1995, 06-05 Permit App: 95003935 FencePROJECT NUMBER= 95003935 APPLIC:b,TIUN' DATE= 06/05/95 PAGE= 01 ****** THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 515 S PIERCE RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= 7 FOOT FENCE PLAT#= 001845 BLOCK= 194 AREA= # OF BLDGS= 1 PLAT NAME= LOT= F/A= # DWELLINGS= OWNER= DOTY, KEILA J. STREET= 515 S PIERCE RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PARCEL#= 45212.1013 OPPORTUNITY HEIGHTS ADD ZONE= UR -3.5 DIST#= F WIDTH= DEPTH= 10 WATER DIST = CONTACT NAME= HAL HUDSON BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 25 LEFT= 0 F R/W= PHONE= 509 926 2847 PHONE NUMBER= 509 926 2847 RIGHT= 0 REAR= 0 ****************************** REVIEW INFORMATION ***************************** DEPARTMENT /yPLANNING 6 CO i TS: ********** *** REVIEW REQUIREMENT LAND USE ACTION REQ'D/INVOLVED 7g -96 V9 4_41.d 5-5" ' j ' l **************** BUILDING PERMIT * CONTRACTOR= OWNER NEW= X DWELL UNITS= BLDG W X D = REQ PARKING= REMODEL= OCCUP. LD= X SQ FT= #HANDICAP= DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE FENCE M-2 VN ITEM DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT ****************************** PHONE= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE= BLDG HGT= SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT= N SQ FT VALUATION 2000.00 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT Y Y Y 45.00 4.50 8.10 AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING STORIES= 7 PROJECT NUMBER= 95003935 APPLICATION DATE= 06/05/95 PAGE= 02 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 57.60 .00 57.60 57.60 PROCESSED BY: JEFF FORRY PRINTED BY: JEFF FORRY .00 57.60 ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************ APPLICATION INFORMATION What is the JOB SITE address? ASSESSORS tax parcel number? Legal description as it appears on the property deed OWNER or OCCUPANT kE'1 � 0:.0- 6*. c• k\moi~ Mailing address Pia -C RA °tab -a(24'7 Phone wa gaaa City, state Zip Who should \-\ we contact regarding this project? 1gd- Phone What work is being done under this permit? 40ne UIsPector district i .... s°PertySize ..................................................................................:..........::::....................................................::::. ........................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... Contractor -Nmernans # of stories TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE WA State Contractor license # Main floor area Unfinished basement area Mailing address 2nd floor area Finished basement area Architect/Engineer Garage area Size of decks, etc. What is the heat source? What is the cost of your project? Manufactu red Htime Sign Width: What is the square footage of the sign face? How high is the sign? Year: Make: Installer Contractor Wa State Contractor license # Wa State Contractor license # Mailing address Mailing address Relocation Previous address Fire Safety Fire Sprinkler Paint booth Fire Alarm Tent Fireworks display VALUE Contractor Contractor WA State Contractor license # WA State Contractor license # Mailing address Mailing address Fuel Storage Tanks Swimming (Circle one) Above -ground Und Contents of tank(s) er rou Size / gallons Size / gallons Private Public/semi-private Contractor Contractor Wa State Contractor license # WA State Contractor license # Mailing address Mailing address COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. m y 0. SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE EXCEPTION (OTHER THAN LACK OF PUBLIC STREET FRONTAGE) A. GENERAL INFORMATION Name of applicant: 1: -est < a—Do'E FILE NO.: AE C - 78 - Agent: • M li iad'dro :", S . S (5 � � Erse -6 Rd •P i , E State: 1-13 ZIP Code: C1el dOly CI No- v1$ 1-t'? Work: 'tfrrplir(aailztsawner of roperty, need written authorization for applicant to serve as agent. Leel i�wt`. 