1990, 05-25 Permit App: 90002333 Shed SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMTNT OF BUI`L.DING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 I I certify that I have examined this permit/application,state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same.All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction,or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 90002333 DATE= 05/25/90 I"'A?:,i=::::: 01 APPLICATION *******KK********************* APPLICATION *3t• •*k*3kN:•x***3F3i :ii3t•3th•3i•#3:•3i*#*. .36p•3f3t•;;• SITE:: STREET= .410 N k!<.IPWORTH i.'n I ARCFL rte: 16543-0250 ADDRESS::: SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= SHED PLAT4= 000699 PLAT NAME=: EASTON SUB BLOCK= i LOT= f ZONE= r• GSl.B DIS•T:q:::: AREA= 00000000 F'/A= F WIDTH= ;;:t{:; DEPTH= 110 R;'W::: 4 OF Rt._r)GE:- i 4 T?bJ El...I...:!:'ref C.,`i:= i OWNER= DAVIS, MICHAEL C; F: .IONF-::- 509 9'C 0165 STREET= 410 N SK IPWOR1 H RD ADDRESS:::: SPOK ANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME:::: MIKE DAVIS i " F4 Fs i : 509 92 3 ; i 65. Tt+rCK, FfNT: i tET : , tCGHT= ri 'rREAR= ,om �J * .*•p a:•h•* u*3t•3k•r:3i•3i 3r••x•3t• :3t••tt***3t• b': :•* i F::a 1:F::W"1:N F O F I I A`t•1:Ci N ;**A tt*b: ••tt•x x ••x ••tt• :*•*yt•*a:•:x••p:x•* DEPARTMENT REVIEW COMMENTS APPROVAL COMMENT; BUILDING PLAN REVIEW RI::QU:cRF::i7S 9 ......... ................. BUILDING SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED • '� ..i...._.._........__. • Dat -iE"AI... ! HDT ti T INCREASE IN LOT COVERAGE '.. .,..1.P.;•,:� ...._. ..0 3k3,:.;#•�:•�•3i 3{3t ii i'i'i!{3i 3k 1"bi k a 3i 3e 3k 3i:R 3r p•3i 3{..y,..u. T') 0 T:f U 1:I... 1:N f., !"ERI''!1. i li**ri•**•;r:** .: • *•h:b;h:***3i• ..t;.x..ri* CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= NEW::: X REMODEL= ADDITION,: CHANGE: OF USE= DWELL UNITS= i Or'r~IIF' LD-: BLDG HI:YT=: STORIES=T:+i...bI W .X' t) = 12 ;i: 24 SQ FT= 281:3 SPRINKLER= N REQ F'ARK:I:Ni;:::: 4F1t•"3NfICAP::: CRITICAL MAT= N PROCESSED BY : JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY : Jul...IE ;Si"IATTO *•u..p:H.i?:•ik it 3t**•' ' *3!3t•3{•*h:***3>:*3,:.},:n:.•h:•N:•n:3i h: THANK `r C1(i p:•3;•3i**3i*ii**#:3i..p:3i..a•)@ h:•K•3i•3k 3t•*3F*3{••p:a+'•3+:3G p•3•:••i.•3}: 0 6 ` /, A . . . NOTICE It is the responsibility of the permittee, not Spokane Cour,ty.tip on isa it thatI he II se described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes and requireri,,ents ane that regolre,d inspections are requested.Failure to request required inspections and obtain the necessary approvals PriOr prodiessing beyond the point where inspections are required may necessitate removal of certain parts calhe constructiaa at the cwriensrpermlttee's expense. At a minimum,the following inspections are required by County Ccisle. 1. FOOTING -- when ft)rins and fernifixcement are in caeca, and prior to placement of concrete. NOTE: TliUs inspection includes rasneiw cf.the structure's setbacks from property lines,Minimum setbacks are established by Cidusty zonaig Tyblinaay. sale and rear n'erd setbacks are measured from property lines. seilibacKs for i,ierids abutting streets ars measured froni property line or the center line of the roadway right-5°'-way.whisnafivai oi'ovides the greater setback frorn the center line of the roldway right-otsway. hi 'I iinaa i).i.nd fence Mies:are not necessarily inclicative of property lines. In some residential areas, the <County can own as musai as 20 feet of rignis of-way between your property and the actual im- proved street/ curb The resTieenestirdy with appacable setback prcNisions lies solely with the perrnittee C' Or 53bokane Coun)y rani ifs authorized representatives assume any responsibility for the verification or legation ot your bre:eery llnes. Please verify their location prior to locating your structure. tail ire pasiperry Ideate this en-mature may req(r re hirelocation at the ownerisipermittee's expense. 