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1987, 02-11 Permit App: 87000316 Residence
0p0KANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit d statthat information conti d in it and submittedu me or magent to compile said permit is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same.All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE D�TF= 02/11 /87 PAGE= 01 --------------------------------- APPLICATION ------------------------------ PROJECT NUMBER= 870003i 6 PARCEL NUMBER= 165422110 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE W/ GARALE SITE STREET= 1226 N %KIPWORTH CT ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PLATO= 4159 PLAT NAME= ROBINSON ADD BLOCK= i LOT= iO ZONE= SFR DI%Tt= F AREA= 00010020 F/A= F WIDTH= 83 DEPTH= 120 R/W= 50 4 OF BLDG%= i 0 DWELLINGS= OWNER= ROBINSON, MERLE W. PHONE= 509 926 7683 STREET= i1211 E BOONE AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME= OWNER PHONE NUMBER= 509-926-7683 BUILDING SETBACKS : FRONT= 30 LEFT= 12 RIGHT= 20 REAR= 54 ------------------------------ REVIEW INFORMATION -------------------------- DATE INIT DEPARTMENT NAME REVIEW COMMENTS IN/OUT IN/OUT BUILDING & SAFETY PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED 870211 GMW COUNTY ENGINEER NEW COUNTY ROAD APPROACH 87 — ^ � ,.— —~~ ^��r2~nc=�� ^ i$1,2, 0 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NEW OR ADDITIONAL WASTE WATER 870'211 v�, C.:-1114 2/fil� w Age 017ALvie,to�° COUNTY UTILITIES W/IN PRIORITY SEWER AREA 870211 GMW / �� � e*�m����o�� �*�' i� /' ^��'5 � ~ �,_' � , ���� '� /, ~" NOTICE it is the responsibility of the permittee to see to it that the required inspections are made.Failure to notify this department that construction has progressed to a point where inspection is required may necessi- tate the removal of certain parts of the construction at the owner's expense.At a minimum,the following inspections are required by County Code. l. FOOTING / FOUNDATION — when forms are in place and prior to placement of concrete for footings. (Blocking for a manufactured home is required to be inspected prior to the instaliation of skirting.) 2. FRAMING -- after all framing, bracing and blocking are in place, and prior to concealing. 3. PLUMBING — after rough-in, before covering, and final. 4. MECHANICAL— rough-in of piping, before covering, metal chimneys before concealment and final 5, FINAL — when complete and prior to occupancy and/or use. In addition to the above inspections, any plumbing or mechanical systems or materials which would be concealed by fnaming, d/ywuU, noncrete, etc., must be inspected prior to cover. TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE, PLEASE GIVE 24 HOUR NOTICE. UNDER CERTAIN C|RCUMSTANCES, PARTS OF YOUR PROJECT MAY REQUIRE INSPECTIONS FROM OTHER AGENCIES, I.E.: • road cuts for utilities or drives, State or County Engineer's office 456-3600 • on-site waste disposal system, Environmental Health District 456-6040 • construction in a flood plain, County Engineers 456-3600 • electrical wiring, State Department of Labor and Industries 456-2792 FOR INSPECTION CALL 456-3675 24-HOUR NOTICE REQUESTED This permit will be considered null and void by limitation if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced or is stopped for a period of 180 days,unless a written request for an extension of the permit is received and approved by the building official prior to expiration.At a minimum an inspection should be requested at least once every 180 days to insure the validity of the permit. 4**************.y****************T*TTY***************************************** * INFORMATICN WCRKSHEET * * ***************************************************jos*********************** * GENERAL INFORMATICNF3-1_ �� * * '/ * * PARCEL NUMBER : 1(05112,- :2-lI C * STREET ACCRESS: k)012"7-4-1 l22p9#(PWORT[+ °I. * CITY/STATE/ZIP:__5_o 'Lull- .12/ct� . 1_f C- - -- ____________ --- * SUBCIVISICN :_ L�'J21ls01 klL7(0 -- -- - * * * BLOCK :___1____ LOT :-1 b__- -IC NE :_`J CIST FICT#:E * * LOT AREA : F/A : hIDTN : 3..5__ DEPTH: /AO R/M : 50 * * * g CF BLCGS: _J # CF DWELLINGS:_'- * So - �f 4 -_1.6 3 • ;�WnE R..:_:t�I._..L`i'.._� l•J_�'�.Lhs ra..t�-' _� FI-CNE :Sof -T-- ----- r * * MAIL INC ADDRESS . // v7 01 11:: 1306 it, __ -- * * * CITY/STATE/Z IP :_ g_ °�''_ , z L.L_._- . 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A i d , nj V.., Q \ , f/ Ar,,j/a- / //‘ 1 i ' r r ,..,..•• k,v1..'1 r.,rg ,t- --z--.4--7-t' ' Z '41( 1 itr 'I/ ,i k,( 1 Ar*+ _' ` ;, < `J J t __ _ _. .__ _ ...?) • i \ r (I ) 1/ \ V