2014, 03-21 Permit: BLD-2014-0540 Heat Pump, ACSpokanes#e Ualley. City of Spokane Valley Community Development 11703 E. Sprague Ave., Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 720-5240 permitcenter@spokanevallev.org BLD -2014-0540 BLD-MECH PROJECT NAME: ISSUED: 03/21/2014 SITE ADDRESS: 11410 E PONDEROSA DR SPOKANE VALLEY EXPIRES: 03/21/2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: INSTALLATION OF HEAT PUMP/AC 0-3 TON PARCEL: 44042.9076 APPLICANT: STURM HEATING INC OWNER: WOODS, RONALD L & CAROLYN 5 1112 N NELSON SPOKANE, WA 99202 PO BOX 141910 509-325-4505 SPOKANE VLY, WA 99214-1910 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: STURM HEATING INC 1112 N NELSON SPOKANE, WA 99202 509-325-4505 License: STURMI`2100F Expires: 02/04/2015 FEES: Mechanical Permit Totals : Paid $50.00 Due $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 FIXTURES Qty Mechanical Fixtures 1 Heat pump and air conditioner, 0 to 3 tons The ownership of a Spokane Valley Development Permit will inure to the property owner. The permit applicant, by definition, is the property owner or an authorized agent of the property owner. It is the responsibility of the applicant / permittee that the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes and that required inspections are requested. Failure to request inspections as listed below and obtain the necessary approvals before progressing beyond the point where inspections are required and may necessitate removal of certain parts of the construction are the applicant's / permittee's or property owner's expense. Owner/Agent Date: Staff Approval Date: Pnnted by' Heather Monis on: 03/21/2014 08:02 AM For Inspections - CaII 688-0054 Choose 2 - South Area Page 1 of 1 03/20/2014 THU 15:49 FAX Sturm Heating Inc. e Permit Center Wyf ^I' NL6 r� �`ytA7rooe 11703E Sprague VA1 Suite Sect # C1�(/ t'�" u [/�'v tL Spokane Valley, WA�9921T5') �'QJ ihy (509)688.0036 PAX:i (509)688-0037 RECEIVED Community Development permilmntcrOspakenevolley.ory Mechanical Permit AL/pi/plication , n of Coinm1 ser -call Residential SITS ADDRIL,SS: / / Trp e Air) / �V & z / • ®002/002 PERMIT NUMBER. PERMIT FEE: BWldiag.swner i uo v r.LI t,v„ , .,.L, • , L... .,� n hone �}/1 IF": Name: Q jf VLJa l � � ��� � et to �c �� ,�i�YJI_t7, /L.°[�I ' -' ' Address: I. L_.0ty;J /' Stare: %< • Zip: 99 AD V, { COnlr4cWr Name: 3itirrY1 Etta -6;j h in4 Phone:i�L ]-,ZS -1-4 IDV: 901 • Vt — 210 i, Address: // n Cit : Stals: ZiP: • M.Go y S�O /C,Cu�.te, Lc.74 • P' `��12,r7 7 Llccnsc No: j��rn �•T- e. 1v' Q F CiryTiu inese Lii-e::.� !� �y �y Pod ,' Contedir'toject Maiager: E (i,' l.7it-'�'. .0.b Ki:•,•Q• 1.ii-:41t'•1-1-1.' Pod LT &rnte( Name] 9h4,fl non 'I (;1 or Phenp:epty-ZGJZ— Lf %Ziz 009•2Z0' //UNITS FURNACES & SUSPENDED HEATERS -INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION Up to S Inoluding 100,000 BTU FURNACES &SUSPENDED HEATERS•INSTALIATION OR RELOCATION Over 100,000 BTU DVOT WORK SYSTEM HEAT PUMP( CONDITIONS 0-3 TON AIR CQNDRIO Over 316 TON AIR CONDITIONER Over 1530 TON AIR CONDITIONER Over 30-60 TON AIR CONDITIONER Over 60 TON GAS WATER HEATER GAS PIPING SYSTEM (each outlet) GAS L00, FIREPLACE, & GAS INSERT APPLIANCE VENTS INSTALLATION RELOCATION REPLACEMENT REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS BOILER COMPRESSORS, ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM 010 9 hp -100 000 BTU 01 less BOILER, COMPRESSORS, ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM Over 3 • 16 hp -100,001 to 600 000 BTU BOILER, COMPRESSORS, ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM BOILER, COMPRESSORS, ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM Oyer 15 - 90 hp • 500,001 to 1,000,000 BTU Over 30 hp -1,000,001 10 1,750 000 BTU BOILER, COMPRESSORS ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT Include ducting) Oyer 60 hp- over 1,760 000 BTU Each unit up Ip 10,000 ctm, InoludIng duals AIR HANDLER (DOES NOT Include ducting) Each unit over 10,000 ofm EVAPORATIVE COOLERS(other than portables) VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each fan oonneoted to a Wilde duct VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each vents:mon eyatem VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Eaoh hood served by mechanical exhaust INCINERATORS INCINERATORS APPLIANCES • Installation or mlooatlon of rosldendal Installation or relocation 01 commerolal Range, Clothe Washer UNLISTED APPLIANCES Under 400,000 BTU UNLISTED APPLIANCES Over 409.000 BTU HOOD . Type I 'type 11 L P STORAGE TANK WOOD OR PELLET BTOVE INSERT WOOD STOVE SYSTEM - FREE STANDING ❑CASH 0 CHECK 0 VISA 0 MC CARD M: EXPIRES: VIN: SIGNATURE P:\Community Dcvclopmenll02 Adminislration103 Forms - Official Verslons\Permit CentenMechanical Permit Application 04-03-09 dg.doe