2005, 08-10 Permit App: 05002733 ResidenceProject Number: 05002733 Inv: 1 Application, • THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 08/10/2005 Page 1 of 3 Project Information: Permit Use: NEW RESIDENCE W/ATTACHED GARAGE -GAS Contact: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTION INC Address: 15321 E MISSION AVE Setbacks: Front 25 Left: 5 Right: 5 Rear: 82 Site Information: Plat Key: Name: RANGE C - S - Z: SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99037 Phone: (509) 926-8094 Group Name: Project Name: ROW District: Sout Parcel Number: 45233.4305 SiteAddress: 816 S REES LN Location:: CSV Zoning: UR -7* Water District: Area: .00 Acres Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Review Information: Block: Urban Residential -7* Lot: Owner: Name: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTIO Address: 15321 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99037 Hold: ❑ Width: 54 Depth: 150 Right Of Way (ft): 30 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Site Plan Review GIVEN TO PLANNING 8/4 Plan Review Released By: Sewer Review Permits: Originally Released: 07/14/2005 By: TMELBOU Released By: Operator: CJJ Printed By: CJJ Print Date: 08/10/2005 Project Number: 05002733 Inv: 1 Application. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 08/10/2005 Page 2 of 3 Building Permit Contractor: DIAMOND ROCK Firm: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTIO Address: 15706 E VALLEYWAY AVE Phone: (509) 218-8510 VERADALE, WA 99037 Building Characteristics Total Area 1250 Building Height 20 Stories 1 Dwelling Units 1 This Application: Total Project: Description Grp Type Notes Su Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation GARAGE S-2 VB 372 $14,463.36 372 $14,463.36 RESIDENCE R-3 VB 1,250 $93,350.00 1,250 $93,350.00 Item Description RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL PLAN REVIEW Totals: 1,622 $107,813.36 1,622 $107,813.36 Units Unit Desc Fee Amount 1 SELECT $1,038.55 1 SELECT $4.50 1 SELECT $415.42 Permit Total Fees: Mechanical Permit $1,458.47 Contractor: DIAMOND ROCK Firm: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTIO Address: 15706 E VALLEYWAY AVE Phone: (509) 218-8510 VERADALE, WA 99037 Item Description DUCT SYSTEMS GAS WATER HEATER GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU GAS PIPING VENTILATING FANS CLOTHES DRYER HOOD -TYPE II Units Unit Desc 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 2 # OF UNITS 3 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF 1 NUMBER OF Fee Amount $10.00 $10.00 $12.00 $2.00 $30.00 $10.00 $10.00 Permit Total Fees: $84.00 Operator: CJJ Printed By: CJJ Print Date: 08/10/2005 Project Number: 05002733 Inv: 1 Application. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 08/10/2005 Contractor: DIAMOND ROCK Address: 15706 E VALLEYWAY AVE VERADALE, WA 99037 Item Description TOILETSBIDETS SINKS TUBS DISH WASHERS CLOTHES WASHER WATER USING DEVICES Notes: Payment Summary: Permit Type Building Permit Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit Units 2 4 2 1 1 2 Fee Amount $1,458.47 $84.00 $72.00 Plumbing Permit Page 3 of 3 Firm: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTIO Phone: (509) 218-8510 Unit Desc NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF Permit Total Fees: Invoice Amount $1,458.47 $84.00 $72.00 Fee Amount $12.00 $24.00 $12.00 $6.00 $6.00 $12.00 Amount Paid $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $72.00 Amount Owing $1,458.47 $84.00 $72.00 $1,614.47 $1,614.47 $0.00 $1,614.47 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner (or person(s) authorized by the owner) has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct, and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: CJJ Printed By: CJJ Print Date: 08/10/2005 Sitiokane D, (C)ay Vaiiey BUI kViAa ) PI .