added Projects: The City's has identified Fund 311 Pavement Preservation projects in the City's 2016 budget which add these projects: • Broadway Preservation, Sullivan to Moore • Sullivan Rd Preservation, Spokane River to Flora Pit Road • 32nd Ave Preservation, Dishman Mica to Pines • Saltese Ave Preservation, Houk to 24th Carryover projects from 2015: • Indiana/Evergreen Transit Access, Indiana at Evergreen • Pines (SR-27)/Grace Intersection Safety Project, Pines (SR-27) at Grace Ave • Citywide Safety Improvements (Bike/Ped) • ITS Infill Project (CN) • Citywide Traffic Sign Upgrade Based on this information, it is recommended that the 2016 TIP be amended to include projects where the City was awarded grant funding and projects that were not completed in 2015. Since the City uses Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) monies as matching funds for state and federal grants, this amendment to the current-year TIP is necessary to meet the state law that requires REET funds to only be used on projects that have been identified in an adopted plan. Attached is a summary of the proposed changes. A public hearing on these changes to the 2016 TIP is scheduled for February 9, 2016. Adoption of the Amended 2016 TIP is scheduled for February 23, 2016. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The projects costs shown in the draft Amended 2016 TIP are preliminary and may be adjusted prior to adoption to reflect 2015 year-end adjustments. There are sufficient capital project funds to meet the local match requirements for these projects. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, PE, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Eric Guth, PE, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Amended 2016 TIP City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopted 2016 Transportation Improvement Program Primary City Total 2016 Proj.# Project From To Source Amount Project Costs 1 0155 Sullivan West Bridge Sullivan @Spokane River BR $ 536,000 $ 5,064,000 2 0123 Mission Ave Improvement Project(PE/RW Only) Flora Barker STP(U) $ 43,000 $ 273,000 3 0222 Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates(PE/CN) Various locations HSIP $ 9,000 $ 81,000 4 0221 McDonald Rd Road Diet 16th Mission HSIP $ 3,000 $ 574,000 5 Seth Woodard Elementary Sidewalk Imp Mission Park CMAQ $ 30,000 $ 361,000 6 0205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements(PE Only) Sprague @ Barker Developer $ 12,000 $ 50,000 7 2016 Street Preservation Project Various locations City $ 2,200,000 $ 2,200,000 8 0226 Appleway Preservation Park Dishman Mica STP(U) $ 11,000 $ 83,000 9 0227 Appleway Shared Use Path Pines Evergreen STP(U)/TAP $ 31,000 $ 145,000 10 3502 Fancher/BNSF RR Overpass Joint Repair(PE/CN) Fancher @ BNSF RR FedBR $ 201,000 $ 201,000 11 Maribeau Pkwy&Pine(SR-27)Traffic Signal Pine& Maribeau Pkwy City $ 350,000 $ 350,000 Funded Projects $633,000 $ 6,220,000 Planned Projects $2,793,000 $ 3,162,000 $ 3,426,000 $ 9,382,000 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works DRAFT AMENDED 2016 Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 16-00#,(2-23-2016) Primary City Total 2016 Proj.# Project From To Source Amount Project Costs 1 0155 Sullivan West Bridge Sullivan @Spokane River BR $ 1,010,000 $ 6,980,000 2 0123 Mission Ave Improvement Project(PE/RW Only) Flora Barker STP(U) $ 43,000 $ 273,000 3 0222 Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates(PE/CN) Various locations HSIP $ 9,000 $ 81,000 4 0221 McDonald Rd Road Diet 16th Mission HSIP $ 3,000 $ 574,000 5 Seth Woodard Elementary Sidewalk Imp Mission Park CDBG $ 11,580 $ 358,790 6 0205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements(PE Only) Sprague @ Barker Developer $ 12,000 $ 50,000 7 2016 Street Preservation Project Various locations City $ 3,050,000 $ 3,050,000 Broadway Preservation Sullivan Moore Sullivan Rd. Preservation Sullivan @ Spokane River 0229 32nd Ave Preservation Bowdish Pines 0229 32nd Ave Preservation Dishman Mica Bowdish Saltese Houk McDonald Saltese McDonald 24th 8 0226 Appleway Preservation Park Dishman Mica STP(U) $ 11,000 $ 83,000 9 0227 Appleway Shared Use Path Pines Evergreen STP(U)/TAP $ 31,000 $ 145,000 10 3502 Fancher/BNSF RR