2016, 03-22 Formal MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,March 22, 2016 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember John Hohman, Comm&Eco. Develop Dir. Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks&Recreation Director Sam Wood, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Pro Tem Erik Guth, Public Works Director Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a pastor, a few moments of silence were observed. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Several Boy Scouts led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Wood: said he visited the Hayden Homes at Taylor Cottages this week representing our City for the ribbon cutting. Councilmember Hafner: said he attended the Chamber of Commerce business meeting where they introduced new members; went to the all-day SCOPE retreat; attended the STA meeting concerning mobility training program,which is a program to teach handicapped individuals how to get on the bus;went to the Health District meeting and said they continue looking for a health officer; attended the Health Executive Board meeting to determine upcoming agendas; also went to the STA Board meeting where the idea of another sales tax was discussed, and said he spoke against that; also attended the SCOPE executive board meeting. Councilmember Grafos: said he attended the Valley Chamber of Commerce event at U-City honoring all new businesses that signed up with the Chamber, said it was the largest ever with 168 in attendance; attended last week's all-day Council workshop at City Hall where over 65% of the day was about police services. Councilmember Gothmann: said he attended the State of the County meeting; went to the Visit Spokane meeting where he saw a presentation by Spokane Valley staff Mike Basinger and John Hohman on economic development; said he was asked to recommend a preferred route for city transit;and attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting. Councilmember Pace: said he also attended the Chamber of Commerce breakfast and was excited to see their growth. Deputy Mayor Woodard: said he attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting,as well as the City's winter workshop. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 1 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Higgins reported that he attended the Northeast Mayor's Quarterly meeting where those in attendance exchange ideas; went to the Fairchild Air Force Base 92nd Air Refueling Wing award competition; attended our City's annual workshop last week; went to the Clean Air Agency Annual retreat and said that the agency is not generating sufficient revenue to fund itself so it is likely user fee rates will increase; and said he attended the Gonzaga Military Ball. PROCLAMATION n/a PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comments. Katherine Morgan, Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce: she spoke about the Chamber's membership and expressed thanks to Council for assistance with the Big 5; she went over the Big 5 initiatives and gave brief comments about each,and said the Chamber looks to further their partnerships;and that she is honored to have each Councilmember, staff,and over 185 business to help and work toward these wonderful assets. Rob Chase, Spokane County Treasurer, lives in Liberty Lake: concerning the Transpacific Partnership,said it is possible this legislation might wait for a lame duck congress, or hurry and have a vote as soon as possible; said it is difficult to say what will happen; said the Spokane City Council unanimously opposed this;and said that some people say this isn't your fight as a local elected official, but action is needed to tell those who are supposed to have our backs, and if representatives don't do this, we need to interpose ourselves. Tom Towey, Spokane Valley: said since January this Council has gained by perception, a reputation of deception and question of credibility,and said that saddens him; said there is a perception by some citizens that the process for asking Mike Jackson to resign was wrong and at least bypassed; for example because of his superb work record, the only reason for asking Mike to resign was "we are going in a different direction." He said if"we"was stated after the decision of the motion,then you were justified in speaking for the majority decision, but if"we"was stated before the decisions of the motion,then the perception of wrongdoing was true; said he believes that two Councilmembers asked Mike for his resignation the week before the meeting where the motion was read; said it is a fact that if these two councilmen were speaking without the majority consent,then the perception of wrongdoing is true; and if these two councilmembers were speaking with the majority consent, that is a quorum decision outside a lawful public meeting and should not be tolerated; said if the majority of this Council wants to be transparent and enhance the credibility in the eyes of their citizens,then the right thing to do is have an outside,unbiased investigation; but if the majority of this Council wants to justify the perception of wrongdoing, they should not have an outside investigation; said it is his wish that Council not add to the negative perception; the perception is either true or false and the decision is Council's. Mary Pollard, Spokane Valley: read her prepared statement: "The firing of Jackson is the shot heard across Spokane Valley. Your actions are not leadership; it is an attack on the stability of our community and damaging Jackson's family who are a part of us.If you don't like the structure of city council;that requires a vote of the people to change, not firing Mike Jackson. You have all the legislative power, so there isn't any more to be had. Nothing you have said has anything to do with Jackson. I am demanding an outside investigation into the firing of Mike Jackson. . . . . I've heard the firing of Jackson was without malice, well it is malicious. He has an enviable record of management, connecting community and the staff that provides services to this city. We will not forget,we will not move on.Jackson has 13 years of serving us. He is one of us.It isn't just a job,services on a computer sheet, he humbly moved to serve us, an eye to the future. You are the interlopers destroying the hard wrought foundation the community had grown to trust. Your experience is dubious and short. That's why you are elected for policy—you are not city managers. The dissenting council lived our history, they were here. We don't remember you here in the early years. Why would you want more power? The only power you had was to fire one man and you used it like a child with their first bb gun. Maybe today's terrorist bombing in Belgium — people dead and the injured Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 2 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 might wake you up. We face the real threat of terrorists. The council will not be the ones directing services during crisis. We cannot afford to have a rookie you choose to lead a city during precarious times. There isn't time for a learning curve—back to the drawing board—trust and knowledge take time we do not have. You have foolishly placed us in jeopardy. Mike Jackson is that man with the knowledge and capability to calmly respond to whatever we face.Not a rookie.Today in the face of real terrorist threats,how could you fire Mike Jackson,the one man with the capability to calmly and knowledgeably take care of our community in the face of any crisis. Again, this is not just another day in the city; he is not a hireling. We will not forget. We will not move on. While no one is the sum total of one single action, the abuse of your office brings all your actions into question.You are playing to a small group in a room without a view. Wake up. We are a unique people and deserve to not be issued basically a divorce decree by your political fiat where you have just separated yourself from us. We are not a machine that you just change our parts. It takes inspiration. Mike Jackson has shown he stands at all times in excellence and integrity. Give him back his job, and we demand that you do an investigation." Kathleen Stout, Spokane Valley: regarding the firing of Mike Jackson; said she is shocked and very disappointed in the four who voted for this; said this was so wrong on so many levels; Mike is a well- respected man and resident of our city; he is a member of our community, he lives here, he has experience, integrity and competence; his guidance and direction is something our City can be proud of; said she will support an independent investigation into his termination. Emma Jarvis, Spokane Valley: said Mike Jackson is a very good man and I think what you did was wrong, it was wrong firing him; at least I know right from wrong; he did a great job, everyone loved him but you, and said she wants an investigation now. Cindy Hallett, Spokane Valley: said the people wearing a lime green armband tonight are requesting the City Council immediately hire an independent investigation into the action taken by this Council in the firing of Mike Jackson; said that on January 14, 2016, at the CDBG meeting, Mr. Woodard along with others, gave away our city funds; she said that Mr. Woodard had stated there were more applications than funds available; and that the first on the list to get taxpayer's dollars was Mr. Woodard's friend and fellow Councilmember Sam Wood; said he received $73,000 for the water district that he chairs, and that he also lives in that district;when asked how the City would feel about giving away City funding, she said that