1982, 01-07 Permit: 81A-4791 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK N S E W FINAL INSPECTION: I' SET BACKS DATE REMARKS: 1-7-92- 4) earca S! 5 SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH Gil JEFFERSON/ SPO[ANE, vvASHINGTON 99260 /15091456-36/5 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES —PRESI IiJinl.L3 '.r -Jos roopw2 nrw„� LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED TVK NEW ❑ LT. O AOM. ❑RPL ❑ MVE. 13-. PLM■, D INCH. Ell M.K 13 FOOL ❑OTHER o", ' CERTIFICATE. 'I�nl Re0 1 a–R j t� IY/) –._....–"' �•.�,•--. FEES COLLECTED pUORO[ OA! [LCCTpIC WAT[p MIR nlP VSE cOOE a❑PrWxa 1/TI LIIITI Ilc ❑ 6inale $ 1 hereby Certify that I have read and ekemined this application and have. lead the "Nal11I verse side, and know the same to be true and correct. All pr.—i all. a! type of work will he complied with whether specified herein o wl. The granting nl - ,. Build'n9 to give authority to violet, of cancel the provisions of any other stale I', local law 5 t7J performance of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS wumb�nv p LakIW� �Y I� I DATE OF APPLICATION _ v SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT es— OPMALAFPR■VAL[ MESIAL0 MTNM. IMM[ OAT[ _ Plan Chaak Pylx [EPA •rehaii n9leeer Mobda Nome Other ISpecityl Illsies G V aam nx ss— Im—li TOTAL YI�CN n+:, •