2016, 02-16 Study Session MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington February 16,2016 Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Deputy City Manager Chuck Hafner, Councilmember John Hohman, Comm. &Economic Dev. Dir. Ed Pace,Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Steve Worley, Capital Improvemt. Progrm Mgr Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem Gloria Mantz, Economic Development Engineer Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. 1. City Hall Update—John Hohman Director Hohman introduced Mr. Steve Roth from Architects West, to assist in tonight's informal status update of the city hall design. Mr.Hohman encouraged Council to ask questions;he mentioned the various materials and photos around the room, including the large book of plans and specifications,and said if any Councilmember wants a copy, to please contact him, adding that this is a 95% complete set of plans. As background, Mr. Hohman explained that a new city hall has been a Council goal since 2009; that the real process we are working on now began in 2012;said there was Council discussion about building the project, where to look, how much it would cost; and based on Council direction, staff analyzed existing properties for sale after which Council determined there was not an available existing building to meet our needs and therefore, chose the U-city property, which was purchased in December of 2014 after an extended negotiation process. Mr. Hohman said that the design process was kicked off in March of this year; the architect met with Council in April; a meeting was held May 6 at CenterPlace to gather public input; and Council approved the design concept in September.Mr.Hohman said that the set of plans and specificaitons have been reviewed in detail by his and Public Works' staff.Tonight,Mr.Hohman said,he seeks Council's guidance on the rest of the process. Via the PowerPoint presentation,Mr. Roth showed photos and concepts and explained some of the aspects of the exterior views and floorplans of the proposed building, including many views of the Council Chambers. He said that as they moved through the process, they found ways to cut costs and make it as efficient as possible, and he brought Council's attention to the materials on the table. He said that the area would also include an eight-foot fence to secure the city-owned vehicles; that the least expensive fence would be chain link with slates which would help conceal the vehicles as well as the transformer and dumpster area.He explained that an alternate fence would be of steel,which is more durable but also more expensive, and that these are some of the things Council can accept or reject once the bids come in. In response to Councilmember Hafner's question about building maintenance, Mr. Roth said that they chose materials that represent low maintenance but still in keeping with that Council wanted; said the outside would not require painting, and the majority of the wood on the outside is covered by canopies; said there is nothing specialized about the inside materials as they are typical and can be easily obtained. Councilmember Wood asked about the proximity of the permit counter spaces to each other and whether there would be enough room for some privacy.Mr. Hohman assured him that there is ample room so as not Council Study Session:02-16-2016 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council:02-23-2016 to crowd people together in the area, and if a more private setting is needed, there are two additional conference rooms to the west of the reception desk. Mr. Roth said the areas would be separated by a solid partition as well. Mr. Roth then briefly went over the list of alternates. There was brief discussion about insulation,interior colors,room for additional future staff if needed,and that much effort went into the plan to make it as efficient as possible with minimal empty space. Mayor Higgins called for a twenty-minute recess at 7:05 in order to give Council time to examine the photos and materials. Mayor Higgins reconvened the meeting at 7:22 p.m. 2. Comprehensive Plan Contract Update—John Hohman Director Hohman reviewed the phases of the Comprehensive Plan update, and said that staff selected Van Ness Feldman as the consultant for this third phase, Development of Draft Plan and Regulations. Mr. Hohman said that the Consultant will assist with the completion of the final Comprehensive Plan and prepare regulations to implement the Plan; he went over the Scope of work as shown in the attached documents; mentioned there is a state mandate that this task must be completed by June 2017; and that we started working early but the lack of a population allocation was an issue for a while. Mr. Hohman mentioned the various public meetings, Planning Commission meetings, and Council meetings where this issue was a topic. He also noted Council would be discussing goals and policies later in the process. The cost of this phase, Mr. Hohman stated, is $336,500 as it brings three consultant teams together to complete the update, with Van Ness Feldman as lead, and added that Mr. Tadas Kisielius, with his outstanding legal expertise,will be heavily involved. Mr. Hohman explained that the consultant will write the comprehensive plan and development regulations as we simply do not have existing staff to devote to that project as most of his staff is working on residential construction and the various other areas associated with his department;he said the entire document will be heavily focused on economic development and the majority costs are associated with community attributes, again mentioning