'otlame: eC ra J Ido (,y Phone: Authorized agent(s)' name: Phone: Parcel No(s).: 4 2 1 2 ( 013 Section: 2 1 Township: 2 S Range: q 7 Legal description: !h`I�Wtc-S E Current zoning: ilk- 3. S Comprehensive Plan: _ U2 3AtJ Arterial Road Plan; Pi Eiac - LcD C4 L t�-GcE S S Current use of parcel: RES c D JrEr 4 Street Address of Subject Parcel: 5 5 / 5 9/ C i2 c_c 12-0-A �7 B. SPECIFIC INFORMATION Administrative exception requested (describe in terms of standard from which seeking relief): /' EXcE 'rron/ 7? A-c_t_cycA, CallST2 +)C-T(ON OF tel 7' F) ccs Applicable chapter/section of Code: / it, 810. old (JcCS) Explain reason for request: ' E C,v r. Attach site plan with proper dimensions and other supportive information. Page 1 of 2 I swear, under penalty of perjury, that (1) I am the owner of record or authorized agent for the proposed site; (2) if not the owner, written permission from said owner authorizing my actions on his/her behalf is attached; and (3) all of the above responses and those on supporting d uments are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. Name: 1� [ L4 ry Signed: ,L( State of Washington ss: County of Spokane On this day personally appeared before me \ S . \\ a 50 Vv to me known to be the individuals) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed, for the ns,arnd • day of J v'^ ,-y ,•` 19C,,. "nr purposes therein mentioned. r+L GIVEN under my hand and official seal this \-\(Q5 • gresiding am '; .' ; f t, NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the state of Washingtonat 5. 5 / 5- ~,c My appointment expires a -?J -1999 14.1,177, PLANNING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ONLY File No: AE - 28 - 95- THE sTHE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVES/DENIES THIS "ADMINISTRATIVE EXCEPTION" FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ADV PURSUANT TO THE ZONING CODE OF SPOKANE COUNTY, SECTIONS 14506.000 AND 14.506.020 (! ) THIS ADMINISTRATIVE EXcEPIlON IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR STIPULATIONS: The applicant shall comply with all requirements and regulations of the Zoning Code. e applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Spokane County Health District and/or Utilities Department regarding wastewater disposal and on-site water or public water systems. The applicant shall comply with the following additional conditions: -€/4 cee,..?' 7 frZ 4' "Li? THIS ADMINISTRATIVE EXCE PLION SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND. DATEDTHIS 1 Z. DAY OF , 19a. 6. ado THIS CERTIFICATE MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IF APPLICABLE NOTE: THE APPLICANT OR AN I TERESIED PARTY MAY FRE AN APPEAL WITHIN 20 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE ABOVE DATE OF SIGNING. APPEAL MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A $100.00 FEE APPEALS MAYBE FILED AT THE SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT, BROADWAY CENTRE BUILDING, NORTH 721 JEFFERSON STREET, SPOKANE, WA 99260 (Section 14.412.041 of the Zoning Code of Spokane County) SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 721 NORTH JEI,FERSON, SPOKANE, WA 99260 (509) 456-2205 RP -AE App. Rev.10/91 Page 2 of 2 PLOT PLAN • i • a) H 0 E4-4 4-4 0 0 a 0 o ••••, ••-+ +) 4) ad 0 —4 • • • Ci) as b ✓ 0 0 .a .-r w 0 0 O 0 4)8 a) •.•i a)MI 4.) 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YR- 95 ROLL= RE PARCEL= 432 DATA SCREEN --- ----- - -- OWNER 2 DOTY, KEILA J 2 FIELD BOOK: CTREET � 00C315 S PIERCE R� 2 ACO: AC 73-0932 ADFRESS 2 SPOKANE WA 99206 2 ACTV: :..: 2 EXMP: EXMO: SITUS 2 000515 S PIERCE RD 2 ADDO: N ADDRES3 � SPO TAX DITRICT: TD1400 2 PROP: 1100 LEGAL: S80FT OF N160FT OF S1/2 OF W1/2 OF W1/2 T R 194 ASMT: TOTAL MKT -LD CLS -LD BLDG -1 OTHER O/R ME/Hu3 BOE/SBTA: A FINAL ASN!: 76,500 9,300 0 66,900 300 N $EXFMPTIONS: 0 TAXABLE: 76,500 SALE- 1%: 9201 38.:],6 DATE: 08 24 92 INST: WD TRAN: R PRICE: 81,000 SALE- 1%: 8701 5371 DATE: 11 02 87 INET: ** TRAN: * PRICE: 56,000 334" o n c3 /sj .�6 ®I@l'2 / f'j. F I E ICib i4►► I r, I30 -7:C ©I e 79' / 4 - /0/ _ SPO. COUNT el 1 FI�r I D i iy F, 1 flr7- /45.94 C� B „ 30-9r3C - N b N4 CONDO In I• 6 / 8o002374oi 65 1 *s F� 1 � NI K ®®101® I� I' I 4.34 171455 I I I i I I M Bo E , 145) UR -15 o 35-90C PE -1609 90 C L -- 2i rI- 1- © 1 J /5 KA 1 •4V� AVE L,=. Tr 1/ 04 (� ® CD El DIV 4