Mr. Woodard stated"I will have a serious discussion tomorrow with the Mayor about this; he's not going to be my problem, it's really going to be the City Manager."She said that the City Manager was fired in February, which she said gives the appearance of good-old boy backroom politics; she said that since Mr. Higgins has become Mayor, with the help of Mr. Woodard, Mr. Pace and Mr. Wood, an investigation initiated by Mr. Pace into the actions of the Sheriffs Department,that turned out to be bogus,cost the taxpayers$3100. She said the city has lost$335,000 in CDBG funding plus the approximate added revenue of two or three times that, which would have been generated for our city; she told Mr. Pace that she does not consider herself a whore to federal dollars for projects that go back into our community, and said it is her taxpayer dollars. She said that along with the firing of Mr.Jackson that could cost the city$100,000 or more,added all together it reaches$1 million in losses to the city and it's not even April. She said she has heard nothing but praise and compliments for the job that Mr.Jackson did for our city, and said if Council has nothing to hide and are confident there were no wrongdoings in the firing of Mr. Jackson, she urged Council to start the investigation now, or better yet,just tell Mr. Jackson you are sorry for allowing your extreme personal political agenda to interfere with what's best for our city, and hire him back. James Pollard, Spokane Valley: said Mike Jackson performed his duties in an honorable manner, and the manner used by this Council was not; said it is believed by many that this action should be investigated in an impartial manner and said he also wants an investigation; said he prays for the protection of our city from political extremism both outside and within our current Council; said there are many here tonight who will stand resolute in any opposition to any abuse of power by elected Councilmembers. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 3 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 Scott Macclay: said that Mike Jackson was an obstacle for what this city set out to do; said the city set out to form its own layer of government, which is what the majority voted for and he said that is still what the majority wants; he said this city wasn't formed to go back to supporting a layer of government from Spokane County, and today we are only 30% of the city we set out to be; he said it is no secret what happened to Mike Jackson as he was an obstacle to moving forward and making this city stand on its own two feet; said it is large and vibrant enough and there's no reason why we shouldn't be following the same path as hundreds of thousands of other cities who have gone this way,and he commended Council for doing it; he said you kicked the can and you're going to have to keep kicking it; and we have started going down a path that we need to continue to complete; said if you're going to talk tonight about some big conspiracy and investigation, there is none; said we finally got a majority back on the Council that wants the city to continue the direction we set out to go; and if you don't like it, maybe you should move further out of the city and move into Spokane County; said we have had a real problem for over a decade with a lot of Councilmen accepting a lot of money from the Sheriff to give him a fair shake on a law enforcement contract;and if the Sheriff said he can give it to us so affordably that we can't duplicate it,why is that; why can't we duplicate with our taxpayer dollars what he is duplicating with Spokane County's tax dollars; he said the love for the sheriff is what this is all about tonight and it is inappropriate to have that going on here; this is about putting the city of Spokane Valley first; and if you're on this Council and you're taking money from the Sheriffs Deputies Association and you're taking money from Disincorporate Spokane,you should resign; the beatings will continue until morale improves. Steve Shirley: said he owns the Spinal Sports Care Clinic here in Spokane Valley for the last twenty-five years; and owns some other businesses, and lives in Liberty Lake; said as a small business owner he has his own perspective on these proceedings; said he is disturbed by the poor business practices of firing the top notch business administrator without cause and behind closed doors; said he thinks that is a very poor business practice, and now that the story has been picked up by the Associated Press, it makes other people looking at our community,question what's going on here; said there are still several empty buildings along Sprague,and if he were to expand his business here or look into moving into Spokane Valley, and read the reports of what's going on here, it would give him pause before making any change; said when he looks into Mr. Jackson's history, he streamlined the permit process, improved transportation and infrastructure, and his business development skills have all been top-notch; said his fingerprints are all over the successes of the city; and he asked Council why they would fire him; and he said that makes him distrustful and distrust toward government isn't always a good thing. He said he decided to turn to the Constitution since that speaks to at least four Councilmembers;he said that James Madison said:"All men having power ought to be distrusted to some degree;" but he said when he hears about closed door meetings, firing excellent administrators without cause,he comes to the conclusion that he distrusts at least the four Councilmembers to a greater degree. Mr. Shirley said as a small business owner, he conducts performance evaluations; and through a public record request,acquired a copy of the performance review that Council gave Mr.Jackson; from the City Manager evaluation from the period August 14 to August 15, and these are direct feedbacks by Council:"tough negotiator,highly respected,great overall job,good job overall,outstanding job overall, good job with legislative issues, good job on moratorium and legislative issues, huge differences in openness between staff and Council over the previous year, great staff, professional and knowledgeable." Mr. Shirley said, so when did Mike Jackson stop doing an excellent job; he said people in the room know he didn't, but Council put politics before performance and he chastised them for that; and he left with two final questions: If the Council does not want sound leadership, steady guidance, fiscal responsibility, then what do you want; and said Council will have a hard time finding anybody who does a "knock-down job like Mr. Jackson." And said if Council is not acting in the best interest of the City,then whose interest are you representing; and to quote Mr. Woodard, what different direction are you going? Lynn Plaggemeier Spokane Valley: said there were some Councilmen at the Quality Inn before the election, to introduce themselves to the public;and one of the comments made was that it was unusual that Mr.Wood and Mr. Woodard have the same colored signs and are pretty much in the same location, and that Mr. Woodard commented, maybe as a joke, that Mr. Wood was a friend of his and he talked him into running Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 4 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 for office,and he if he's elected,now I will have two votes.Said that on some issues,he thinks Mr.Woodard should recuse himself; and on another topic,the property values in Spokane Valley,that eight years ago we ranked about 40th for a three-bedroom home; as of December 31, we are 14th from the bottom; and other cities like Republic or Aberdeen on the coast,are not great cities to live in are selling three-bedroom houses for$20,000 more than we are; he said something is wrong with Spokane Valley and with the government; said there is always the quip that our taxes have not increased, which is true, but said Council hasn't told the people that ten years ago, when he worked to get the School District to put in an impact fee, now we have built hundreds of apartments and new buildings and that it was Spokane Valley that shot down the impact fee; he said our taxes are going up but they are hidden taxes,the deferred maintenance that this city has is pathetic; the capital improvement—you have to hunt around for capital improvement; drive down Sprague and it looks like a slum. George McCraff:said he does not live in Spokane Valley but lives in that place to the west that is so liberal and so ridiculous that all they can think of is to raise taxes; said Spokane Valley has been a shining light to the east because Spokane doesn't have enough sense to run itself the way Council runs Spokane Valley; said part of running the City of Spokane Valley is by running it by the city charter, and said that if memory serves him right, our City charter says that Council has the right to employ or unemploy the city manager; and with that in mind, he has a different understanding what is happening in Spokane Valley; said this is something that has no sense and reminds him of Spokane with 28 neighborhoods, and each of those is run by 12-15 nosey people who are recognized by the City Council as having standing; so the neighborhoods can get together and tell Council what to do, and the Council has little or nothing they can do except say yes, and we'll raise taxes on everyone because you have a nice idea, but it's not practical; said the City Council was elected for the purpose of running the city, and unless there is something so egregious that Council should be recalled,then people should leave Council alone and let them