2006, 09-18 Permit: 06003788 Notice of Intentbep e -u CUUo .'7:.7Cri n f%UU 5 LC111U 1 - ,. - a,l, - -- - - 00-10-06 12:56 FROM-SCAPCA T-622 P 01/08 F-298 SPCKANF- COUNTY Alit POLLUnaN EONTROL AVTk(ORITYOall I 101 West Coll Suite 403. S dune, WA 99201 SEP' 1 'S 2 06 Q f NOF OF I iTENT NOl 70 P RM : �x u�, o„ I► A PrOICR Yypei 1 •. ❑ Asbvalm Removal 1 3. rlw.tse,rts. sU.�,,..ts ts....,r:.:....I : Xq w___ ---- -- M A Per:an: Rob Carper "on Barveror if suiveyIftmed, ;;u— !Crisj1presuawd Yes 2f No. Allied pvri)nlble) kale: we i Zip. 9920.6_` rob Site Phone: 993-1719 4106 1 (tea baele if>[1 i in e r Nttnte: ?s Tor a N bei SiR-03-062 [esu. ttv7lt]b 6. Aabn os Project I No. of Svucturu%: start Completion Wk. Days: 3u• tit I' W Th F Sa Information: ser >) note: Aue }[ urs: Tom I 9�"n"h —• Sq. Will 411 Mbesl03 mens W be Yes Wiil work schedule 77 Yea to beremaved- Feet Feet oved b o oa a on1 Fax n. bc usg4lNo Lis[ (t ividual type and. quantity ofmace:taiitto be trmoved or rovide as stmehme nt of sane! Abwttr Cot _... - Ccntr ctur: Phonic: Fax. Mawn Addrs s: C' : Stere: Lip: K. 3]amo itioa No, of Strictures: tart Tr tn4 F (.iat Fire Dept. as demo coituutot below) In to ellen: (see b4cL ii'a 1) i Dates 920106 Ordered Demolition (attach copy bfOnoor) Demo! lion _ Convat:tor. Robs Demolition 34-2970 Fax: 534•-4404 M4ilin ._ :t ddre c: 8420 Z Woodland Paris 3kivt City Spokane $tete; wa Zi : ➢921? G. Aabes tatYlirtioe TraJeet Gte!Dries: otification Non Rrfurtdabie oa irtvoi den ed atrttctttM7 Yee ' N Wai Pcrigd Pro tet Pae ccupicd Resa ted ResiDemolition 'ectO • Prior Notice j3U er Demakitions Nibs No bastes Remove Pro rct 10 D iiiM, s9 inner tees 44 - t 9 s u re sac back form for ►3 a s 25U 991taear foci or 168 - 4 uere foot !0 s X10(3tinWA et os > 3 0010SI 2SU7.6.no Aabatof P o oct or Exm c Detraoliti r Prior flee Twice Project Fec ernace Maem orco or Friable Ma . '°o ta4 or 10 D Twice Pro est ee _ 11. hemap Dells o C unix for cmfnuble A Mamri 1t! Dd 'act 9• till 1br astr ous Co itioo>t C w e Pt Fee [ Pro' Pru ret Far _ ~ ThV lA't1 CamRorte� In Q. 1 apply only to Ownernccypu►d, 1,Ar.1Q- roily residauxii, which mews any non-muttiple Vint builair g CWleinM@ living ,pactl MIS is "rremly oeo*od (prior 1D 3&d ziltr r"WvW6NtlelnolWQn) by am Wet b -ho owns the of the e as to G.2-9 smut be used for all other renovalloWdentdttion ro dets. Par ' mon tion, contact CAPCA at 309 477dom' 4727, K. OPr+bn L !t adottloTlal patties 1raWd like you copies ot'rdis NUI and/artelarsd rlolives tent ra (tire Deme & [lx number wuvar Rating address): i• 1 cer ri[ tit ibc infpTII1R[fOn caWtaWell in IN] "117catlon and Orly supplemental data proviord it, to the dee[ C l4terists Reviewof My ltglowledQs, le:cwate and cormlote. 4 ilsft SL.Iq1 • Rip.e,ewN1� A•r 'our advanc t uolification period will boa4i when a 2=,g1�N01, Including reigumW rtes, is received by SCAPCI►, copy of Th4.ubeatbs stuvey, eoMpleted notitiootion 8 all amendments morel be avatlablo for ihaP iviecdn at all t PC at the inb elle. NOl kY,6 RFQe1VFp 09-1B-Oc 16:36 FROW509 Sia 2404 PAG: 01 SEP 20 2006 10:19 509 534 9404 PAGE.02