1977, 04-22 Permit: M0710 Residence SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT NUMBER M---0-71 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 RESIDENTIAL Land Use or Structure Permit Property Address $ IP1 F4,--S. 471£ Group I Type V Zone Slagle..Family--Res. Permit for.residence,---garage attached Owner.-..Adgt..ConstrucMAUI AddressEaat..S7O9.-Cpjr l.a ,_-99207 Phone 2163 Architect Address Phone ContractorAdgt..Cofl$trt1c.tlof1 Address....SPpkaae.,.11111$11-1419t011-p---99207 Phone..4B3 ,2.l .S ; 0 Location: Parcel Number 04442-120i.--...Lot--4,--BLock--1-r- MyrOn--Estitos--I5. M1 11mum- Ze'n1 -t�g--s�-lretk*-- fram..X11-1--property-lines..-.Front-yardof--at---least--25---.- side--yar-d..et--at--laatt--S---,---11' for..2-_stlarar..hui.lding-,_-1:5' flanking.-streets--and 25! ya is ,rre #r*d, ter ewroif requisred...by...Zoninp-:--8uildi g--andwx--Fire--Codas-. A -11hr--rated--f-i-re--r all---separat on--r rued-- betea.-residence- and--garage.- Stroke- detec (s)- re-required. a Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone 2--_-Size of Lot.--_9!-) 1$O' SewageSep i. Const (ram. Stories-T?t-.-Dimensions---_29'x43' Total Sq. Ft 1785 Valuation$50.000.00. t I Rms $____Baths/RR__2 Basemenfu .l Foundation. _concreta. Chimney by. Fireplace #__-Htg. System else E Type of Roofing shakes Ext. Finish. misonste Int. Wall Finishdye.}3 Bdrms.__.I s Certificate of Occupancy Issued for-..set--abort----plumbing_all --hestinq-pens fie- ar _'r';4uirred. EACH---STAGE Remarks OF CONSTRU TION--1iUST NAVE INSPECTIONS-CALLED-FOR. AS REQUIRED 8Y'-CODE. MUST--CONFORM-- TO..ALL.--COUNTY___CODE--REQU RENENTS. FINAL INSPECT-ION-MST BE CALLED FOR, UPON COMPLETION ice PRIG .t--TO-_O#CCUPA CT OF-RESIO .-.----CALL 456-46754--prt$or---tom - 00- a.m. THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances,or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shalt remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed, This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof withinl._year from this date; after which time this permit will be oid. Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expiresikpri1...22, -1978 By 46.00 mme 4/22/77 Building INSPECTOR Fee Paid $ Date Issu tUUNVAIlU1ti 1622. 2. STEEL .._ FRAME LATHING 77 { l • HEATING SYSTEM _... nl l^o+ I onozzi 2i t�ir eq 5J" 1 + AO_ J ar. yn;.: 16 bg11pvo1 o 1 Arlt S r, , = o:10 znpi ` sdt aasi7 18 9r „ a not - )di n19q J low. ?o tn9";19.1dt?i"1Cn:z;4 i) Cv 71,'1 ;9ttsi n; 1001 7.1130`.'1 f�tl�,i 1, 01 ;11'11,; g b.^. :7 fs ;3 dj bier '?i6;t ;S li" t ii r I J1