the tremendous amount of experience this consultant brings with them, and reminding Council of the excellent work this consultant performed in working with our Shoreline Management Program. Mr. Hohman also noted that the Comprehensive Plan will include a heavy focus on land use, from multi-family and commercial, to other areas such as office,and the consultant will complete all the remaining elements as needed.In addition,Mr. Hohman noted that Mr. Kisielius will make sure our document is legal and defensible to ensure we will meet any legal challenges; said two to three months after this, he hopes to have a Council/Planning Commission workshop on input and is projecting to have the consultant team at a Planning Commission meeting to provide support and answer questions about how each element came together. Once all this passes through the Planning Commission, Mr. Hohman said he will have the consultant speak at a Council meeting. Staff will support the process as needed, and Mr. Hohman said they are working on the EIS (environmental impact statement) and trying to get as much public input as possible. Depending on the actual start time,Mr. Hohman said the Planning Commission draft should be complete in August. Council Gothmann asked how this firm was selected and Mr. Hohman explained that staff uses the RFP (request for proposals) process in looking for professional services; that we learned a lot through the completion of the Shoreline Master Program and found the Van Ness Feldman a firm that can do the work and knows what needs to be done; said they provided excellent guidance and work before; that staff is aware of other qualified firms, but as Van Ness Feldman did the first two phases, staff felt we should stay with them as lead. Council concurred. 3. Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Project—Steve Worley Capital Improvement Program Manager Worley explained about the possible federal STP (Surface Transportation Program) grant funds for our Sullivan-Euclid Concrete Intersection Project. Mr. Worley explained that his project has been in the six-year TIP(Transportation Improvement Program)many times; and staff has been designing that project with federal funds since 2010. Mr.Worley said we only had design phase money and not funds for the construction phase, so the project sat on the back burner. He explained that over time,that project has become 90%designed.With that in mind,Mr.Worley said the question now is, do we accept this potential offer of$1.2 million and come up with the difference between what we Council Study Session:02-16-2016 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council:02-23-2016 originally asked,or accept this and go after more grant money to make up that difference. Mr.Worley said that if the City had to pay for all the difference, the figure would be $978,875; however, if we were successful in obtaining TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) funds, that could bring the City match down to $319,125. Mr. Worley also noted that TIB is a competitive process so there is no guarantee we would receiving funding, but that there are some ways to improve our application to score more points, such as adding a bicycle facility, LED lights,not traffic signals but any other lights in that intersection,and another component addressing greenhouse gas emissions. He explained that with this $1.2 million, that makes our construction readiness that much better. He added that the intersection is in poor condition and if we accept this offer for $1.2 million, we would rebuild the intersection in concrete. Mr. Worley noted that the TIB grants are usually done later in the year. The question of available REET (real estate excise tax) funds came up and Mr. Jackson said this project would not create a deficit for the City and it looks like a good risk to move forward with the $1.2 million. Mr.Worley added that we have been very successful in the past with TIB grants,and feel this project would fit well under their preservation program. There was Council discussion about the greenhouse and bicycle facility with Councilmember Pace feeling we don't need those items, and Councilmember Gothmann feeling we do since the bicycle facility would be covered by the grant and would not cost our citizens. Councilmember Gothmann suggested staff try for all aspects, and at least look at a greenhouse gas policy. There was general Council consensus to move forward with accepting this$1.2 million and add the bicycle facility and LED lights; and to bring back a greenhouse gas emissions policy for future discussion. 4. Restaurant Regulatory Roadmap—Gloria Mantz Economic Development Engineer Mantz briefed Council on the pilot program to assist prospective restaurant entrepreneurs in our area. Ms. Mantz showed Council the Regulatory Roadmap Restaurant section on our website; and explained the various aspects and steps of opening a successful restaurant, and of how helpful this website can be with everything needed,all in one convenient place. She mentioned that the website supports our on-going efforts to streamline our permitting process, assist businesses, and provide customer service. 5. Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 6. LED Lights This item was for informational purposes only and was not discussed or reported. 