27657 PE-1750 SHELLEY LAKE 1 S 1' C) Y<- A N E C c) u '[V "1" Y QIVFSION f?F ENCINEER[t3G e4iVD ROADS • A D1VI5IC.]IV DF THE Pl3BL1C VV[7RKS F}EPARTMENT 4Vi11=am A. Johns, P.E, Caunty Engineer Dennis M, Scatt, P.E., Director N(]VCri1beP Zd, 1997 C& B Chipping and Excavating 22708 N Highway 395 Colbert, WA 99005 Re: Shelly Lake Dear Mr. Heitinan: P1ease be advised that the Corstructiun Division accepts the qvality of cnnstnuCtion of mainline sewer pipe and side service stuh-outs wit9un the platted boundaries af She11y Lake in the following areas. ■ MH 1 thru MH 4 on Cannery koad and easemeni into projed _ ■ MH 7 to MH 8 to NE 4 to IVIH 13 to MH l 1 to MI 14 on Lane D • MH 8 to NlE 9 on Moore T ane ` MH 14 to 1VO 15 on Rotchforcf Drive • MH 15 t01ViH 16 vn fl.arie C • MF-I 23 thru 26 to MH 16 t@iru MH 18 on T.ane F(MH 17 to MH 18 unpaved roadway) ■ iVLH 6 to 1114 7 0n Tzmberlbne Lane (unpaVed roadway) ■ MH 5 to MH d on Lane B (unpaved roadway) • MH 5 to MH 14 thau ivlH 12 on Hamesiead Lane (MH 5 to M14 F@ unpaved roadwaY) Areas withzn the platted boundaries oF Shelly Lake fhat remain t4 be c>ampleted are. • MI-I 1$ thru MH 22 to ca,p 166.2i3.6 i ■ MH 23 thru 16218.8 to end Gap 152.118.8 [3tilities ws11 begin the warranty periQd when all as-built drawings, O& M manuals, easements, and other reIated system components have been satisfaccarily provided Any addition defects abserved in t~e system during the warranty peaind will be brought to ynur attention by the Spokane iCounty llfaiities I?egartmemt. Nate that itunor cleaning related faults rnay be present within the above system. Remaval of any remaining cleaning faults will be braugh# to youa attentian upon cnffipletion oF 4he warranty period. SincereIy, Penny S. Flawers Field Inspector c• Utitities Vern Iarvis Gene Repp File 1026 W. Bmadway Ave. • Spokane, WdY 9926@-[Y170 •(509) 455-3604 FAX. (509) 324-3478 T[]B. (549) 324-3166 i~ S F oI--- -A~ n)F- C c) xi rv z' - Ic DIV35IDN OF ENGIhTFERING A[Vl? ItOADS ■ A DIVI5TDRd f3F 1`FiE PUBLFC WQRKS DEPAItTMENT William A. Jahns, I'.E., County Engineer Dennis M SrotY, P E„ Dareetor Nvverrrber 3, 1997 C & B Ghipping and Excavating 22709 N Hwy 395 Colbert, WA 99005 Re Shelly Lake Dear N1r. Heitman; I have rerriewed the TV tape, the Fault Surnmary Report and the Manhale Tnspectian farrns far the abvve praject. The fallvvti+ing itern remains to e done. Manhvle nurnber 163 8]4.3 requires that adjustment rings and frame be martared and sent to the cvrrect elevation Please give me a call at 456-3606 or fax at 324-3478 when the akavde itern has been completed. Sincerely, - Penny S. Flawers Field Inspectvr c. Utilities - Ciene Repg Vern Jarvis File 1026 W 8raadway Ave • Sprakane, WA 49260-LY170 •(509) 456•3600 FA?S (509) 329-3498 TDI3- (509) 324-3166 S~ a z< ~1~r ~ i r fr' Y DI`JISIDN C3F EAIGINEERTAIG AND RQAIDS ■ A D1VI9icJi+S C]F THE PLf&LIC W{3FtK5 LDEPARTMF-NT William A. ]ra}uis, P.E. County Engineer 13ennis M$cott, T' E, DirCctor Memvrandum Date October 27, 1997 Ta: Terry L`ghtfvot From: Dean Fran2, P.E. 0aaw-. Development Serrvices Dept. Project: Shelley Lake SubjeCt: Drainage Fonds, Grassed (P-1750) I'erCO[ation Areas Cc: file These plans shaw a berm height around the dY'ainage pond. Tf the pond is located within a cut area, t.hen