2003, 03-31 Permit: PW03-003 ROW City of PERMIT # PW 03 -oo SPOKANE VALLEY UTILITY RIGHT— OF — WAY APPLICATION AND PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPLICATION r / Location of property involved (or address) ) , 1 6 $ �A/Z,. (.,lazc-E_ Name of company Q,'dcl;f 5 r5 i4 4. t Address of company //b(Z /l. E(-T., I o�a phone 7 2 2 -5Cf :27 Contractors name IRo -- Cj .,-.i c s it .5 Contractors address S‘,61. U phone -�'i'i€ Contractors registration Number A\ J- ( - ?8 'C X Expiration date Right of Way: Pavement or sidewalk intrusive. Yes No Intrusive outside of pavement or sidewalks. Yes No Length of cut ft. Depth of cut ft. Width of cut ft. Direction o ut Contact person ¢e,- 0;4 cj j Address of contact .„.----;),1--) A Q Phone P • : • explain in detail e • description of t •tactivity propos•d. =tea • — •i vt C �nLi I hereby authorize the City of Snnkant.V.no.,to nharop the ffe�for this permit to my cruet card: sa Mastercharg4 _ _ _ igit(, V Print name of holder v Sten 6 cdc/j t Signature Ki= _OfY• U PERMIT: Special Conditions Tl,;, ducumeni orlglltany contained confidential credit card information which 55.010 and the original document destroyed Restoration: Permanent Temporary — Type of back fill to be used: gravel crushed CDF IS A COPY OF A BOND DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ? A COPY OF THE CITY/UTILITY LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY MUST BE ON FILE AT THE CITY. PERMIT FEE $ /Q.00 INSPECTION FEE $ Approved ( zeoC P 3 -3 I-� Public Works or Date E C E 5 l [ CALL 24HOURSBEFORE INSPECTION D NS CTIIN NEEDED Phone 509-688-0036 Fax 509-688-0037 MAR 31 2003 R-O- WAPP. D o UOLDQNI