2014, 03-26 Permit App: BLD-2014-0586 ReroofSpokane 4.•OValley Community Development Department Permit Center 11703 East Sprague Avenue, Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 688 0036 720 -5..2 yO Fax: (509) 688-0037 oermitcenterPsookanevailev.orq (Staff Use Only) PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT FEE: 1 REROOF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION 6 Et COMMERCIAL SITE ADDRESS: <`S ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: El RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BUILDING OWNER NAME: f4PNM Err mN NAME: /;Datvt &L=Nfi f'1 /A -A) ADDRESS: irma la -c' CITY: v 1 L e PHONE: ,S-370--- & / CONTACT NAME:: __30-54-Netfes✓ .0 r% STATE: CSV PERMIT CENTER FAX: CELL: PHONE: (si) , X / 5t CONTRACTOR NAME: MO /.0 7"1? Sig L— . ) i L>iD / A, .S MAILING ADDRESS: 5 •S/ `✓Jif Stft CITY: ,w STATE: /� W ZIIP::. (”,/` � PHONE: % `7 C�G> f C-.0 FAX JZ 96 3. / 2 CELLO.ZZ . '7i.�C `7�Z'I'°' CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO.: COVS5Deg7 EXPIRES: FAX: CELL: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO.: DESCRIBE THE SCOPE OF WORK IN DETAIL AND INDICATE USE: _s; Tear Off TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: $ Lf U Overlay DISCLAIMER The permitted verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) if this permit is for construction or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development code.. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) The City of Spokane Valley permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. Signature r , Date: S /1 Updated 1-11-11 Page 1 of 1 http://www.spokanevalley.org/filestorage/124/938/210/948/1496/Reroof Permit 1-11-11.doc