a berm around the pond is not necessary, because the cut ein6ankrrsent will functinn as the berm for Che pond The project enguie.er, Wand Pacific Eng3neenng, has rerjuested this zssue be evaluated since there is a question by our fieId ins,pectors I hope this clears up the issue Tf not, ptease call me 1026 W, Broadway Awe. • Spgiaane. W,+19426dd7170 •(504)456-3600 FRX• (509)324-3478 TDL7. {509} 324-31C6 ~ . . ~ S P C) :F~ 'k N E ~ Q Y_] r'T -r Y r - D[VIS[ON OF ENGINEERIi'dG AtiID I2OAI]S ■ A 171VISIC7N DF THE PUBLIC WORKS 1]FPARTMENT WJilliam A. ]ohns. P.E, Caursty Engineer I]ennis M 5catt, P E, Directar Apfil 14, 1997 ' C & ~ ChipplIlg af1d EXCc1'VariEIg 22708N. Hwyy 395 Cvlbert, WA 99005 d ~ RE: Sewer line Qn Canklira 4 I Mr. Heitman, Any changes yQu wish to make nn the sevver will need tv be addressed 6y the Utilities Division. If those changes are approved, thera the plarrs Nvill need ta be revised to reflect said changes. I hope this clarifies any questions yQU may have regarding sevvet- reuisior►s. Sincerely, ~r ! r` ~ f ■ • ~ Terry ~..i t~aat f ce: Utilities File 1026 W Broadway Ave • 5po'krine, W.h 9926Q-017[] (509] 456-3fit3D FA3C• (5{]9) 324-347$ TDD. (509) 324-3166 i I . , 14W4 av~- ~ ~ L.. ~ ~ ~Cl . ~ , p ~ ' oic/~~' ! I Y 5 ~ 9 Gp. ~ r Q c-IL 9 ec`~ ~ 7 i I ~ i ' • I ' ~ i S~ v~~ rv ~ ~ a u r•~ DEL+[STON OF EIVGINEERYIdG ARTp AC]A❑5 ■ A I]IV15IC],Zi OF'[`HE I'UBL3C GVORKS L]ES'ARTMEIVT W'a[liam A. ]ohrss, P.E. County Engineer Dennis M Scott, P E, I7LreCtor A]3r1l 14, 1997 C 8c S Chipping and Excavating 22748N. Hwy 395 Cvlbert, WA 99405 RE Sner~y Lake P.U.D. Dear Mr Heatman, I have reviewed the TV tapes, the Fault Summary Report, and the Manhoie Inspection forms for the aboue project. The following items are yet ta be campleted: 1. Manhvle No. 150.6l5.6 arad 159 415 6 are requiring to be grouted and adjusted ta grade and liftlrung holes are not yet patched. 2. Roadway over sewer line hetween MH 150.915 3 to MH 160.6l5 6, N4H 160.615.+5 tv NT-T 1 S9.4J5.6, and ME 159.415.6 to Nffi 153.4 has nat yet been paued and will require re-tving after pavement is placed 3. Sewer line between MH 150.2i4.5 and MH 16114.5 will require se-tving after roadway is repaved. s Thank you #"ve your help in getting the abawe items resolVed Please give rrxe a caIl at 456- 3606 or fax at 324-3478 when al1 items haae been completed, T will then re-inspect the marholes and request the tv work. Sincereiy, Penny s F1aweYs Field Inspector cc. Utilities 1026 W Broadway Ave. • Spvkane. WA 94260-0170 •(5i19) 456•3600 FAC {509} 324-3478 TDi] (504) 324-3166 . i f S P O K A N E C O U N T Y DIVISION OF ENGINEERINC AND ROAOS • A DIVISfON OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT William A. Johns, P.E., County Engineer Dennis M. Scott, P.E., Director February 25, 1997 C & B Chipping & Excavating 22708 N H'ighway 395 Cobert WA 99005 Re: Shelly Lake P.U.D. Dear W. Heitman, I am enclosing a copy of the February 19, 1997, fault summary print out for the above mentioned project. Before the Construction Division accepts the quality of construction for Shelly Lake P.U.D. the following repairs must be made. • Gasket visible at rigid coupling on S~` Lane, approximately 92 feet east of MEi 160.2I4.5, requires dig up • MH 162.3/4.6 has