2016, 02-23 Regular Formal MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, February 23, 2016 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at approximately 6:50 p.m. (The preceding 5:00 p.m.special meeting ran long,hence the lateness of starting this 6:00 regular meeting.) Attendance: Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember John Hohman, Comm& Eco. Develop Dir. Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks&Recreation Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem Erik Guth, Public Works Director Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a pastor, a few moments of silence were observed. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council, staff and audience rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA:It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard,seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Wood: no report. Councilmember Hafner: no report. Councilmember Grafos: said he attended the Spokane Auto Show, the Employee Appreciation Event at Bumpers, and the Chamber meeting concerning the economic forecast. Councilmember Gothmann:said he met with members of the American Islamic Relations at a local mosque and spoke to many leaders who said they just want to meet and live peacefully without discrimination or bullying; also attended a Visit Spokane meeting with a presentation by the Arts Commission; and the Chamber meeting concerning the economic forecast. Councilmember Pace: said he attended the annual Boy Scouts breakfast, and the Chamber luncheon and meeting. Deputy Mayor Woodard: said the Boy Scout function raised over$220,000. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Higgins reported that he also attended the Spokane Auto show; went to Mayor Condon's State of the City speech; attended and gave a talk at the Mica Peak High School, an early learning center dedication;went to the GSI Trade and Transportation Show;gave an address to some of the VFW past presidents; and went to the Chamber lunch. PROCLAMATION: (see below under public comments) PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comments. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-23-2016 Page 1 of 7 Approved by Council:03-22-2016 Barbara Lomax: Spokane Valley: she asked not to be on the three-minute timer so she could ask a question. She said she came into City Hall about 2 p.m. and asked about the meeting room and time of the meeting, and was given a copy of the agenda,and told the meeting was at 6:00 p.m.; and she asked why this meeting started over an hour early. Mayor Higgins explained that we had a special meeting and Ms. Lomax asked how that was publicized.At the behest of Mayor Higgins,City Clerk Bainbridge explained about the special 5:00 p.m. meeting, and the process of public notification for that meeting. Then speaking on the topic for which she originally came to the meeting, said she understands the City has a contract with the cable company;that she got a mailing about a month ago informing her that the CMT channel would be dropped; and over the following few months, was further notified of Comcast dropping two more channels, yet her bill was not reduced accordingly, and she suggested that perhaps the City Attorney could answer that question. City Attorney Driskell said that if she would leave her contact information, staff will look into the situation and get back to her. To go back a little Mayor Higgins mentioned the proclamation tonight acknowledging Developmental Disabilities Awareness Week. It was noted that unfortunately the person to receive the proclamation from the ARC had to leave the meeting earlier. Mayor Higgins read the proclamation declaring March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Mayor Higgins then invited further public comments. Krisinda Marshall, Spokane Valley: regarding sidewalks; said she was concerned by a nice letter she got on Saturday regarding the sidewalks; said back on January 20, some Councilmembers were present at the meeting for the sidewalks; it was very heated with the neighbors giving reasons why they were against the sidewalk; but the letter stated that "following the comments received at the public meeting held January 20`h on the project,the City would like to gather input from property owners near the project site.Generally those properties from 8th Avenue to Appleway Trail along both sides of Blake." She said she thinks that is great,but then the next line goes on to read"on Saturday February 27th beginning at 9 a.m."—so on Saturday —"the City staff plans to mark the proposed sidewalk using marking paint, survey stakes and ribbon." She said this makes no sense, because on January 20th the comments were not positive; all the comments received were negative, and even though there were so many negative comments, we are going to come stake your properties anyway. She said that along with that, they got a map of individual properties; said she understands that the area is the right-of-way and not really their own property, but a lot of people will lose landscaping, curbing, driveways, and fencing. She said it is not the sidewalk she is concerned about, but is the safety of those walking up and down the street; there are car accidents, thefts, and other things that need to be addressed first; said they have been advised by one of the Councilmembers to call crime check and/or 9-1-1 to make sure incidents are reported; said she made several 9-1-1 calls in the last week regarding accidents, speeding, possible drugs houses that they have watched in their neighborhood; said that she thinks this needs to be reconsidered, and that she will be attending the next CDBG meeting. Elizabeth Sexton, Spokane Valley: she read a letter she said she wrote to Ray Wright, and that she would read the letter she delivered yesterday: "It seems like you are trying to do an