2013, 03-18 Permit App: APR-2013-0007 ApproachV3/10/LV IJ VI ...II Sp�kane~ Community Development Department Permit Center 11703 East Sprague Avenue, Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 720-5240 Fax: (509) 688-0037 permitcenrerevokaneval lev_org i (Staff Use Only) PEaMrr NUMBER: VW R 13' O'> PERMIT FEE: APPROACH PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT ADDRESS: / g 2/ 4, 'r S/k640-woAJ START DATE: BUILDING OWNER NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: I 8-2 l (0 4AJK.X.3 CITY: Uy ey STATE: CONTACT PERSON NAME: e PRONE: FAx CONTRACTOR NAME: F/ VC C.-TrAse ems''",DE MAILING ADDRESS: Al. 6, c 2.$r M,:-'— e a./ Crrv: en $ e/P-44444tD.S STATE: PHONE: 2260'-/.117 / CONTRACTOR LICENSE #: k/ ss -16i 2 Qom = / - / ' ' /4/ Zww: 440? -7 CELL: (JR/ / ~f C v 110 ZIP: FAx: Z.Z-4, f/57 CELL: 10/ /Y 0(act,,�r CITY BUSINESS LICENSE #: �aso- V 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please Provide Site Sketch). 90..- f Commerciat/Iaustrial Driveway E Rural Road, $ectiOOct \J""D Sidewalk Repair/Construction ,Residential cway ,44�l,‘04e.e4 . a. Existing Curb & Gutter Culvert Installation Other Conditions: r.nt'3 4Js SNl ���n,1�� CENCE Bond/Insurance certification must be on file with the City. ` U J- N DISCLAIMER The permitted verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that 1) if this permit -is -for construction or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction_ 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) The City of Spokane Valley permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. Signature Date: DE -001; V-1 Page 1 of 2 t.),5/ ZV 10 V I .;) I APPROACH PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIRED SKETCH INFORMATION Provide required measurements (in sketch boxes), and include street name. Check all existing conditions that apply: EiSidewallc ft wide ft from back of curb EISIreetside Swale elCahage Ditch ell (show location on sketch) NiOther (please describe below) 1111 z 1- = Ri CURB 1 z. DISTANCE FROM NEAREST PROPERTY UE MAY BE LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE) FT SEETABLE) CONCRETE APPROACH -0-0-- WINO TI-IROAT WIDTHSTP3FT (SEE TAB STREET NAME 0, Ei EDGE OF ASPHALT 4' WINO 152.1.10".14...01.) STREET WITH CURB DISTANCE FROM hEAREST PROPERTY LINE iBE LEFT OR ROW SIDE) FT PEE TABLE) ASPHALT APPROACH THROAT WI DTHIED FT (SEE TAB STREET NAM E \RETURN • IF CORNER LOT, DISTANCE FROM RETURN FT (SEE TABLE) II" I 15' RADIUS RADIUS RETURN STREET WITH ASPHALT EDGE IF CORNER LOT, DISTANCE FROM RADIUS RETURN =I FT (SEE TABLE) Approach Requirements: • Maximum 2 approaches per property frontage; one on arterials. . • • .1 otai width or approaches not to CXMOU ,V70 va aavaavaFp wawa, Residential Approaches Commercial Approaches Distance from Curb/Radius Return 15' minimum 75' minimum Separation between Approaches (measured from centerline to centerline of each approach) None specified See Page 7-27 in City Street Standards Throat Width (flat 16' min., 30' max. 30' min., 40' max. portion) Wing Width (at curb line) 4 feet typical 4 feet typical 5.0' Minimum Distance from Side Property Linc ((4 r/w) 5.0' Minimum Distance from Crosswalk 5' . 5' DE -001: V-1 Page 2 of 2 VO/I0/4VIJ VI.JI March 14, 2013 SMARED-VISION. 4041Fitp.APP.517taccH. \ Mr. 'Wayne McGavran \ G°\FCCS) i'-'- '") Engineering TeChniCian CAN), of Spokane Valley.\ 11.707 E:. Sprague Averiue, Ste,. 106 ,., ,,i.,.,-, .,_ (-•,'0, S--''-- Spokane•Valley„ WA 99206 , 0SN \-) -,--- ....,.. Ptr... (509) 6E384174. ', Subject; Driveway Letter for 18216 E. Shannon Avenue (Pareet:#55074., bear Mr. MCG.avraiy. \--- ..OnbeheN of the:leskle.nts et 18216 E •ShannonAvenise. in the GreenacreeValleyEstates rPSidentiai.developmerit, Five Star Concrete, Inc would like to widen the existing driveway approach by .15J to the Beat. This results in approximately 150 ft2 of. additibrial driveway impervioussarea.. The lot is located atthe corner :of Shannon Avenue and Greenacres Road,.With the main .. . driveway facing North off Shannon Avenue. The lot has been highlighted in. the attached .fichibit s`ii Site .Mao for refe're.rice.. 