1989, 07-10 Permit: 89002008 Residence' /` SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit Is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agreeto comply withm,mem| provisions of laws and ordinances governing this tof work*mb°oomp//oowxmwhm»o,v ified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subseq uent lnspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state Oz Iocal Iaw regulating construction, o,00u°w"uvmm" "�v/�oo"wce*/m'h'p^.mmmstate local regulating construction. SIGNATURE 0p /v � �ppu/OxT �l �/ OWNEKOR AGEwT�� �� �� /��� � � n*� 10,R9 / « . PROJECT NUMBER= 09082088 DATE=87/18/89 PAGE::: 01 ISSUED PERMIT *************************** PERMIT INFURMATION *********************x****** SITE STREET= 3414 C PINES RD PARC[L4= 33541-2983 ADDRESS= %POUANE WA 99206 � .PLC�IT8SE= RESIDENCE W/%EWER PLAT1= 884158 PLAT NAME= MIDILOME 4TH ADD BLOCK= 2, LOT= 3 ZONE= SFR DI%T4= F. • AREA= F/A= F WIDTH=. 85 DEPTH= 158 R/W= 68. 4 OF DLDGS= • 4 DWELLINGS= 1 OWNER= HIMALA/A HOMES INC STREET= 183 % THOR 3T ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99202 CONTACT NAME= ZAK PARPIA DUlLDI//; SETBACCHFRONT= 30 ' PHONE= 585' 535 6602 PHONE NUMBER= 509 535 6602 LEFT= 16 RIGHT= 11 . REAR= 97, *****»*�**x************ JEWER PERMIT CONTRACTOR= HIhALAYA HOME%,INC *STREET= 1.02 S THOR.JT ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99282 »*X:**^*xx****x*vp*v*a�******** PHONE= 589 535 668:Z ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FE[ AMOUNT • ----------------------_'-' -_'----- '-------_ PROCESSING FEE Y18408' SEWER CONNECTION i 48`88 *pv0.*xxxo**x*******k********** PAYMENT SUMMARY *********4****************** : PAYMENT DATE RECEIPT1 PAYMENT AMOUNT 87/�8/D9 2�8i 646^64 � --- ----^^~- 'TOTAL DUE= `88 TOTAL PAID= 646.64 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMnoNT AMOUNT PAID' AMOUNT OWING ------------ ------------- BUILDING PERMIT 538'61 538'64 .00' PLUMD1AGPERMlF , 66`00 66'80 '80. � � SEWER PERMIT • �8^88 58^88 ,bo ------------ ------------- � • 646.64 646'64 .O8 PROCESSED BY: WENUEL: 'GLORIA PRINTED`DY.. WEVDEL^ GLORIA *�*.***************a****x***.I?:xa» THANK /0U r+^*****«**«*K****************«** SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509),456-3675 ' • I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in It and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions Included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the Issuance of this permit and any subsequent Inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT f7ATE PROJECT NUMBER= f o:'003 :DATE. 07/10/89 !], ni f..r l . 01 C ;SUED PERMIT u)e)tE***.E)e.x..x..)r.)(.;(. PERMIT :ENFO: jir'T':Et::M :r..r;a:;)Ea aE�E E4:)E)Ex..)(..)(..)(. SITE STREET= 3 414 S PINES RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PARrItL4=3541._2903 PERMIT USE=: RESIDENCE WJSE:WE::R PLAT41:.=. 004158 .PLAT NAME MIDILOME 4TH ADD LOT. Z ZONE= AREA E:/A:S: F W:I:D'rla:::: 4 OF Iid._DGS== 4—DWELLINGS= OWNER= HIMAL_AYA HOMES INC g STREET= REET= 1 08 S THOR ST ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99202 BLOCK., D :I: 5:1 : =:: E. PHONE.._ 509 535' 6602 CONTAC F ilAmE== ZAK PARPIA PHONE NUMBER= 509 535-6602 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT:::: :30 !._EFT':- 16 RIGHT 11 REAR= 97 4:t.4*.)1)E?(7E7th'i.i?PKAY:.*7(..**A:******7i)r)aA* BoILDING pERNIT :E CONTRACTOR= HIMAL..AYA HOMES INC STREET= I'E ET'= i 03 f TI ICJI'i ST - ADDRESS= SPOKANE: WA 99202 I; * di..)i * .)B d¢.16.* * * ) i........ ai.?@ rh i%.jt.9i. 535 660;2 NEW.: :x. REMODEL= ADDITION== CHANGE OF USE== DWELL.. UNIT==- 'i Or -CUP. LD:= . BL.DG HGT= STORIES:::: BLDG W X D . 28 X 36 SQ. FT= 1008 REG? PARKING= :GI-IAf1DICAP:::: SEWER=.. Y HYDRANT= 'I'! ENERGY CODE- MARC SGC UTILITY 1NL-AN:D DESCRIPTION . GROUP TYPE Ei: SU FT Wll._Llrtr:f.f.?N BASEMENT F ' R 3 VN - 60 660 .00 BASEMENT' U R--3 VN 824 1416.00 ;, , GARAGE M....1 VN 484 3388.00 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 1008 44352..00 ITEfI DESrR:EP'TION RESIDENTIAL -'VALUATION TATE SURCHARGE iENERGY SURCHARGE COUE'4TYI SURCHARGE QUANTITY Y Y $.d(4.j6*4dE7[9i .7E %.7ry a4?6.9'$fi:.L.t:.t' a.. MB'IL - ,r. 7. t r,EiriEdptE3E'7i' P'I_.!Ji;,_;,�:JC. PERMIT '>r' ClP.RA :yOrI.,,_ HI 1ALPYrHOMES INC RED vTHOR .,T ADDRESS= SPOKANE l.. 99202 I I _H .... isPI.E''r;EC:N SHOWERS r w .i E; TOES ,KITCHEi4 SINKS D/ I .'i'1..t' r-.SHIr i -'S CLOTHES tuP,si'IE:.E': QUANTITY 1 FEE AMOUNT 441 .50 3450 1 5.00 704d;4 HE)E)E li*M*) HONE= 509 6602 12....010 12.10 ,.00 6.00 6 00 00 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit Is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agreeto comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT PROJECT Nt:= 890! 2008 Ei LATE DATE= 07/10/89 PAGE= 02 ISSUED PERMIT EC WATER HEATER:: 1 6.00 ) F? I+l I P1 s 1 6.. (J O x******** .W.),;.) u)Eae:E.(.)C) )e)e* E'AYNE T SLJ'1NAR¥ s***40s F)E: ***)6.* .)t3E. .* PAYMENT DATE. RECE.I.PEri: . vAYM1.14T AMOUNT 07/10/89 2681 646.64 TOTAL DUE:::: .00 TOTAL PAID= 646.64 PERMIT TYPE FEE: AMOUNT, AMOUNT PAID , AHoUN1 OWING •I:OJILDIIII: PEI':MI:T 530.64 . 530..64 .00 PLUMBING PERMIT ' 66.00 ' 66.00 loo l:'E::EJ[:R •PERMI:T . 50.00 '50,00 .00 646.64 646.64 .00 I'ROCE;;°.?ED E : WENDEL, GLORIA PRINTED BY .WENDE:L., GLORIA .)@.)<.s. **,:e .?k @.Li dEikiE4EYr ih)Ek)kikR .i TI"iANI< YOU .)...g..x..k. 3F * * 3( r:.). x: * ,y. * * * .,X ik )( 3E .* .)(. ar..h..*' )e