end-run around the homeowners on Blake Road as well as some of the Councilmembers. I believe you have received our input on more than one occasion regarding the sidewalk that no one wants. That input was received on January 20' and was from the property owners." She said this letter states like they want to gather input form the property owners,well, she continued to read: "we already gave you our input,what more do you need. We will continue to oppose the sidewalk as a project that isn't needed. We have sidewalks on McDonald and Evergreen,as well as bike paths,and this is not wanted,and we will be at the Council meeting January 23`d, which is today,to also voice our objections." She said it's kind of funny because she was reading an article about unshoveled walks from a Spokane Valley Councilman; and said it is very true because Mr. Grafos brought this up about not having the sidewalks shoveled; said if in an older neighborhood, there are snowplows that pile the snow on the sidewalks but the residents are expected to keep those walks cleared and if we don't, we are subject to a fine. She said it says here,that we are classified as a low to moderate- income neighborhood;and those people who can't do their own because of their age,won't be able to afford to hire someone to do it either. She said we just don't need the sidewalk. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-23-2016 Page 2 of 7 Approved by Council:03-22-2016 Nina Fluegal, Spokane Valley: said she agrees with the previous statements about not having a sidewalk that leads to an Appleway Trail that no one wants anyway; also mentioned there are a group of teenagers gathering before class in the small parking lot on the east side of Browns Park,where they smoke cigarettes and e-cigarettes and laugh at the security officer who can't do anything about it since the kids are not on school property, and she suggested that some police officers should disburse them; said the kids are near other people's properties, and they are under eighteen and not supposed to be smoking. Mike Davisson, Spokane Valley: said he attended the last several council meetings and sees a disturbing trend; that he sees motions being brought forth without any conversation and without any public input and then immediately being voted on with some of the Councilmembers stating that they hadn't even seen this before and had no idea about it prior to the meeting; said he doesn't know exactly how that can happen because we have an open meetings act in Washington, and that he guesses everyone is just on the same wavelength, and that they wouldn't be having meetings outside a public forum because that wouldn't be legal; said that we are watching this and is something that has to be addressed; and when Council brings in a motion,there should be public comment and should have ample materials for the other Councilmembers to read and you shouldn't be just voting it through. As an example, he said on Council's study session when they brought up a letter, said there was a phone call to Mr. Pace from Mike Padden to support a bill moving from committee to the assembly floor and Mr. Pace brought up no text of the bill and that he was told by several other Councilmembers that they hadn't read the bill, yet Mr. Pace was asking for support. He asked how could someone support it without ever reading it; said that makes no sense,and the fact that it is a complex water right issue even leads to more questions as to public input to understanding all aspects of the bill, and not just a last minute emergency,"oh we gotta send a letter to support this." He said that is not the type of government we need, it not the type of government we should have, and that he thinks state law says that it's not the type of government that the city should be running. Gabe Chambers, Spokane Valley: said he is not ok with the sidewalk; that he read a bunch of articles and it is just not safe; and clearly everybody is not ok with it. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Feb 23, 2016 Request for Council Action Form,Totaling: $2,663,113.24 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending February 15, 2016: $384,907.10 c. Approval of February 2, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session d.Approval of February 9, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Formal Format e. Approval of February 16,2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Motion Consideration: Comprehensive Plan Contract—John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Agreement for Professional Services with Van Ness Feldman for the update of the Comprehensive Plan, Phase Three. Director Hohman explained that this motion is in follow-up to last week's discussion concerning completion of the comprehensive plan process that began November 2014, which process needs to be completed by June 2017; said they have held several public meetings; four Planning Commission meetings and thirteen Council meetings to discuss this issue; that this Comp Plan Review will be completed in three phases, the third of which is addressed by this contract. Mr. Hohman gave a re-cap of the other phases; said the entire document will be economic development focused with unique items for each goal and policy,and the contractors will make sure everything is legal and defensible. Mayor Higgins invited public comment.Mr. Lynn Plaggemeier said he hopes there will be another citizens Minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-23-2016 Page 3 of 7 Approved by Council:03-22-2016 preservation group for the comp plan and rather than have roundtables and notes which works well for administration, to get input from the people; said there needs to be a time when this is open to the public for comments, and that he hopes such interaction will be started; said he wanted an opinion from the contractor and