1980, 04-16 Permit: 80-3539 Pole Bldg PLAN NUMBER APPLICATION/PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER I 8c, - 3S3E1 SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH 811 JEFFERSON / SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260 / (509) 456-3675 DATE APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 4 COPIES L * * 0 0 1. JOB ADES/C/S,f.., LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED * 4,0 0 ii i DRBLOCK SUBDIVISION � f/ ISIO� �� �� Wil- PARCEL NUMBER/S * 44. 00 _ X 2. & N 1.5 ic�i'1 Add i�/i->ri 175 ?-pfv02 * � � O NER ��-�- 3- PHONE 0't0 `' E 3, oa,i?J J / cC, /7L�/ �ZIPt c � � .534, b A DRESS / / ZIP Required Set Backs in Feet A/� /�, �c� 1� Zl �' ��L t�a t(1 `/�aZ�=' ��" NorthSouth 3S East 55 (West ' 0 4- 1 0-8 0 CONTRACTOR PHONE Size of Parcel i Zone Classification 4. 7T C, /t e_ kJ) G 1h cam. 3,5--77/ 7 'o` c J s t ,K1ctibrlt .N....—stil i E. b.479. ADDRESS j ZIP 1 Type Const. Occupancy Sprinklered A/J..2 a c 'f y9 c'.. it .F 1.i- /t/a.. . '7 g e6 v-tv M Oyes ❑No ❑ Req'd. DESIGNER J PHONE Valuation Building Area in Sq. Ft. g3 3a© 576, _ 5' ' ' ADDRESS ZIP DWL Area 'Basement Area Garage Area I Storage 576 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO Split Entry Split Level Rancher .---- ..--_> 6. No.Baths No. Floors No. Rooms Rec. Room TYPE NEW ❑ ALT. 0 AD'N. ❑ RPL. ❑ MVE. 7, OF 0 OTHER CERTIFICATE Req'd. Recd. Not Req'd. WORK NO BLD. ❑ PLMB. ❑ MECH: ❑ M.H. ❑ POOL of EXEMPTION C DESCRIBE WORK ,_1 -Li-')I IL��';Y :i a FEES COLLECTED (VALUATION Soource f GAS ELECTRIC WATER SEWER 9,jj� 3 8,573 Utilities Single $ — I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and have read the "NOTICE" provisions included on reverse side, and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this Building i{'�' -vc type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the Plumbing performance of construction. DATE r//t/ sYn SIGNATURE ,1.A.C--c'Jr'--/. t-.`r-43A_% Mech. SPECIAL APPROVALS SPECIAL CONDITIONS: DEPT. REQ'D. REC'D. rD_W/ 50 t FLNYC I4( IN(4 ST) Plan Check r r Env. Health VI ciON- I 7/AA 5? (/Al ti —0 `irSEPA — O- Planning LULU Mobile Home C/) Fire Marshall R — Co. Engineer Other (Specify) Utilities TOTAL $ iT- C Zone Clearance WHEN MACHINE VALIDATED IN THIS SPACE, SEPA Checklist ////��// '',`!/�/ THISrBE'O 1ME�jS A PERMIT. 5 �j DATE 14406 OFFICIAL ��� v 04 - 1 " 80 551.9 ° * 44.00aH ! APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE .. , ,i. ..----- a r ( _ ____ j., , _--------------- ,,L /' PC I . . ,. . 1 T\ ,,,c) 4 . t rx .9' 1 rl 1 ' I LI° --- 5 — ,,,, Nc. ‘,4 Q\ c.4q --4 tic il oti '''s f.t , ---* _ (--, I •-i' . (3‹,. A r i . NC" NN •-il. N '.0 rfNi v ,zt i - --