2015 Annual Work Plan 7 • Sk1iiLe17 1 d ikil.. 1 „...,„,._ ,„,,ay ,..,•„, it' k .. 4-1, , 1,„,-, I ,. . ..,..„ .... i 6,4 .., ___. _,._ !1,, � .. - 4 , ;,:in ,. ‘4 : ,,,„. , ,, 1111 �fiI[ 1. K•J '. r ',*,; 4 *' ” .4�A �F'1 1 F:.':.-i.-_'moi i:; 7f. .. n .x' tai..., ;ti' Annual Work Plan for 2015 2015 Budget Goals Including Tasks & Timeline and Department Objectives Executive &Legislative Support Operations &Administrative Services Community Development Public Works Parks &Recreation Public Safety/Police 2015 Work Plan Table of Contents 2015 tudget Goals 1 Department Objectives City Clerk 2 Finance Division 2 Deputy City Manager 3 Human Resources 4 Community & Economic Development 5 Public Works 6 Parks & Recreation 10 Public Safety 14 2015 Budget Goals The 2015 budget reflects the distribution of resources consistent with the Coun- cil's determination of core services priorities. The following goals, listed in no particular order of priority, represent broad areas of concentration important to the well-being of the community. The City Manager works with the departments to ensure necessary resources are available and to ensure development and execution of the work plan toward achievement of the goals. 1. Pursue a legislative capital budget request for possible financial assis- tance for the Barker Road Bridge Grade Separation (overpass/underpass); the Appleway Trail Project; and parkland acquisition. 2. Pursue the Bridging the Valley concept at state and federal levels, in- cluding long-term funding for grade separation and corridor consolida- tion. 3. Continue and expand, where possible, economic development efforts, including review and evaluation of Spokane Valley's development regula- tions and how they compare with other jurisdictions; and including com- pletion of the City Hall Plan. 4. Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preser- vation program, to include sustained funding in the City's Street Fund to address concerns beyond the year 2019. 5. Evaluate and discuss increasing costs to public safety, including law enforcement. Seek long-term solutions to keeping costs in check while better serving the community. 6. Work toward completion of the Comprehensive Plan review. *epartment Objectives Executive , Legislative Services E Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 City Clerk I Jan Feb Mari Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ! I I Complete and submit application to become a Passport! ? Acceptance Facility for the J.S.Department of State. i 4 m ----. , 01 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 , 1 Finance Division 1i Jan Feb Mar 1 Apr May Jun I Jul Aug Sep 1iOct Nov Dec I Close the 2014 books and prepare the related annual I 'financial report with a CAFR opinion which will allow I® the City to issue an annual report under our own cov- i t er. I 2 Successfully undergo an annual audit conducted by the State Auditor's Office and receive a clean opinion. 3 1 Implement additional State Auditor suggestions and improve financial statement process and accuracy. 4 i Continue the process of virtualizing servers including j 'setting-up clusters at both City Hall and CenterPlace. This configuration will ultimately provide much need- 4 I ed fail-over/redundancy in the event of a server fail- ure as well as reduce the number of physical servers. (ONGOING) 5 ,Coordinate 2016 Budget Development process 4 • I 2014 I Complete the 2015 Budget development process,2014 1 Budget amendment,property tax ordinance,fee reso- COMPLETED i lution,outside agency funding process and lodging tax 1 I award process. 2014 I Replace 30 leased computer workstations that will reach the end of their life cycle. COMPLETED 1 2014 1 Replace 3 servers and 1 storage area network(SAN) that will reach the end of their life cycle. COMPLETED 2014 Close the 2013 books and prepare the related annual I i financial report with a CAFR opinion which will allow I COMPLETED the City to issue an annual report under our own coy- er. 2014 I Complete the process of hiring a Help Desk Techni- I clan and meet the stated intent of reducing contractor COMPLETED I costs enough to cover the additional personnel cost. 2 Department Objectives Operations & Administrative Services Deputy City Manager I Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q1 2015 Division'an Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ,pp 1 Provide support to Administration in the advance- • I • ment and completion of Council Goals. 