Overpass Joint Repair(PE/CN) Fancher @ BNSF RR City $ 201,000 $ 201,000 11 Maribeau Pkwy&Pine(SR-27)Traffic Signal Pine& Maribeau Pkwy TIB $ 28,149 $ 446,338 12 0221 McDonald Rd Preservation Project 8th Mission TIB $ 7,100 $ 1,244,730 13 Opportunity Elementary-SRTS(Bowdish Rd) 12th 8th TIB $ 222,912 $ 506,342 14 0237 Appleway Trail Sullivan Corbin RCO/DOC $ 41,516 $ 276,775 15 0198 Sprague LID(Low Impact Development) Park University DOE $ - $ 20,000 16 0207 Indiana/Evergreen Transit Access Indiana @ Evergreen STA $ - $ 85,000 17 0166 Pines(SR-27)/Grace Intersection Safety Project Pines(SR 27)@ Grace Ave HSIP $ - $ 562,000 18 0167 Citywide Safety Improvements(Bike/Ped.) Various locations HSIP $ - $ 154,000 19 0201 ITS Infill Project(CN) Various locations CMAQ $ 35,790 $ 265,115 $ 4,717,047 $ 15,356,090 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Funded Projects Added Projects 2015 Carry Over Projects P:\Public Works\Capital Projects\CIP-TIP Funding\2016-2021 TIP\2016 Amended TIP\Amended 2016 TIP.xlsx 1/20/2016 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 2, 2016 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: [' consent ❑ old business [' new business [' public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sidewalk Standards GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 22.130.040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: City Council requested an administrative report on sidewalk construction requirements within the City. This report details the physical construction requirements, the types of projects that typically include sidewalk construction, funding mechanisms for public projects, and the thresholds for private projects to include sidewalks. Staff has also prepared a table comparing requirements and funding mechanisms for other jurisdictions in the area. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Gabe Gallinger, Development Services Manager Adam Jackson, Assistant Engineer ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation S4Oke .#Vãlley Sidewalk Improvements February 2, 2016 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SIDEWALKSCI,_Y p owe 4.00000#Va11ey w Street Standards: GENERAL NOTES SEE MES I I.TOOL JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED EVERY b FEET AND • WidthNATOI OW JONTS, S.ENPANSIUY JNNIS SNAtt BE PLACID EVERY]D FEET UM FELT EXPANSION MATERIA.EMMHG 1 E FULLEXPANSION SIDEWALE DEPTH I EOI AM TNxAL Is PEQUM RUMEN A O JOINT DETAIL • 5' - Separated residential sidewalks REOE"REDYBAN EMT HEESID MLAO(THEN EMY q FULL DOIL FOF THE S MATeRAL 91ALL EMEND AK 1 mx VB'-LW FOIL DO.OF THE sIDEAAx. • 6' Separated commercial, arterial, s EW ST `TOWARDS EXCEPT WEN PART OF A and all adjacent sidewalks G.STREET SIDE EET SIDE WEE IT SHAM S'REM TOP OF RAx LEVEL WIN TDP OF cum. TLP NUN.m Yvan CRUM SIRHACINO TOP COURSE O CONTRACTION uWFR slDEwwc JOINT DETAIL • Thickness e,ROE COMPACTION.MGR SEM. B.PERA TO TAAIET:]S @].D N vivre VALLEY Adm Mal sAX.L sTAUDINAL Nm stGF SIV HAIR I JpR�' CENp 11 10.MAX.LGxNTUDNAL GRADE OF EOEwAx r3 xc ,tp- k.0::,,,,xA.agr 80 • Typically 4 PORTIAW GaoTCQ SEE MAL-BE CLAW 9800, to' � J::::i� AR MIMED. • Increased to 6 at driveways o j';a.��$8oa+9���, • 3,000 psi concrete strength �g'°""l$� °� - 'EXPIRES 9/Z7/2 oin o © nDEve4oPEENTEFAVICENDEMI0NNN# 1i.j. P53�.I /Z7oy COEIIRALTICN.bNT w��ANT Spokane N.4'COMPACTED CRANED ....Valley SURFACING TCP COURSE SIDEWALK JOINTAND FINISH STANDARD PLAN Na DETAIL R-109 2 SIDEWALKS — DEVELOPMENT SOokane - - Public (sponsored b Develo mentY CitY) V ll 'p • Planned projects are identified in adopted programs: • Bike and Pedestrian Master Program • 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program • Funded by City and outside funding programs: • Safe Routes to Schools • Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) • Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Private Development (sponsored by private land owners and developers) • Land Use Projects — Short Plats, Subdivisions, Binding Site Plans • Commercial Projects — Retail, Industrial, Multi-Family SIDEWALKS - THRESHOLDS one - _ti Private Development • Any new public street requires curb and sidewalks on both sides. • Land-Use Requirements (Residential or Commercial) • 2-Lot Short Plats & BSPs — Dedications • 3- and 4-Lot Short Plats & BSPs— Dedications and pavement widening • Curb, swale, and sidewalk are dependent on existing conditions of adjacent properties • 5- to 9-Lot Short Plats, Subdivision, & BSPs — Dedications and full-street improvements • Commercial Requirements — Per COSV Street Standards Table 2. 