1989, 09-11 Permit: 89003294 Sewer SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BIk rWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the Information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct.In aodition,I have read and underst:+nd the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same.All provisions of laws I and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.I undorstano that the Issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction,or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT MATE r•. i.....,.. >. 8900329 DATE= 09/11 /89 i"'i`,fF:::: 0.1 APPLICATION i rr77 1£**)E)t•*)t•#***•)t 1,:**1t.)r ti di. )':),:1!:1i•.1,:)i*.**.*.*.);::;1, APPLICATION .)i..)i. ) )k 1i),:1i')!...)r.)i '1,:)i 1;••ii•*tt.•*)i.***.);..);.r:.)t..) :;i. SITE STREET= 12824 E S .t - ,...S.,... PARCELt= 27542-1409 ADDRESS= r••,2,. 6 PERMIT USE= SEWER CONNECTION "" 8801 *** SEE NOTE 1i.*•'ii• PLATt= 001844 PLAT NAME= C)FP};R'T'UN:F.TY TERRACE: 3RD ADI) BLOCK= ::3 LOT= :>' ZI::)N1::::::: i:tGS'.lB D:C aT•'= AREA= 170000000 F';' l::: F WIDTH= a':J DEPTH= 140 F::/W= 0 OF BLDG S:.. 0 DWIELL..INGS:::. 1 OWNER= Y " f. 1 . OREN FtiJF . 509 ! : i .,,..!•._: . '{ ETREET= 12824 E Sf11...T E SE RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 CONTACT N A Mu ::c DONNA _ ,LF : r . LPHONE NiSC = 509 9. q 5435 BUILDING SETBACKS : S E} ) , C K [ • I . PT' h1 LEFT= J tRIGHT= NA REAR= t . t . : f • 1i'1i•1i•)i'h:'1k),:hi 1t:•1f n:'H'*hi.)i.)t:;i.1j..if.:ii•},:•t!i),:1j:1i'1j.:ii•... SEWER PERMIT *11;1i'1!:.)i•tt**1i.1U*1i..)i..),..)i..)j..)r..*..)!..)j..),..)!,:;j..)i..)1.)j.:;,.:;j.1j..)i. (CONT'RACT'OR:::: i::o1..n cHAINE CONSTRUCTION F.I'IC)NE:::: 509 924 5405 1 >4i;:>2 I::: VAL..L..I:::` WAY DDRESS :: VE:RADA1...E WA 99037 I:TEM DI:::SC:RIPT1:ON L!LJANT:I:TY FEE A 'iOUNT ' OCES INr FEl1SEWER CONNECTION 1 •• 40 ,00 E::RMIT 'T` F'E F"EE AT•fC)!IN•T' U •1T Pi: D eiM:It.I;,l•i C)W::; C;S ! ErtIT 5{: !`50, 00 ,00 50 , 00 . ................REET:;:: ESSE:D BY • J,.II...IE SH ATO PRINTED BY : ..?U1...T.E sH!`fT r t:) SEWER tiTUB AS .T I } L . T » F 7 a^ I ?' IS AVAILABLE ,T THE COUNTY 4 C. UTILITIES I. IESP?. .,,T?! .:.NT ( 456-3604 ) CONTRACTOR O R APPLICANT . : TO FIELD LOCATE "N D CONFIRM THE ELEVATION AND POSITION OF SEWER STUB f'F;:}.(:.1!t TO ANY OT'IHE::! EXCAVATION TO LOCATE B , . :AB ti : , GA 4PIPING, WATER ER E } , ECT, , CALL BEFORE r 00) SEWER E ER SrU {rARE TO BE CHECKED ; rOR TO CONNECTION - O INSRE THAT THEY ARE CLEAR AND UNOBSTRUCTED D T( THE SE:::WII:::F:, MAIN *******K* CALL FC)R INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVER •)i..p;.)!;:*.)r.11:1,:),:1,:11: .)i.•h:)i)i )!:p),;.),:l 24 HOUR .I:j..)i•...),:. d ti R N O i ! t : R i : J CRE ) ) ) ) ) i i i 1 1 i ) h* r 456....3604 •ik)•.A1 ) Nki)11: *: *:r:.ff fi:* 1i•**..)i•)t•)i•)E)i 1 •)t)r$);:)i•*•h•• )E k U:*1t..).. THANK ' C !! 1i•*1,:1E 1!:)i•) ii•1 )E*)t)k) .) )t'h:•a:1e..)i•*h)i•/t')(*)i 1,:1i•*. . 1