1983, 11-15 Administrative InterpretationU ------------------- SPOKANE COUNTY COURT MOUSE TO: PS -1362-79 File FROM: Steve Horobiowski DATE: November 15, 1983 PLANNING DEPARTPdENT BROADWAY CENTRE BUILDING N 721 JEFFERSON STREET PHONE 456-2205 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 RE: Administrative Interpretation of July 25, 1980 Decision by the Hearing Examiner Committee Findings & Order Signed July 28, 1980 Regarding "Change -of -Condition" Request for 55 -foot Setback from Kahuna Drive Centerline Instead of 25 -foot Setback of the Temporary Cul -de -Sac at Preliminary Plat Lots 4 & 18 Block 1 (Final Plat Lot 1 Block 1 and Lot 8 Block 2 of Kahuna Hills 1st Addition). In reviewing the above file (the July 2, 1980 Application Request by Joe Ward, the July 25, 1980 Staff Analysis, and the July 25, 1980 Hearing Examiner Committee Findings & Order) and reviewing tape recording of the July 25, 1980 public hearing, I find the following: a. The sponsor in a change -of -condition had requested to allow Kahuna Hills lst Addition to be finalized in two phases. This was approved pursuant said Hearing Examiner Committee Findings & Order. Phasing this development would require a temporary cul-de-sac involving Preliminary Plat Lots 4 & 18 of Block 1. b. The sponsor also requested a condition to allow dwellings on Lots 4 & 18 of Block 1 to be setback 55 ft. from the centerline of Kahuna Drive instead of a normal 25 ft. setback from the temporary cul-de-sac. The reason for this request was that the temporary cul-de-sac would be removed when the second phase (east half) was finalized; therefore, allowing all dwellings to have consistent setbacks from Kahuna Drive. Memo To File Steve Horobiowski November 15, 1983 Page 2 c. John Culler in making the motion for approval referenced the July 25, 1980 Staff Analysis and its recommended conditions of approval. The Hearing Examiner Committee continued to discuss various other requests for change -of -condition (none of which included the 55 -foot setback request); therefore, John Culler's motion included the approval as referenced in said Staff Analysis for this 55 -foot setback. d. Due to the lengthy and confusing discussion of the other items being requested by the sponsor, the Planning Department staff added Condition #20 of the July 25, 1980 Findings & Order for purposes of clarifying only those items discussed (Note: The 55 -foot setback request was not discussed after the motion). e. For purposes of clarification regarding the "temporary" cul-de-sac, Joe Ward,by notarized -letter of November 14, 1983, has agreed to install the curb through the temporary cul-de-sac at the time of finalizing the second phase (east half) of this development. As the previous Subdivision Administrator and as the staff member preparing the draft Findings & Order for the Hearing Examiner Committee, it is my administrative interpretation that the July 25, 1980 Hearing Examiner Committee DECISION did approve the 55 -foot setback request. Previous Subdivision Administrator SH/vr