asked if the location of the city hall had any effect on any portion of the comp plan, and if so was it the driving factor,a small factor,or no factor at all. There were no further public comments. In response to a question from Councilmember Pace about the term of the contract and any extensions,Mr. Driskell explained that any change must be agreed to by both parties. Councilmember Pace said he hopes that this turns into a hard deadline; that he wanted it done a year earlier and was told the only way was to spend about $400,000 for a consultant, but by the time it is all over, we would have spent $571,000, and said it would be a shame if the deadline slipped any further. Councilmember Grafos said he feels as if we are between a rock and a hard spot with the population allocation from Spokane County, as that issue was what pushed this back; said this is a very complicated document,and not unlike the Shoreline Master Plan, we can't just jump in; it must be done right and this consultant will do all they can to get this done and done correctly; since this will be the future of our City for the next ten to fifteen years,we must take the time and do it right. Councilmember Gothmann said he is no fan of the Growth Management Act, but spending that much on this plan is a shame; while Councilmember Hafner said he feels the additional expenses are worthwhile so as to avoid the lawsuits the County had,and said he knows staff is working to get is done as soon as possible. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointments, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee—Mayor Higgins After Mayor Higgins announced his appointments for this committee, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee as follows: Representing an entity which collects the tax: Colleen Heinselman, for a term beginning immediately upon appointment and expiring December 31, 2017; and Representing an individual involved in activities funded by the tax: Chuck Stocker,for a term beginning immediately upon appointment and expiring December 31, 2017. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Approval of City Hall Plan—John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve the final City Hall plans as presented and authorize the City Manager to proceed with the bid process. Director Hohman gave a brief history of the project, which he explained has been discussed since the City's incorporation; said the first programming document was drafted in 2008,revised in 2013,and again in 2015;that this has been a Council goal for every year since 2009 with the current process to select a site beginning in 2012; at Council's request, staff analyzed buildings for sale and one could not be found that met the City's needs,so available properties were researched and Council selected the U-Cities property, with a formal purchase of the 3.4 acres at the corner of Sprague and Dartmouth in December 2014,for a price of$1.157 million, and that the contract for the design and construction services is just under$1 million. After Mr. Hohman's explanation of the history of this project,Councilmember Gothmann asked if there is a requirement to have art,and Mr. Hohman replied there is not; however,the idea of having art in the building has been element of the project for some time. At the request of Deputy Mayor Woodard,Mr.Hohman also explained the list of alternates. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Mr. Lynn Plaggemeier said he wants justification for the city hall along with the economic justification for the new city hall; said he put in a formal request for the justification and that a clerk or anybody could have pulled it and given it to him; said he has not received anything which led him to believe that after a week, maybe there never was a justification put down on paper that the council could give; said he really questioned if anybody provided Council with something to make a decision about the city hall; said it is very bothersome. Concerning Mr. Hohman's presentation of a contract for$225,000,that he doesn't know if Council knows what kind of inspection that buys and he asked if the City will get stuck for all the testing; regarding the alternate basement, he asked if the elevator would go all the way to the basement as if not, it Minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-23-2016 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Council:03-22-2016 won't comply with the handicap design; said the plan needs another look and Council better start looking a little more critical as far as the cost as no one has been really out front on telling what it will cost. Ms. Peggy Doering: said in reference to Mr. Gothmann's questions about public art said she applied for both economic development and tourism funding; said she believes the Spokane Valley Arts Council was given a grant to help build shelves someplace; and said if you go back you can see there was some actual discussion and an award was made to help with that; said she applauds the design process and thoughtful comments and is glad it is coming together. Mr.John Harding, Spokane Valley said he is coming to the discussion late;that he addressed this a couple of weeks ago; said this process started in 2008 but a lot has happened since then, and members of the Council have changed; said this economy and the national economy is very fragile and it will have an impact on us at some point; said during last year we went from a full time to a part-time nation; that the mean income dropped $4,000; said he is concerned whether this is the proper time to do this and maybe a pause is warranted; said we are at war and the enemy is on our soil. Ms.Jennie Willardson: said the plans for the new city hall look beautiful and it will be such a nice addition for our city to have something the city owns; that it will help with economic development