Ordinance 16-006 Comp Plan Amendment CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 16-006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS DESCRIBED IN CPA 2016-0001; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, pursuant to chapter 36.70A RCW, through Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-010, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan and related maps (collectively, and as subsequently amended,the Comprehensive Plan); and WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually(RCW 36.70A.130); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Council), citizens, or by the Community and Economic Development Director based upon citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, consistent with the GMA, the City adopted public participation guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 17.80.140 provides that amendment applications for the Comprehensive Plan shall be received until November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan, as originally adopted by Ordinance No. 06-010, has been amended by Ordinance No. 07-026, Ordinance No. 08-011, Ordinance No. 09-008, Ordinance No. 09- 039, Ordinance No. 10-007, Ordinance No. 11-001, Ordinance No. 11-007, Ordinance No. 11-009, Ordinance No. 12-014, Ordinance No. 12-018, Ordinance No. 13-008, Ordinance 14-005; and Ordinance 15-006; and WHEREAS, an application was submitted by the applicant or owner to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and WHEREAS, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on January 13,2016,the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC)was notified of the City's intent to adopt amendment to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2016, the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce) was notified pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's intent to adopt an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2016, after reviewing the environmental checklists, staff issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald,posted the DNS on the site and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and Ordinance 16-006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-CPA-2016-0001 Page 1 of 6 WHEREAS, on February 5, 2016 and February 12, 2016, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2016, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, on February 10, 2016, notice of the Commission hearing was posted on the subject property; and WHEREAS, on February 11, 2016, the Commission conducted a study session to review the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2016, the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony, and a staff report at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2016, the Commission voted to forward CPA-2016-0001 to the Council with a recommendation for approval with written findings of fact setting forth the basis for recommending approval to Council; and WHEREAS, on April 5, 2016, Council conducted a briefing to review the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on April 26, 2016, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on May 10, 2016, Council considered a second ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment. NOW,THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Comprehensive Plan as described in CPA-2016-0001. Section 2. Findings. The Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study and held a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, and the Council hereby approves the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan map. The Council hereby makes the following findings applicable to the proposed amendment: 1. The amendment is comprised of seven parcels owned by Avista Corporation. 2. Avista owns and operates a Natural Gas Service Center, including equipment and maintenance storage yard, located west of the proposed amendment area. 3. On January 13, 2016, the SRTC was provided notice of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. 4. On January 14, 2016, Commerce was provided a notice of intent to adopt an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. 5. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act set forth in chapter 43.21C RCW (SEPA), an environmental checklist was required for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. Ordinance 16-006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-CPA-2016-0001 Page 2 of 6 6. Staff reviewed the environmental checklist, and a threshold determination was made for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. 7. On February 5, 2016 a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. 8. The procedural requirements of SEPA and Title 21 SVMC have been fulfilled. 9. On February 5, 2016 and February 12, 2016, notice for the proposed amendment was published in the Spokane Valley News Herald. 10. On February 8, 2016, individual notice of the site-specific map amendment was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject sites. 11. On February 10, 2016 the subject property was posted with a "Notice of Public Hearing"sign and a description of the proposal. 12. The procedural requirements in SVMC 17.80.140 for the amendment process, including public participation, notice, and public hearing requirements have been met 13. On February 25, 2016 the Commission held a public hearing on CPA-2016-0001. 14. The Commission and Council have reviewed the proposed amendment to evaluate the cumulative impacts consistent with RCW 36.70A.130(2)(b). There were no other proposed amendments requiring concurrent review pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130(2)(b). The review was consistent with the annual amendment process outlined in SVMC 17.80.140 and chapter 36.70A RCW(Growth Management Act). 15. There are no known physical characteristics that would create difficulties in developing the property under the proposed designation. Development will be evaluated for compliance with all applicable environmental regulations in effect. 16. There are no known critical areas associated with the site, such as wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat areas, frequently flooded areas or geologically hazardous areas. The site is not located within the shoreline jurisdiction and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. Additionally, previously contaminated soils have been removed by the new land owner, Avista, and homes removed. 17. The properties located west, north and south of the amendment have a Light Industrial (LI) land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan and a Light Industrial (I-1) zoning designation. The amendment is adjacent and contiguous to properties of the same or higher zoning classification. 