1 • Scope of improvements based on building area, proposed parking stalls, and peak hour vehicle trips • Created a table to provide clear, documented requirements for developers. TABLE 2.1: REQUIRED STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS FOR PARCELS WITH EXISTING OR NEW BUILDING Gross Area of Building (for proposed Up to 999 1,000 to 5,000 6,000 to 11,999 12,000+ additions or new structures) in sq. ft; or, Number of New Peak Hour Trips Up to 4 5 to 9 10 to 15 16+ Generated by Project COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT FOR PARKING LOT ONLY (NO NEW OR EXISTING BUILDING) Up to 9 spaces 10 to 19 spaces 20 to 40 spaces 41+ spaces REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS Widen Pavement ✓(1) ✓ ✓ Curb & Gutter (2) ✓ ✓ Grass Strip or Swale ✓ ✓ ✓ Sidewalk (2) (2) ✓ Right-of-way, Future Acquisition Areas ✓(3) ✓ ✓ ✓ and Border Easements 1. The final pavement width on the project's side of the street is the half-street width, plus 6 inches to allow for future curb installation. If the amount of pavement width needing to be added is less than 2 feet, then widening can be omitted unless the full width is less than 28 feet. Grassed ditches or swales are required along pavement edges required to be improved for stormwater treatment, regardless of amount of widening. 2. If a project is located in an area already improved to the requirements above, the project may be required to provide curb and gutter and/or sidewalk. 3. Not required if project is determined to have insignificant impact. SIDEWALKS f � Spokane �valley What are other jurisdictions doing? • City of Spokane • Spokane County • City of Liberty Lake Frontage Improvement Requirements Spokane Valley Spokane Spokane County Liberty Lake Short Plat: 2-4 Lots Requirements vary due to site conditions: R/W dedication, road Full widening and/or swale only, curb and swale, or full improvements Improvements Short Plat: 5-9 Lots Full Improvements Full Improvements Full Improvements Full Improvements Subdivisions Full Improvements Full Improvements Full Improvements Full Improvements Commercial Projects Varying Improvements Required — Depending on scope of project, additional vehicle trips, status of surrounding infrastructure. Red Light Revenue No Yes No No Impact Fees No Yes No Yes Funding for Bicycle & Minimal Dedicated Limited/Grants Limited/Grants Limited/Grants Pedestrian Plans Funding/Grants EXAMPLES — Public Projects . .„,,,,,, .3, ..„,„ ,,,,,, . ,, , , _, . ......- -:. 2.4„_. r ., r . t? 0 r.' : .., r y tiloi ,! aR ' Pk + �, ' �"r itf } T-- R IA .t: ; r a 'W47. I=. AFti`,MIA.- �... 4 4, ^y¢� Afly ACL 1.,,,-,',,,,...._ BEFORE AFTER Wellesley Avenue and Adams Road Sidewalk Project (2013) 8 -11,111 EXAMPLES — Public Projects ,_._ . A "1- ' 44P.e.:-.4 ''---.. i,- - ,,,,,;,4 .4 _ a , .„..- . ., � - :i -, o _ our —,--- ,--#: - .� ..- tom ">_ NW - '41&--- , - . - , .eir-FP"' .4.,....... irir 11111111 % 11I .� _. 51.11.11#111°W11111.1111 4 __ r 1, f _` -L. - - -.w-Ya -�� _ -- • BEFORE AFTER Wellesley Avenue and Adams Road Sidewalk Project (2013) EXAMPLESEXAMPLES — Private Projects „._...._____.,.. -. . .. ., ,, ,,,1 , ,.„ ... ..,..,. _..:, . `,. 4 ______ .„ - - HOdgeS , , .,,,.1".!4 ,. - _ ' sr, - -. _ - - II I ,fir#, # I. :I ii 1 ,. �i'Lx ^ice .Er - 111 T. 11 ^ . _ ! - - � IIII '''':77 ili..t.'.:'4^....