2016, 05-03 Special Joint with PC MINUTES City of Spokane Valley Special Joint Meeting Spokane Valley City Council and Spokane Valley Planning Commission Tuesday,May 3,2016 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Rod Higgins, Mayor Mark Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Ed Pace, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Sam Wood, Councilmember John Hohman, Comm&Eco. Dev Director Bill Gothmann, Council Pro Tem Mike Basinger, Eco. Development Coordinator Chaz Bates, Eco. Development Specialist Planning Commissioners: Gabe Gallinger, Senior Engineer Heather Graham, Chair Deanna Horton, Administrative Assistant Joe Stoy, Vice-Chair Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Kevin Anderson, Commissioner James Johnson,Commissioner Others in Attendance: Timothy Kelley, Commissioner Doug McIntyre, Van Ness Feldman Michael Phillips, Commissioner Elliot Weiss, Community Attributes,Inc. Suzanne Stathos, Commissioner Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the City Council roll; all Councilmembers were present. Commission Secretary Horton called the Commission roll; all Commissioners were present. Agenda Topic: Comprehensive Plan Review Purpose Statement:The City Council and Planning Commission will participate in an interactive discussion concerning land use alternatives and goals and policies for the Comprehensive Plan Update. The input being sought will help City staff and the consultant team refine the land use alternatives and the goal and policy focus areas. Councilmembers and Commissioners will rotate around three stations, facilitated by staff and consultants, to help determine proposed land use alternatives; they will be asked to consider the options for City growth and record their input on a worksheet. The Councilmembers and Commissioners were seated at three tables. Community and Economic Development Director Hohman welcomed everyone to the meeting; said the purpose of tonight's meeting is to discuss some specifics about goals and policies and land use; said the public is welcome but there will not be any public participation; said we will be focusing on some work to move forward to create a draft document and staff seeks input from the Council and Commissioners; that input will be collected,processed,and built into future steps in this effort;said this project started November 2014 and quite a lot of work was accomplished this year including visioning and public meetings; said we had to take some time out for technical information, but we now have a defensible, but not completely official number for the population allocation and we will be using that to move forward to try to update the plan, which must be completed prior to June 30, 2017. Mr. Hohman said Economic Development Coordinator Basinger will be directing tonight's proceedings and taking the lead on this project, and our consultants will be giving a presentation tonight as well. Mr.Basinger explained that tonight's objective is to get some direction;that we heard from the community during several workshops, and the information in tonight's exercises includes input from the community, Jt Council Minutes:05-03-2016 Page 1 of 2 Approved by Council: 05-10-2016 and Council and Commissioners will be asked to rate those issues; said although our Comprehensive Plan must meet the GMA(Growth Management Act)requirements,that is not the purpose of tonight's meeting. Mr. Basinger said that tonight we will work on how we'd like our community to grow, the vision of the community,what are the important things, and are we on the right track. Mr. Doug McIntyre with Van Ness Feldman started the PowerPoint presentation explaining that once completed,this Comp Plan will be the City's official statement of how it wants to grow over the next twenty years; said the Plan is amended annually and there are GMA requirements to consider; said this detailed review of the Plan is required every eight years which allows us to comply with changes in the GMA and to respond to change in land use; said we want to determine what are the trends and how to address that in the official policy document; said we are working to hit that June 30,2017 deadline while making progress in the right manner.As shown in his PowerPoint,Mr. McIntyre mentioned some factors to consider as well as SEPA (Sate Environmental Protection Act) requirements. Mr. Elliot Weiss of Community Attributes, Inc., continued through the PowerPoint explaining the connection to economic development, mentioned the Retail and Tourism Studies; said we have heard from numerous stakeholders about economic development and community priorities, and tonight is a great opportunity to splice in some of the work done for policy, infrastructure, image & identity, assets,centers, and catalysts, as shown on the slide. He explained that he, Mr. Mclntrye and Mr. Basinger will be at one of the three tables to facilitate conversation; said the worksheets are pretty clear; with the object to have Council and Commissioners rate some ideas for focus areas within the Comp Plan, then move on to goals and policies; then come back and determine what was done well and what needs more work; and that one of the objectives for tonight is to help form options of what is most important. Mr. Hohman said that we have been actively working on the Comp Plan and this is the twelfth visit since the first of the year; that we talked about the Retail and Tourism studies, and about water districts;that the Planning Commission is a little behind as they were working on marijuana issues; but the intent is to bring all those presentations forward to them as well. The three facilitators went to each table and the discussions began.After a designated time,members of the tables rotated to a different table and further discussion ensued. Once everyone had been at each table,Mr. Basinger thanked everyone for coming out tonight;and said the next steps include gathering the information and compiling that into something to start the draft moving for the land use map and policies and goals. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. r , v441111‘ ' 11111h ATTEST. L.R. Higgins, Mayor _------(/)4_,t Al i / ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Jt Council Minutes:05-03-2016 Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: 05-10-2016 SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE: LAND USE OPTIONS AND GOAL AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT Si'okan jUalley Workshop Agenda > Presentation on the Comprehensive Plan process and land use changes (6:00-6:15) > Land use options activity (6:15-7:30) > Break (7:30-7:40) > Goals and policies activity (7:40-8:50) > Next Steps 1 Why update the Comprehensive Pan? Growth Management Act > Plan can be updated through an annual amendment process > Must be thoroughly reviewed every eight years,known as the periodic update,to ensure that the plan: • Complies with changes to GMA requirements • Responds to changes in land use and/or population growth > Periodic update schedule set by the Washington State Legislature > Deadline for Spokane County and its cities is June 30,2017 Other Factors > Opportunity to revisit the City's vision and incorporate new priorities,such as those identified by the community as well as through studies(e.g.retail and tourism) > Opportunity to incorporate best practices \iVhat has been done so far? Already completed: > The City initiated the periodic update process with a presentation to the City Council in Fall 2014 > The Public Participation Program(PPP)guiding public involvement for the Comp Plan update,was adopted in Winter 2014 > The City collected public input on the Comprehensive Plan between January and April 2015,culminating in the issuance of the Community Vision Report in Spring 2015 > The City conducted a Policy Audit on the existing goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan between Summer 2015 > The Existing Conditions Report,analyzing current trends in Spokane Valley and the region,was issued in Fall 2015 2 Why consider changes to and use? Factors to Consider > Existing conditions assessment identified zones that were underperforming(i.e. Office,Medium Density Residential and Mixed Use)and provided recommended improvements > The Comp Plan update provides a unique opportunity to identify and implement community and economic development priorities,and to ensure that the land use code supports these priorities State Environmental Protection Act(SEPA) > Requires analysis of reasonable land use alternatives in the Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)process to assess the widest range of potential impacts.The City is conducting an integrated EIS and Comp Plan process. What's the connection to economic development? > In addition to making land use changes that advance the City's economic development goals,updating the Comp Plan's policy language to support these priorities will provide high-level guidance for current and future efforts. Retail and Tourism Studies > Ongoing work in the economic development strategy has focused on improving the character and quality of retail and supporting the tourism industry.The Comp Plan can bolster these efforts. POLICY INFRASTRUCTURE IMAGE S IDENTITY O CRAFT POLICY TO PLAN AND BUILD STRENGTHEN SPOKANE SUPPORT GOOD RETAIL IN INFRASTRUCTURE VALLEYS IMAGE AND THE RIGHT PLACES TO SUPPORT RETAIL IDENTITY AS A RETAIL DEVELOPMENT DESTINATION ASSETS CENTERS CATALYSTS <<The recently-completed Retail •• Improvement Strategy suggested • • strategies focused on these six areas LEVERAGE REGIONAL AND SUPPORT AND EXPAND SUPPORT CATALYTIC. LOCAL ASSETS TO DRIVE EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS TRANSFORMATIVE OR LOCAL COMMERCE INNOVATIVE RETAIL PROJECTS IN SPOKANE VALLEY 3 What are our goals for today? Land Use Options > Feedback on land use options will be used to create a draft land use map > After tonight's workshop,City staff will synthesize the input received for City Council review and concurrence Goals and Policies > Feedback on specific goal/policy direction > Edits to language 4 LAND USE O ' • NS 0 - KSH - FIS Welcome to the workshop! This packet contains worksheets that provide you with an opportunity to prioritize proposed land use changes and to give city staff and the cosultant team further direction where necessary. Your feedback will be used to create a "preferred alternative" that is a hybrid of the three scenarios (i.e. districts, corridors, neighborhoods) presented here. This sheet provides an overview of each scenario and relates the proposed changes to the city's vision and goals. Each subsequent worksheet pertains to a specific scenario. Please ask us any questions as they arise, and thank you for your help! := �y ! Districts are hubs for economic activity. They offer --— y2 .