18. The amendment does not introduce a new designation into the neighborhood, but reduces the immediate conflict between the light industrial and low density residential uses by utilizing a street right-of-way as a separation between the uses. 19. The site is surrounded to the west and south by storage yards associated with a light industrial use and a more intense use north at Felts Field Airport. There are existing single family residences across Elizabeth Road to the east of proposed amendment area. 20. The site-specific amendment is located within the Airport Hazard Overlay (AO) (SVMC 19.110.030). The City's regulations are intended to protect the surrounding community while preserving the economic vitality of Felts Field Airport. Development may be limited based Ordinance 16-006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-CPA-2016-0001 Page 3 of 6 upon the AO standards related to use, noise and height. The proximity to Felts Field provides benefits for a non-residential use impacted by noise and restricted residential density. 21. The City addresses the adequacy of community facilities on a citywide basis through capital facilities planning. A level of service standard is identified for each of the city services. Policy CFP-9.1 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends a concurrency management system for transportation, sewer,and water facilities. This is implemented through chapter 22.20 SVMC. 22. The site is located at the intersection of two local access streets (Utah Avenue and Elizabeth Road) and each lot has direct access to a public street. Transportation concurrency will be evaluated at the time of development. Sewer is provided by Spokane County Utilities and is available to the site. The site is located within the Orchard Avenue Irrigation District service area. Based on the preceding,the proposal meets concurrency requirements. 23. Due to the size of the property, the proposed amendment would not significantly impact population density and does not require population analysis. Employment would not contribute to an increase in population density, and removing the site from a residential designation would have a marginal impact city wide. 24. The proposed amendment is generally consistent with the following chapters of the Comprehensive Plan: Chapter 2 — Land Use; Chapter 3 — Transportation; Chapter 7 — Economic Development; and Chapter 10—Neighborhoods. 25. The public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment will be served by the proposed amendment. The change to Light Industrial (I-1) will provide opportunities for technology and low-impact industrial uses similar to those that presently exist to the north, south and west of the amendment area which are designated LI under the Comprehensive Plan. The area is served by Spokane County Division of Utilities for sewer and Orchard Avenue Irrigation District for water. Spokane County Fire District No. 1 provides emergency first responders. 26. The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is consistent with chapter 36.70A RCW. Specifically the following planning goals will be met: a. Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner. b. Provide for economic development adjacent to similar zoned parcels and utilizes land for infill development within an urban area. c. Consistent with the intent of the light industrial designation to provide a transition between heavy industrial and less intense uses. d. Provides a suitable land use designation consistent with the City's GMA compliant Comprehensive Plan. 27. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control. The proposed amendment does not correct a mapping error. 28. The proposed amendment does not address an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. 29. The goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan were considered and the proposed amendment is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: Ordinance 16-006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-CPA-2016-0001 Page 4 of 6 a. Goal LUG-1 Preserve and protect the character of Spokane Valley's residential neighborhoods. b. Policy LUP-1.2 Protect residential areas from impacts of adjacent nonresidential uses and/or higher intensity uses through the development and enforcement of the City's land use regulations and joint planning. c. Goal LUG-10 Provide for the development of well-planned industrial areas and ensure the long-term holding of appropriate land in parcel sizes adequate to allow for future development as industrial areas. d. Goal LUG-12 Designate and protect a variety of strategically located light industrial areas. e. Goal EDG-7 Maintain a regulatory environment that offers flexibility, consistency, predictability and clear direction. f Policy NP-3.3 Encourage commercial development that is designed and scaled in a manner that is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. 30. The proposed amendment complies with the approval criteria contained in SVMC 17.80.140H(Comprehensive Plan amendments and area-wide rezones). 31. The Comprehensive Plan land use map amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. Section 3. Property. The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in Attachment "A" (maps). Section 4. Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130, the Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as set forth below and in Attachment "A" (maps). File No. CPA-2016-0001 Proposal: The application is a privately initiated site-specific Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map amendment request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential (LDR) with a Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) zoning classification to a Light Industrial(LI)designation with a Light Industrial(I-1)zoning classification. Applicant: Avista Corporation; PO Box 3727, MSC-21; Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Amendment Location: Parcel numbers 35121.5501, 35121.5502, 35121.5601, 35121.5602, 35121.5901, 35121.6001, and 35121.5101; located SW of the intersection of Utah Avenue and Elizabeth Road, further located in the NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council Decision: The request is approved. Section 5. Copies on File - Administrative Action. The Comprehensive Plan (with maps) is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City's Department of Community Development. Ordinance 16-006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-CPA-2016-0001 Page 5 of 6 The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Comprehensive Plan in a manner consistent with this Ordinance, including correcting scrivener's errors. Section 6. Liability. The express intent of the City is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This Ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 10th day of M.Q, 2016. t L.R. Higgins;M: •. ATTE , -.3 _,_ 120„iYi;//r_________ ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: ___,9 ( (),--, P-1%. . Office(pf the City"Attorney Date of Publication: 05-20-2016 Effective Date: 05-25-2016 Ordinance 16-006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-CPA-2016-0001 Page 6 of 6 Comprehensive Plan Map V•Vktec Ave E Marietta Ave \vt . p. 35121:5101 a \3512`\\ NI w Amendment Area L `3`21:560 \ . \ �_ __ E Carlisle Ave 35121'.5901 I .ti 0 as ...- 35121:600\ z "`\\\ \ \ i-E-Mont go m e r y Ave N . — Q Z — E Mansfield Ave -`•• ,.,N 'Ns,.,,,.,,..N.,s,..s.N N,'N N.N.,. s.,..,,s..,,N N. \ �� b — ralQ — � z CPA-2016-0001 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map N City of Spokane Valley designation from LDR to LI; subsequent zoning Community Development Department change from R-2 to I-1