1992, 05-26 Change of Address 10 /C239- , ' C'Qf) 32)v\VVV.- ‘ '71h k. ,, ,.24 ,/ - 1 -. 11 .1. yli ,---d I 0 ili:}"4%) ZA-c.o.).. ::. • . V .....,,, , , , , , ) a.) dtv24- .......e..4. „„,e...(A...e....., ex-f...0--,LJ 1-'t) A` • 1 a I , ,--e-A4... , 1 6 1 u.-<-• ._,e -,) .294.-(_ N . , ,ie) ot_ ) /476/6 7 ez ..e- g (-) 1 eiGe ce6 / ct 4/e 6.4— a -.71-i / ..) L, \' /4e01 k. / &A. 2), ....,,,L --. ..., ' ..i\1 .,.. 4-- frr-1-1,' 0,--1 - -) eLlt e-t.fr.. ,(,Gt-i-64.. ..-e8) -4 .-- J .• .t V_ +44 i•-c-4—.- 44-1 rt.e.,,t-1 ts 1,.` •-1 /4 62.12‘&41:-sti 1;..1z ./J,71.-gaet_./' -a ...., /. /?w, 7 A-7 /i--ek.,) Yi 4' 4 # t bf '!2!..- s+_. F1' Ilii III.= S P O K A N E i' 14 x- tLILLL :. C OC) U N T Y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS JAMES L.MANSON,C.B.O.,DIRECTOR May 26, 1992 Mr. Richard Eplen East 14007 Rockwell Avenue Spokane, Washington 99216 RE: Change of Address - Parcel Number 02542-5110 Dear Mr. Eplen: Please be advised that in order to better identify your residence this office has found it necessary to revise your current address from E. 14007-14009 Rockwell Avenue to East 14005-14007 Rockwell Avenue. It is extremely important that the following items be accomplished as soon as possible and remain as assigned: 1. Post your address for emergency vehicle purposes, as required in Section 10.208 of the Uniform Fire Code. If emergency vehicles; i.e. , police, fire, ambulance, are hindered in responding to a call because of a wrong address, you may be held liable. 2 . Notify your post office of your address. 3 . Notify your telephone company of the change. We sincerely regret any inconvenience this revision may cause. Please feel free to contact this office between the hours of 8: 00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. , weekdays, should you have any questions. - Sincerely yours, Jeffrey E. Forry Senior Building Technician JEF: fmh cc: Health District Fire District No. 1 County Assessors Office CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509)456-3675 FAX(509)456-4703