1987, 06-09 Permit: 87001567 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certdy-ghat I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection - approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction. or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATOWNERNRE OF OR AGENT �v_-'�� � � DATE ICATION `11,1/4-t—• � , 9S-2 / r9:t(j .I : Cr NU.JM1.(31::R: 1700;E' DATE::: •,;1/2:109/87 PAIL: 01 N..k..*:a*,f..x..ttx.w:a.* :rt y..p.:r.: *** PERMIT INI-ORMAIION'hxixirih'xn'li,e')rat'Jf;<7F?ra4o:*;f*: **.;,;:,;.:a'*',t 01/1,,c-LtiLOScL SITE STREET= ., IS::. E: ;L:PtrRUDE:: DR PARCLI...::: i7.<�,).� ;....;�-,';--.,.. .111- , ?._al ,1 L). ADDRESS= .SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE;:::: RE:S:EDENr:'E: I,J/ GARAGE:: PLAT4= 003662 PLAT NAME= VALLEY VISTA ESTATES - -BLAM:K= \2 \ LOT=1 ZONE= SPR DI ST4:= 0 AREA= ,' '00007-;:,-, E/A-- E W1-111-1 , 1 ,Rr EI'' 19-1-.:: 1.1' <y 141:-61= :°,t) OF BLDG'S= 1 DWELLINGS= 1 - OWNED= HAYDON, TOM STREET= 10712 I': GI:::RIF:UDI::: DR ADDRESS== SPOKANE WA 99206 PHONE=: CONTACT NAME= CONTRACTOR • PHONE NUMBER= 509-924 8108 BUIL D:ENG_S f f.:ACKS: FRONT= 60 LEFT= RIGHT= 't'REAR= 2.a **********************P0**. D O I L.. D 1 N t; PERMIT---*** x..)r; CONTRAI IOR-= LENHAI [ CONSTRUCTION PHONE:= 509 924 8108 STREET= 427250 1 26TH AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 NEW= X .REMODEL= ADDITION= CIIANC;E. 'JSE:-= DWELL. UNITS= 1. O(:;CUP, 1..:D._ BLDG-HGT:::: STIJP:I:U- BLDG W X T) _: . 32 { 50 SQ FT= 1616 - REQ PARKING= tHANDTCAP= SEWER='N HYDRANTN DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE S& I VALUATION BASEMENT I I P--3 VN -736 51 5'2.Oi_t ' DECK : R--3 VN 450 900.00 GARAGE.. t1 1 ' VN 64 , 5184.00 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 1616 '58176, 00 ITEM DESCR:TP-I:LON QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUA1I.UN tT 5,04.50 • STATE SURCHARGE Y 1.50 Ei:NF:_RG1 SURCHARGE. Y` 15.00 :k*#:*7F****y.:*:-h:**.**X.7!':rtdF#***it4FdF*:q..p;iE MI. CHAN.LCAI_ 1-'ERMI r CONTRACTOR= LENI-1AR1. CONSTRUCTION S TREIi:,l ::.: 127250 E 261'1..1 AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE -WA 9921 6 ITI:J'i DESCRIPTION W0ODSCO'VE/INSERT GAS WATER HEATER GAS 1 -TG EG:.J•EPi 100,0! 01I3 -FU ,GAS PIPING' #aE***#rr:d4ffi'h7FdFd63*dEio-d(dF ^-dE)t'#bh*'7t PHONE::- 509 924 03100 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT ' M1 6.50 9,00 1,00 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON ' SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 • I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and 'submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or. as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE e4'ie. ae.iit498..5..-. i49e9e PROJECT NIUMBE:R=:: 07001 76.; DATE= 06/09/87PAGE= .r*.e PLUMBIN PERMIT CONTRACTOR== L -ENI -TART CONSTRUCTION STREET:::: 127250 1:7 26TH AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 992.16 :4. d4 ii d(*44.jt.A :fe:g..4.) •, •ni.e.( 4+,4.44.e$*4.:A.4.4. .4.4e'4'4':a.''4'.:i ITEM DESCRIPfi.ON QUANTITY 101 L. L.1 J' SINR SHOWERS BATH TUBS KITCHEN SINKS DISH WASHERS CLOTHES WASHER UTILITY SINKS PHONE 509 924 Si 08 FEE AMOUNT 12.01 12.00 0,00 4.00 4.00 4 • l:it_5 4,00 i. , .- *4 le.ea #a.r.uLc.is.i h:9t'.e.p..4..h..** PAYMENT SUMMARY .le.F k*l4'b7(..i..i..P3l..tt..t..h. gr.p}.ri..1e.p}.N..it..p..p. 'PAYMENT AMOUNT i PAYMENT DATE 06/1/W./B7 TOTAL- DUE= RECEIPT1 2129 .00 . TOTAL PAID 599 , i;: -- 599.50 PERMIT TYPE: FEE AMOUNT AMOI_INT PAID AMIOUP i. I WING. BUILDING; PERMIT 521.00 MECHANICAL. PRMT 26,50 50 PLUMBING PERMIT 52.00 :99 .'0 52.00 5.9.50 ,00 00 • 00 ,kft :4tit.6::He'..'A.e4_I...........:4R.:4..*.4u.:4#.e.e.44.4.4...4'.'4'$'44:rt'ie.¥.44.:eh'.'.4. 4..4 4 .B :4'4.4.e**** 44,' 4' 4.i— yi.:A.:444:4 Y- 44.t.e- dt* .4. _ PLAT NOTE: TOPIC _= GENERAL:. DEPT =:: BUIL:DTNi.; h .SAFETY . .e i(sat*** a4 ba4.ex.4a44.>F 44**w-*4********************************** * *****ie'4. ie:::..»'*4:44 RELEASE OE PERMIT'S APPROVED BY -ERE DISTRICT 8 PE R LETTER DATED 03/2-087 v'F-0c:EESSED DY: MASCARD°, G[:DOL..F1:r ..q.4'..4444'44.44'i4*n. 4.e4' 44a:.44..4'k. 44.u..e.h.** THANK YOU 4.h..h..p.........p..4.n.*.A..*4.* 44.».».4.n.p..{t..if..h..4.., r MSP - ID02 DATE //2/.t _ 21 Al �- ^'d nee-'' e a `(j I fcl4Ig) �'rAn ��%,...„4 (_/ 23/Y i !DI b% /613 4 /07 m rPO)1 303 2 L_ L-1 MOBILE HOME 0 W RELOC Vl PROJECT FINAL