-DING PERMIT APPLICATION WORKSHEET 1e1alley Community Development Department JJ J) Building Division 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ne: (509) 688-0036; Fax: (509) 688-0037 REQUIRED SITE INFORMATION Street Address: Si 1p S •EE S L NJ Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): A-gDs Legal_ Description: LT j, TEL 2 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: Building Permit ❑ Relocation UU ❑ Change in Use ❑ Grading ❑ Manufactured Home ❑ Tenant Improvement ❑ Fire Safety ❑ Other OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION FR-- Owner: T.-=' //,,r ,) -DT_ -„. Phone: QZ'N g96 vj Fax: Address: 15 32_1 L fir,ss.mart Ave 99 ar7 City Zip Code ❑ Contractor: Phone: - Fax: �i- Address:-- t -_- State City State WA State Contractor License #: Zip Code Applicant: Phone: Address: Fax: City ri Architect: Phone: Address: State Zip Code Fax: City Contact: State Zip Code PERMIT/BUILDING INFORMATION HEIGHT TO PEAK: 201 MAIN FLOOR.TO SQ. FTG: I2 5O FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG 0 OCCUPANCY GROUP: # OF BEDROOMS: 3 COST OF PROJECT: 6.0, 000 DIMENSIONS: 2Nu. FLOOR SQ_ F GARAGE SQ. FTG CONSTRUCTION TOTAL HABITABL 30% SLOPES ON ll i z11 i�X�3 # OF STORIES: I G: 0 UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: 19, DECK/COV. PATIO SQ. FTG: 1ov _ -WE: Afe L.) HEAT SOURCE: Alb +ural Gas Forria GQ SPACE: 1250 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 'ROPERTY: SEWER OR ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM? sPi,J”--- MANUFACTURED HOME Width: Length: Year: Manufacturer: Pit Set: RELOCATION Previous Address: Proposed Use: FIRE SAFETY Fire Sprinkler: # ofHeads: Fire Alarm: Paint Booth: Tent: Fireworks Display: Blasting: Date/Time: Valuation: Above/Underground Storage Tank Size: WASHINGTON STATE NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE Plans Examiner: Address: Phone: Fax: City State Inspector: Phone: Fax: Address: Zip City State Zip SPECIAL INSPECTIONS ❑ BOLTING ❑ CONCRETE Firm Name: 0 REINFORCEMENT ❑ WELDING Phone: Fax: Inspector(s): DISCLAIMER The permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the_dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner: 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. Ownership of resulting development rights granted by any issued permit inure to the property owner. Print Name /ail C ra U, Signature ?eui / C va PO Method of Payment: (Faxed permit applications will only be accepted with major bankcard) ❑ Cash ❑ Check Bankcard #: Authorized Signature: ❑ Mastercard ❑ VISA ❑ Other Expires: VIN#: StioliSr-ne Eley Plumbing Permit Application 7.1707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 509-688-0036 '- Phone 509-688-0037 - Fax Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PROJECT ADDRESS: 576 S S L OWNER: 3 r� or n ( f MAILING ADDRESS: (street) CONTRACTOR '- MAILING ADDRESS: (street) (Qty/state) PERMIT USE: PHONE (Daytime Contact): LICENSE 1: • (ZIP) (city/state) PLUMBING FIXTURES DESCRIP270N PHONE 1: can DETAILS a OF UNITS 1 TOILETS • WATER CLOSET, BIDETS .2_ 2 URINALS 3 TUBS 4 SHOWERS (PER TRAP) COST EQUALS AMOUNT X $6 BATH, STALL. ON-SITE BUILT 5 SINKS E2 $6 LAYS/BASINS, BAR FLOOR KrFCHEN, LAUNDRY, UTILITY, JA TIVR, PHOTO, X- RAY, FOOD; PREP/CULINARY/MEAT 6 DISHWASHER 7 CLOTHES WASHER 8 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 9 WATER SOFTENER X . ' $6 2141 X 56 10 ELECT. HOT WATER TANK 11 FLOOR DRAINS X $6 NOTE: W GAS, SEE MECHANICAL AREA, CASE, COIL, TRENCH CONDENSATE 12 FOUNTAINS, DRINKING 13 WATER PIPING/DRAIN-IN WASTE, VENT, PLUMBING REVERSAL X S6 X X $6 INSTALLATION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REVERSALS. 14 SEWAGE EJECTOR GRINDER, SUMP PUMP 15 WATER USING DEVICE ICE AND/OR COFFEE MAKER, HOSE MB, STEAMER,, PROOFER, CARBONATDR, SWAM COOLER 16 CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE VACUUM BREAKER, CHECK VALVE„ AND 17 SPRINKLER SYSTEM 18 INTERCEPTORS R.P.B.P.D. FOR VATS, TANKS, 8OILERS GREASE' RAP, SAND TRAP, CHEMICAL HOLDING TANK 19 MEDICAL GHS per outlet 20 MISC. PLUMBING FIXTURE HOD OF PAYMENT LSH [] CHECK ❑ EXPIRES: NTIROus, OxYGEN X S6 X 'X 56 ;25 X 56 :CARD NUMBER ORJZLD SIGNATURE- SO/PO'd 176089E6 01 X 56 X 56 SUBTOTAL: PLUS PROCESSING FEE: 535.