run it. Jeff Beaulac, Spokane Valley: regarding the Open Meetings Act and government transparency, said seems there is a lack of transparency; seems very clear there has been a direct lack of transparency with this Council and with Washington state law, that is not all that great; said that the Open Public Meetings Act specifies you can't do things in secret, and decisions can't be made without the public knowing; which he said leads him to the question of why was Mike Jackson fired; said the answer the public has been given is that the City wants to go in a different direction, which means there have been discussions about what direction that is, and said the citizens need to know what that direction is; said that RCW 42.30.077 discusses the 24-hour notice, said that was obviously violated and everyone knows that was violated as there weren't 24-hours' notice posted on line; said that leaves a bad taste in your mouth; RCW 42.30.120 specifies how fines can be laid out against the City if any individual wants to file a lawsuit with regard to the City not following the public meeting law, which they will be compted their attorney fees if it was shown they did things in secret,which he said realistically when you see public records violations, back in January cost the State Liquor Control Board$192,000,which isn't a cost the City of Spokane Valley needs; said we need an investigation as citizens don't know what's going on as obviously a direction has been chosen and it's about time the citizens know what that direction is, instead of having to come up here and ask. Allan Creech, Spokane Valley: to continue the discussion of a few weeks ago regarding the Sheriffs oversight committee; shared from his and his family's perspective, said as most know, his father was shot in his own parking lot late at night by a deputy sheriff who had no right,authority or permission to be there; said he appealed to this Council five years ago asking to make some changes about law enforcement, regarding identification and permission for being on private property for example; and said he had a deaf ear turned to him and his request to members of the Council, some of who are here tonight; said that was very disappointing to him but he is now grateful there are some Councilmembers willing to go against the grain; said we heard about the Sheriffs advisory board, and that the Sheriff assured everyone that they do a lot of work looking into events,and wrongful death situations;but that in the midst of all the investigation concerning his father,the Sheriff assured him that he would have an opportunity to speak with the oversight Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 5 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 board, and could share concerns with the investigation, but the end result was, when members of the Oversight Board introduced themselves the other night,that was the first time he had ever met any of them; said that committee does not do the job they claim they do; said it has been established that the board has been compromised, and said he thinks we need an unbiased board that can see some of these law enforcement actions and make corrections; said he spoke with Chief VanLeuven and asked him why have an unmarked car in the middle of the night on personal property, and why not turn on the lights to at least identify yourself as to who you are; and that the Chief told him they don't want to do that because they would lose their tactical advantage; he said that was an offense to him because he doesn't feel he is an enemy to the Sheriff's Department, and knows his father also did not see himself as an enemy to the Sheriff's Department either. Rob Lee, said he has two residences, one in Elk and one here in Spokane Valley: said a lot of people who have complaints about the government; said Spokane Valley has no way to file an ethics complaint against anybody, and he asked the Council to enact an ethics group; said we also need an oversight, not just over the Sheriff's department but a government oversight; said people say that would be layer upon layer, but he said the layers don't consist of the people, as it is the citizens who are being affected by everyone's actions sitting on this board, and all the officers in law enforcement, and everybody else who represents any kind of government; said the people need to have a voice and right now they can't; and that he feels it is time that Spokane Valley becomes more of their own city and enact some of those things. David Starr, Spokane Valley: said concerning the last meeting he attended, that as a member of this community, he was humiliated by the display he saw here; said it was like making a mockery of our community, it was embarrassing and that he hopes he never sees that again;said he thinks we are locked in a bunch of sidetracks on things that may be important,but there's more important things, priorities that this city needs to take care of,and that's the direction we need to go,whether it's an underpass under the railroad, or some of these other things that are affecting our traffic flow or our quality of life in our community; said it's time to stop having power plays and squabbling and get down to the business of taking care of this city. He said he understands that Mr.Jackson was an at-will employee,and to him that says,if there is something that happens that goes against what the City Council wishes, and if it's a majority of City Council and they say, if that's your feelings or your belief and it is contrary to what we want to do, then you're done; said his record might be great, but it only takes; said he worked for the fire department for 32 years and all the "attaboys" can go right out the window with one screw-up; said he might be a great guy, but if his philosophy is not in line with the community or the people who voted to put Council in charge, and he's done something that is contrary or belligerent to Council's desires,that's a fact of life;at-will; said the only thing he can suggest is to maybe adopt some kind of a disciplinary action process that when people complain about something's happened, Council can verify actions with a disciplinary action or letter of reprimand; so the community can look at those things to see why what happened, happened; said he doesn't abide by anyone telling a community that they are going to do something whether that community wants it or not; he said this Council voted in line with what the community wanted at that last week and said he was proud of Council for doing that;but suggested Council stay the course and stay with city business and not let these things stop us or slow us down. Heather Tanner, Spokane Valley: said she just moved here in July; said they chose Spokane Valley as they heard how family-friendly it was,and it has great schools;said she noticed an absence of sidewalks in some areas,and a lot of beautiful green space that is private property;said they live in the Ridgemont area,a huge area, but there are no places for the children to play; and the same is true with many other apartment complexes; she asked where is the health and community incentive to have parks within a community development; she asked if developers are being requested to develop nice walking trails or neighborhood park structures; and she would like to see development within the neighborhoods. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 6 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 Tony Lazanis, Spokane Valley: said that Mr. Jackson was a nice guy but a while back Council fired the other city manager; said the books were juggled and he took another$500,000; said it is a political job and the decision is up to Council if you're not happy and he does something,you can fire him. Gene Strunk, Spokane Valley: said he is happy to report that at 68 years old and on the verge of death he has witnessed the existence of the Easter Bunny today; and all we're missing in this room today is a little baby puppy with wings flying through the room giving winning lottery tickets to people, that's how ridiculous this is; said he heard former Mayor Towey talking about how terrible you people are,and all the people behind him telling how terrible you people are,but said the only problem is, no one brought a copy of the agreement between City Manager Jackson and the City of Spokane Valley,which was signed by the former Mayor who just spoke,who has a brother who has received five times more health coverage then a terminated employee would receive; said apparently Mr. Towey didn't know what he signed; in section 10 termination of the contract, and the only sentence that is applicable: "The majority of the governing body votes to terminate the employee at a duly authorized public meeting." He said a majority is four,so Council acted within its capacity because Councilmembers were elected by other citizens, other than this handful with the Easter Bunny with them behind him; said the point is the document doesn't say anything about being a good guy, or about my children go to school with his children; it doesn't say anything else other than Council has the right to terminate Mr. Jackson with a vote of four; said there isn't anything else other than a very substantial severance package,which he said he is sure Mr. Jackson will receive. Gordon Curry, Spokane Valley: said he heard a lot of comments about how great Mr. Jackson is; that he had several meetings with him when he(Mr. Curry)was building homes in the area;talked last with him a couple years ago; they had three meetings, and each time he agreed to do something to try and help the situation; said the building department