1980, 08-19 Permit: 80-7536 InspectOWNER CONTRACTOR N S E SET BACKS INSPECTION RECORD LOCATION TYPE OF WORK W _FINAL INSPECTION: DATE REMARKS: NUM•41 APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTN S71 Jl FFERSON / BP°KANE, WASHINGTON MI200 / IEWI460-5676 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES - PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES Jo. AODRCSE __ , �(]y�( P�1,€ ". LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEE ATTACHED 1. LD 2. EL01.K -.,YVriON 11 PARGCL NVMBER/S aw ] / 1 P O E _9,04 4i76 (- a a4/ . I.I2Q.//.4n ADnro6N P,e,y e, i -kr 994-3 7. Actual 541 Eae« In F« is..m l am (Lost IIo OR CANT ° - �1C` PHONE /i Jl, SI Fetal zona CUURI«tion 4.SI ,� 'J, DI -,Q 7 ZS lean Tv«CenR I DmuP.nq' 6PrInxN«6 01EI ❑No ❑ R«'d. 1n Se. Ft. DEEIONER PHONE Valuation Minding Area 5' ADDRESS - SIP Main Floor IVO., Floc. Dara«ANE Min. Easement CMANDE OF USE 7ROM TO Area o1 D.P3 PIn1NM moment I L Ow.111n0. O. "Pt 0 0 0 AWN. 0 RPL. 0 MVE. No. Maths No. Merles No. Room. 75e. of NEW ALT. 0 OTHER 7. OF A.�CERTIFICATE WORR ❑ EL°. ^ ME. 0 MECH. M.N. 0 POOL of EXEMPTION R«'d. Rim 6. ryelAp'6. q❑ DESCRIES wORI< 1` .,./' �/ / &y • Enum. DNL Loudon CA".) FEES COLLECTED Single s VALUATION SOURCE OAS ELECTRIC(w.., J8R R UTILITIES /Va Own.rY'10 USE CODE Puml<oPawb❑ S I hereby artily that 1 hays read and examined this application and have read the "NOTICE" provisions included reverseon side, and know the same to be true and curled. All Irnri. ens of laws and ordinances governing this type ofwork will be complied with whether specified herein or tioi I he granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions Whet .I! any hel ,totr of local law regulate, construction or the of con.tnwtion. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Building plumbing Mec performance 07 APPLICANT 4h. Pian Cheek DATE OF APPLICATION FICIAL APPROVALS NIE.9TE SIGNA'I URE 1I SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ..r M0 SOPA .47 Mobil. Nome RISEN . . .. _ _ Omer ISPaaltII ll rh. Msrm.to, Pnollisor TOTAL E uu�o =-^.• ft 03. •550 .550 5 .5508 •000 8 7552 07-23-80 9 6479 �+'