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE DUE: ad tiO:LT 200E 0z d3S San #.1144:444%*"44 41000 Eley Mechanical Permit Application 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-683-0036 - Phone 509 -6$8 -0037 -Fax PROJECT ADDRESS: O 1 5, S L OWNER �� 1 �,.� •‘) `' :• -sf 4 ^ MAILING ADDRESS: • ,1 'An baa( (City/state) CONTRACTOR: —12% i c,^,f i f ° �1� c 7/ MAILING ADDRESS: • • (street) • (city/state) DESCRiPnON OF wow FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE UNLLSTED APPLIANCE (ADDITIONAL FEE) UNLISTED APPLIANCE (ADDMONAL FEE) USED APPLIANCE (WBEC min. ARM rating) USED APPLIANCE (WSEC min. ARA rating) BOR.ER/REFRIGERAT1ON BOILER/REFRIGERATION BOILER/REFRIGERATION BOILER/REFRIGERATION BOILER/REFRIGERATION GAS LOG, GAS INSERT, GAS FIREPLACE RANGE DRYER FUEL BURNING WATER immix OR <10000 )200,030 - OR < 400,000 PERMIT SE: PHONE (Daytime Contact): LICENSE t: (�) PHONE 1; 1 OF UMTS +a <400,000 ) 400,000 1-102/d BTU 101 • s00M BTU 501 -VON BTU 1001 • 1,750M BILI +175DM BTU X COST ' 515 519 S50 5100 • $50 $100 EQUALS AMOUNT I5 =IN X 537 5,5 510 510 510 X ..� 1E9MISC. FVFG BURNING APPL. N GAs D DUCT SYSTE1O ( t 0.d.„ Meanllini EIL �.�y.El VENTILATING FANS El AIHANDLER (DOES NOP Includdueling) • OR <10,000CF'M � AIRR HANDLER (DOES NOT Includee dudln, > 10=CFM RI1 EVAPORATIVE COOLERS _ 4111 TYPE !HOOD 510 TYPE II HOOD 11111.55a 41 HEAT PUMP/AIR COMMONERX • AIR CONDrnONFR 0.5 TON 520 315 TON X 510 1111 AIR CONDJT1ONER 15.30 TON NAIR CONDITIONER AIR30,50 I Of iENNA1111COIVDr1'IONER 450 TON LPGSTORACETANK wooa OR PELLETSTOVE/tNSERT MOD OD STOVE . FREE STANDINGmaim . im 7th. METHOD OP PAYMENT [] CASH ❑ CHECK ❑ DATE: EXPIRES: BANKCARD NUMBER -t2 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: SO!S0'd P6089C6 01 x 510 520 SUBTOTAL: PLUS PROCESSING FEE TOTAL PERMIT FEE Dim; 2% $35.00 23d TO:LT E00C OC dSS C Czty o,` SPOKANE VALLEY s�r'tr1(i r 2001 WSEC Residential Compliance Prescriptive (Chapter 6) Options for all R. Occupancies, Clim ' 1�e2esource: ALL BUILDING DEP 11707 E. Sprauge Avenue, #106, Spokane yalky, Washington 99206 - Tel 509-921-1000 - SITE ADDR.RSS: IkS 1_4✓t � PER.IVII'Z' NO, DATE: INSTRUCTIONS I) Your permit will be processed more efficiently if you provide all of the requested information. Department staff can help you with gerieraI questions about this form. Your building must match the selected option requirements without • exceptions or substitutions. ) Glazing percentage determines which option to choose. Complete the following glazing area calculation before proceeding to the option table below. GLAZING AREA. CALCULATION: iZ5 cv 5F. = /04 •%, ÷ HEATED FLOOR AREA (ALL FLOORS) % OF GLAZING NOTE: Use rough opening (RIO) for window area. Include all half -lite and full -lite door glazing in this calculation_ CAN'T COMPLY? If none of the Prescriptive (ChapterQ P 6) Options below Are acceptable, consider systems analysis (Chapter 4) or; Component Performance (Chapter 5) Approach. The main advantage is flexibility to juggle individual U - factors (Ii -values) as long as an overall maximum value isn't exceeded. Note that the overall perfor n e ice requirements are no Iess stringent than the Prescriptive' requirements. Calculations may be performed. by hand or, using an acceptable computer software program. Helpful forms and other resources can be downloaded A http://www.etiergy.wsu.edu/ uildings. P-1 a C) al C.) ° 0 r4 a w d * 0 CJ • 0. R -mites are for wood frame assent rites onlyor � boat In as c Hanes with E.{ w Shaft foilrirrum �s for each option fsted For exampled/ a Section the o V off s fisted requirementsplywIth til Mt* of the 15% glazing option design has a Proposed desigoaring ratio b the Cannot get the eda..o(73°�, it e. rr�.