1984, 03-26 Permit: 84A-2434 Inspect INSPECTION RECORD ADDRESS DATE REMARKS 4 • U RAN NV.EI «""°`" APPLICATION/PERMIT NIT NDgeER SPOKANE COUNTY—BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT I fj4A•Z_,4- .i' I NORTH•tucr PERSON 1 SPOKANE.wASSONaTON•91001 Oa•l egE.3oe , APPLICANT:COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES–PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES JOS ADORE. + 1 70 ,sL..,c__a. - PggcE`NAM DESCRIPTION-SEE ATTACHED —' enRR . o ,..ONE 03• •3000 ,rl oN "t/ - 9Zf-/6/3 •30008 "o.NESE Actual S.Pao.In — A _- id Co •000 B 2633! A _9.i P-",(�ofe E 03-21-B4 CO:WINER V?+f11 (2e.vQ.C_ zIe sly..., enn. O,<.P..,'t 1...0..S rinIK; _ 99c37 Ov.,ONo 0R a 647P • D ER P E vo eulgry Area as a.ft.e 5. ADDRESS 11 ZIP Male Flo-a, V N Pgars Dara.AreaD1 Lief.„ CHANGE OP VSE .a T... D NEW Saes.D A.T. p(Aoxa 0 RPS 0..., "''n.0.. I• e.P.N.. *". e.NOn noem Nn.E.D n..nM' - 7. OF O a0. K R..R 0 KM O KK O BOOS D OTHER CERTIFICATE K q or MRK 11 w a q�'E q DESCRIBE MRK s EOXEMPTION tie. Fs, IL‘'‘', "`a qn IA'ul FEES COLLECTED fl v"tWTsenel CT SEWER Enuia I. VSE CODE rC" M� - we nr0 w..❑ _ 1/saveloy metal Cta I h. mad and examined this application and have read the"NOTICE" S�"a' f near.Side.eI. Snow,the sane to be bue and EvrsCL All provisions governing o a included provisions ra laws and ordinances govarni es this WI.M e.pA ag1 be..dyad with whether specified herein Sr nal The granting of a permit does not presume gWldlrq - b give wtheliey W violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the ..a.,---- tad ' Oe perrorlwnae of ewapuchon.S/EE REVERSE SIDE FOR REOUtR ED INSPECTIONS //off c a� �Q DATE OF RPPStcareon'��'e.3., ___--SrGNKTURE'OL"PPLICANTS__� �. yKh SPELMt aaeeOVRIEF treCNt CONDITto"E: n..NKR name MR B,.„,,,,,,,, m. I– ...31-e C- EEPA •• ••• /– j R.N'I Mogi*Norm _ /– ,Orh ISpecNvl 4 • vont., 1.(/.14/ ca . rorwL s.3e