1988, 04-06 Permit: 88000752 Woodstove SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct.In addition,I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same.All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction,or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT -( l: l - ' U"B. 1. 89000752 DATE= 04/06/8O .,...•... PERMIT .. .- :-::•:•:•:::::::••.:.:::.c:::::. .7E: T :•i' '+.i :,,.:ic:j.:;- ::.t•.:j.:,{.:::,.:;.:.;.::i i :' i+i: .. .. .. ...':i+:.''ri�. .. G 4k)(a4:++:•)i••x a:7r?i•Jf•)!•)�•Ye�[•a:, +H,� �!.. !�!+.•+r k=i., w. s+. !i .I.t.i e ...,!. .r�}, .i J...a.t :. .. .. : ...: ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PERMIT USE= WOODSTOVE PLAT.,,..._ 002961 PLAT NAME= W1.:.:.: 1 FARMS I ..: . . ....: . fr BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= AREA= 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= OWNER= STEFANIK , STEVE 922 STREET= 41:)20 N! I<:I..:L..LI.:I•. RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 • CONTACT NAME= OWNER , BUILDING SETBACKS FRCNT= NA LEt : NA qt.:i:. :[t..j..+. .:,1;. .,.:q. j.:.:.;..i[: •j..i•Vii, ;,.:: ::r• :i..,. .. :a••;•J. s"f;::. ,: l.: .. .. ..)t .) ). , Jt••it•). .. J.J•. J. .k••�.J. ;' : ,,... ). :+:J'• �... •:::-,i•!.!. i '.. '...: .:, -,:.::. , .. • .:: :: :; :: CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= ITEM DESCRIPTION FEE AMOUNT PROCESSING FEE 15 , 00 WOODSTOVE/INSERi 10, 00 :.j..,: .:: :. .:j...::.:.:,:.y:.•.•j..h::;.:.:j.:j..{..t,::,r.:;::;;::n.::.:.:::.::::. .. 4• .., :.:i :�,:; -.:;i.:�. : :::c:•.::[::;::j.:j. ;.:;,.:; i::, . . . .. .. , at 1.).3( R 9t ){J.H P.k)4 :t .l )C i.-. 1.Jt J. 1. )... .. .t .. ., i. 1. .. ,. ;•' t••i ( !�f,.,.i I ::;L.:: ::!t ,I �i ')'. . JL')i :l J, R ,. J. 1. !. .. . . J.; ;:.;.;':;:;;. :;;,{j.:;;.!;;:::;. PAYMENT D h•i) I::. I'ti I::.i.:L....I'• . .,+. PAYMENTAMOUNT . TOTAL DUE= 0 0 TOTAL PAID= 25 , 00 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT MO iN r AMOUNT OWING MECHANICAL i ':NII 25 .00 2":; . 00 .. .. .. 25 , 00 25 , 00 PROCESSED BY : WENDEL , OLCIA PRINTED DY : WENDEL , C;;LORIA c) t :i cJJx t t : Ja6 4 :.( : .� ,.: .1i. THANK t t + ;.cu.:::: - ' ' ; i.:;j..; ,,j..:; ai:;•.:;;..:,:.:.;,. ... , : :,.:a :.;: ,,: j.:,. SPOKANE COUNTY, PAYMENT VOUCHER VENDOR CODE JAMES S. BLACK AND COMPANY NAME ADDRESS S. 107 Howard, #500 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99204 •� I �ntilri • I : sl 4Ir, puN �,� •IC '0' •i '4';'1110 ; t; l )l: Its. JL I 1116 AUDITORS STAMP ORIGINATING ENTITY (ALL VOUCHER TYPES) • • 1099 REQ'D ID# LNINE O INVOICE NUMBER ACCOUNT FUND DISTRIBUTION, AGENCY IZAOBJ ON ACT OBJ SOURCE REV NUMBER CATEG ACCT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT P f :•t; 88-752 010 030 0008 2210 07 refund S20 00 • DETAIL DESCRIPTION Refs<nding 80% of permit #887,752 issued for a wood I, the undersigned do hereby certify under penalty of perjury TOTAL $20.00 stove at 4820 North Keller Road. The occupants of the building removed the stove. 80% of 25.00 = 20.00 that sufficient funds have been budgeted for this claim, the ma- terials have been furnished, ser- vices rendered or labor performed as described herein or contracted for, that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against Spokane County or fund agency TRAVEL CERTIFICATION I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that this is a true and correct claim for necessary expenses incurred by me and that no payment has been received by me on account thereof. SIGNED indicated above, that I am autho- TITLE VOUCHER • rized to authenticate and certify to said claim. DATE INTRA -GOVERNMENTAL FUND AGENCY RATION SUB ORfil SELLERS ACTIVITY ACCOUNT REVENUE SOURCE REV SRO DISTRIBUTION JOB NUMBER RPT' CATEG. OFFSET) RECEIVABLES ACCOUNT EXAMINED and ALLOWED DATE 19 CE T161CATION SIGNED � \•CHAIRMAN SELLER CERTIFICATION I, hereby certify that the materials have been furnished, the services SIGNED TITLE OFFICE MANAGER MEMBER rendered or the labor performed as described herein or contracted TITLE due and that for, and that the claim is a just, and unpaid obligation, to DATE DATE 5/6/88 MEMBER I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim.