1977, 09-07 Permit: M3146 AdditionSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit Type Y zone Agricultural Suburban Donald'Podraberac . RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M 3146 Property Address PINEnt1A0Z-S: -2111.. ,7ilif4f tii, remodeling Permit for add of••i'ami1 c. oomin..garage space Address S. 2111.Pinea\.Road,T Phone 922-0436 rch itect Address —'-• Ptrene'A'Aro tmntractorBefl iBuilders, Jnc.0 Address P.0. Box 14320 Phone 9264 55! Location Parcel N mh2542-2519. Lot 4 and S.. 26' 1pf Lot 3, Block 3;"Hi31Cr'est Acres lat A44, Mieiimum Zoning set -backs from.all property linos. Front yard of at haat 2r: rStr 01. erd Of at least. 6'.110 -for.2ystory building;' 15' flanking streets...anta-?6' reflr yards... are...required,.... -r more, if required by Zoning,__Btii.lding end/or Flra..C.odes.. Bldg: Zone- Fiie Zone' 12'Size '• 'o Lot.......1t16x1Z5' STotaleSggFt 240 St Const f Nes Valuation Stories 1 Dimensions_ 000,00 o ' Rms 1 Baths/RR 1 ' Basement.._:..._.Foundation ' exist Chimney Fireplace..-.--Htg. System exist Type of Roofing...BJtiSt ' ka Ext. Finish exist • Int. Wall Finish I hr".Bdrms Certificate of Occupancy Issued for see=above--EACW_STAGE:.0F_ CONSTRUCTION ..AND/OR _REMODELING .t OUST Remarks ..HAVE ...INSPECTIONS ..mato .1FOR.,...AS.. REQUIRED_ BY CODE. MUST_COUIFORM--TQ-ALL_ BOUNTY._ CODE REQUIREMENTS._. FINAL ..INSPECTION .MUST ..BE... CALLED . FOR, --UPON ..COMPLEIIBN-..-.-CALL 456.-3675,."'Qrior tO 10;_O0..a..M. for _all -..inspections. — _...__,..- i:l,:,:;� .. ...,M37212 THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall confoorm in' all+respects Is all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of an`y cf-the.provtolons of said ordinances. or failure of plans as approved. to comply with said ordinances In consideration of the issuance of the perms for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the std sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. JV`0' This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within from this_date;� after which time this permit will be void. eptember i. 1978 Authoriz —byB Tn�O f eial BU lriILDING CODE DEPARTMENT _-, Permit Expires B e 13.00 sec 9/7/77 By Fee Paid $ Date Issued 1 STEEL' r .7 , 1, FRAMICIG..= • ' y 5 5. FINAL ...... •.. ... . •o, CHIMNEY.:.-=-' gipLACES ..._:....�.... yt, t GARAGE - .. . SISTA HEATING ru L:gds.,/ • r N II J• w