'The' pirOpoSed .driVeWay-Widening is highlighted in, the ettched. E)thi1,,)4 .13''.A.DrivewavfOr Reference. The City.Of Spokane Valley was collected regarding this requestSirice this iteit driveway wouldextend across an:existing. drainage swale and also add additional impervious area to the system, the Five Star Concrete Wasinstructed that .befOretheir request.could be approved, they neededto verify that the.construction of this new driveway would not.cause any adverse impads to the existing .drainage swale. USKH has.been hired tapomptete this reviewandproyide ouranaly4sof this request... .As the original deign engineer .forthisprojett, we are tniquely..qualifred to rnakelthiS determination. *arra Water Anahrs: To review the impacts; USKH reviewed the specific portionsof the approved drainage report and the:design pian sheets for this area. FrOm the basin maps, ..the applicable roadwayareas draining:to:the svrales are Identified as sutt basins D4 arid D5 (See Exhibit 41A"). Basin. 04 Contains 3,394 ff2 of irriperviriUs area arid Basin D5:oontains 510'ft2 of_ impervious area. Together; this :accounts for 54% { (3;394 + 510)1 7,267y) Of the -overall impeiviOus roadway area used ih the sizing calcUlations. This percentage will be usedto analyze thespecific impacts to the affected sub basins D4 and 05 as they relate the entire basin analysis. Architecture Engineering tand.Surveying Planning: Environmental •Senfices 501.326..5139. k 5.68...328,0423. 1.666.328;618R 621 W. Mallon Ave., Ste. 3.0,7, Spoke. WA -9$201 www.asklfore Alaska.: Anchoroge.. Fairbanks. Juneau; Wasilla Idaho: Lewiston Washington: Fa rfidale. Sp.okane. Walla Walla VO/ 10/ GVIO VI •11SpT.1.11.e. priveoieyIetter.- 1.4.216 E. Sikerineri Ave The..original basin calculation spreadsheet was reviewed and.revised to account forthe ad.ditionalsdriveway area. This revised spreadsheet is..attached as Exhibit - Analysis: This spreadsheet intrudes the original overall basin analysis. and thereVised, overall basin analysis. In addition, it in.cludes an estimate of the sub -basins 04 and 05 .Using.54% of total area; street area ancisidewal area as calculated above. This representsthe SPeciftd area • impacted .by.thiS: requested:drivewaywidening,: The residing analysis indicates thatteprind .treatment VolumelequiredfOr the total basin increased from 283 ft3 to 287 .ft3 and the D4 and D5 sub -basin treatment volume requirement increased from 164 ft3 to 188 ft3.. Exhibit "E"- Swale. Sizing shows the original 208.:treatment swalesizing forthe This ongirratsizing spreadsheet confirms that BaSin D:provided 421 ft3 Of treatment Voltiroe(6" of depth in thesw.ales). Analyzing the -volume required in.Basin D4 and; 05: usingthe same 54% of the.tOtal area rrieltiOd result:sin an equivalent proVided treatment volurneof227 ft3, This. eidlibitalSo. showsthat Basin. D required 417 ft3. ofstorage volume (the.. vOlume frOm, the bottom. of theswaletOthe Curb inletor 0.8' Of depth irithe sWaleS) and .provided 7131t3 of storage volume.. Analyzing.thevolume required.. in. Basin 04 and Da -using. the same:54°4. 0.the total ares Method. results in a volume requirement of 225 ft3 and the volume provided of 385:ft3. . . The: available Swale-vol•ume will be decreased' by.the addition of:thedriveway ektension. Using anincrease.c1 width Of -15' and a bottornswale width .of..appro)drtiately 4', a.total of 80 42 01 be. removed fromtheavailable swale. area, At0,5of depthand 31 side slopes, this equatesto apprOxiMately 53.::fd of treetnient volume and at off of depth, it equates to .approximwelyte•ft3 Otstdrage.volume. Reducing aVailable volume.by the amounts listed above iNill result. in .the following. vOlUretes: Treatment Voiume;:. 227 ft3 - 53 ft3 174 ft.3 available treatment volume> 168.11a required Storaaeliolume: 385 ft3 - 66 ft3 319 ft3 available VolUme> 22513 Driveway donstructiOn: To assure that the original:design intent is met, the driveway will :need to be constructed to match the. hydraulic. intent of the existing .driveway and wale. This driveway should be. constructed to City standards and use the same. detail that was .used in the original subdiVision .40,0. In addition;: the contractor Should Coordinate with the city a Spokane Valley permitting and code compliance:stspedally as it ?elates to the maximum width of the driveway and distancesOfthe driveway torn:the intersection. Any deviations from these recommendationa should get.approval from the City:of Spokane Valley. Page 2 VO/10/4VIO vi TISKR.Tric. brivev4yLetteT— 1016. E,:titartripp Ave Summarv: In summary, it is.USKH's opinion that the existing, driveway located at 1.8216 E. ,Shannon Avenuein the Greenacres Valley Estate residential development can be widened by 1.5' without adversely affecting the original swale design. This. driveway Will need to be installed in accordance with the City of Spokane.Valley Standards and in adherence to the hydraulic design intent Of theoriginal plans. All permitting should sobe coordinated With the City. Please know if you have any additional questions regarding this analysis. Regards. USKA: Inc. •Jeffrey'N. Logan, P.E. Ptincipal ChM Engineer 5SrConctee Attachments!. Exhibit "A" — Site Map Eschibit "E" Detail Vslidc*LAntYsis ,Exhibit :42$6:ginal.apsin Nolicshcct Exhibitit" —4tiginaL.Swalc,Stang Sppeacisheet-. i.pmas 6/22/25- .1 Page 3 ;AM 0111MOIMININI6 vrat game 191=5.11....10 OSLOP iNitageMMMME? NMI UM11 SWALE C ORYW LL LPRELIMINARY --PLAT BOUNDARY c a c ImMm.11. 1.821-6 E. Shannon -DRYWE "Urittis',41Z4IsM, to. 8 • RYWEL All• • 44 m4 .4.'44 44 egift .4 . 4.••• Valley Development Engineering 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org Approach Permit Application Review TO: Building Department Site Address: 18216 E. Shannon Ave. Project No: APR -2013-0007 Reviewed By: �/' Date: 31/9//- Accepted Not Accepted Approach X Building Location Paved Access Notes: Saw cutting of existing curb to create an approach is not allowed within the City's jurisdiction. Approach is to be inspected by the City's ROW Inspector prior to concrete placement. Reviewed By: �/' Date: 31/9//- 03/18/2013 07:51 `11`e tVidkr PROJCT ADDRESS: START DATE: BUILDING OWNER NAME: e l Sia G�� 1544 dtk/K/O� 410 2:7 STATE: W Zn': Community Development Department Permit Center 11703 East Sprague Avenue. Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 • • Tel: (509) 720-5240 Fax: (509) 6$8-0037 _ gr:. „.� antvallay.ore S13374 P.002/011 (StaffU� Use Only) i'SRMITNUMBER:'+r 1'2- 13-O'> PERMIT PEE: APPROACH PERMIT APPLICATION I F2/ tp e- MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: t CONTACT PERSON NAME: PHONE: CONTRACTOR NAME: Fives 5-rP6cit etO"l t' ' if Ad e bA-vp i/t/044 FAX: MAILING ADDRESS: 4 az-$'` y444 -e -v Cnry STATE: PHONE: 224.-// CoNTRACTORLICENSE N: CELL: vv/-No� FAX: Pet ZZeo ii-- E7fPIRES: ZIP: 4' q 0-1-7 CELL: W/ — /4IO�(,cI CITY BUSINESS LICENSE W: 440.0210-16. 'gym & 5• 8i PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please Provide Site Sketch). Commerci ustrialDrivowa� .-- SI Rural Rosa pkctlo ick c o ® Sidewalk air/ConstructionFl t ResidentiafO iveway A#A tyke- 4 Existing Curb & Gutter NI Culvert Installation gl Other Conditions: Bona/Insurance certification Hurst be mirk with the Ctq. r;Uta #- 1 —Y_ `'" DISCLAIMER the The permitted verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) if this perms sib a totr thre r on dwelling, wel n , The dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permitproperty signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in fttll compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development code. Referenced codes aro available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 3) The City of Spokane Valley permit Is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required to be submitted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. 8i *tura DE -001: V-1 Date: Page 1 of 2 03/18/2013 07:51 APPROACH PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIRED SKETCH INFORMATION Provide required measurements (in skotoh boxes), and include street name. Check alt existing conditions that apply: EISidowalk ft wide ft from back of curb RIStreetside Swale DISTANCE FROM NEAREST PROPERTY UNE BE LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE FT (3EE TABLE) CONCRETE APPROACH 13374 P.003/011 age Ditch 11 (show location on sketch).." LL 000 er (please describe below)-- / �G GG % c �3 P N_ F r�E _ v �ERVi\11 CURB i���`I • r. l RN�s CURB--4'-•—TFROAT DDT I FT--- • •-4' WINO (SEE TA WINO STREET NAME 55i Ot) STREET WITH CURB DISTANCE FROM NEAREST PROPERTY UNE IC LECTOR RIGHT SDE) FT (SEE TABLE) ASPHALT APPROACH IF CORNER LOT, DISTANCE FROM RETURN FT (SEE TABLp Irf 1S RADIUS DIUS RETURN EDGE OF ASPHALT ----THioATWIDTH FT -- (SEE TAB STREET NAM E STREET WITH ASPHALT EDGE IF CORNER LOT, DISTANCE FROM US RETURN IMPS FT (SEE TABLE) Approach Requirements: • Maximum 2 approaches per property *contests; one on arterials. . • 7 cou vnam or opproacnos not ro sxvvov 0v7• WI nv,Masv .nwn. Itesideadal Approaches Commercial Approaches Distance from Curb/Radius Achim 15' minimum 75' minima Separation between Approaches (measured From centerline to centerline of each approaohl Now specified See Pa«e 747 in CkY Street $wt4ards 30' min. n400I'emax. 4 feet p -"i S Throat Width (flat portion) 16� WMi (M atr�hne � Minimum seance kat de progeny Wa (Q! rel Mini 5.0' Minimum Mance trap Crosswalk 5' . 3t DE -001: V•1 Paso 2of2