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2013, 10-04 Permit App: BLD-2013-2042 Carport
Community Development Department (Staff Use Only) Permit Center 11703 East Sprague Avenue,Suite B-3 PERMIT NUMBER: SCITY Orli pokane Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Tel: (509)688-0036 PERMIT FEE: ,��ValleyD Fax: (509)688 0037 perm(509)eKo8spoka nevallev.orq RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION D ADDITION/REMODEL /9,CCESS.O.E3JG_ UIL_DING,._• ,,_T„_ e_. al DECK MI OTHER i �7� , Pr "� �'!� i /~ a— SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: H E C E V i U BUILDING OWNER NAME: c r � ti'.! , 1 ;11NAME: _ �'E_�JVVYL 1(Y_L v� 410 ADDRESS: L D ( E._ S' f t. � c t LI CITY: c5le(91(0. ciaften STATE: W IN. `' J IP:.. • .. PHONE: ,.Sd 9 7 D 1 -I. 5 ZZ__ FAX: CELL: CONTACT NAME: PHONE: FAX: CELL: • CONTRACTOR NAME: i C6(lri.tis CnAlret C_Rot C L3i^�<aw i(�kS MAILING ADDRESS: \2C,1 kJ - f rr l S f CITY: . O STATE: \A.) ZIP: O( PHONE: 2 9 89R © C2 t �FAAX: CELL: MSC —3 1--( L CONTRACTOR LICENSE No.: BCOU. CQ.I Li-IEXPIRES: t� CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO.: LCEACRTBEATH,SCOPE OF WORK IN DETAIL AND INDICATE USE &PROPOSED USE: �C c cf (0 &2L, � ****YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING**** MARK N/A IF NOT APPLICABLE Height to Peak: . ,iZ+” Dimensions: No.of Stories: Total Habits ie (6 /6 ' X D !�./Ar Space: Main Floor SQ FT: Upper FloorSQiFT: Unfinished Basement SQ Finished Basement SQ /Li� m-- FT: A ii - — FT: A/As Garage SQ FT: Deck/Covered Patio SQ Impervious Surface 30%Slopes on /1 /4., FT: 'ZOO.' Area: VA Property: ,f`4- No.of Bedrooms: Construction Type: Heat Source: Sewer or Septic: TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: $ Z 3 O`1 . 57 DISCLAIMER The permitted verifies,acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1)if this permit is for construction or on a dwelling,the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2)Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permit inure to the property owner.3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner In this transaction. 4) All construction Is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) The City of Spokane Valley permit Is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal,state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required tobe submitted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. Signature L.(.)7)at_ _ 3 Date: /6 — 4/- 13 Updated 1-11-11 Page 1 of 1 http://www.spokanevalley.org/filestorage/124/938/210/948/1496/Building_Permit -_Residential_11-11-11.doc ` f RESIDENTIAL CHECK LIST DIRECTIONS: Place a check mark in box next to each document required for complete submittal. o SITE PLAN o Property lines and dimensions ❑Setbacks to property lines o Direction arrow pointing North and orientation to streets o Distance between buildings o Proposed/existing buildings(footprint and dimensions) o Right of way/easement location &sizes o Utilities,septic tank/drain field locations and distances o Driveway approach size and location BUILDING PLANS(3 SETS)(minimum 1/8 inch scale or completely dimensioned) ❑ Elevations(Front/Rear/Sides)with roof peak and wall height including basement: ❑ Foundation Plan (crawlspace,basement or slab on grade): o Footing sizes and locations ❑Supporting wood cripple walls or beams o Perimeter concrete foundation wall sizes o Thickened concrete pads supporting o Crawlspace ventilation beams or girder trusses ❑ Floor Plan of each level (finished or unfinished)with dimensions: o Floor Joist direction,size and spacing o Window and door location and sizes o Header, beam or concrete lintel sizes o Window well locations if applicable o Brace wall panel locations o Room usage labels o Water heater and furnace locations o Smoke detector locations o Exhaust fan locations 0 Attic and crawl space access locations o Deck or concrete patio sizes and locations 0 Fire Wall construction ❑ Roof Plan: o Engineered truss direction and spacing o Ridge,eave and valley lines o Rafter and over frame direction, size and spacing ❑Beam and girder size and location ❑ Wall Section Detail including: Roof o Slope/roofing material/underlayment/ice dam protection o Truss or rafter size,spacing &connection o Sheathing size and type 0 Attic insulation/air space baffle/ventilation Ceiling o Joist size and spacing o Size of ceiling gypsum wall board Wall o Height/top plate/stud size and spacing/sole plate o Siding/exterior house wrap/anchor bolts o Exterior sheathing size and type o Insulation,vapor barrier,gypsum wall board Floor o Joist size and spacing o Sheathing or concrete floor size/insulation Foundation Wall o Concrete or Masonry unit width o Footing bottom to finished ground level depth o Earth to wood separation distance o Horizontal &vertical reinforcement if any Footing o Size ❑ Reinforcement if any Radon o Passive system with 6mil vapor barrier o Active system with 6 mil vapor barrier Miscellaneous Construction Details ❑ Deck: o Floor plan/side view/dimensions o Footings/post/and beam size and locations o Floor Joist/decking direction,size and spacing 0 Stairway tread rise&run and nosing 0 Handrail/Guard height&spacing *51)- -0 ) -a()L4i PLANNING DEPT. APPROVED �ti1(;� 1b14113 d iD 1 !7- EY 1ST ISI C� 1 0ui SE ?�3 °\''L �u114• frt 3 — (k)(0 340. 's Z — — pod -go 1Z t-" LUGS >- 2. 2 te`ge k (0/ ID'' 7- 4XgxT Z b — .Z-' >< 2 o' cc d. zzo FILE tr r 1 t { / 14 `/ 0 / 3 Spokane" REVI ED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE SP• 'NE VALLEY BUI DING DIVISION FILE