is still absolutely out of control due to the amount of time it takes to get a building permit; said previously he could go down to the County and get a building permit in one day; said that here it takes two to three weeks, and he heard some developer say it took eleven months to get a permit to do business here; said he developed a 112-unit mobile home park on Barker Road many years ago and it worked out great; said he realizes time and situations change, but that he and Mr. Jackson had several meetings and finally after the fourth or fifth meeting, Mr.Jackson shuffled him off to someone else because he didn't want to talk to him. David Wiyrick, Spokane Valley: said he thinks the City Council should discuss the cost of the Spokane County District Court to the city; said he has done some research and made some contacts; and state-wide Spokane County and King County lead the state by 25% in district court judges; said at this time it looks like there are about eight court judges in Spokane County and the need is at 6.25; so there are about two judges we probably don't need at a cost of about $150,000 each plus their assistant at about $50,000; he said that Spokane Valley therefore pays about 20%of the Spokane County District Court; he asked the City Council and the City Manager and City Attorney to look at the documents he presented, said some are obviously a little outdated as the information wasn't readily available, but it looks like our City could save $300,000 or$400,000 if they looked into this closely and might consider hiring their own municipal court judge and take this on your own,with a city prosecutor;said he provided all the data to Council and it would need to be checked out, but there are some real questions that he included in the documents; and he asked Council and staff to have a public conversation later on after they had a chance to look over the information; and discuss it with the voters of Spokane Valley. 1.Administrative Report: Limited Tax General Obligation(LTGO)Bonds for City Hall—Mark Calhoun Mr.Calhoun said the proceeds of this limited tax general obligation bond would be used for the construction of a new city hall; and he went through some of the background of the project, which was included in the March 22, 2016 Request for Council Action (RCA) form, adding that this project went out to bid March 18,2016,and the bid opening is scheduled for April 21,2016.Mr.Calhoun explained the anticipated project financing, also included in the March 22,2016, RCA. Mr. Calhoun then introduced Bond Counsel Deanna Gregory with Pacific Law Group, members of the financial group Lindsey Sovde with Piper Jaffrey, and Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 7 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 Dave Trageser with D.A. Davidson. Financial Advisor Ms. Sovde, said her fiduciary responsibility is to do what is in the best interest of this City; and she briefly went through the process including the RFP process to hire an underwriter, and that they hired D.A.Davidson as having submitted the best proposal of all firms responding; said she feels our bond issue will be well received, and mentioned our City has a strong AA credit rating; and she will be talking to Moody's Investor Service about maintaining the credit rating; said they are also working on drafting the offering document that will go out to investors to solicit interest for the bonds, and the preliminary official statement should be available May 12, which is after Council takes action to approve the bond ordinance; said they anticipate pricing the bonds May 19, the date the interest rate will be locked, and they will close the bond issue on June 2,the date bond proceeds will be available; and will be actively involved on pricing of the bonds May 19 as well,to make sure we get a good interest rate. In response to Councilmember Gothmann's question about our bond capacity, Mr. Calhoun replied that each month the finance department issues a finance activity report, and on the third from the last page on that report, there is a dialogue on the City's debt capacity; these are limited tax GO bonds, so the debt capacity is 1.5%of the assessed value and our assessed value is just under$8 billion, so 1.5%of that would be $120 million; speaking from memory he said we have about $7 million outstanding, adding another$8 million, so it would take that capacity from $120 million to $105 million. Mr. Dave Trageser, with D.A. Davidson, said in his role as underwriter, his role is to market the bonds to investors at the lowest interest rates; the good news is that interest rates are still near forty-year lows; in today's market we are looking at approximately 3.36%for a 30-year fixed rate financing; said the City has a good credit rating, are expecting the marketing to be a smooth process; and they will be preparing the necessary documents. Ms. Deanna Gregory, with Pacific Law Group, will be representing the City in this transaction;they draft the bond ordinance and closing documents,and will make sure all the federal tax law requirements will be met; and that they will render a legal opinion on the bond issue; and she went over some of the parameters of the bond ordinance,which is the only official action Council will take regarding the issuance of the bonds,with the other official actions delegated to the City Manager; she also mentioned there could be some changes based on how the bonds come in and on actual locked interest rates;said these bonds fall within the city's approval capacity and are not based on voter approval.Mr.Calhoun then briefly went over the upcoming calendar of events,seeking Council consensus to move forward as planned. There were no objections. At 7:33 p.m., Mayor Higgins called for a recess; he reconvened the meeting at approximately 7:45 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on March 22,2016 Request for Council Action Form,Total: $2,858,570.80 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending March 15, 2016: $364,344.22 c. Approval of February 23, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Formal Format d. Approval of March 1, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format e. Approval of March 8,2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Special 4:00 p.m. Meeting It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent agenda. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comments. Lynn Plaggemeier, Spokane Valley: said if you call up and ask the city for a copy of the justification for the new city hall, guess what you get? Nothing. What you get is little snippets out of board meetings for the last three years and that's all you get. There is not a written justification for this facility; said when you are talking about spending that much money,the citizens need to be able to pull out a sheet of paper showing the justification for our city hall, signed by the councilmembers and mayor; also said that federal buildings do not permit any plaques on the inside of buildings unless the individuals that were working on them are deceased; said he would like to have the Council make sure that there are no dedication plaques inside this Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 8 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 building with councilmember's names on them;said there was talk of a city police department;that this city has so much on its plate, a city run Police Department would be a disaster;there are modifications that can be made to the existing contract to take care of anything; said he thinks that is a very important issue, and suggested having a committee to look at modifying the contract and not throw it out. Nina Fluegal, Spokane Valley: said we want a change in the valley;said we want a change from the federal government on down, and with that change also comes acceptance as to what comes with that change such as decisions made in the majority form; said we want a change,we got it;we have to learn to trust our new Council and she does, and she wishes more people would give the opportunity to see past the immediate political issues as they say they are, which she said, she doesn't believe; said the shoe is on the other foot, and you gotta walk with both feet. Gene Strunk, Spokane Valley: said he apologizes to Council, he doesn't like being here, hadn't been here in years, but lately things have been going on to where he's compelled to be here; said what he was going to talk about is something that he doesn't like talking about, but it is necessary; said he believes that this Council should seriously consider asking for the resignation of the city attorney; the city attorney demonstrated during the vote concerning Mr. Jackson, a lack of agency on behalf of the citizens of this community; said "agency" means he understands who he represents; the only people he represents is the citizens,the taxpayers. During that meeting he openly wept when Mr.Jackson was terminated;that creates a problem; as we witnesses today, there were twenty or thirty people back here that are carrying the ropes and the spears; said that could lead to a lawsuit eventually particularly since there are two Councilmembers here who insist upon throwing gas on the fire; and that is a problem legally; as a taxpayer he said there is no way the current city attorney can represent taxpayers, because he does not know where his agency lies, and he cannot be our advocate, and he recited the duty of competent representative rule for a city attorney, "A member shall not intentionally, recklessly or repeatedly fail to perform legal services with competence; competence means to apply this (1) diligence; (2) learning and skill, and (3) mental and emotional and physical ability reasonably necessary for the performance of such a service."Our city attorney demonstrated hands-down by walking out crying, he could not represent the taxpayers, he was too emotionally tired to the city manager; therefore, he'd like to see him resign, and if not, there are a group of people that will go forward and file a complaint with the State Bar Association if he chooses not to resign, and under no circumstances, should Council allow him to represent the taxpayers in any future litigation that may be brought by the City Manager, and if you do that, he would suggest to people he knows that a civil action be brought against both he and the City Manager because if you read the termination agreement, it's very specific about indemnification for the city manager, and you need to read it. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 3. SCRAPS Update—Mark Calhoun Deputy City Manager Calhoun gave some background information concerning SCRAPS as our animal control services provider, including information about the revenue and budget in detail, as noted on the March 22, 2016 Request for Council Action form; said some questions arose about a $20.00 late fee, and noted that the fee has not changed in years, which prompted some discussion if that is an encouragement or discouragement for people licensing their pets,especially if the late fee exceeds the license renewal cost. Mr. Calhoun said there would be further discussions in the future on that issue. Mr. Koudelka explained that although not written or generally known to the public,there is a 45-day grace period where they forgive late fees; and said that will be examined closer as well. Mr. Koudelka said we are in the process of having quarterly newsletters to the community and an idea was to insert license information; said we already have information on our website, and we will be looking to enhance that through the year. Mr. Calhoun mentioned that we are now two years into a twenty-year interlocal agreement and it has been a huge success in terms of service and cost, and ended by stating that it is staff's intent to give Council an annual update on this service. Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 9 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 4. Sidewalk/Snow Removal—Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell went over several discussion points concerning the issue of snow and ice on sidewalks, including natural accumulations and accumulations from other sources such as snow plows and who has responsibility for removal of that snow and ice, and that he would like to get some consensus on Council's preferred direction. He explained that our City already places this responsibility on adjoining property owners as per the City's Code 7.05.040, and he mentioned the option of treating snow and ice as a nuisance and the civil penalties associated with such; he mentioned consideration of using infraction citations in addition to or part of an educational program, and included some of our existing educational venues such as the annual letters to all registered businesses, and brochure distributions. There was some Council discussion about the infraction system or some variation of that system, and to perhaps try starting with the businesses and school areas. Deputy Mayor Woodard also suggested the idea of having our code enforcement officers take some time each day or few hours a week,to talk with the businesses one-on-one. Deputy Mayor Woodard also suggested the idea of having a map identifying those targeted areas,including the safe routes to school. After further Council discussion, it was determined that Mr. Driskell and Mr. Hohman will work together to gather more ideas for voluntary compliance, work more with the map idea, and perhaps include an area within 1,000 feet of schools. 5. Uncovered, Unsecured loads—Erik Lamb After Deputy City Attorney Lamb introduced Legal Intern Caleb Hatch,they went through the PowerPoint presentation giving background about the solid waste system including information about beginning with an education process to inform the public about uncovered or unsecured loads and any possible fees, and moving into draft/potential language concerning the transportation of waste materials. It was determined that staff should move forward with a draft ordinance,and to bring back research materials concerning fines for littering. 6. Independent Investigative Counsel—Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell explained the issue as noted on his March 22, 2016 Request for Council Action (RCA) form, and highlighted ten relevant issues Council might want to consider for an independent investigator to consider;as well as the legal sufficiency of the notice of the meeting,and whether there was an illegal meeting between the four members of the majority which voted to request Mr. Jackson's resignation. Council discussion included whether to have at future meetings,further discussion or a motion or both;the importance of transparency and of knowing the correct procedure and the importance of process for these types of issues; and there was eventually consensus to delay the start of the investigation until all outstanding issues have been resolved regarding Mr.Jackson's separation. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to extend the meeting fifteen more minutes. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmembers Grafos, Pace, Gothmann and Hafner. Opposed: Councilmember Wood. Motion carried. 7. Advance Agenda—Mayor Higgins Deputy Mayor Woodard suggested having Christine Barada of the Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee come to a Council meeting and explain what they do, how it relates to Spokane Valley, and about the grant process. There were no objections. Councilmember Wood read the following statement: "Mr. Grafos demanded records and legal advice from Carnhope Water District.Is it appropriate,and this brings into question his motivation and standing to make such a demand; note that Mr. Grafos is currently a City Councilmember in Spokane Valley, he is the immediate past mayor, is known to the person to whom he made that demand. While it is possible that Mr. Grafos never mentioned by what authority he was making his demand, he was most fervently relying on his current and past status in city government to imply that he had some legitimate authority to do so. Such an action would have had to have been authorized by the Spokane Valley City Council to act on its behalf Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 10 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 in such a manner. He did not have such authority, therefore, one can conclude that he at best acted inappropriately and at worst,besmirched the name of the City Council by his actions." In response, Mr. Grafos said that "this is a public entity, Carnhope Irrigation District, and as a citizen of this city, he has the right to ask for the books of that Carnhope Irrigation District; and as a paid member, Chairman of the board of that district,Mr. Wood should readily say, let's provide that information,but you do not provide that information; and you came to this Council a couple of weeks ago and you talked about how this water district was in trouble financially and that we should try to help this water district and how important these water districts were. And it was talked about by the Council, in the public,that we needed to help these poor water districts. Well, the information that was provided to me was that the Carnhope Irrigation District has a revenue fund with$1,020,171 in it;you have$212,000 in operating money and you have another reserve fund of$16,000, so my question is why was money diverted and awarded to the Carnhope Irrigation District when that money belonged to,was for a sidewalk project for the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley." INFORMATION ONLY The (8) Department Monthly Reports; and the (9)WSDOT Call for Projects were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr.Calhoun mentioned that members of the DAR(Daughters of the American Revolution)will be holding a flag ceremony this Tuesday, March 29th , at 9:00 a.m. in front of City Hall. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:•10 p.m. */- ATT ins L.R. Higgins,gg ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting:03-22-2016 Page 11 of 11 Approved by Council:04-12-2016 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 22, 2016 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE S/ Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT gfkihe A 11 all 6 5" -E.4 4,Q0,060(tY(LTh Ty ), ciy(wree_ Q/di-06 ,-)6W-cc,(x) / v/71(,,,e,d-bbyL (0-x ) IhI (//te. • # et}e° /sr e (j ,j6.(ksci,\ (Pt <-17.,,i L\G(2r- 2 / v( C *,-7 i'f6gce--/- 617y .0 i-44,›)?, J• )t'A 141("6 ( 0/ 6 1 e_eAC4 (-1(1 reIv ; ( Ve, ) .044 i Al P, 0'.5 I4 ,riv' V/tily, / ToiN(Q - t,f.VC:-- 5-Fs1A tifC 1 c-15)17 Cc?( ‘t,(' NJ LK Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 22, 2016 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT -3r,a►c Ucc1I i1/vim 1Lktli e o.81,1 \iYMK � eic 41. 