2016, 05-03 Special MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting Tuesday,May 3,2016 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Sam Wood, Councilmember John Hohman, Comm & Eco. Dev Director Bill Gothmann, Council Pro Tern Steve Worley, Cap. Improvement Program Mgr. Eric Guth, Public Works Director Mike Stone, Parks&Rec Director Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Deanna Horton,Administrative Assistant Carolbelle Branch,Public Information Officer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. Agenda Topic: Motion Consideration: City Hall Bid Award—Steve Worley, Eric Guth, Mark Calhoun, Chelsie Taylor Director Guth explained that tonight's motion is for the bid award for the construction of the new city hall; as mentioned last week, he explained that there were nine bidders, shown on the bid tabulation along with the engineer's estimate; said that Meridian Construction, Inc. was the low bidder and staff did a reference check on some of their past projects. Mr. Guth said he is pleased to report after due diligence, staff found nothing negative for this contractor;said the low base bid was$8,965,000,and the highest of the other eight bidders was $10,489,000; so the bids were pretty tight. Mr. Guth mentioned the spreadsheet shown on the screen, which shows the nine alternates to the base design, with alternate #6 omitted, which was the electronic access control system,which was included in the base bid. Mr. Guth also noted that sales tax for the bid amounts to $885,242.40, so a grand total of base bid with all alternates is $11,060,442.40; and said that he and Deputy City Manager Calhoun and Finance Director Taylor will be working with that spreadsheet as Council determines what, if any,alternates to exclude. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked if we have any experience with the subcontractors. Mr. Guth said he received some feedback on some of their subcontractors, but wasn't sure of the particulars. Discussion turned to the alternates and Council viewed and discussed some of the renderings and associated costs of the ceiling in the council chambers and lobby,and the top of the guardrails; Council also discussed alternate #7, the steel fencing; after which Deputy Mayor Woodard asked Ms. Taylor to show what the figures would be if alternates 4, 5, 7 and 8 were eliminated. Ms. Taylor said that would bring Meridian's total to$10,590,315.That exercise was repeated with alternate 7 added back in. There was also discussion among Council about alternate#10,what it might cost to eliminate those poles, and of the idea of having a separate contract for that work. Mr. Calhoun said the underground cost is about$60,000 and alternate 10 would provide the infrastructure for the undergrounding of utilities. The full versus the partial basement was also discussed with Council agreeing that the cost is so economical,that it would be prudent to include the full basement. Councilmember Pace added that he agrees with a full basement but not for future expansion of government; and said a future project might include walling off part of the basement and partnering with the Arts Council to have an art gallery. Council Minutes:05-03-2016 Page 1 oft Approved by Council: 05-10-2016 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award the City Hall construction contract to Meridian Construction,Inc., as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in the amount of$10,590,315, which includes the base bid and alternates 2, 3, 9 and 10 and sales tax, and authorize the Deputy City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Mr. Clyde Smith, Spokane Valley: asked some questions about the square footage of the basement and whether the price and quality of the products were considered. Mr. Hohman said the square footage is about twelve to fourteen thousand square feet; and Mr. Calhoun said the products were specced out in the plans. There were no further comments. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion passed. Discussion turned to the undergrounding wiring and removal of the poles. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the Deputy City Manager to negotiate the undergrounding wiring and removal of the poles as per Modern Electric, and to go ahead and contract with Modern up to$100,000 as necessary to get the undergrounding done. Mayor Higgins invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion passed. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:33 p.m. ATT./ L.R. Higgins;• ‘o ..-j/ L.. Ar Christine Bainbrid_-, City Clerk Council Minutes:05-03-2016 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: 05-10-2016 Bid Tabulation Form AArchrtcctscWest -. Spokane Valley City Hall Preliminary Base Bid-April 21,2016 @ 2A0 PM Alternate Bids-April 21,2016 @ 3:00 PM Western States Northcon Engineer's Estimate Baker Leone&Keeble Lydig Meridian Neeser T.W.Clark Walker Construction Addenda C1 2 _. 3-.)C-1 2 3 `1 2 ) 3C.---2 C1 2 C 2____) 41110.111.11. 41111.1111° 4111111Ear, 411111MP Non-collusion Cert. X X X X X X X X X Bid Security X X X X X X X X X Base Bid $10,118,433.00 $9,425,000.00 $9,110,000.00 $9,470,000.00 $8,965,000.00 $10,489,000.00 $9,336,000.00 $9,394,000.00 $9,500,000.00 $9,570,000.00 Alternate No.1 $363,349.00 $365,734.00 $306,000.00 $278,000.00 $350,000.00 $288,000.00 $282,000.00 $384,000.00 $329,000.00 $345,575.00 Provide Half Basement Alternate No.2 $943,007.00 $980,000.00 $686,000.00 $584,000.00 $680,900.00 $516,000.00 $655,000.00 $771,000.00 $831,000.00 $659,580.00 Provide l=ull Basement Alternate No.3 $16,688.00 $6,987.00 $6,600.00 $6,800.00 $6,500.00 $6,600.00 $6,000.00 $6,600.00 $6,200.00 $9,100.00 HVAC Zoning Kit Alternate No.4 $90,513.00 $150,191.00 $177,000.00 $123,000.00 $150,000.00 $151,474.00 $107,000.00 $104,300.00 $154,000.00 $155,525.00 Linear Wood Ceilings in Lobbies Alternate No.5 Linear Wood Ceilings in Council $48,060.00 $60,737.00 $89,800.00 $70,800.00 $59,000.00 $64,000.00 $56,000.00 $53,400.00 $62,000.00 $61,800.00 Chambers Alternate No.6 NOT USED Alternate No.7 $88,266.00 $201,499.00 $201,000.00 $222,000.00 $213,500.00 $209,212.00 $199,000.00 $206,200.00 $207,000.00 $217,850.00 Steel Fencing in lieu of Chain Link Alternate No. Rail $10,747.00 $2,975.00 $1,100.00 $3,760.00 $10,000.00 $5,202.00 -$500.00 $9,620.00 $12,000.00 $2,460.00 Wood Top Rail at Guardrails Alternate No.9 Spray Foam Insulation in Exterior $57,565.00 $61,110.00 $47,000.00 $49,200.00 $46,000.00 $50,498.00 $49,000.00 $47,322.00 $47,500.00 $48,000.00 Walls Alternate No.10 Provide infrastructure for undergrounding of $40,000.00 $40,323.00 $37,700.00 $36,800.00 $44,300.00 $50,450.00 $24,000.00 $28,485.00 $65,000.00 $30,520.00 utilites along Sprague Avenue Subtotal w/Alt 2-10 $11,413,279.00 $10,928,822.00 $10,356,200.00 $10,566,360.00 $10,175,200.00 $11,542,436.00 $10,431,500.00 $10,620,927.00 $10,884,700.00 $10,754,835.00 Sales Tax $992,955.27 $950,807.51 $900,989.40 $919,273.32 $885,242.40 $1,004,191.93 $907,540.50 $924,020.65 $946,968.90 $935,670.65 Total w/Alt 2-10 $12,406,234.27 $11,879,629.51 $11,257,189.40 $11,485,633.32 $11,060,442.40 $12,546,627.93 $11,339,040.50 $11,544,947.65 $11,831,668.90 $11,690,505.65 Plumbing Subcontractor 3-V 3-V Prof.Piping 3-V 3-V 3-V Prof.Piping 3-V Pro.Plumbing HVAC Subcontractor Metalcraft Metalcraft Metalcraft Metalcraft Metalcraft Metalcraft Metalcraft Air Tech R&R Heating&Air Electrical Subcontractor Petersen Petersen Petersen Petersen Dorsh&Kahl Diamond Petersen Petersen Petersen *Bids are under advisement pending City Council meeting on May 3,2016 at 5:00 p.m.