----„�_ a concentration of diverse commercial, residential .' ��`.. and institutional uses. The districts proposed for the . �� - Compehensive Plan update are explicitly related to .4.4' I. -el — '4' ongoing economic development efforts in Spokane �s�,:,i 1 -- Valley, and reflect community priorities and best t'. `� t > practices in calling for improved access to amenities, I ^?ii ff y ; .f,,! new mixed-use commercial and residential typologies, - - ' compact employment centers and transit-supportive -. _ __ddensities. ,�: _ . . Corridors are thoroughfares for citizens moving to 1 and from their jobs and, thanks to this traffic, provide - i convenient locations for offices, retail stores, multifamily uses and other commercial activities. Land use changes - `; ,7�; that support accessibility, aesthetic quality and t 1. q_..,, P",: ie. '-=,' character, business retention, expansion and attraction 10 -, and the efficient movement of goods are critical to '� - -I, '1' achieve the economic development and community Y _ r : priorities identified in this planning process. r....-- � ;4 - !4`ii Spokane Valley's neighborhoods are one of the principal " - •', reasons people choose to live in this city. However, } -.. ;` - stakeholders have indicated that some land use changes .. - ., may be needed to preserve or enhance the quality ,< �-.=,_: .r,vr.-/r-^ 'T: 1 of these neighborhoods. Proposed changes focus on f • - - allowing a broader range of housing types, maintaining w': --2 - .- ` : .;.;ms's, �, quality neighborhood character, improving access from -- '.' isa neighborhoods to nearby amenities, reducing commute _-it • . f , times and protecting cherished open spaces. 2 J WORKSHEET: DISTRICTS INDUSTRIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT i I " Consider Implementation of an Industrial --.-- I _1 -- Improvement district vE= i r— _1: .4. ✓ E AUTO ROW BLr-.� L.,---I �I :�,� i x ` �r=rm w �' �L'nstdrner'mplcmcntation MEDIOAL ISTRICT �� _- - ': Coos dor lmmentauon ! fc ii�:��]I of an O[Ow dlstrxt - r ��7 l', � �� •_�,+1 .r I ' � =oramodlcaIg dlsV(c[ �� coma SM.v. e'Icl .�....... 4' , i` i... ! LEGEND STADIUM- -- f -,.:CITY�HALL DISTRICT4 Qap a SVataneNW, DISTRICT -'.Consider implementation of• - 'eater OW Consider , - I' 'a district In the new City Hal(' :omvc Implerncratatlen of a. - =.,gr - ...... ef stadium district \ Parcels by Zoning R"1 R3 R.2 _. 6. R4 t1F-1 r. E1F-3 GO I ., ' i iCMG ". r^muc I — NC ....... ...1I ...."_.._ C-..0 El RC — .' RATE TF- : - PROPOSALS Fitt in the stars to the right of each district proposal to indicate how important you believe that proposal to be. One star is lowest priority; five stars is highest priority. Industrial Improvement District ' ' '* Waterfront District '*' City Hall District Auto Row District * * Medical District '( '* '" Stadium District ADD NEW PROPOSALS Use the space below to add anything you believe we missed or to suggest other refinements to the districts concept. 3 CMU-TRENT AVE MUC-TRENT AVE Consider landose designation Consider land use designation ./.-4 -"' changes to CMUalongTrent changes to MUC along Trent • ...v -,�-_r ig Ave. Ave. ,.:,.k 1 r'. '.s CONSOLIDATE OFFICE .. "�-\ •:` I �-. I DESIGNATIONS aco designations,and/or broaden allowed uses dithina n those .1 i - �: I M� , _ I designations • M♦♦♦w♦ ,mom ; . ♦` ♦�♦ �S'� _:max, `.�.'t� a. eiggia�n 1 I I '' Ago; -' - • 1 � ,,,- r � I i=ril Nr.xr �nl� �� �i�E r - .:- - ..milp y .•_•••_ • 'ILA i�� CEI! c iei� T.Si` r;" l' �disidir. ■C"'�r� iin LEGEND 5t 4 Li 'I O Gy el Spotan.Vae.y r m 1 vacs uw G T�, i .I APPLEWAYTRAIL \ ! Consider designating the -.. Parcels by Zoning ApplewayTrail as Parks& ` f311.1 Open Space \ ,-, R-2 w-- t ...._. .. PA MFA MF.2 _ GO ce `r + , CMU ramu. NC naC ®RC 41 1SS 12 i _ WOG _ t Fill in the stars to the right of each corridor proposal to indicate how important you believe that corridor to be. One star is lowest priority; five stars is highest priority. Change CMU Designation Along Trent Ave. Consolidate Office Designations (0 and GO) Designate Open Spaces - Appleway Trail Change Office to a Mixed-Use Designation Designate Open Spaces - Appleway Trail ' '( ,* '( Change MUC Designation Along Trent Ave. Use the space below to share anything you believe we missed or to suggest other refinements to the corridors concept. 4 . , CONSOLIDATE SOME MDR TO LDR � Where appropriate.consolidate some MDR into LDR r CONSOLIDATESOMEMDRTOHDR , Where appropriate.consolidate some MDR into(OR ..-_..-. L_/ RETAIN AND REVISE MDR I \ Retain(and revise ll necessary)some MDR designations to allow for Innovative housingtypes --- --- 0100.°!--"I' • - j -;i -_ ll °moi �r-• .. affilli =--- iii _riga" ti 4 r� F pp- ..... ma ~w� a �. 7mi� tt J ti -•��-'` T-I'li r" ".;r.,--I ad��i LEGEND ON l . a %Y OW et5yeYane Wery I fr L ° E I Vaaq uca i - -other CM rl Parcels by Zoning R.t \ RJ Pin ft-2 R< "MF.t CONSOLIDATE R3 AND R-4 ! ° ®MF-2 Consolidate R-3 and R.4 zones and reduce minimum i1 I lot fixe to 5.000 square feet j NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL GO 1 ` I Expand existing neighborhood commercialWq o S e+ 1 designations.or designate new NC areas CIAO ®MUG NC d®G ®RC i_ t_ I-2 Fill in the stars to the right of each neighborhood proposal to indicate how important you believe that proposal to be. One star is lowest priority; five stars is highest priority. Convert some MDR into LDR as appropriate ' * * '* Convert some MDR into HDR as appropriate Retain and Revise MDR as appropriate '* '- Consolidate and Revise R-3 and R-4 Expand Existing NC Designation Designate New NC Areas Use the space below to share anything you believe we missed or to suggest other refinements to the neighborhoods concept. 5