7,c1.c47 �a� 2�yr70 Please note that once information is entered on this,form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT 47- SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 22, 2016 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT si; „ 62,A-7% er; ".214) Please note that once information is entered on this forst, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. The firing of Jackson — is the shot we heard across Spokane Valley. Your actions are not leadership — it is an attack on the stability of our community and damaging Jackson' family who are a part of us. if you don't like the structure of city council — That requires a vote of the people to change — not firing Mike Jackson. You have all the legislative power— so there isn't any more to be had. Nothing you have said has anything to do with Jackson. I are demanding an outside investigation into the firing of Mike Jackson. Listen — don't smugly endure this hearing. I've heard — the firing of Jackson was without malice — well it is malicious.— He has an enviable record of management, connecting community and the staff that provides services to this city — We will not forget — We will not move on. Jackson has 13 years of serving us. He is one of us. it isn't just a job — services on a computer sheet — he moved humbly to serve us — an eye to the future. You are the interlopers — destroying the hard wrought foundation the community had grown to trust. Your experience is dubious and short — That's why you are elected for policy — you are not city managers. The dissenting council lived our history — they were here. We don't remember you. The only power you had was to fire one man and you used it like a child with their first bb gun. Maybe todays terrorist bombing in Belgium — people dead and injured might wake you up. We face the real threat of terrorist. The council will not be the ones directing services during crisis. We cannot afford to have a rookie you choose to lead a city during precarious times. There isn't time for a learning curve — back to the drawing board — trust and knowledge take time we do not have. You have foolishly placed us in jeopardy. Mike Jackson is that man with the knowledge and capability to calmly respond to whatever we face. Not a rookie!! Today, in the face of real terrorist threats — How could you fire Mike Jackson, the one man with the capability to calmly and knowledgeably take care of this community in the face of any crisis. Again, This is not just another day in the city. We will not forget. We will not move on. While no one is the sum total of a single action. The abuse of your office brings all your actions into question. You are playing to a small group in a room without a view. Wake up - We are a unique people and deserve to not be issued basically a divorce decree by your political fiat. We are not a machine — that you just change out parts. It takes inspiration — Mike Jackson has shown he stands at all times in excellence & integrity. — Give Him Back His Job. N3--d VALLEY JUDICIAL CONTRACT ISSUES 1. 30 DAYS PAID VACATION PLUS 30 DAYS PRO TEM TIME X 8 JUDGES = 480 PAID DAYS =2 FULL TIME JUDGES 2. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS ESTIMATES CURRENT JUDICIAL NEEDS AT 6.25 JUDGES V. 8 CURRENTLY BEING PAID 3. DOCKETS SCHEDULED DO NOT REFLECT TIME EXPENDED. IN THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE TIME DOCKETS END FAR EARLIER THAN TIME ALLOCATED. MANY DOCKETS COULD BE "DOUBLED UP" RESULTING IN FAR MORE EFFICIENT USE OF TIME. 4. NO NEED FOR JUDICIAL ASSISTANTS. DISTRICT COURT HAS 8 — A YEARLY EXPENSE OF $500,000 OF WHICH THE VALLEY PAYS 20% OR $100,000. 5. WHERE DID THE $$ COME FROM TO PAY FOR $175,000 IN ATTORNEY FEES PLUS JUDGMENT OF $16,000 WON BY JUDGE PLESE OVER PAYMENT OF VACATION TIME? 6. JUDGES USE PRO TEMS WHEN GOING ON VACATION INSTEAD OF VACATION DAYS AND SELL THE UNUSED VACATION TIME BACK TO THE COUNTY WHEN THEY RETIRE. WHERE IS THE MONEY COMING FROM TO PAY OFF RETIRING JUDGES? 7. TAXPAYERS COUGHED UP $5000 TO BUY JUDGE WALKER A NEW DESK. 8. ESTIMATED EXCESS COST TO VALLEY: a. 3 JUDGES X$200,000 EACH X 20%=$120,000 b. 8 JUDICIAL ASSISTANTS @ 50,000 EACH X 20%=$80,000 c. PAYMENT OF ABUSED VACATION TIME=$100,000 9. ESTIMATED EXCESS COST TO CITY OF THE VALLEY- $300,000 10. WHO IS PAYING THE COST OF LITIGATION INVOLVING DECISIONS MADE BY THE DISTRICT COURT JUDGES? 119, e ±P ijrt vitt-;p. 11. LITIGATION PERTAINING TO THE TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT FOR JUDICIAL SERVICES WITH THE CITY OF SPOKANE - DID THE VALLEY PAY PART OF THOSE COSTS? 12. LITIGATION INVOLVING THE NON-PAYMENT OF UNUSED VACATION TIME BY JUDGE PLESE AND COONEY OF SUPERIOR COURT - DID THE VALLEY PART OF THOSE COSTS? 13. LITIGATION INVOLVING ALLEGATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS BY DISTRICT COURT JUDGES - IS THE VALLEY PAYING PART OF THOSE COSTS? 14. ACCOUNTING OF TRIAL COURT IMPROVEMENT FUND MONIES RECEIVED BY DISTRICT COURT. DID THE CITY OF THE VALLEY GET CREDIT FOR ITS SHARE? 15. ACCOUNTING FOR FILING FEES/FINES AND PROBATION MONITORING FEES RECEIVED BY DISTRICT COURT. DID THE VALLEY GET CREDIT FOR ITS SHARE? 16. SPOKANE COUNTY AND KING COUNTY LEAD THE STATE WITH JUDICIAL OVERSTAFFING BY 25 PERCENT 17. FUNDS RECEIVED FOR VARIOUS'OFFENSES DO NOT MATCH THE 20% SHARE OF COSTS PAID BY THE CITY. Public Disclosure Act stuff: 1. documents relating to DC Judges' use of pro tem time 2. documents relating to payment of attorney fees and payouts in lawsuits involving district court judges as a whole or individually. 3. Documents relating to the application of"indirect overhead" expenses attributed to the City of the Valley judicial services contract. 4. Disclosure of scheduling matrix used by district judges 5. Disclosure of statutory authority to award DC judges 30 days paid vacation and 30 days paid pro tern days 6. Disclosure of parking fees paid by DC judges 7. Disclosure of accounting for frequent flier miles awarded to DC judges as the result of official travel 8. Disclosure of statutory authority to pay out unused vacation time as DC judges retire. 9. Disclosure of funds expended on furniture used by DC 10. Accounting for the disparity between percentage of DC budget contributed by the Valley (20%) and various fine/penalty monies collected by the county. 11. Case load numbers by judge by day for the last year. District Courts:Judicial Needs Estimates by Full-Time Equivalents,2014 Projected Filings' Judicial Time Spent as Commissioners and Superior Court 'Total Judicial Total Estimated Judge Court Judges Magistrates Commissioner I Officers Need' ' Adams-Othello 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.77 Adams-RJtzvilie 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.53 Asotin 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Benton 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.04 Chelan 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.80 Clallam#1 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.56 Clallam #2 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.62 Clark 6.00 1.50 0.00 7.50 7.20 Columbia 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.48 Cowlitz 3.00 0.00 0.10 2.90 2.95 Douglas 1.00 0.10 0.00 1.10 0.85 Ferry 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.52 Franklin 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.29 Garfield 0.40 0.00 0.001 0.40 0.48 Grant 2.00 0.08 0.00 2.08 2.56 Grays Harbor 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.34 Island 1.00 1.00 0.25 1.75 1.16 Jefferson 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.75 0.87 King 25.00 1.00 0.00 26.00 21.21 Kitsap 4.00 0.00 0.10 3.90 .4.47 Kittitas-Lower 1.00 0.45 0.00 1.45 1.17 Kittitas-Upper 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.56 Klickitat-East 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.65 Klickitat-West 0.441 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.57 Lewis 2.00 0.05 0.00 2.051 1.35 Uncoln 0.74 0.00 0.15 0.59 0.65 Mason 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.15 Okanogan 1.60 0.00 0.00 1.601 1.36 Pacific-North 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.52 Pacific-South 0:60 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.72 Pend Oreille 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.68 Pierce 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 8.46 San Juan 0.77 0.00 0.10 0.67 0.56 Skagit 2.00 0.82 0.00 2.82 2.11 Skamania 0.50 0.50 0.00 1.00 0.60 Snohomish 8.00 1.00 0.00 9.001 9.69 Spokane 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 6.25 Stevens 1.00 0.03 0.00 1.03 1.00 Thurston 3.00 0.75 0.00 3.75 3.38 Wahklakum 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.49 Walla Walla 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.47 Whatcom 2.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 2.20 .._- Whitman .. - - -1.00 --: 0.00 -= -=0.25..: ..0.75-..- . 0.-} . ..... ...., ...._..,_ , Yakima 4.00 1.00 0.10' 4.90 4.00 STATEWIDE TOTAL 108.15 9.28 1.80 115.63 107.28 Notes: 1.Year 2014 projected filings are based on the previous five-year filing trends of the various case types in a given court. Any vehicle-related violations(parking,photo-radar and toll citations)that were not entered into the statewide Judicial Information System(AS)are excluded from filing counts. 