1978, 06-09 Permit: M6630 Residence�.../�.,•� -.... ...--.-m•-. ..,�.�_.,.�.,...,,.�..:�-P--..�,._-..._._.,��.�...._..,...,,,.,..,i._......-..-�..-o-..'.�•.-..r-r••-...e-r*..s•+-�+s-.a..._.�..�..Y...�..r--.:. �_.:_.�.....,...Tz....._�-:_.-.-.._.�.._...-..�__.-__..�....�.,,�..-..T----�.__�.,.f.......,.,_r.� j SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL NUMBER M G6,3 0 g 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 944111 / Land Use or Structure Permit Property Address......_$h#W_0Ck__S.t..,...St.._.. 4.07. ... ..RBRI_a S--- 4175 t Group-------1-----Type .....V ----- Zone ----- Agr1�C;L11�.itral --- suburban Permit for-- -W Reti.d_ence gtrage---at at-Whed ----------------------- owner--Larry--P..e¢ii1�ti---TUf-2Bi_,_.I!>a6.-s-----Add ress----.----.,i8-_..I9.-re31_Il.,k_.5�911---------.Phone...._-_i.9i-.--- 0 Architect--- ....................................... ------------------------.--.Address-.------_--------------------------------------------- ------ ---------- ._..Phone------- ....... -------------- Contractor...Sg--------------------------------------------------- -------------- Address .... _Sam ---- ------•-----------.------------------------------------- Phone ------..Saw------------ Location: Parcel Numl4P43-M5.----- Lot-1,$J4ek--- a,--Rotchford--Acrd---Tr&CU— ----- Road-_) w_6ID'--..._Miry-_hld9------- w4acks--frm -all --- pr'aper--ty--- Ii -w. ..... fron-t.yaxd-..Q-f.-at--least--55'....f. .-c - -A--o ---r .-r *.or __2 '-------. frm--front --p/l-n-,whichavar- 4sgr.eater-,---f-1-a-ak-Ing--air-eets-- AS! ---fr=--c/-1-n--ofIs, ... fr-M------ j�/1�, w&ichever fs grea-ter....side--yawl---5-'--fes--each---s-toy-„-1Q'---an--one--side---folr---dr-iuewey,---whein- gar-age-4s--detached-and--fno ally, 2S'- rear- yalyd--er-Dare-,---1f --- rewired --by- Zn�$ldg. urs/ter Fire'' Bld Zone_-_. --_Fire Zone____ Size of Lot --- ___._Sewa a ep Const..._._. g� 1 5--- 13g -x304-----##+�--------- -- --- - g --s tic frame---------------------- ------------ ----------- ---- -- Stories_______ .-_Dimensions._ _ .� + ____Total S Ft._____ Valuation.__ , I Y7 e43-- -24- X3Il----....int- -gar 4 ,�47� - � �} i?� Rms------ 6 --- BathsjRR-_--- ,,2tg_...Basement_ {v'j_1._Foundation_:.-------(M ......... ....Chimney__ftn--- Fireplace.brr2_-_ Htg. System --- elec f,a ----- Type -_. T e of Roofing -Ext. Finish._ .-----_ --..___._--___.____..Int. Wall Finish ------ dIR11_______.______._._____Bdrms,_t__.______ Certificate of Occupant Issued for____�1�1�Alb-OVS..w Ptumbi-eg--and..h�tilig -¢ tu---w'e--r*quired,. _-00---SY7�6 _ Remarks- OF --CONSTRUCTION RUST HAVE _IINSPt�TtO�tS--CAl.�.,E€�---,--1�5-- QE��I � �t�M'_CC��E------ )ST CONFORM ALL-.CI NTYCODEREQUIREMENTS. __FIi4At. -I SP -f'f'IOP -RBST--X--Cly,. 13.-F ES__ tM1M Ct "{pICTiON-- tltifl------- 0_916 T'd--f�CCUFAiiCY_0 RES1DEK C1lL 4th-357$,_Prfor f9 14j _sR ,- f a#1. I pectiot# t RO¢1ucOt--M.___2175.-----*t-•------ tke..±datectar.. s...rm.1red A---1/fir ... r.4.tW... I- ..wa11..sep.ro ort ------ rewired- between residence and.__garAga,--------- - ......................... --- ------ ------ - --------------------------------------- THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said.s.ign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. - This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within____ y___e8r___ from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires. ---- s%Mne..9,...1912.............. By.................................................................... --------- -_---_----- INSPECTOR -- Fee Paid $ �3� stf Date Issued --- ---- ---- 619/ lrlllc 78 Building fWNDAIION 2. STEEL 3. FRAWk".G .._..« ........ I b ;� Iola bad *Ise bfiX-- _321i #V-WX- :it#-- lCJ TO qrj" 9AOS 91i� p? �mmf-,.,rnja pr{in --------- . .............. ..t Asn nir .... ROD_ ---nog slnua I ....... T"l --- �,'jflitooq to jq hwi lws.. eflim q,_ 7. FIREPLACES lot b9u�d rnsgo-rD 1p TWA J401. POITIMM-V % M TMOD UA OT K GARAGE 30 n geg �3, HEATING SYSTEM - --- --- 1-T f) Sc ?l A r, -;b v, �Ht bnS erltnbm xia nidtiw Aim to snsmq7n9mmo3 161,,0i�U'villiA yd b9shodluA b! I ov id Mw flmiqq �aiw Aril (I-i;nk vv, w'. blrA gal 3m