-"'''1,,,:'7 I I.7.::::, , , t a J . Looking West along Pt Ave. at Hodges Road Looking West along Pt Ave at Carnahan Road Covey Glenn North (2013) Panda Express (2013) EXAMPLES — Private Projects _A fir" - -rte . \i 11 _ 'ft+.t 1_—m —e 5YRoi . y.a 16205 E Broadway Ave. Looking East at Knox Ave. & Flora Rd. Lowes & Kohl's (2007-2008) Centennial Place (2013) j�alley QUESTIONS ? CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 02-02-16 Department Director Approval Check all that apply: ❑consent ❑old business ❑ new business ❑public hearing ❑ information ® admin.report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Hall Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Multiple meetings, Council retreat 02-17-15; Administrative Report 03-17-15, Motion Consideration 03-24-15, Study Session 09-15-15, Motion Consideration 09-29-15, Interior Discussion 11-18-15, Heating and Cooling Discussions on 12-1-15 and 12-15-15, Interior and Exterior Discussion 12-29-15. BACKGROUND: Developing options for a permanent City Hall building has been a Council budget goal for the past several years. Earlier this year, the City closed on 3.38 acres of property at the former University City Mall site. At the February 17, 2015 Council workshop, staff discussed the selection process for architectural firms to design the building. At the March 17, 2015 Council meeting staff updated the Council on the selected design firm and discussed the draft professional services agreement for the project. At the March 24, 2015 meeting, the Council authorized the City Manager to contract with Architects West to design the site and building. The architect team conducted a public meeting on May 6, 2015 and met with councilmembers and staff to finalize the program and discuss design parameters for the building. The project team updated the Council on the design process and displayed two potential concepts on September 15, 2015. Council indicated a preference for one of the concepts which was approved on September 29, 2015. Interior color and material options were discussed on November 18, 2015 and a general heating and cooling discussion was held on December 1, 2015. A general discussion on interior and exterior details occurred on December 29, 2015. The discussion tonight will update Council on the status of the design. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City Hall construction project is anticipated to cost $14.4 million including land acquisition, design services, and construction. STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Community and Economic Development Director ATTACHMENTS: 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 2, 2016 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business [' public hearing ❑Information ® admin. report Spending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Transit Authority(STA) Committee Alternates GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Mayor Higgins recommended, and Council confirmed,numerous appointments of Councilmembers to various boards and committees,including the appointment of Councilmembers Hafner and Pace to the STA (Spokane Transit Authority)Board. BACKGROUND: Since that appointment, Councilmember Hafner has requested the appointment of alternates to attend an STA meeting in his or Councilmember Pace's absence. Appointed alternates have voting authority. According to STA Bylaws: Article II, Section 2.1(c): Board Composition. "Two (2) elected officials selected by and serving at the pleasure of the City of Spokane Valley." "2.2 Alternates. (a) The cities of Spokane and Spokane Valley and the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County may appoint alternate members by resolution whose name(s) shall be forwarded to and kept on file with STA." OPTIONS: Discussion: Council consensus to bring a Resolution at the February 9, 2016 meeting, naming two alternates to the STA Board. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus to bring a Resolution at the February 9,2016 meeting,naming the alternates to the STA Board. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Councilmember Hafner ATTACHMENTS DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of January 28,2016; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress;items are tentative To: Council& Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings February 9,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 1] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Amended 2016 TIP—Steve Worley (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading Ordinance 16-001 Vacating 3rd Avenue—Karen Kendall (10 minutes) 4. Second Reading Ordinance 16-002 Mining Moratorium Findings of Fact—Erik Lamb (10 minutes) 5. Second Reading Ordinance 16-003 Extending Mining Moratorium—Erik Lamb (10 minutes) 6. Proposed Resolution Amending 2016 TIP—Steve Worley (5 minutes) 7.Admin Report: STA "Moving Forward" Discussion—Chuck Hafner (15 minutes) 8. Governance Manual—Mike Jackson (60 minutes) 9.