stating we are a city, and mentioned the jobs it will provide in building it; said she hopes we will work with the Spokane Valley Arts Council in getting some wonderful art work for the building. Ms. Barbara Lomax: said there could be some things to decorate the new city hall available locally from the Heritage Museum as they have collected a lot of material over the years, and said it would be entertaining and inexpensive in the decorating and in educating people who come to city hall. Mr.Lynn Plaggemeier:asked where does the five year plan for maintenance repair and capital improvement fit in the in the category of projects that need to be done; and it seems city hall is way down on the list. There were no further public comments. Council discussion included comment from Councilmember Gothmann that land is a good investment and we would purchase a building for the same reasons people buy a house, so we don't have to pay rent, and said we pay about$400,000 to$500,000 a month for this building;and said the new city hall will be a good addition to our City. Councilmember Grafos added that infrastructure projects will help our city and help revitalize that area; said the interest rates are low and the bond rates are great,and we would be trading rent for purchase. Mr. Calhoun noted that economic justification was given at the July 2012 council meeting where the escalating cost of staying in this building for thirty years was compared with owning our own building; and agreed that this decision is much like the decision many make to own a home versus renting; said we will have a building designated specifically for city operations and we look forward to revitalizing the area as this would very much be an economic development project. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Historic Preservation—Deputy Mayor Woodard It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded that the motion carried at the December 29, 2015 Council meeting to forward the Historic Preservation Program item to the Planning Commission for further consideration, be rescinded. Deputy Mayor Woodard said he makes this motion not because he doesn't like historic preservation, but he feels there was some hurry bringing back only the one option for a state type of historic preservation;with the information about the number of properties,he estimated one hundred or so wouldn't even qualify;thinks there are other options and instead of going with the one, suggests staff concentrate on the comp plan, and re-address the issue with more information, perhaps about Spokane County's plan and work under that plan;or maybe simply a city-sponsored type of plan; said Council needs to talk about that; and that he prefers to keep the Planning Commission available to take care of the comp plan, and come back later with this. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-23-2016 Page 5 of 7 Approved by Council:03-22-2016 Councilmember Grafos asked why we would deny our property owners and citizens who have invested in our city, the same economic benefit Spokane County has; said we can't provide those tax incentives on those buildings without being a Certified Local Government;that he feels it is worth the estimated cost of $15,000 a year to preserve our history and heritage;and if we don't try to help we will see a lot more parking lots and things going in the wrong direction; said we are trying to get major companies to our area and they look at some of those amenities for their employees;that it would be an all-voluntary program,and he feels this motion would be a short-sighted decision. Councilmember Hafner said Council spent a lot of time on this issue and the previous council voted four to three to move forward;said he feels that December decision is still valid;that the Planning Commission has plenty of time and once the Commission gives Council their recommendations, Council would have a better idea of what to do; said he wants to continue. Councilmember Pace said he thinks it's great for buildings to be preserved, but it should be about the land owner and not the government; he questioned if there is a true benefit to the property owner; mentioned a previous case involved a citizen wanting to move his one-hundred year old home and the problems associated with that move; said due to building code issues,the house isn't even legal; said he thought we could roll back the building code and make it easier for building owners but that is not the case; said he won't vote for it unless there is a benefit for property owners;and he resents the idea that the National Park Service has to approve our city historical preservation program; said that is most ridiculous. Councilmember Wood said as a former member of the Planning Commission, being on that Commission takes a lot of work and a lot of time reading and with the comp plan coming up, this would be an extra burden on the Planning Commission and he prefers revising this issue after the completion of the comp plan.Councilmember Gothmann said he too is a former member of the Planning Commission and when he was on the Commission, they did the first com plan; said he thinks one can still eat and chew gum at the same time; said he is not afraid of state and federal codes, and that is one of the reasons to send this to the Planning Commission so they can address that. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Jennie Willardson: said she does not want to see this rescinded and is very much in favor of historic preservation; that she is a historic preservation activist and that it is great for economic development and she mentioned the City of Spokane's historic preservation is going well; said they have historic home concerts and other functions to acknowledge the historic buildings, and there is a national conference for historic preservation; said it also increases property values. There were no further public comments. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor:Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmembers Pace and Wood. Opposed: Councilmembers Grafos, Hafner and Gothmann. Motion carried. At the request of the Mayor, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to defer the administrative reports except the advance agenda, to the next meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Public Comments were not solicited. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6. Comprehensive Plan Existing Conditions Report—Lori Barlow. Deferred to a future meeting. 7. SCRAPS Update—Mark Calhoun, Morgan Koudelka. Deferred to a future meeting. 8. Sidewalk/Snow Removal—Cary Driskell. Deferred to a future meeting. 9. Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Concerning the Blake Sidewalk project,Councilmember Pace said he was disappointed there was marking done at the site as if the project were moving forward, and said he thought there was previous discussion about this being re-visited. Deputy Mayor Woodard stated that it is on the March 1 agenda, and he will be making a presentation on what happened at the CDBG meeting and where it stands there,prior to the March 3 public hearing at the Public Health Building, on all those allotments that were made at the CDBG Board meeting. Councilmember Pace asked if Council is going to get to vote on this; Deputy Mayor Woodard Minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-23-2016 Page 6 of 7 Approved by Council:03-22-2016 suggested it might be made into a motion, and Councilmember Pace also asked that a vote be taken on the issue. Councilmember Gothmann agreed with the idea of having a vote. Deputy City Manager Calhoun said that following the January 20 meeting, City Manager Jackson committed to having our Public Works and Community Development Departments meet with the neighbors, and the conclusion was rather than meet in a room, to instead meet with the neighbors in the neighborhood to give them a sense of what the sidewalk would look like;and how it would run through the neighborhood; and that meeting is set up for this Saturday February 27 beginning at 9 a.m. until about 11 a.m.; he said we heard that all of the comments taken January 20 were against the project, but that wasn't the entire neighborhood so the idea was to get out and do that. Deputy Mayor Woodard said that would probably be appropriate information in addition to what he will have for the meeting next week as to what happened at the CDBG meeting.Mr.Calhoun said this isn't staff pushing,but rather staff making an attempt to educate the entire neighborhood; he said the previously mentioned letter went out to all of the residents on Blake Road between the Appleway Trail and 8th and some of the surrounding areas, and also the letter briefly explained the project and indicated staff was going to put in paint marks, etc., to give a sense of where this sidewalk would run along the right-of-way,and included in the letter was a drawing that provided an overall concept of what it would look like, and for the individual property owners on the east side of the street where the sidewalk would go,a second drawing was included customized to that area.Deputy Mayor Woodard asked if it would be appropriate to have an action item placed on the next agenda as the way it stands now,there is no funding for it; and said he can't go to that public hearing meeting on the 3`d and say that we accept that; said in speaking right up front, he advocated against the project because of what was going on with the neighborhood and other projects that we had to look at to try to figure out what we were going to do with them and follow the County's instructions, and said that he wants to go into that next week; he said he thinks he needs a vote from the council to go get our money or whatever it is they decide. Councilmember Hafner said he would also like to see the results of the Saturday discussions with the neighborhood prior to making a decision. Mr. Calhoun said staff will put together information concerning that meeting,to be distributed to Council. Councilmember Grafos said he feels it is a great idea for staff to go out there and mark the sidewalk,but as a caution,we had this grant pending,which means that is money our citizens would not have to spend for this sidewalk; we have to be careful and make the right decision for all our citizens; and the issue is, is the sidewalk project good for the city overall. Mr. Calhoun said the results meeting with the public at the site this Saturday will be part of the packet for next Tuesday evening. The (10)Department Monthly Reports; and (11) Third Avenue Preservation Project were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: There were no comments. It was moved by Deputy Mayor, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. ATT S L.R. Higgins, . o AI giV ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting:02-23-2016 Page 7 of 7 Approved by Council:03-22-2016 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT /1 (dPSIGN-IN SHEET SPOKA(1?- NE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 23, 2016 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT r >krv war 5t-,e )17a, -fl Please note that once information is entered on this.form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (0 1 0 SIGN-IN SHEET (p, 0 ( SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 23, 2016 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE: Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT 'i)Ai2C,A- � t s 1noc�� v,tc �� e 1 Zw/y- (2,6t1 �j Li/r --�H 14-id r Rti' & CVEll f\:-/- LL ft' (,/.. \aK‘ (Smak -t&,41) .t.( 1?)\cL:Le_ rcf ,Sc°,1wetiL --Spolcal, V allgil Co m jy ,i9 At 4 c vil<'/ ems / �, /7 / c,77 ,r, z � Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure.