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1987, 06-01 Permit App: 87001557 MH
SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction,or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE PROjECT NUMBER= 8700157 DATE= 06/01 /87 PAGE= 01 :i:_'.::".:,:.:'.* i.i•.,".:i.:::i.:,i.:'.:•.* 1:.:•i.:i.:i.:i.::.i•.:,'.:'.:i.: i J:':± :± :., !± !± !., :{ ,}. !., }± }., :.. i}, }}, E,, J± :,.y. !., i._ i., !} ,± :}, Er, !.. F}:'J;::+± :}}: !i i....I:#..:}.: .t#.,I t`•; ,V*********** **** ************ SITE STREET= 19024 E SPRAGUE AVE PARCEL4= 20552-0121 ADDRESS= GREENACRES WA 99016 PEPmii USE= SINGLE WIDE 000498 PLAT r... i. C ADD iU GREENACRES BLOCK= 21 LOT= a ZONE= AGRI DIST4= }••t1'!!i::.f.±:::: 00000()0-3 F; h•t-.. f.:} WIDTH= 165 DEPTH= 600 !{:::: BLDGE= u' 1)#!1EL..L.. t'-:i1. ". — OWNEH,', uUMBLH , JAMES PHONE= 509 924 5499 STREET= 18603 #:: I:iR.I.1.jGI::.i-'ui'{ i AVE SPOKANE }. A 99216 CONTACT NAME= PHONE NUMBER= BUILDING SETBACKS : FRONT= 4 f.i # ... RIGHT= 30 REAR= :}C:1+:i!:9k:}(..}}..J±..J}_.}}..,(.:J{.ini-i}..J±..J±.l"f.Jh 9!1 1}I._i}.;}±.a}..}}..Ji..}}.*ql-;p;;p;•J}; REVIEW .I.1':3 f••#..i I't!'!i•a I .#.#..1#', .1±.4±.9}..}±..}f..J}..p..i(-;}i•;}i•;}!;ji•;U•:Ji•%}i iif•*;iE•-Jr-J}.-:;t:+E i+{.:a;;n.•t;; DATE DEPARTMENT NAME REVIEW t_Ei''#i ENr•S IN/OU INITIALS COUNTY ENGINEER ±'•:}t••#x# !'i#[` "'i' ROAD t.:;.-`S"..:.i•••-'#• 8'70 }C.j •-.E :.l.. 99". ENVIRONMENTAL i # i . d _, OR ADDITIONAL WASTE ! i { :R •_.i::.:• /-lot.. 'S .E.. :}±-:}±-3}:;}:•J±•id•:+li i++i 7?•9i•$f.:Jh•jk i};i i;•k:i+;i.j}..}(..}(.:J(..}}::Jc:J�g(..j(..}(..j(.:d:}(. #'I#..�J:�.I.L..#::. HOME i ***********************AAA CONTRACTOR= I: ..1Of`•)I;;,= MODEL= SERTAL4= WIDTH= LENGTH= HEIGHT= PROCESSED #:i`( : i::9i'ii'':Y , JEFF K******************************* YpN" I ! : ( ( ( ( a ( ( a; ¢? ? i : ha *ji r } ; ± 9 J J y • 1 ****************************************************************************** * INFORMATION WORKSHEET * ****************************************************************************** * * PARCEL NUMBER: c_�'� 2 r 012- ‘ * * * STREET ADDRESS: e, 1 etb 2 6 `- ?2fe4.t-tE 44L-_, * * * CITY/STATE/ZIP: * * * SUBDIVISION: C`C,(2-`Ii ( i'J AC00 --C-c) ��2ELN (` * * * BLOCK: 1.7,..( LOT: ZONE: 134,12 DISTRICT: 6 * * * LOT AREA: 2 5 F/A: 4"+ WIDTH: ICS DEPTH:6C)(2± R/W: * * * * / # OF BUILDINGS: 1 # OF DWELLINGS: l WATER DISTRICT: NSoLk >(�c E(a) * 5L .. ., , 4 ..... C�'--anY►. C3E2� OWNER P ONE: * * MAILING ADDRESS: /1 4 * • CITY/STATE/ZIP: ,„�� ,, C.(Ja, * * * CONTACT: PHONE: - - * * ( f * SETBACKS: - FRONT: 4o LEFT: RIGHT: 3© REAR: * * * PERMIT USE: (.r'Ck Lc ( (fl ts * * ****************************************************************************** * BUILDING INFORMATION * * * * CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER: * * * * CONTRACTOR: PHONE: - - * * * * MAILING ADDRESS: * * * * ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: PHONE: - - * * * * MAILING ADDRESS: * * * * NEW: REMODEL: ADDITION: CHANGE OF USE: * * * * DWELL UNITS: OCCUPANT LOAD: BUILDING HGT: STORIES: * * * * BUILDING DIMENSIONS: X (WIDTH X DEPTH) SQ. FT. : * * * * REQUIRED PARKING: # HANDICAP: SEWER (Y/N) : HYDRANT: * ****************************************************************************** T•. IfJ-05-' � 97 07:43 ID:HEALTH SPO TEL NO:509-456-4715 14271 P01.._,_,....,ti.,.nw�•�y4i2�r+u;yo.ti;kiyiea��,c�41�L�d+�Y•1Y]rM+rASN,'�' ', da�UfltfiC'�M_:�.:..'F'lrit:L.i+SFry .�a,i`yJr �'.. • !CoN • • - fil • 3 •ta' . //f f / (1L • I /At/ • /109, Gob't ` wvbc--,(. ...::1t,-k f 1 Ir U, r I j I r 1 f Z