1978, 10-03 Permit: N0270 Inspectr -i r INSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK T N S E ` W FINAL INSPECTION: SET BACKS DATE ' REMARKS: publoswV61 SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT �2 /,/ NUMBER N U !, "r`o' waw - N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 land Use or Structure Permit Property Address ............. (basawat Group I Type_ V Zone AWsililftyal Permit for 6 .. AttvabG4• Owner----. . ................ Address ....... Nis 41IM - L P h o n e jpjj,,,tIM. Arch/Eng....... -. .............................. ................................... Address ------------------------------------------- * --------------- --------------.Phone.............................. ------------- Phone .............................. Contractor W1L M.X&ppft-.4_-A*s"._ft* . ......... Address clic'Phone....-...7 Location: Roadway R/W Width Xl+Parcel .....iYot •R'-t-out6*1-iidi .IMAMA_1*Mt­j4"--nA F - -------- ------- awage. Bldg. Zone . ----..;.Fire Zone-.-------ASize of Lot from Stories SISDimensions ---- ----- 14 it -At --- U130ill jlfj*l ----------------- Total Sq. Ft --------- — -------- Valuation..— Rms 0--Baths/RR I Basement ftUFoundation 41gloileftlAgi...Chimney ag"ireplace ..... iiiiiiijoAg, System. gj,"e.41111, Type of Roofing..._.. 111.41111114"JAIM _Ext. Finish vis...... ---- .__......Int. Wall Finish 4*"4kjj ............ Bdrms 2 Certificate of Occupancy Issued for PAAIA§9a&*-.SAY94P- AN& 4111W attesbad --- - . ...................... ------ ----------- RgraiLks "�!Lbiiittvww *14 --a r R, PligiiiiIii, --- it--flaiii -rot . �A~ eAvilb _L so _ 0"* W S& a" "S P*m Till" 0011HIRM " "C"111117. - biwitkiffi*­ - fnA&_XW=1=- win mi-CAU"410-MIM ----- - --- -- ................ low ........... ...... ...... .. P" ----------- ---------- --------_--------- ------------------------- - -----------........................................................... L ............. THIS PERMIT 1. %ranted upon the enter, condition that the building or 71and.. for which he Par. Inoad 0.11 —far. in all ...Decca to all he ndift, ... I of Ine county of .7 Spoke.*, Feg,I,tI,j I , —truction, on and occupancy 0 puIIdi,g:jISpoke. nl;C may b 1. at nY time upon the violation of any 0-th. Planklons of aid ordlnancaa, or Jallure of plan, a, approved, to comply with old ordinance,. I can . n'. t In alteration of the I.:u an'. -It for Ine election Signa of Aid sign, where directed by bounty Official, and hall remove the sold I,, at the eapir'll" of the Permit onto, ng.l.,�yth:rbwn. This permit will be good only for commencement o ork wl I IR months, and the entire completion thereof within from this date, after which time this permit will be vo Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires....... AQP_411.40*.AM By ............ ......................................... INSPECTOR Fee Pid $--V.DJD dd Date Issued 111/28/11111