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 130 minutes] February 16,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 8] 1. City Hall Update—John Hohman (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda -Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 20 minutes] February 23,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 15] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Mayoral Appointments: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee—Mayor Higgins (10 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 4. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 20 minutes] March 1,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 22] 1.Accomplishments Report(Legislative&Executive, Ops &Admin;Public Safety;Parks &Rec; Community&Economic Development, and Public Works) —Mike Jackson (60 minutes) 2. City Hall Update—John Hohman (15 minutes) 3.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 80 minutes] March 8,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 29] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report: 2016 LTGO Bond Ordinance (City Hall)—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Spokane Regional Law&Justice Commission Update—Cary Driskell (25 minutes) 4.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) March 15,2016,Workshop, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (no evening mtg) Council Chambers [due Mon,Mar 7] March 22, 2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Mar 14] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.First Reading 2016 LTGO Bond Ordinance (City Hall)—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Solid Waste Collection—Eric Guth,Morgan Koudelka,Erik Lamb (25 minutes) 4.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 5. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 40 minutes] March 29,2015, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Mar 21] 1. Port District Update—John Hohman (10 minutes) 2. City Hall Update—John Hohman (15 minutes) 3.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 1/28/2016 2:47:01 PM Page 1 of 2 April 5,2016, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Mar 28] 1. City Hall Update—John Hohman (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) April 12, 2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Apr 4] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading 2016 LTGO Bond Ordinance (City Hall)—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 3.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) April 19,2016,Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Apr 11] 1. City Hall Council Chambers 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins April 26,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Apr 18] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Reports May 3,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Apr 25] 1. City Hall Update—John Hohman (15 minutes) 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) May 10,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,May 2] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) May 17,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,May 9] 1. City Hall Council Chambers 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins May 24,2016,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,May 16] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Admin Report: Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Reports May 31,2016, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,May 23 1. City Hall Council Chambers 2.Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Avista Electrical Franchise AWC Conference (June 21-24) Blake Street Sidewalk(CDBG) Emergency Preparedness Ord 15-023 Marijuana Ext/Renew(expires 6/9/16) SCRAPS Update Sidewalks/Snow Removal Pavement Preservation SRTMC Agreement(June/July 2016) TIP 2017-2022 (May/June) Uncovered/unsecured loads Draft Advance Agenda 1/28/2016 2:47:01 PM Page 2 of 2