} d 2 requirements nt applies to a� above. may ate o ids by Chapters 4 ort > meet ittg spedrlC cxi 3. t �Ilfrys 'accept single rafter or joined ceilings. ' . denotes Advanced Franed CelGng. R r' n apple only b single rafter or foist vaulted Pi( d 4. $etow grade walls shalt be dated either on the exterior t0 0 minim/en level of R-12, or on the interior to CO 10 C sane level as wafts above ederior ins on installed on below grade wails st)aff be a eater resistant material. i for its immnded use, and installed PimaedR f«�, or ayor e�°�sd to artbe� air anditlons.aCCOrnqe�$5' .$eSection 602.2. B ' shaft be a water resistant matarla(.ntfiadured for Its intended use. and installed acEording to 7 Int, demotes standard fretting 18 Inches on anter with headers Insulated with/ minimum or R-5 insulation. 8. This wall Inadalon regtirement denies R-19 well a. Doors, ihdudng aft fine doors, stall be assigned defautt1. fa frhsulaGonom ,Table 10-6 R-5 foam0. 10. Where a ir,agrltef gfabng area is listed. the total glaz, ar (confined vertical 11. hal b 1855 grazingthan De ell oto that value. Pvrf tad glazing with Wader of 114.40 o less iovers so root t)inclu percent as a of grosos ` limitations, floor area U-faarxs determined 1�a once, with NFRC 100 or ass in l21 area tirritafpris, 12. Loi and sold timber watts with a it ni rr,•,m average this or 3.5' ere excerpt specified Seaton 502.1.5_ kern This Insulation requirgrren t sk lig��-s Forrn 5.050801-2001 Residential Comp Form ) tj BordeMsesieet, (co ()fir try Eas efneAt • 7 0 ti) CI3A0tiddV .idaa ONINNIrld POKIK C *NIY SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WA 99260-0050 Site Information Project Information Site Address: 816 S REES LN Parcel Number: 45233.4305 Subdivision: RANGE Block: Lot: Zoning: UNK Unknown Owner: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTION INC Address: 15321 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99037 Building Inspector: BOBBY STONE Water Dist: Project Number: 05005669 Inv: 1 Issue Date: 8/3/2005 Permit Use: SEWER CONNECITON - HILLS HAVEN Applicant: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTION 15321 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99037 Phone: (509) 924-8964 Contact: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTION 15321 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99037 Phone: (509) 924-8964 Setbacks - Front: Group Name: Project Name: Left: Right: Rear: Permits Sewer Connection Permit Contractor: DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTION License #: DIAMORC0320Q SEWER CONNECTION 1 $85.00 PROCESSING FEE 1 $15.00 Total Permit Fee: $100.00 FOR SEWER INSPECTIONS CALL (509) 477-3604 UTILITIES 8:30-5:00 PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Call for inspection prior to cover. ONE WORKING DAY NOTICE REQUIRED. Contractor or applicant is to field locate and confirm the elevation and position of sewer stub prior to any other excavation. Sewer stubs are to be checked prior to connection to ensure that they have acceptable grade and are clear and unobstructed to the main sewer. Sewer lines should be constructed to allow for gravity flow from the lowest level of the structure. This permit must be presented to the job site inspector for verification. To locate buried cables, gas piping, water lines, etc. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG, (509)456-8000. STATE LAW RCW 19.122 REQUIRES THAT PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION THE "CALL BEFORE YOU DIG" CENTER BE NOTIFIED. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG AT LEAST 2 WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE, (509)456-8000. Spokane County Code requires the installer comply with all requirements of the Washington State Dept of Labor and Industries, including those related to trench safety. Payment Summary Total Fees AmountPaid AmountOwing $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 Tran Date Receipt # Payment Amt 8/3/2005 4574 $100.00 Processed By: BURRIS, ROBIN Printed By: WENDEL, GLORIA Page 1 of 1 PERMIT