2013, 05-31 Permit App: BLD-2013-1004 AC ,,,,ay. 31. 2013 2:40PM a "��` r _ Permit Center"'Y�� 6 td(..-l 1- (Got--1 11703 E.Sprague Ave, u►'�9 B Ct # v PERMIT NUMBER: Bill V 1e.ne Spokane Valley,WA 9 06 RECEIVED N o. 1010 P. 1 Vall (509)720-5240 FAX:( iii i 9)685-0037 p ii 50,00 bermitcente gsooka_e»,JJJ���Iley.or2 Community Development MAY AA.� 31 2013 Mechanical Permit Application Commerci l residential r.n.r ,- r-r- AIr nrkirr'n I SITE ADDRESS: 10524 E.Sprinsfield Ave. I , v 7311414:11e Valley,W a 99� {4 Building Owner I ____—_-- Name: __.-,_,._.._. ._...Name: James Vanstrelen Phone: 924-0127 Fax: Address: same as above City: State: Zip: Contractor Name: R&R HEATING AND AIC,INC. Phone: 509-484-1405 Fax: 509-483-5255 Address: 5202 N.Florida Street City: State: WA Zip: 99217 License No: RRHEAA*106BW City Business Lia: L0916946 Contact/Project Manager: - Name: Ginger Hughes Phone: FURNACES&SUSPENDED HEATERS-INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION Up to&including 100,000 BTU FURNACES&SUSPENDED HEATERS-INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION Over 100.000 BTU DUCT WORK SYSTEM _ ---- HEAT PUMP/AIR CONDITIONER - 0-3 tons 1 AIR CONDITIONER - Over 3-15 tons AIR CONDITIONER Over 15-30 tons AIR CONDITIONER Over 30 to 50 tons AIR CONDITIONER Over 50 tons GAS WATER HEATER GAS PIPING SYSTEM(each outlet) _ GAS LOG,FIREPLACE,&GAS INSERT APPLIANCE VENTS INSTALLATION,RELOCATION,REPLACEMENT --- REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS _ 0 to 3 hp-1000,000 BTU or less BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS Over 3-15 hp-100,001 to 500,000 BTU _ BOILER.COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS Over 15-30 hp•500,0001 to 1,000,000 BTU BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS Over 30 hp-over 1,750,000 BTU BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS Over 50 hp-over 1,750,000 BTU AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) - Each unit up to 10,000 cfm,including ducts AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) Each unit over 10.000 cfm - EVAPORATIVE COOLERS(other than portables) VENTILATION AND EXHAUST - Each fan connected to a single duct VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each ventilation system VENTILATION AND EXHAUST - Each hood served by mechanical exhaust INCINERATORS Installation or relocation of residential INCINERATORSInstallation or relocation of commercial APPLIANCES - Range,Clothes Washer This document originally contained Under 400,000 BTU UNLISTED APPLIANCES confidential credit card information which I _ UNLISTED APPLIANCES was redacted pursuant to RCW 19.255.010 Over 400,000 STU HOOD - and the original document destroyed Type I HOOD pursuant to 505 DAN G52014-030. I Type II _ L P STORAGE TANK _ WOOD OR PELLET STOVE INSERT - WOOD STOVE SYSTEM-FREE STANDING - EXPIRES' R DACTED VIN: REDACTED °CASH ❑CHECK CASA DM1 n CARD# REDACTED SIGNATURE http:l/www/spokanevalley.prg/uploads/Communty_Development/Documents/Forms/Building/MechanicalPermitApplication040309.doc