2.Need estimates represent the estimated number of judge positions needed,as required by RCW 256.030(11).They are based on the previous five years of data for the number of total judicial officers and case resolutions. *Judges and Total Estimated Judge Need exclude a full-time presiding judge who is unavailable to hear cases.Currently, this only applies to King County as required by local ordinance. EXHIBIT 2A COST CALCULATION MODEL (CCM) 2012 ESTIMATED COST-PER-CASE COMPONENT#1 COMPONENT#2 C WORKLOAD ANALYSIS TOTAL EXPENDITURES I Total Expenses x%FTE Personnel Less 2012 MHC $5,337,826 Funding SINGLE / ASSIGN FTE MENT MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENT PERSONNEL /TOTAL EXPENDITURES A JUDICIAL FTE / TOTAL COST BY CASE TYPE STAFF STAFF OFFICER TOTAL % / CASE TYPE _ Shared Responsibilty :INFRACTIONS 0 12.11 0.94 13.05 21.61% $1,147,979.39 DUI 0 7.55 1.67 9.23 /5.20% $811,353.41 E / CRIMINAL TRAFFIC 0 7.55 1.04 8.59 / 14.15% $755,542.21 MISDEMEANOR DV 0 3.79 0.70 4.49 / 7.39% $394,586.77 !CRIMINAL NON-TRAFFIC 0 4.83 0.84 5.68/ 9.35% $499,115.53 MENTAL HEALTH COURT 4.5 1.48 0.50 %48 10.67% $569,641.66 ($484,795) 'County Responsibility / CIVIL 0 4.28 0.73 / 5.01 8.26% $440,666.19 i ':SMALL CLAIMS 0 3.31 0.50 3.81 6.28% $335,140.80 I IAH/DV(Civil cases/not Criminal) 1 2.90 0.47 4.36 7.19% $383,799.73 , otals 5.50 47.80 7.40 60.70 100.00% $5 337,825.68 Court Cost Analysis / District Court 2011 Expenses $4,502,563 / Actual Indirect Costs for 2010 $872,039 SubTotal $5,374,602 / Actual 2011 Cheney Cost ($36,776) $5,337,826 , YC. EXHIBIT 2B WORKLOAD ANALYSIS - SUMMARY SUMMARY 2011 Info as of 1/1/12 6/25/2012 OF EACH DAY FTE Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Clms AH/DV MHC ADMINISTRATION 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 100% CLERK'S OFFICE 34% 15% 17% 6% 9% 8% 6% 5% 0% 100% JUDICIAL ASSTS 5% 24% 16% 11% 14% 10% 7% 6% 7% 100% JUDGES 13% 23% 14% 9% 11% 10% 7% 6% 7% 100% 63% 73% 58% 38% 45% 39% 31% 28% 25% 400% AVG PERCENTAGE 15.77% 18.27% 14.60% 9.49% 11.26% 9.74% 7.67% 7.06% 6.13% 100.00% MHC I 0%I 11%I 0%I 39%I 50%I 0%I 0%I 0%I I I I 100% #OF EMPLOYEES I FTE Infractions DUI 'Misd-CT Misd-DV,Mild-CN Civil Sm Cims_AH/DV MHC ADMINISTRATION 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 ' 0.98 0.98 8.80 CLERKS OFFICE 10.75 4.76 5.36 1.98 2.84 2.57 1.80 1.45 31.50 JUDICIAL ASSTS 0.38 1.82 1.22 0.83 1.02 0.73 0.53 0.47 0.50 7.50 I STAFF I 12.11 7.55 7.55 3.79 4.83 4.28 3.31 2.90 1.48 47.80 IJUDICIAL OFFICER I 0.94 I 1.67 I 1.041 0.70 I 0.84 I 0.73 I 0.50 I 0.47 I 0.50 I I I 7.40 MHC I 0.00 I 0.52 I 0.00 I 1.73 1 2.25 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I I I I 4.50 AH/DV(Civil cases/not Criminal) II 1.00 1.00 I TOTAL I 13.05 I 9.23 I 8.59 I 4.49 I 5.68 I 5.01 I 3.81 I 3.36 I 1.98 I I I 60.70 I MCH Total 0.00 0.52 0.00 1.73 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 6.48 Total tN/O MCH 13.05 8.71 8.59 2.75 3.43 5.01 3.81 3.36 0.00 54.22 Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Cims AH/DV MCH Admin r , 0`98, 198� Oi58 OSB' ; $ ; /0 9�8 'i'"'t.[yi#,9't8;.�%i a f 78 8.80 8.80 Clerk I 0,, ,.. -L. *0, , C ii G 2.v -46,4A-4,1t "na s a .� .; 31.50 31.50 b Ser .7 �1 .' ,i 4� 7 0 . i's.; e, s` 7.50 7.50 Judical Assist a; 8 •a- y , c i° Judges '` -Or :.,, . „a _ .� r 0_'o"gin.... ,k`'„:� 3t ?_.0 9` .?:M..__?,.:46% 7.40 7.40 MHC 4;50 4.50 4.50 0.00 AH/DV(Civil cases/not Criminal) 1 1 1.00 Totals 13.05 9.23 8.59 4.49 5.68 5.01 3.81 3.36 6.48 1.00 60.70 60.70 EXHIBIT 2B-1 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS - Administration FTE Infractions DUI MisdCTLMisd b9Misd-CN Civil 1Sm. Cims AH/DV MCH TOT Friberg, Sandy AT2 0.83 0.83 0.83 [[ 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 7.50 Ingram,Ronda OM 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 7.50 Gray,Becky Sec2 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 7.50 Miller,Wayne CAA 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 7.50 Searl,Sheri AT3 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 7.50 Shaw,Denny JOM 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 7.50 Witter,John DCC 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 7.50 Judge.5-3.75 (Hayes) 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 3.75 JA.5-3.75 (Getchell) 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 3.75 Court Administrator 0.67 0.67 0.67 0,67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 6.00 TOTAL 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 7.33 66.00 Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Clms AH/DV MCH %of each day 11% 11% 11%` 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 100% #of Employees 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 8.80 Staffing and Workload Information is Effective 9-1-2011 EXHIBIT 2B-2 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS - Clerk's Office FTE Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Clms AH/DV TOT Baseler, AT2 1.00 1.75 2.50 0.75 1.50 7.50 Bently, AT2 3.00 1.50 1.75 0.25 1.00 7.50 Engan, AT2 5.25 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.50 7.50 Gray, AT2 3.50 1.00 1.50 0.25 1.25 7.50 Harris, AT2 4.25 0.75 1.25 0.25 1.00 7.50 Lara,AT2 4.25 0.75 1.25 0.25 1.00 7.50 Schoonover, AT2 7.50 7.50 Wagar, AT2 7.50 7.50 Wentz, AT2 5.00 2.00 0.50 7.50 Clark,0A4 2.00 1.82 1.82 1.37 0.49 7.50 Countryman, 0A4 6.00 1.50 7.50 Dorman, 0A4 1.90 2.16' 2.16 0.10 1.08 0.10 7.50 Morig, 0A4 6.00 0.07 0.97 0.08 0.38 7.50 Morris, 0A4 1.50 6.00 7.50 Carroll, 0A3 3.38 1.00 1.90 0.12 1.00 0.10 7.50 Castillo, 0A3 4.50 1.20 1.00 0.40 0.20 0.20 7.50 Coyle, 0A3 5.75 0.67 0.64 0.22 0.22 7.50 ECR 0A3 4.00 3.50 7.50 Falmo, CMS 2.00 1.00 4.00 0.10 0.40 7.50 Perry, CMS 1.50 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 7.50 Holmes, AT3 7.50 7.50 Maffia, AT3 0.50 2.00 2.50 1.00 1.50 7.50 Anderson, CC 1.00 4.00 1.25 1.25 7.50 Bell,CC (.5 FTE grant) 0.10 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.40 3.75 Dravland, CC 1.00 0.25 5.00 0.25 1.00 7.50 Gallagher,CC 0.75 4.50 1.00 0.25 0.75 0.25 7.50 Gerke, CC 7.50 7.50 Krotova, CC 0.50 0.75 1.00 4.25 1.00 7.50 Supita, CC 0.75 4.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 7.50 Albano, OS 3.75 0.76 2.43 0.18 0.38 7.50 Cameron,OS 0.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 7.50 Hansen, OS 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.50 2.75 0.50 0.50 7.50 Jurjevich, OS Vacancy TOTAL 80.63 35.68 40.17 14.82 21.30 19.25 13.50 10.90 236.25 Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Clms AH/DV of each day 34% 15% 17% 6% 9% 8% 6% 5% 100% #of Employees 10.75 4.76 5.36 1.98 2.84 2.57 1.80 1.45 31.50 Staffing and Workload Information is Effective 9-1-2011 EXHIBIT 2B-3 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS - Judicial Assistants FTE Infractions DUl Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil ,Sm Clms AH1DV MCH TOT Nebergall,JA-RAB 0.50 1.00 3.50 1.00 1.50_ 7.50 Amistoso,JA-JOC 0.25 0.25 5.00 2.00 7.50 Borrows,JA-SBD 0.25 4.25 1.25 1.75 7.50 Getchell,JA-DRH 0.25 0.75 1.00 0.75 1.00 3.75 Bartole,JA-VWP(cbc) 1.00 2.75 1.25 0.50 1.25 0.50 0.25 7.50 Hansen,JA-GJT 0.50 3.75 1.50 1.75 7.50 Plewman,JA-PCW 4.00 3.50 7.50 Gerrells,JA-DW 0.25 3.25 1.00 1.25 1.75 7.50 MHC 3.75 3.75 Adjust for admin -0.13 -2.13 -0.63 0.00 -0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.75 TOTAL 2.875 13.625 9.125 6.250 7.625 5.500 4.000 3.500 3.750 56.250 Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Cims AH/DV MCH %of each day 5% 24% 16% 11% 14% 10% 7% 6% 7% 100% #of Employees 0.38 1.82 1.22 0.83 1.02 0.73 0.53 0.47 0.50 7.50 Staffing and Workload information is Effective 9-1-2011 EXHIBIT 2B-4 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS - Mental Health Court FTE infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Cims AHIDV TOT Bell, Stephanie(.5 FTE) 0.88 1 1.88 3.75 Bender, Sec 2 0.75 3.00 3.75 7.50 Folden, MH Eval 0.75 3.00 3.75 7.50 Hammond, MH Cs Mgr 0.75 3.00 3.75 7.50 Manfred, Manager 0.75 3.00 3.75 7.50 TOTAL 0.00 3.88 0.00 13.00 16.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.75 Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Clms AH/DV %of each day 0% 11% 0% 39% 50% 0% 0% 0% 100% #of Employees 0.00 0.52 0.00 1.73 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 Staffing and Workload Information is Effective 9-1-2011 EXHIBIT 2B-5 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS - Judges • Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Cims AH/DV MHC TOT Brandt,Judge 0.50 1.00 3.50 1.00_ 1.50 7.50 Cooney,Judge 0.25 0.25 5.00 2.00 7.50 Derr,Judge 0.25 4.25 1.25 1.75 7.50 Hayes,Judge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.75 3.75 Peterson,Judge(cbc) 5.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.50 7.50 Tripp,Judge 0.32 3.56 1.31 1.56 6.75 Walker,Judge 4.00_ 3.50 7.50 Wilson,Judge 0.25 3.25 1.00 1.25 1.75 7.50 TOTAL 7.07 12.56 7.81 5.25 6.31 5.50 3.75 3.50 3.75 55.50 Infractions DUI Misd-CT Misd-DV Misd-CN Civil Sm Cims AH/DV MHC of each day 13% 23% 14% 9% 11% 10% 7% 6% 7% 100% #of Employees 0.94 1.67 1.04 0.70 0.84 0.73 0.50 0.47 0.50 7.40 Judge Hayes 50%of her position is as a MHC judge&50%is admin as presiding Staffing and Workload Information is Effective 9-1-2011 Note: Judge Tripp spends up to 15 hrs a month in Cheney(2 days). 162.5 hrs/mo = 15 hrs=10.8%. 7.5 hrs x 10% equals.75. 7.50-.75=6.75 Workweek for Judge Tripp instead of 7.5. Must back out the Cheney work. We subtracted.19 each(.19 x 4=.75)from Infractions,DUI,Misd CT,Misd. CN and Small Claims. EXHIBIT 2D 2011 Filings by Category & Jurisdiction Spokane County District Court 3/16/13 11:20 AM Cases Filed - Contracting Jurisdictions Report Cases filed 2011 Jurisdiction Initials(Jurisdiction DPK CITY OF DEER PARK FFD CITY OF FAIRFIELD LLK CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE MIL CITY OF MILLWOOD ROC CITY OF ROCKFORD SPL CITY OF SPANGLE SPO COUNTY OF SPOKANE SPV CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT File Year>> 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011, 2011 2011 Jurisdiction >> DPK FFD LLK. MIL ROC SPL SPO 1SPV Total Criminal Non Traffic 115 41 1 ,..1415 783__ 2355 Criminal Traffic 499 115 9 3507 1566 5696 DV Misdemeanors 34 21 466 425 946 DWI Citation 38 27 1389 169 1623 Infractions 886 5 615 29 44 7 32685 7243 41514 Parking Infractio 4 3 5670 333 6010 Totals 1576 5 822 39 44 7 45132 10519 58144 EXHIBIT 2D-1 2011 Mental Health Court Cases Incoming/new assigned Mental Health Court cases,based on MCO coding in 11S system. data as of 01/11/13 DPK CITY OF DEER PARK LLK CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE ROC CITY OF ROCKFORD SPC CITY OF SPOKANE SPO COUNTY OF SPOKANE SPV CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY MHC In Year>> ki't istimairriwa SPC%of SPO%of 4 SPV%of Court Bill MHC Jurisdiction» . �� _”:'"t '�t'u?