2 FOUNDATION when forms 'anti reinf(..)rcemen) ark, in place and prior la placement of concrete, (Block- ing for a meriafactirfeci horrie is required to rfa iuspectee prior to the installation of skirting.) 3, FRAM/NG after all framing. ed)ipa and isrsick ;r3 elucer and prior to c)ncealing. 4. INSULATION - or to the inatana5ar, drawaa 5. PLUNIBING after roughen before covering, and final. 6. MECHANICAL rOi.igh-ic pielin ), coo are covering motai chimneys before concealment, and final„ 7. FINAL when complete aniA p5lor io o(iaa ion nay and In addition to the above inspections, any °' ,,c, dr mecharacw systems or materials which would be concealed by framing, dryiiiiiaaki concrete. EAC, rrIriSt, a, ' C0' prior to coaer. Creuk with the, dewy trnent for "special inspections" in conjunction with cornme55al projects CALL 456-3675 FOR INSPECTIONS, TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE, PLEASE GIVE 24 HOUR NOTICE. YOUR INSPECTOR IS UNDER CiER"IAIN CinGWASTAWES FARTS Or 'YOUR PROJEGT REQUIRE INSPECTIONS FROM OTHER AGENCIES road cues for tailities of drives, Slate or °Gird,/ C Ofnce 456-3600 • onssite wisiste ciisioasal sysfaen EnVH 456-6040 • construction a fieod plain, Court/ E 456-3600 * electrical wiring State ff,)eoar u-idasensa 456-7792 • SeWer COrine,nur,. iSenety sir City Deriartraina 456-350,1 EXPIRATION Unless otherwise rioted this permit ail! be considered foal and void by lanitation if a work authorized by the permit is not commenced or is stopped for oar180(jays, unleos a written redi„iest ter an extension of the permit is received and approved biy the BMiding Official prior ia» expiration, At a minimisfe an inspection should be requested at least once evert 180 days to assure t e;validity of the psi'mit. ,A periart may be renewed wacia ore year of the date of expiration for one-halt tisaa fee suisject fa certain limitations please cail us lf you have any s,uestions. MISTAKES? If you think we've made eT ror pa'a a, ) in conducting inspectiOnS pertaining to it, Or find erroneous information in the permit, please bring it-to our attention immediately by tiling a'written request for correction within 10 working days of discovery. Ali such requests should be directed to the Department of Building and Safety at the address found on the face of this permit. Spokane- County DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 456-3675 INFORMATIONATL` j �WORKSHEET PARCEL NUMBER: 3 - 6 D-60 STREET ADDRESS: AV y/G? SX--021.14),(/-171 CITY/STATE/ZIP: 5/l0//7,(7V 91206 SUBDIVISION: / 4r5/0.4? BLOCK: / LOT: ZONE: DISTRICT: LOT AREA: b F/A: WIDTH: �/ DEPTH: R/W: # OF BUILDINGS: / # OF DWELLINGS: / WATER DISTRICT: OWNER: /7/C///r',CL (VW`)- PHONE: S7� `� - 92� - 0/65-- MAILING ADDRESS: /// / /D S,,//2 `f/ CITY/STATE/ZIP: P/4 9I /6 CONTACT: PHONE: - - SETBACKS: - FRONT: LEFT: RIGHT: REAR: PERMIT USE: .5 &-, **************************************************************************** BUILDING INFORMATION CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: / /4Y= /, "/f PHONE: - - MAILING ADDRESS: .X4/74 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: PHONE: - - MAILING ADDRESS: NEW: REMODEL: ADDITION: CHANGE OF USE: DWELL UNITS: OCCUPANT LOAD: BUILDING HGT: /.Z STORIES: BUILDING DIMENSIONS: /2 X .27/ (WIDTH X DEPTH) SQ. FT. : REQUIRED PARKING: # HANDICAP: SPRINKLERED: CRITICAL MATERIAL: 1 S1-1a 0cLO • , sow_ --1.0 v 5L1 r C-4r(V1\ , --___ ‘ -) ,) 6 /4rft3o '77