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1975, 04-23 Permit: D8789 Plumbing Fixtures
Plumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT County Court House, Spokane, Washington PERMIT F61t WiUMMMONSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND J OR REPAIR RESIDENTLAL No. D Property Address-UPLAND--DRIVE,--EAST--15106___ . - (Res.. .--) Permit for.._pLUMBI3G_ 1N-%L� ,LAT_IC*1_ . _ �... (Com. ----- Owner. ----------- Don - Owner .----------Don Krueger ---------------------------------- --- Address ---43 0---N-.--Frogree-ss --Spokane Phone ---- 924-e110-9----- Contractor-.. ---- MELLER--PLUMBIi+G..&--HEATING --- ----- ----- --Address--- S.-3003-.Be.*t-.Yerada1_e,-- yin.Phone ---- 924-2606------ 99037 NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets ----- 2 -------- . Bath Tubs ---- 1 ---- ---- Sinks- --I---- Slop Sinks- Wash Basins---- Z Laundry Trays. _1_ ____ Urinals ------ _.._----- Separate Shower Baths --------- -------- Rain Leaders -------------- _--- _ Garbage Disposal Units.------ ._ Floor Drains . _--------- Fountains ----------- __ Bar Connections -_____--------- Dental Cuspidor ...... _--- - ---. Automatic Washing Machines -._-__-..--.._... Mechanical Dishwasher --__-1.. ------- Refrigerators .......... .... Sumps ------------ . Water Softeners --------- _______ Hot Water Tanks .__._----------------- __-------. SprinklerSystem----------------------------------------------------------------- --- --------------------------------------------------- ---- -- --- ------- - ---- ------------------------------ ---- ---------------- -- - ------------------------------ -- --- -------- ----------------------------- ----- ----- ...... - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -- ....----------------------------------------- Fee Paid $ ---- Z -R00_------------------------------ Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISIQN Date Issued-.APr.11..2As,__197 `----- vh Inspection Calle J '-p--------- ----` 5 ------ ---------- By-- r ' :`% � y n ecto _ Inspector L. InspectedBy & Date ----------------------------------- -- --------------------------- ......------.... ........----------------- i, -------------------------------------------- -_.. (Te (Final)