�t c r e ' m . u i� IPA` r.t%A l • ° Total SPD No Criminal Non-Traffic'` 1 20 15 36 SPD - No Criminal Traffic 9 6 15 SPD No DV Misdemeanors 8 17 25 SPD No OWI Citation 1 15 16 SPD No Infractions 1 1 SPD Yes ,Criminal Non-Traffic 8 6 14 SPD Yes Criminal Traffic 1 6 7 SPD Yes DV Misdemeanors 8 7 15 SPD Yes 'DWI Citation 2 2 SPM 'Yes (Criminal Non-Traffic 160 160 SPM Yes 'Criminal Traffic 19 19 SPM. Yes DV Misdemeanors 68 68 SPM Yes DWI Citation 6 6 SPM, MUIR Infractions 2 2 Totals 2 1 255 66% 77 20% 51 13% 386 Data from Jurisdictio Billing/BOXI query,cases where case review code of"MCO"was set during period "Bill MHC" value is determined by a formula,if MCO imposed date month=case file date month then Bill MHC=Yes,it is assumed the case shouldn't have already been billed to the jurisdiction at an earlier time,as a regular non MHC casetype.If the case file date was earlier it assumes the case has already been billed as a regular non MHC casetype.(as to not double bill the jurisdiction.) 3,;4/2016 Washington State Courts-Caseloads of the Courts WASHINGTON 01 Get 0COURTS __ sear Forms Court Directory Opinions Rules Courts Programs & Orc Courts Home > Caseloads of the Courts Caseloads of the Courts of Washington Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Cases Filed - 2015 Annual Report Infractions Misdemeanors DUI/ Civil Phy Other Protection S Traffic Non Traffic Control Traffic Non Traffic Orders(I) Civil Cl District Courts .State/County 495,823 22,498 16,892 33,182 28,980 9,174 118,821 14 .Municipal 72,728 1,923 2,692 12,106 19,554 1 1 Municipal Courts 242,084 11,424 6,779 28,660 56,419 344 159 State Total 810,635 35,845 26,363 73,948 104,953 9,519 118,981 14 --Top -- Adams County .Othello D 1,504 29 88 304 98 26 446 ...Othello M 564 25 53 276 158 0 0 .Othello D Total 2,068 54 141 580 256 26 446 .Ritzville D 7,405 5 32 230 44 7 94 ...Ritzville M 212 17 3 16 31 0 0 .Ritzville D Total 7,617 22 35 246 75 7 94 Adams County 9,685 76 176 826 331 33 540 --Top -- Asotin County .Asotin D 1,310 86 38 133 193 59 601 ...Asotin M 104 0 8 6 16 0 0 ...Clarkston M 171 3 15 77 387 0 0 .Asotin D Total 1,585 89 61 216 596 59 601 Asotin County 1,585 89 61 216 596 59 601 --Top -- Benton County .Benton D 19,516 304 500 1,287 829 70 5,333 _ http://www.courts.wa.gov/caseload/?fa=caseloadshowReport&level=d&freq=a&tab=CourtLevel&f'ileID=rpt01 1/11 3,14/2016 Washington State Courts-Caseloads of the Courts .Everett D 10,032 418 478 128 2,821 255 4,562 ...Everett M 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...Mukilteo M 876 9 22 66 135 0 0 .Everett D Total 10,909 427 500 194 2,956 255 4,562 `_ .Evergreen D 11,672 164 462 140 948 143 1,562 1 ...Goldbar M 37 2 0 4 16 0 0 • ...Lake Stevens M 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...Monroe M 6 0 1 0 1 0 0 ...Snohomish M 85 16 14 13 115 0 0 ...Sultan M 50 0 4 5 36 0 0 .Evergreen D Total 11,851 182 481 162 1,116 143 1,562 i .S. Snohomish D 16,808 191 591 156 828 280 3,729 z ...Brier M 451 4 3 70 24 0 0 ...Mill Creek M 333 7 15 131 133 0 0 ...Mountlake Terrace M • 2,231 1 30 453 224 0 0 ...Woodway M 59 0 0 1 1 0 0 .S. Snohomish D Total 19,882 203 639 811 1,210 280 3,729 z .Edmonds M 4,185 59 97 298 503 0 9 .Everett M 6,644 67 162 437 2,827 0 4 .Lynnwood M 7,964 64 211 317 1,852 0 22 .Marysville M 4,689 163 74 958 2,572 110 9 .Monroe M 3,323 15 53 113 521 0 0 Snohomish County 85,516 1,296 2,693 3,422 13,981 980 11,698 1, ---1(2p _.- Spokane County Spokane D 32,520 550 1,546 3,645 1,626 716 9,895 c ...Deer Park M 42 0 1 20 23 0 0 ...Liberty Lake M 343 1 23 208 75 0 0 ...Spokane Valley M 5,033 102 230 931 913 0 0 Spokane D Total 37,938 653 1,800 4,804 2,637 716 9,895 C .Airway Heights M 213 1 7 161 401 0 0 .Cheney M 391 18 12 98 253 0 0 .Spokane M 11,298 1,127 331 2,395 4,855 4 13 Spokane County 49,840 1,799 2,150 7,458 8,146 720 9,908 c --Top -- Stevens County .Stevens D 4,102 92 139 483 346 121 492 http://www.courts.wa.gov/caseload/?fa=caseload.showReport&level=d&freq=a&tab=CourtLevel&filelD=rptO 1 10/11 3/14/2016 Washington State Courts-Caseloads of the Courts WASHINGTONgo GetE .._....... - COU RTS Sear Forms Court Directory Opinions Rules Courts Programs & Ori Courts Home > Caseloads of the Courts Caseloads of the Courts of Washington Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Revenue - 2015 Annual Report Misdemeanors Court Costs Infractions Parking (1) Traffic Non-Traffic Recovered PSEA-2 District Courts -- - .State/County - 70,225,006 1,042,151 15,919,184 1,763,417 2,155,573 12,392,887 .Municipal 11,790,008 3,899,903 3,969,577 1,311,119 1,369,416 2,542,320 Municipal Courts 34,301,985 43,929,629 7,511,888 2,168,522 2,532,523 8,185,141 State Total 116,316,999 48,871,683 27,400,649 5,243,058 6,057,512 23,120,348 --Top-- Adams County .0thello D 260,615 0 94,158 5,696 8,467 53,837 ...Othello M 95,499 92 80,221 10,297 8,994 28,834 .Othello D Total 356,114 92 174,379 15,993 17,461 82,671 .Ritzville D 1,125,597 0 37,599 3,003 11,510 178,846 ...Ritzville M 25,703 0 4,461 272 1,134 4,623 .Ritzville D Total 1,151,300 0 42,060 3,275 12,644 183,469 Adams County 1,507,414 92 216,439 19,268 30,105 266,140 --Top-- Asotin County .Asotin D 165,967 5,367 42,662 17,586 0 31,878 ...Asotin M 17,486 0 3,539 292 0 3,173 ...Clarkston M 46,138 0 38,185 10,609 0 11,601 .Asotin D Total 229,591 5,367 84,386 28,487 0 46,652 Asotin County 229,591 5,367 84,386 28,487 0 46,652 --To -- Benton County .Benton D 2,930,474 2,681 687,168 127,862 178,546 529,541 http://www.courts.wa.gov/caseload/?fa=caseload.showReport&level=d&freq=a&tab=CourtLevel&filelD=rpt18 1/13 3/14/2016 Washington State Courts-Caseloads of the Courts --Top-- Snohomish County .Cascade D 2,355,831 6,314 369,390 37,212 1,638 395,255 ...Arlington M 136 0 0 0 0 20 ...Darrington M 6,182 0 2,741 768 0 1,490 ...Granite Falls M 20,968 0 3,253 1,634 1,089 4,112 ...Stanwood M 32,673 250 5,176 2,552 71 6,652 .Cascade D Total 2,415,790 6,564 380,560 42,166 2,798 407,529 .Everett D 1,568,956 1,211 526,378 176,764 6,085 303,903 ...Mukilteo M 132,727 5,320 32,146 7,245 12,925 26,258 .Everett D Total 1,701,683 6,531 558,524 184,009 19,010 330,161 .Evergreen D 1,700,410 17,818 370,677 48,370 21,211 291,975 ...Goldbar M 7,552 0 2,815 2,796 224 2,321 ...Lake Stevens M 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...Monroe M 88,937 125 28,837 "' 10,607' ""'12,539.. 19,49 ...Snohomish M 36,158 75 31,048 20,904 14,406 14,271 ...Sultan M 13,909 45 9,658 1,027 1,555 3,137 .Evergreen D Total 1,846,966 18,063 443,035 83,704 49,935 331,203 .S. Snohomish D 2,417,129 13,426 581,367 43,417 54,783 423,064 ...Brier M 61,628 0 2,623 0 1,193 10,410 ...Mill Creek M 96,072 195 30,834 6,667 14,801 21,933 ...Mountlake Terrace M 332,229 48 62,183 6,936 22,655 65,969 ...Woodway M 5,800 0 207 250 282 900 .S. Snohomish D Total 2,912,858 13,669 677,214 57,270 93,714 522,276 .Edmonds M 626,669 42,353 86,345 20,946 87,242 118,355 .Everett M 1,516,392 306,118 263,984 140,444 212,241 306,886 .Lynnwood M 1,134,466 3,014,023 167,794 36,704 225,560 203,029 .Marysville M 833,928 13,219 239,507 131,554 104,928 195,199 .Monroe M 301,659 2,380 9,227 4,527 8,186 46,077 Snohomish County 13,290,411 3,422,920 2,826,190 701,324 803,614 2,460,715 --Top -- Spokane County Spokane D 3,982,457 92,738 970,046 26,443 31,629 704,675 ...Deer Park M 15,247 285 1,630 553 127 2,919 ...Liberty Lake M 57,257 450 22,531 1,724 1,209 12,372 ...Spokane Valley M 767,030 6,507 154,262 10,477 9,865 140,320 Spokane D Total 4,821,991 99,980 1,148,469 39,197 42,830 860,286 http:Ilwww.courts.wa.gov/caseload/?fa=caseload.showReport&level=d&freq=a&tab=CourtLevel&fllelD=rpt18 10/13 3/14/2016 Washington State Courts-Caseloads of the Courts .Airway Heights M 44,153 150 17,225 2,337 5,283 8,742 .Cheney M 75,422 106,183 26,692 6,209 22,746 15,136 .Spokane M 688,046 0 139,181 26,390 27,976 140,014 Spokane County 5,629,612 206,313 1,331,567 74,133 98,835 1,024,178 --Top-- Stevens County .Stevens D 528,887 4,672 76,351 18,408 16,937 88,388 ...Chewelah M 22,242 17 4,692 1,808 2,708 4,486 ...Colville M 19,044 0 4,951 5,647 4,367 4,630 ...Kettle Falls M 2,481 0 3,863 1,025 689 989 ...Springdale M 3,819 0 57 0 16 682 .Stevens D Total 576,473 4,689 89,914 26,888 24,717 99,175 Stevens County 576,473 4,689 89,914 26,888 24,717 99,175 --Top-- Thurston County .Thurston D 3,145,159 37,646 887,097 48,491 32,146 552,644 ...Lacey M 102,392 10,979 196,725 50,706 11,167 43,961 ...Rainier (RAI) M 2,773 0 4,861 371 358 968 ...Tenino Trials M 562 0 0 0 0 79 ...Tumwater (THD) M 50,529 340 103,274 14,691 13,406 20,955 ...Yelm Trials M 1,320 0 284 461 100 312 .Thurston D Total 3,302,735 48,965 1,192,241 114,720 57,177 618,919 .Lacey TVB 411,515 4,322 0 0 0 65,191 .Olympia M 432,788 0 149,057 55,507 1,815 90,197 .Tenino M 26,431 0 12,201 2,738 4,088 6,042 .Tumwater TVB 157,106 1,347 0 0 0 25,016 .Yelm M 48,111 0 32,450 9,475 1,098 12,115 Thurston County 4,378,686 54,634 1,385,949 182,440 64,178 817,480 --Top -- Wahkiakum County .Wahkiakum D 120,855 349 25,128 7,130 24,048 23,822 Wahkiakum County 120,855 349 25,128 7,130 24,048 23,822 --Top -- Walla Walla County .Walla Walla D 790,556 22,362 125,318 41,626 31,337 137,733 ...College Place M (CPL) 31,122 1,710 11,026 2,797 3,133 6,518 .Walla Walla D Total 821,678 24,072 136,344 44,423 34,470 144,251 http://www.courts.wa.gov/caseload/?fa=caseloadshowReport&level=d&freq=a&tab=CourtLevel&filelD=rpt 18 11/13