2004, 11-09 Permit: 04009044 ROWCity of Spokane Valley Site Information Project Information Site Address: 5409 E SHARP AVE Parcel Number: 35141.0404PTN Subdivision: Block: Lot: Zoning: I-3 Heavy Industrial Owner: WILTER, MARTHA Address: 5409 E SHARP AVE SPOKANE, WA 99212 Building Inspector Water Dist: Project Number: 04009044 Inv: 1 Issue Date: 11 /09/2004 Permit Use: STREET OBSTRUCTION FOR SEWER CONNECTION Applicant: SIMPSON SANITATION 7812 E BALDWIN SPOKANE, WA 99212 Contact: SIMPSON SANITATION 7812 E BALDWIN SPOKANE, WA 99212 Setbacks - Front: Left: Right: Group Name: Project Name: Phone: (509) 926-4781 Phone: (509) 926-4781 Rear: Permits Right of Way Contractor: SIMPSON SANITATION License 11: SIMPSS*192LC CONST IN ROW -SEWER FOR RIGHT OF WAY INSPECTIONS CALL (509) 869-5373 ENGINEERING 1 $16.00 ROW INSPECTION 1 $25.00 Total Permit Fee: $41.00 Payment Summary Total Fees AmountPaid AmountOwing $41.00 $41.00 $0.00 Tran Date Receipt # Payment Amt 11/09/2004 5870 $41.00 Processed By: KATHY CUMMINGS Printed By: MIKE TURBAK Page 1 of 1 PERMIT