2000, 09-15 Permit App: 00008282 PoolProject Number: 00008282 Inv: I Application THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Date: 09/15/2000 Page 1 of 1 Project Information: Permit Use: SWIMMING POOL Setbacks: Front Site Information: Plat Key: 005831 Name: RIDGEMONT ESTATES NORTH 6TH ADD Parcel Number: 45252.9071PTN Block: Lot: Contact: inland empire excavation Address: 10211 e driftwood ct C - S - Z: spokane wa 99206 Left: Right: Rear: Phone: (509) 891-1586 Group Name: Project Name: SiteAddress: 1701 S SONORA ST VERADALE, WA 99037 Location:: VER Zoning: UR -3.5 Water District: Urban Residential 3.5 District: Owner: Name: BURGMAN, MARK Address: 1701 S SONORA VERADALE, WA 99037 Hold: ❑ Area: 0 Sq Ft Width: 105 Depth: 80 Right Of Way (ft): 50 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Information: Department BUILDING Hold Reasons: Permit Conditions: Permits: Review Site Plan Review Swimming Pool Contractor: INLAND EMPIRE EXCAVATION Firm: INLAND EMPIRE EXCAVATION I Address: 10211 E DRIFTWOOD Phone: (509) 891-1586 SPOKANE, WA 99206 Item Description PRIVATE POOL STATE SURCHARGE COUNTY SURCHARGE Payment Summary:, Operator: DMD Permit Type Swimming Pool Units Unit Desc 1 Y OR BLANK 1 Y OR BLANK 1 Y OR BLANK Printed By: DMD Permit Total Fees: Fee Amount $50.00 $4.50 $11.00 $65.50 vga Print Date: 09/15/2000 Fee Amount Invoice Amount $65.50 $65.50 $65.50 OK TO ISSUE SEWER PERMITS PER BILLY 2/14/97 $65.50 Amount Paid $0.00 $0.00 Amount Owing $65.50 $65.50 1 1 AltXI liii SPOKANE COMFY Project Description: PROJECT APPLICATION WORK SHEET SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99260 509-477-3675 iJ X'1 07 G2 TYPE OF APPLICATION ❑ Building Permit ❑ Change in Use ❑ Grading ❑ Manufactured Home Permit ❑ Relocation ❑ Sign ❑ Tenant (New/Change) ' Other io,41 jek9,0 ( SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION Street Address: Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): / 70 ` 6: -16124st' Sc7r)oK4_ Legal Description: OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION El Indicate who should be contacted reQardine this proiect ❑ Owner: j Phone: Q t 3 v2 7 3 3 iia r k + 3 (/� Y �( /n0. /\ Fax: ❑ Applicant: /) Phone: S �'.( /� e ? Fax: f� / Mailing Address: \ /70/ S <60/901P -CL Mailing Address: City, State, Zip fI/o4 tc 99(21/ City, State, Zip "o/ i _ 1S ❑ Contractor / Phone .7? T/�i! �CNC� �W10/�P 1(C. Fax l inArchitect/Engineer Phone Fax Mailing address i/ To ,- OrI-P 9D('Cc 6'4 Mailing address , L/ City, State Zip c 6-po toil- City, State Zip WA State Contract r license # T4faneec CoCe, Kt -t3 Contact name: PROJECT INFORMATION Building height to peak # of stories Mate Main floor sq. ft. Unfinished basement sq. ft. Dimensions Total habitable space 2"d floor sq. ft. Finished basement sq. ft. Occupancy group Construction type Garage sq. ft. Deck sq. ft. Cost of project Heat source (electric, gas, etc.) What is the square footage of the sign face? Previous address Fire Sprinkler Paint booth Fire Alarm Tent Fireworks display Proposed use Value Firm Name Phone Plans Examiner Phone Inspectors: Address Inspector Phone O Concrete O Welding O Bolting O Reinforcement Address ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION Are there structures on the property? Yes O No If yes, identify on site plan What is the current property size? (square feet or acres) Is any part of the property within 250 feet of a shoreli ? If yes, identify on site plan Cl Yes.'-',' 'No What is the current use of this property? 7165 Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat area? O Don't know O Yes "cNo Will the site be served by a septic system? O Yes No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? If yes, identify on site plan O Maybe O Don't know O Yes O No Are or will there be wells located on the property? If yes, identify on the site plan O Yes AfiNo Are there any wetlands, streams or ponds within 200 feet of the property? If yes, identify on site plan O YesNo Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? O Yes o Are there slopes greater than 30% on the property? (30 rise in 100 ft) ( / %) O Yes No Are critical or hazardous materials used or stored on};te?' O Yes �No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ., - Is the property"in aa esignated Stormwater Control Area? Yes . `" CINo "���� cwi - �xf• Is pub is sew a la ®' t IS the property insidelhe ASA) es. "'" {'� No " .-- O YesCI.No"�f.���_ �s publi�l ��� l• ke D Yes CI No IS the pimp , i t� itix �%et es Is the property inside the PSSA? Date Received: Staff Representative: METHOD OF PAYMENT VISA 0 CASH 0 CHECK 0 ICIVE FAXED PERMITS WILL ONLY BE ACEPTED WITH PAYMENT OF A MAJOR CREDIT CARD DATE: BANKCARD NUMBER: EXPIRES: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: SUBTOTAL ADDRESS: ZON= ROAD WIDTH: 5R0 -4J:op"( 8y• ac,d C)15 p s-Odati. This sita fgr pAiroose of obtaining a 'ouileing pufMii ls a frue and correct rcpresentation of the proposal. All known property linesidimensions, curb lines, structures and ease,rnents have been identified A o indic- wetlan bodies of w ter, stee sop crtlC 4eas. - - ) joLi