1989, 05-25 ZE-49-88 Hearing Examiner FindingsC: (ez svfN SPOKANE COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER COMMITTEE FINDINGS AND ORDER ZE-49-88, Zone reclassification from Agricultrual to Regional Business (B-3). A. JNTRODUCTION This matter having come before the Hearing Examiner Committee on May 25, 1989, and the members of the Committee present being Jane Meyers as Chairperson, Phil Harris and Verona Southern. B. PROPOSAL The sponsor, WAM Ente reclassification, File (B-3) for the purpos C. FINDINGS OF FACT requesting approval of a zone , from Agricultural to Regional Business veloping general retail type business. 1. That the existing land use in the area is single family residential, vacant and future commercial center. 2. That the Comprehensive Plan designates this area as appropriate for Major Commercial and Urban type development. 3. That the existing zoning of the property described in the application is Agricutlrua1. 4. That the provisions of RCW 43.21C (The State Environmental Policy Act) have been complied with, and the Committee concurs with the Determination of Non -S ignificance. 5. That the proper legal requirements for advertisement of the Agenda Item have been fulfilled. 6. That the land use in this area is suitable for the proposed use, or uses within the proposed Zone Classification. 7. That the applicant has demonstrated that conditions have substantially changed since the original zoning of this area and accordingly, the proposed rezone is justified. 8. That the proposed use is compatible with existing uses in the area. 9. That the owners of adjacent lands expressed disapproval of the proposed use. 10. The Hearing Examiner Committee finds the proposed use to be in harmony with the general purpose and will not be otherwise detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare. 5-89 HEC Findings for ZE-49-88 Page 2 11. The following are additional findings of fact considered by the Hearing Examiner Committee: a) The access to the site from Sinto Avenue can relieve intcrior traffic safety concerns and generally is required by the Fire District for adequate fire protection. b) The window displays along Sinto Avenue will add to the visual appearance of this project coupled with the landscaping required. c) That the Committee is concerned with leaving one house on this 8 - acre Commercial Center but feels that the applicant will work with the owner to resolve these concerns with buffering or other alternatives. d) The proposal is for the 3 houses to be removed and zoned B-3; future potential actions on the remaining 2 houses are not before the Committee. D. CONDITIONS OR CONTINGENCIES APPLIED TO THIS APPROVAL B -TEARING EXAMINER COMMITTEE CONDITIONS 1. All Conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner Committee shall be binding on the "Applicant", which term shall include the owner or owners of the property, heirs, assigns, and successors. 2. That a 3' ft. high masonary solid decorative fence shall be provided within the landscaped areas along Sinto Avenue. 3. Modify Planning Department Condition #2 to read as follows: That a 12' ft. decorative site obscuring masonry wall, meeting front yard setbacks along Marguerite, shall be provided along the south property line of the site located to the north, (ZE-84-85). Said decorative masonry wall may be waived by the Planning Director for that portion of the site if the remaining single family residences at the Northeast corner of Sinto and Marguerite are rezoned to a non-residential zone. COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS Special: 1. That the driveway access on Sinto Avenue shall be located such that it lies between the residential units along Sinto thereby reducing headlight glare into those homes. 2. (Modified by Hearing Examiner Committee Condition #3) That a 12' ft. decorative masonry wall be provided along the south property line of the site located to the north, (ZE-84-85). Said decorative masonry wall may be waived by the Planning Director if the 2 remaining single family reidences at the Northeast corner of Sinto Avenue and Marguerite Avenue are rezoned to a non-residential zone. 5-89 HEC Findings for ZE-49-88 Page 3 Standard: 3. The Zoning Administrator shall approve a specific exterior lighting plan for the approved area prior to installation of such lighting. (Such plan shall attempt to confine illumination to the area with full consideration to adjacent properties). 4. The Spokane County Planning Department shall prepare and record with the Spokane County Auditor a "Title Notice" noting that the property in question is subject to a variety of special conditions imposed as a result of approval of a land use action. This "Title Notice" shall serve as official public notice regarding conditions of approval affecting the property in question. The "Title Notice" shall be recorded within fifteen (15) days of final disposition of the approved land use action and shall only be extinguished by the Spokane County Planning Department. The "Title Notice" shall generally provide as follows: The parcel of property legally described as (legal description and tax parcel number) is the subject of a land use action, imposing a variety of special development conditions, by a Spokane County Hearing Body or Administrative Official on (date). File No. (Planning Department File Number) is available for inspection and copying in the Spokane County Planning Department. 5. All current standards of the B-3 Zone, as amended, shall be complied with in the development of this site. 6. That the project is subject to Section 7.06, the Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone of the ZONING CODE FOR SPOKANE COUNTY, which sets forth various measures for Aquifer protection; specifically, measures dealing with wastewater disposal, spill protection measures, and stormwater runoff. 7. That the present proposal is not detailed enough to determine whether or not the use of or materials stored on the site are in compliance with Section 7.06 (Aquifer Sensitive Area Overlay Zone) of the ZONING CODE FOR SPOKANE COUNTY. Accordingly, as a condition of approval, the sponsor/applicant shall be required to file with the Spokane County Auditor, within thirty (30) days of the signing of Findings and Order of the fmal decision in this matter, a "Notice to the Public" which shall provide in material as follows: PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT OR CER'IiFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR ANY BUILDING OR ANY USE ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER, THE APPLICANT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING CODE FOR SPOKANE COUNTY SECTION 7.06 (AQUIFER SENSITIVE AREA OVERLAY ZONE). THE PROPERTY WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS NOTICE IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. ". 8. Applicant shall comply with '208' recommendations concerning stormwater runoff and provide necessary landscaping for runoff. 5-89 HEC Findings for ZE-49-88 Page 4 9. Any division of land for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer, shall comply with RCW 58-17 and the Spokane County Platting Ordinances prior to issuance of building permits. 