1978, 03-31 Permit: M5498 replace M1756 AdditionSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL NUMBER 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit Group Type Y Zone Agricultural Property Add ress...SIhTO,___EAST- ME 3/29/78 314 -ate' Permit for ...add1-tion) .$q, _ftg-.- -to -attached' carports, See M. 1756 owner .._._.4._.V.. Let alt' Address ....1.1704--E.--L*nor-a--Dr-.--St9206 Phone 9264543 Architect Address Phone '- Contractor...SUM Address .$ Phonesame Location: Parcel NuI# 11-0705..---. --of--Lot 4,- Block- 5,-- Nutchimaon Adder, J:x4 tt - bldr i rarer bots --unlit. Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone Size of Lot -.._124'_314 ' Sewage nst frame „^3 Stories _ -1 Dimensions 10=x24' add Total Sq. Ft 240 Valuation$ 00 w I Rms Baths/RR Basement Foundation.- _con Chimney Fireplace Htg. System Type of Roofing Ext. Finish Int. Wall Finish Bdrms Certificate of Occupancy Issued for __above __ .. } _-ST __QF_.CO ION-- / --RE ELING-MST _HAVE.. Remarks._1NSPECTIONS--CALLED--BR-, AS REQUIRED -SY CODE-. MUST CONFORM- T@ --A#:}; -C T11- CODE 18.tU1REMENTS-. CALL --4503875 prior--to18:00-e, . for all- in actions. THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or la Spokane, regulating the construction. use and occupancy of buildings in pokari failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of si expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement from this date; after which time this permit will be v Permit Expires March 31, 1979 or which the and may b \Is issued shall conform in all, respects to all the ordinances i�" COMty of at any time uponlfir"Vreratrarrarst.104ftrertilttflaid-ordinances, or signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the Fee Paid $ 7.00max Date Issued 3/31/78 ths, and the entire completion thereof within.. y 1 .. Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT By hiding INSPECTOR .1A3144301.14;, m<3101" Ag3Q' 7003 01/110JIUB YTI41JOO 3tiA :owe noignirizsW ,9ns)1cg2 non*el ;- ff3 Sitsf)ilif2 10 ezu I J 2. STEEL -, tI ttlbli iot iunieci rviosf NRA 9110 11 aqui - StiZ st10113 . tiII .ii = i ..3-. !' U--- 2291bbh I ,: `*1�'* --.. - .ti... i5nw;: 3. FRAMING_______ 22sibbA io9 ina�r 2esibbA. 4. LATHING nosaill334341 . - *fors 414.1. %e ±,' tt;Ui4"11414,..,...,,...._..,�.,q.. • ;k1 -Z 9 5. FINAL .._.._ 6. COMINEx. 1. - � wrIp419 offylopfk wnTatorrawa 10.30,41- 413A3 6. X143 --T8114 .3003 11 433311 I. PMiRin ...}v i 3 a agent- 11; No* . 1.s O0 1CAS saltIrrf b9t'. ":I .',` r R+,u 10 91t3'l t i.i .'• 40. 3,JJAi. Z IT 1q&II _ :,.;U iii o. - c-. .: mud /sdt dold o 4i, not. ' n,rbl 1u c 0.: C I teO �.9 on, nonu D Insig ei TIMf3-1 2IHt �' ,oqu 9miJ enc I.i vcq bre�rckt/aq2. ol:ul v -no s su .rtolbull a sdt gn N6lugsr sr SA,', fb ee ed s .wn nisi, AJiw rlGmO* at -b9VO}gg6 zc znniq to slt1..� r ..., a c 12 a ad, ovo:nsi ,..sn. one =isioidu imca„ vd bstdotib .1edw x11 ie Y dt sosl Ix eet wit to noitnots slit *oi Haltedsd* to sO nsuzei odi to no,io,,bienoo nl ,bovrono, rh.lugot eeelnu limited ,dl to nolle1lgx9 —IS f niftiw to919ft noitsigmo3 9litn9 slit bns ,arltn m Siia-n" tiw itIsjk it Ynsmsanemmoo lot +lino boob sd lbw Jim99q air1T l.]O3 O 1ItJJtUB Isioiit0 gnibl u8 bssiiarliuA "+ sd Uiw tim,9q eirft scnit rlairlw 14tts ;stab sift molt (Alit on 129ligx3 iimis9 3116 W.i nirn ao