2 Evaluate and discuss increasing costs to public safe- ty,including law enforcement. Seek long-term solu- • • tions to keeping costs in check while better serving the community.(Council goal) r-- 3 Evaluate Public Defender service, identifying the most efficient way to accommodate caseload stand- 4 • Iards. 4 Develop and implement methodology to account for • i Public Defender investigative standards. 5 Evaluate Public Safety contracts and agreements 4 j 6 Provide public information support for Council goals Ito pursue a legislative capital budget request or other !grant/funding for the Appleway Trail project,City • Hall,parkland acquisition,the Barker Road grade i separation,and other major projects to be identified. (Council Goal) 7 Continue public information support that informs and engages the public for Sullivan Bridge Replacement • (continued from 2014) 8 Work with staff to complete the move of the Finance Department and Permit Center to new locations in • • the main building. 9 Coordinate efforts of the City Hall construction team. • • 10 Pursue a sustainability plan in connection with the City's Street Preservation program,to include sus- • tained funding in the City's Street Fund to address concerns beyond the year 2019.(Council Goal) 3 Department Objectives (I'perations Administrative Services, continued Q1 2015 , Q2 2015 Q31015 Q4 20 t 5 Human Resources Division j Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul An Stp Ort Nov Dec t I Enhance Wellness Program for the City E E! 2 Evaluate the City's Labor and Industries'programs to • reduce labor costs 3 I Continue to refine the City's Mobile App to market the City's attributes ONGOING 4 Successfully negotiate a successor labor agreement that continues to reward employees for high levels of performance and supports the City's financial goals. 2014 Review City Employment Policies for needed updates COMPLETED 2014 Provide support for the City's ADA Self Evaluation COMPLETED '•and Plan 2014 !Implement City-wide safety related training as identi- COMPLETED tied in the Accident Prevention Program 4 Department Objectives Community & Economic Development Community & Economic ! Qt 2015 j Q2 2015 Q3 2015 ; Q4 2015 Development Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep I Oct Nov Dec 1 Update the Comprehensive Plan 4 • 2 Manage Design process for City Hall 4 3 Economic Development 4 • a Develop marketing plan • b Business recruitment and retention • c Develop historic preservation program ii • d Meet with Regional Partners • e Continue to expand Express Permitting 4 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments 4 • 5 i Complete Floodplain restudies • 6 Update Engineering Standards • 7 Update UGA boundaries through regional process • • 8 Emergency Management • 9 Prepare an annexation process and forms for the City of Spokane Valley • 10 Develop GIS content,standards and workflows 4 11 Explore opportunities for regional partnering with Spo- kane County and the City of Spokane 4 • 12 Wellhead Protection Committee • • 2014 Implement Counter Review COMPLETED 2014 Implement Permit Tracking System—web portal COMPLETED 2014 Develop a Shoreline Master Program COMPLETED &SUBMIT- TED TO D.O.E. 5 Department Objectives t ublic Works -- - _- - ------ - Q1 2015 Q2zo 1 s ----- Q3 zQ r s Q42015 Administration Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun +Jul Aug Sep j Oct Nov Dec � F I I Pursue a legislative capital budget request for the Barker Road Bridge Grade Separation, the Appleway Trail and parkland acquisition. (Council Goal) ! ({ k I 2 !Pursue the Bridging the Valley Concept (Council Goal) 3 I Develop 2016 annual PW budget to provide all neces- I sary services and programs within the parameters set by the budget team and City Council. 4 Develop and Manage the Fleet Management Program 4 a � I I 5 I Manage the Solid Waste Program 4Q l 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Stormwater Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun !Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I !Update six-year Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan(2016-2021) 2 Renew and manage contracts with private contractors for Stormwater maintenance services(landscape and storm drain cleaning) 3 2015 Small Works projects 4 4 Lead the EW Stormwater Efficiency Studies Project Ion behalf of Eastern Washington Communities and 4 Counties 5 Broadway Project—Design and construct improve- 4 ments from Havana to Fancher 6 Continue to implement the Ecology Phase lI Stormwater permit 4 7 Finish development and document the City's storm- water inspection program S Complete Stormwater assessment rolls—update commercial impervious surfaces map for 1/5 of corn- 4 mercial parcels ( I n i9 Appleway Landscaping—Monitor plant growth and [ E t 4 i final acceptance I • 2014 Design and construct a vactor liquid decant facility COMPLETED y' t 2014 SE Yardley Project—Design&construct improve- COMPLETED ments south of Broadway,east of Fancher 2014 Develop&Bid contract for street sweeping services COMPLETED for 2015 6 Department Objectives Public Works, continued Q12015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Capital Improvement Jan Fob Mar Apr May Jun Jul Me Sep Oct Nov Dec _Update six-year Transportation Improvement Plan for arterial roadways i Identify&recommend new projects 4 • Public hearing on draft plan Seek Council approval of plan 4--0 Submit CMAQ,TA,CDBG,TIB &other grant re- quests as available ~� # I 2 Implement approved Capital Projects Argonne Rd.Corridor Upgrade—(Construction) a (I i Broadway/Argonne/Mullan Concrete Intersection • (Design&ROW) Citywide Safety Improvements(Bike/Ped) i Mansfield Ave.Connection—(ROW&Construction) 4 0 Mission Avenue reconstruction—Flora to Barker • (Design&ROW) Pines(SR27)&Grace Ave. Intersection Safety 0 (Design&Construction) Sidewalk Infill Project—Phase 2(Design&Construc- tion) Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Intersection(Design) • • Sullivan Road W.Bridge Replacement(Construction) ■2015 Street Preservation—Sullivan Rd/Sprague to e a Mission(Design&Construction) Valley—Millwood Trail—Phase 1 (Design) • Appleway Trail—University to Pines(Construction) Citywide Bike/Ped Safety Improvements ` • Sprague/Long Sidewalk(Design&Construction) 4,- - Indiana/Evergreen Transit Access Improvements • 7 Department Objectives Public Works, continued • Q1 gals Q22015 Q ?OIS Q�4 201 Capital Improvement Continued Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Si* Oct Nov Dec [[ 3 Overlay Projects,Arterials and Collectors ♦"" "" i — f Sullivan—Trent to Wellesley F "� Argonne—Sprague to Appleway l ♦-- -`--mm F� I Montgomery—Dartmouth to University 4 P` Broadway—Herald to University 32nd Ave—Bowdish to Pines 4 � ♦ 16th Ave—Herald to University 4 Residential/Local Street Overlay and Reconstruction Maxwell—Pines to Houk ♦ 1 Houk—Sinto to Mission ♦ a Sinto—Pines to Houk Blake-12th to 16th ♦ 1 Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) Infill— Delayed to 2016 Broadway,Fancher,University N. Sullivan Corridor Intelligent Transportation Sys- Delayed to 2016 tems(ITS) 2014 2014 Street Preservation Project-8th Ave. recon- t COMPLETED struction—McKinnon to Fancher Street Preservation 2014 2014 Street Preservation Project—Appleway Ave. COMPLETED resurfacing 2014 1 2014 Street Preservation Project—Sprague Ave/Vista COMPLETED to Herald 2014 Adams Rd.resurfacing—Sprague to 4th COMPLETED 2014 12014 Street Preservation Project—Euclid/Flora to COMPLETED Barker resurfacing 2014 12014 Street Preservation Project—Mullan/Dishman to COMPLETED ! k Broadway resurfacing 2014 ;Bates Rd.Improvements @ Ponderosa Dr. f COMPLETED 2014 I Citywide Traffic Sign project COMPLETED 2014 Vista—BNSF Crossing Safety Improvements COMPLETED i h 1 I I` 8 Department Objectives Public Works, continued — — — Street Fund - Q 12015 Q2 2015 ( 03 2015 Q4 2015 I Maintenance j Operations & ifaintenance Jan Feb Mar I Apr May Jun 1 Jul Aug Sep i Oct Nov Dec ' r I Update the 2014 Street Master Plan _ __ 2 Issue/Renew annual contracts for Street Maintenance ;activities ---- --- - 3 Manage the Bridge Maintenance Program 4 i Bid and construct bridge maintenance projects on City Bridges and overpasses Traffic Q 12015 Q2 20 15 Q3 20 15 Q4 2015 l. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep �Oct Nov Dec I Optimize traffic signals on selected corridors and 4 0 implement timing plans 2 !Sullivan Rd Corridor Traffic Study—I90 to Wellesley 4 f _ I 3 Attend monthly TTC,CMP&SRTC Board meetings 4 Review and assist with traffic on all capital projects 4 • 5 University/I-90 overpass Study 4 6 Yellow Backplate Installation 7 Setup and Implementation of City Transportation Management Center 8 Apply for grants and install school zone beacons 4 • 9 Department Objectives Parks Recreation Administration & I Q1 2015 I Q2 2Q[S i Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Maintenance DivisionJan Feb Mar ! Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Construct Sand Volleyball Courts at Browns Park Develop plans and specifications � f Bid project Complete Master Plan update 2 j Develop listing of Potential Park Properties Research and locate potential properties 4 3 Replace Edgecliff Picnic Shelter MOVED TO 2015 WITH NEW TIMELINE Produce plans&specifications Bid out construction project Complete construction 4 Construct Pocket Dog Park Seek public input on design Complete plans,specification&bid process Complete construction I 4--r� ---♦ 5 Develop Centennial Trail Capital Repair Program 1 Create new draft agreement and work with other juris- I s dictions to approve 2014 Complete Browns Park Master Plan Process COMPLETED � J 2014 Explore development of a dog park COMPLETED I � 2014 i Discovery Playground Improvements COMPLETED 2014 ,Develop and finalize Centennial Trail Maintenance COMPLETED iAgreement II 10 Department Objectives Parks & Recreation, continued Q 1201 S Q2 201 S Q3 24l S Q4 2015 Recreation /AquaticS Division 1 Jsn Feb Mar Apr May Jun 'Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I i"Make A Splash!"and Spokane Parks Foundation ONGOING ANNUALLY Continue to provide free swim passes to children of low income families Continue to work closely with Spokane Valley Part- ners to ensure program.continues 2 �Connectivity at our Pools Research potential Wi-Fi upgrades 4 Install upgrades at our pools 3 Sponsorships for the summer outdoor movies Solicit movie sponsors 4 i Swimming Pool Improvements Paint Park Road Pool 4 0 Install stairs and railing at Terrace View Pool 5 Maintain full summer swimming program ONGOING ANNUALLY Work with 2015 Budget to ensure swimming program • remains intact 2014 Design in-house professional marketing materials for COMPLETED Recreation&Aquatics Divisions 2014 Solicit Sponsorships for the summer outdoor movies COMPLETED 2014 Continue to collect information or expand program COMPLETED I marketing to social media sites 11 Department Objectives i arks , t,;ecreation, continued Senior Center Division Q1 1015 Q2 2015 I Q3 1015 ( Q4 2015 I I I Jan Este Mar 1 Apt May Jun I Jul Aug Sap I Oct Nov Doc t I Offer annual resource and referral fair to provide information to the senior population i ONGOING ANNUALLY kk ' Develop materials for Fair [ IConduct resource and referral Fair { I 2 I Partnerships Continue relationship with YMCA to offer reduced I daily rates for senior center members i 3 Continue to offer day bus trips in conjunction with area senior centers I I ONGOING ANNUALLY Explore regional day bus trip options Q__—. Work with area Senior Centers on trips I • I 4 Advertise and offer activities and trips through other senior centers ONGOING ANNUALLY Continue to promote activities through various Senior Centers in Spokane are via newsletters,direct mail, • etc. i 5 1 Research and develop classes and training for seniors needing IT assistance Work with Community Colleges to develop program and curriculum I Implement program on a trial basis 4— s 2014 I Continue to provide annual training options for front COMPLETED j desk volunteers • 2014 I Continue to work with the Board of Directors regard- COMPLETED Iing their training and educational responsibilities I I 12 Department Objectives Parks & Recreation, continued - --- ------ i Q 1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 I Q4 2015 CenterPlace Division Jan Feb Mar i Apr May Jun 'Jul Aug Sep i Oct Nov Dec j 1 Increase awareness of CenterPlace as a full-service wedding&reception venue ONGOING ANNUALLY Advertise for consultants Consultant research/development of draft update Complete marketing plan&update 40-6 2 Repair Leaks in CenterPlace roof Develop repair plans and complete repairs . 3 j Continue to increase regional&business events ONGOING ANNUALLY Maintain a presence at trade&tourism shows Implement concepts from updated marketing plan Continue to partner with local tourism outlets for in- creased exposure 4 Renovate Lounge kitchen and replace Lounge carpet Research&renovate kitchen Replace carpet 2014 Developed new lower cost lunch/dinner menus with COMPLETED Red Rock 2014 Developed a list of meeting planners to promote Cen- COMPLETED terPlace through target marketing 13 Department Objectives Public Safety/ /'`®lice �------- — -- _ -- -- guild Craton Our Mufti jurtsdicriortal Q t 2015 iQ2 201' Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Working Partnerships ;Jan Feb Mari Apr May Jun !Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec I 'Continue to enhance departmental,regional and com munity public safety efforts in cooperation with citi- zens and businesses,with assistance of Crime Check. 2 Increase interest in community involvement in pro- grams such as SCOPE,Neighborhood Watch, Crime Prevention,Reserves,Explorers,etc. 3 Continue involvement in Inland Northwest Law En- forcement Leadership Group,sharing intelligence with Istate,federal and other public safety agencies. Q 1 2015 j Q2 2015 ' Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Continue to Work Toward Disaster Preparedness Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Continue progression of the implementation of our communications interoperability plan including train- • ing and equipment installation. 1 2 Continue involvement in public safety table top 'exercises with other agencies, including Spokane Val- ley departments and Department of Emergency Man- agement. 2013 Complete multi-agency community full-scale exercise COMPLETED of active shooter training at Spokane Valley Mall. Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Staff Goals I Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun t Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Identify and implement specific training needs for i Spokane Valley Police Department. • • 2 Continue to provide effective leadership training to all supervisors to enhance our mission. • • 3 Continue to implement crime prevention efforts to keep Spokane Valley a"safe city"to live and work. • 4 Continue to participate on the Problem-Solving Task COMPLETED- Force addressing a wide variety of issues the depart- ONGOING ment faces. 5 Maintain the principles of Intelligence Led Policing 'through the use of Spokane Crime Analysis Team to !identify crime trends and high collision areas to better utilize resources,and strengthen the relationship be- tween Patrol and Detectives 6 Enhance the public's perception of law enforcement through community education on recognized police • • best practices regarding accredited police services. 1 7 Be more proactive in tracking stolen property with • crime prevention techniques and databases. 14 Department Objectives Public Safety/Police __.__. Staff Goals,continued Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun I Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 8 Continue to review accreditation files and focus on reaccreditation in 2015. ♦ 1. - 1 9 1 The Traffic Unit will place a proactive emphasis on drivers who are texting/talking on cell phones while 4 — ♦ driving. 10 Maintain best practices with WASPC accreditation I standards for the Spokane Valley Police Department to enhance public safety services. 11 'Implementation of EmPERFORM evaluation program ♦ ♦ that has meaningful merit to our employees. 12 j Continue to improve the false alarm program with j Public Safety Corporation/Cry Wolf in an effort to ♦ 0 further reduce false alarms within the City of Spokane !Valley. i I 13 In compliance with the National Incident Based Re- porting System(NIBRS),maintain a high degree of ;report writing to accurately reflect the crimes occur- ring in the City of Spokane Valley and values of prop- !erty associated with those crimes. 14 !Maintain supervision and leadership development of personnel within Spokane Valley Precinct. 15 Implement a collaborative active shooter emergency response tem with Spokane Valley Fire Dept. ♦ •L 16 Continue to plan and implement effective succession planning to ensure essential leadership positions are filled 17 Implement a new CAD/RMS System to efficiently • and accurately record crime stats and work load per- f formance measures. 15