10. Approval by the Zoning Administrator of a specific lighting and signing plan for the described property prior to the release of any building permits. 11. A specific landscape plan, planting schedule and provisions for maintenance acceptable to the Spokane County Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with a performance bond for the project prior to release of building permits. Landscaping shall be installed and maintained such that sight distance at access points is not obscured or impaired. 12. The applicant shall develop subject property generally in accordance within the concept presented to the Hearing Examiner Committee. Variations when approved by the Zoning Administrator will be permitted, including, but not limited to the following changes: Building location, landscape plans, and general allowable uses of the permitted zone. All variations must conform to regulations set forth in the ZONING CODE FOR SPOKANE COUNTY. The original intent of the development plans shall be maintained. 13. Direct light from any exterior area lighting fixture shall not extend over the property boundary. COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS Prior To The Issuance Of A Building Permit Or Use Of The Property As Proposed: Special: 1. Applicant shall dedicate 5' feet on Sinto Avenue for right of way. 2. The County Engineer has designated Typical Roadway Section Number One, Access Street Standard for the improvement of Sinto Avenue which is adjacent to the proposed development. This will require the addition of approximately 10' to 14' ft. of asphalt along the frontage of the development. curbing and sidewalk must also be constructed. Standard: 3. Access permits for approaches to the County Road System shall be obtained from the Spokane County Engineer. 4. Applicant shall submit for approval by the Spokane County Engineer road, drainage, and access plans. 5. The applicant shall submit for approval by the Spokane County Engineer and the Spokane County Health District a detailed combined on-site sewage system plan and surface water disposal plan for the entire project or any portion thereof, if the development is to be phased. 5-89 HEC Findings for ZE-49-88 Page 5 6. A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by the Spokane County Engineer. The design, location, and arrangement of parking stalls shall be in accordance with standard traffic engineering practices. Paving or surfacing as approved by the County Engineer, will be required for any portion of the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles. 7. The construction of the road improvements stated herein shall be accomplished as approved by the Spokane County Engineer. 8. All required improvements shall conform to the current State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, and other applicable County standards and/or adopted resolutions pertaining to Road Standards and Stormwater Management in effect at the date of construction, unless otherwise approved by the County Engineer. 9. Roadway standards, typical roadway sections and drainage plan requirements are found in Spokane Board of County Commissioners' Resolution No. 80-1592 as amended and are applicable to this proposal. 10. No construction work is to be performed within the existing or proposed public right of way until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer. All work within the public road right of way is subject to inspection and approval by the County Engineer. 11. All required construction within the existing or proposed public right of way is to be completed prior to the release of a building permit or a bond in the amount estimated by the County Engineer to cover the cost of construction of improvements shall be filed with the County Engineer. COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT CONDITIONS 1. A combined surface water and sewage disposal detailed plan shall be approved by the County Engineer and the Health District prior to the issuance of any building permit for this project. 2. Sewage disposal method shall be as authorized by the Director of Utilities, Spokane County. 3. Subject to specific application approval and issuance of permits by the Health Officer, the use of an individual on-site sewage system may be authorized. 4. Water service shall be coordinated through the Director of Utilities, Spokane County. 5. Water service shall be by an existing public water supply when approved by the Regional Engineer (Spokane), State Department of Social and Health Services. 6. Disposal of sewage effluent beneath paved surfaces is currently prohibited. 5-89 HEC Findings for ZE-49-88 Page 6 COUNTY UJTILITIES DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 1. Pursuant to Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. 80-0418, the use of on- site sewer disposal systems is hereby authorized. This authorization is conditioned on compliance with all rules and regulations of the Spokane County Health District and is further conditioned and subject to specific application approval and issuance of permits by the Health District. 2. The Owner(s) or Successor(s) in interest agree to authorize the County to place their name(s) on a petition for the formation of a ULID by petition method pursuant to RCW 36.94 which the petition includes the Owner(s) property and further not to object by the signing of a protest petition against the formation of a ULID by resolution method pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.94 which includes the Owner(s) property. PROVIDED, this condition shall not prohibit the Owner(s) or Successor(s) from objection to any assessment(s) on the property as a result of improvements called for in conjunction with the formation of a ULID by either petition or resolution method under RCW Chapter 36.94. 3. Any water service for this project shall be provided in accordance with the Coordinated Water System Plan for Spokane County, as amended. 4. Each (new) structure shall be double -plumbed for connection to future areawide collection systems. COUNTY BUJILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall contact the Department of Building and Safety at the earliest possible stage of design/development in order to be informed of code requirements administered/enforced by the department; e.g., State Building Code Act regulations such as requirements for fire hydrant/flow, fire apparatus access roads, private road designation/naming, street address assignment, building/demolition permits and general coordination with other aspects of project implementation. WATER PURVEYOR CONDITIONS 1. Water Purveyor is Hutchinson Irrigation District and they will supply the site with adequate water for domestic, fire and irrigation uses. Adequate agreements need to be made. 5-89 HEC Findings for ZE-49-88 Page 7 ORDER The Hearing Examiner Committee, pursuant to the aforementioned, finds that the application of ZE-49-88 for a zone reclassification as described in the application should be APPROVED to the Regional Business (B-3) Zone. Motion by: Verona Southern Seconded by: Phil Harris Vote: (2-1) TO APPROVE TO THE B-3 ZONE. NEARING EXAMINER CO 1 TTEE HEREBY ATTEST TO THE ABOVE FINDINGS, ORDER, AND VOTE ATTEST: For WALLIS D. HUBBARD Planning Director By ' VE H • ROBIOWSKI Current Planning Administrator /l?" i ? s i1t f Date