1981, 11-12 Permit: 81B-1534 InspectLl TMA A�'flblir�i�IT . , �j "iorrRo+l�«�+ SPOKANE COUNTY SP BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT ,J Asx NORTH 11l Jl PPEINON / NOKARRANl. WA{XINOTON WZ[O / 1!011 0662175 APPLICANTCOMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES —PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES 0 u • • 1' Qd/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED • 1 ?, cel, ntmtl[ /! • 19`O d A •04 ZIP ANWI IN lack. M RM 1 5 3' 4 Ii 11-056 lOauwnry ' 6479 �( I YW Conk.'.. 0'.. ❑rok❑ o ZDed. 0.— ❑ ALT. ❑ /.O•N. ❑ k... ❑ MVL A� C�WOAK ❑ILO. O OLMIAl....❑M.N. POOL OTHER CENTPIa I W Q / _.._.... __.. �_.._.. 1COLLtCTWD IOURC! O [LtCTRIC WAT[R [[W A OWn«NIP W[COD[ Q UTILIITILI Publlc D%1vaN D {I rola t I hereby c n1v Ihnt � Iiai,� ieetl ensl r nod tllla npPlicelion alld have I.ad tha "NOTICE" provltlons inr.l�ldeil tide, and know the s le u bu Ir a and culvert All m ,ision, of law, and ordinances gover ling IIn� a type os wnik will Iw r. mplied with whethuil.necilied herein a tot. The grantlnq of a permit doer not 1plesunle SPIWI,i to give a inlaln n cel tha Ili �`vi�ir�ns of .niy �,th�. state or local law regulating construction nr th performance of cuns;i ilc linn. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REOUIRED INSPECTIONS %umbinP �� DATE OF APPLICl.I I:IN // 1;0/a .. S11, Ulll ill APPLICAN , , fill SPECIAL=VAL$ SPECIAL CONDITION!: Pl. Mack Nf ° N !EPA Tfril:F:II' — Mablla Rema nP "«• Othar IScaclryl --- TOTAL SAIl 01