7. Council Comments—Mayor Higgins Councilmember Gothmann extended thanks and appreciation to the crews sweeping the streets; to the Sheriffs and Police Departments for handling a recent bogus bomb threat at Greenacres Middle School: and to the Central Valley School District for conducting a phone survey about changing some school boundaries. Councilmember Pace mentioned the draft letter before Council, to Senator Andy Billig concerning our City's support of Senate Bill 6215 concerning clarifying water rights for municipal water supply purposes. Councilmember Pace said the bill has moved from the Rules Committee to the floor and he is hoping it will pass, and that Council is asking the City's lobbyist if she would help with this,and if Council approves the Mayor signing this letter to send to Senator Billig. Councilmember Wood mentioned that Senator Padden worked hard on this issue of municipal and irrigation water rights. Councilmember Grafos said he would like to read the bill as he is not familiar with it but realizes water rights are a major concern in this state. Councilmember Hafner mentioned that he too is unfamiliar with this bill. After brief discussion,except for Councilmembers Grafos and Hafner, there was Council consensus to have the Mayor sign and send the letter of support. Mayor Higgins said he mentioned last week about a request he received from the President of the Chamber of Commerce for our City to appoint a Councilmember to each of their BIG 5 sections; and he proposed Council Study Session:02-16-2016 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council:02-23-2016 appointing Councilmember Hafner to Greater Learning; Councilmember Pace to Greater Good; Councilmember Wood to Greater Outdoors, Deputy Mayor Woodard to Greater Vision, and himself to Greater Cures. Those Councilmembers agreed with the selections. 8. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson mentioned adding a motion to next week's agenda to move forward for the plans for City Hall. There were no objections from Council. Mr. Jackson also noted that he has been sending and receiving information to Lobbyist Briahna Murray on the legislative update; said that House Bill 2519,the City's nuisance abatement bill, has passed the House and another version of the bill passed the Senate, so both bills will continue, and said he is hopeful one will be passed. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ATT ST: L.R. Higgins, '• a or c Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session:02-16-2016 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council:02-23-2016 SECTION 004330 - SUPPLEMENT C -LIST OF ALTERNATES 1.01 PARTICULARS A. The following is the list of Alternatives referenced in the bid submitted by: B (Bidder) C. TO: Owner D. Dated and which is an integral part of the Bid Form. 1.02 ALTERNATES LIST The following amounts shall be added to or deducted from (circle one)the Bid Amount. Refer to Section 012300 -Alternatives: Schedule of Alternatives. A. Alternative# 1: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Provide half basement. B Alternative# 2: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Provide full basement. C. Alternative# 3: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. HVAC Zoning Kit D. Alternative# 4: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Linear wood ceilings in lobbies. E. Alternative# 5: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Linear wood ceilings in council chamber. F. Alternative# 6: NOT USED G. Alternative# 7: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Steel fencing in lieu of chain link. 02/22/16 SUPPLEMENT C -LIST OF ALTERNATES Spokane Valley City Hall (1509) 004330 - 1 -/G" H. Alternative# 8: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Wood top rail at guardrails. I. Alternative# 9: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Spray foam insulation in exterior walls. J. Alternative# 10: (Add)(Deduct) $ 1. Provide infrastructure of undergrounding of utilities along Sprague Ave. END OF SUPPLEMENT C 02/22/16 SUPPLEMENT C- LIST OF ALTERNATES Spokane Valley City Hall (1509) 004330 -2 _J -J -J _J _J 1 1 Stiokane Valle k. 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' M � ' : (‘. , 1714,-Wair -1-1 1 I rie.....7,..„, ,„ LIN ' ' I 000 1 I OEM --, / ,,,- - ..% : /#,,s,s I 0.......... ,, ,. , <: ,, , , A ...... 1111) . . ,,,,,..._ ,......._ _ ..4 , . It * ,..0\ , ...... 1 / ,... 10 • / 4j1 S : ' -°T OIL AI V\_ 0 Hill i i 1411(,--)[41 i 0 iii,„;k4" 1 . _ 11:#1, Mr' 1 ° 13 0 41 i /:_,J0 ( il F 1m __ s 7--. a . i ir, ...yr_I_ - no f- / .•.-- 71.:M11 ii 2/16/2016 SCrrt'OF 11 pane Valley. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org February 16, 2016 Senator Andy Billig P.O. Box 40403 Olympia, WA 98504-0403 Dear Senator Billig: On behalf of the City of Spokane Valley, we are asking for your support of Senate Bill 6215 which identifies and clarifies water rights for municipal water supply purposes and end users. The City of Spokane Valley's residents and businesses are served by 13 water districts. The City, as you know, has grown from a low population rural, agricultural area to its current population- dense city of 93,000 residents together with numerous businesses. The resultant diverse needs for water have risen in concert with that non-agricultural growth, creating a necessity for review and restructuring existing water rights. Irrigation water was the greatest need,but now our 13 water districts need to provide municipal water as well. In order to meet the City's residential and commercial water requirements, our water districts must have the flexibility of converting their irrigation water rights to municipal water rights without Department of Ecology taking away those rights. Senate Bill 6215 provides that flexibility. Please join us in supporting Senate Bill 6215. Your efforts on our behalf are appreciated. Thank you. Bes 'egards, 1 / 411c//� .R. H1g_ �► 'y or on behalf of Spokane alley Councilmembers