1982, 02-19 Permit: 82A-1108 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION. CONTRACTOR N S E SET BACKS TYPE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION: /- oz, DATE REMARKS: 2 7121g /4/1/42 �� APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH g I I JEFFERSON / SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99260 / 15091456.5616 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES a00 ADDRESS 2 z4s LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEE ATTACHED 3 Sw-,;:, PHONE 412,,,C21.22 PARCEL NUMBER/6 ADORESS r,popJ'4IO CONTRAcToR ,S_CiwtOo.4 r.rvsc 'Se5e6- /7L Actual Set 0600 in ISOuto 10.0 512. 6? Parc. 2on• 0NHII061l0n ZIP Type Con.. Occupancy OV. ONG 0 Roo,. OESIONER Valuation Building Ar. In Sg. Ft. SIP „., 1„„..,,,.., ..... ANia Storage C ANGE OF uSE FRO TO Area 01 Clocks I Eln0na0 Oiltam•nt unon. arumant rv° 'NEW 001.,. 0 AO.N. 0 RPL. 0 NAVE. Doo. 0 Pmoct. 0 na.m. 0 POOL, 0 OTHER No. Saint No. Slpri. No. Rooms ro. of °within. CERTIFICATE of EXEMPTION OESCRIOE wORK vALueliON ,ovE GAS ELECTRIC OwnNaltip 00010 000.1.0 FEES COLLECTED nerehy cernty that have read and eaanned this application and have read the •NOTICE" provisions included on reve,se side, and know the sarne to be true and correct AO provisions of law and ordinances governing this /000 0/ work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The grantin of a pennit does not presume to give author.te to vtolate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the Performance of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REOUIRED INSPECTIONS 0011 00 APPLICATION=_•SCD..... SIGNATURE 00 APPLICANT SPECIAL APPROVALS NAME OA tE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: c/ Building Plumbing 4 Plan Cnacii SEPA WWI* Horn* Other ISpecifyl 01/ A 1107e 02-18-82 2 6079 TOTAL evtIENI.AACHINE VALlatTSO IN THIS SPACE. •2000 •2000 •20000 .000