a step missing and in unpaved roadway • MH 160.2/5.1 in unpaved roadway (adjustment rings and mortar) • MH 160.9/5.3 in unpaved roadway (adjustment rings and mortar) • MH 161.0l2.2 missing bottom steps (linger barrel section has no steps) • MH 162.0J4.2 patch lift/rung holes Thank you for your help in getting the above items resolved. Please give me a call at 456- 3606 or Fax at 324-3478 when all the items have been completed. I will then request that the sewer line be re-tv's and reinspect the manholes. 'Sincerely, Pennlowers Inspector c: Utilities File 1026 W. Broadway Ave. • Spokane, WA 99260-0170 •(509) 4563600 FAX: (509) 324-U78 'I'DD: (5d9)324-3166 FEa. -10'4~(MoN) 16;07 LAuDMARu $uaLaERs TEL:509 467 2578 P. 001 February 10, 1997 ' Tetry Lightfovt Spokane County Engineers 1026 W. BroadwaY Spokane, Wa. RE: 'YV SeWeI Lai71eS, Shefley Lake Dear Terry: Please schedule the re-TV af 5helley Lake sewer. Lester Johnsan is flu5hing systerrf `I'uesday, Febniary 11,1497. System wiU be ready far TV Weclnesday, F'ebruary 1 2, 1997. Shauld these he any questioas please call. Sincerely, ` ~ Rabert L. Hezanan, Jr. DEVELaPER BOND REtilIEW FORM Praject Narne: L-A-vcE .1 ) Projecf Number: I 7~~ LoCatIC}fl: . ~ Qrig inal Bond Rmnunt: 1 ~`r~ Original Bond Date: ,,7/fel-7 7 9~ Bond Balance: 1d~ 7 Bond # REV9EW Last Review ❑ate Qr Punch List Date: R~ov !77 -7 Wark Fiemaining to be Campleted: ..u.--~ •f~~ ' ~ f ma~g"~W*)MV 04.wn Reuiewed kay: Date: FEndirags: RECOMMEN❑ED ACTIaN: (Circle Actian) 1. Release Bond 2. Reduce Bond 3. CQnfinue Bond $y, Date: Actaan Taken: (Circle Rction) 1. Release Bond Lefter 2. Reduce Bond Letter 3. Continue Bond 4. Nane gy, . Dafe: FOLI OW lJP F❑11aw u'p 5cheduled: ~01, Gomments; - Files Updated GQmmenfs: , aate: , By: Files Updated Camments: Qate: By: Files Updated Commenfs: _ Date: By= Files Updated Camments: Date: BY: Files Updatad Gamments; Date: By: DEVELOPER BOND REVIEW FQRM A-1 Praject 1Vame: Project Number: Lacatinn: originaC Bond Amount: ~25 Di`fg[`na[ Bond Qate: BC}Cld BalanCe: Bond # • - ` REVIEw Last Review Date or Punch L9st Qate: ~-7 Wark Remaining to be Compfeted: • &d, Reviewed by: Date: Findings: RE CQMME-NDED A CTI0 N: (Circfe Actiarr) 1. Release Bond 2. Reduce Bond 3. Cantinue Bond By, Qate: . pction Taken : (Circfe Action) 1. Release Bond Letter 2. Reduce Bond Letter 3. Continue Bond 4, Nane By: aatA: FOLLOW vP Fallvw up Scheduled: Comments: Fi1es Upda#ed Comments: Date: BY: Files LJpdated Gvmmersts: Date: By' ~ Files Updated Camments: Date: gYs Files Updated Comments: [7ate: _ By: Files Updated Cornments: Date; • By; (1)#LEAFIRST H4AlK NEMBCAFW L( C VO: G1. 9486L1 :3A7 E BAZiK OF AMERICp! i~T & SA DOINTG BUv7INESS AS SFA~rRS~ ~APV INTERP7ATI{?NAr, TRAT3E C3PFRP1~'i'ION~ ~~ENUEf FLaOR 31. sEATmLE, WASHrFcToN qRI04 SE.ATTLE-FIRsT NATIDNAL BANK MERGED INTO Rkt°K OV AMFRZCA A3T & SPk, EFi PCTIVE JANrJ~RY 1r 1997 Ji]NE 17, 1997 BFhlEFICIFaRY: SPOKAME CO[1h?TY ENGINEER' ~ OFFI~CB - A't`7'P': TJAVE BERTO 1075 N. BROAI`)WAY FFJ4J7JAS 7 r~ ~ OKANE, ~l,7 A 99260- 01 70 ACCQLI}."r"T PA R.`.f`Y: SHELLEY r,AK;P, DEVFC,OFMENi 8205 V pTr,,tISIOI+r SUITE; H SPC~KANE WA 99208 f)[JR STANDSV LETT:F'R OF C."RFDT'E' MO. G194866 DATED MAW ?9, 199? TN FAVO R 6F -sPt?KA R~~ COTr, t+fCIhE EJR' S 0 F?'iC`F19AM, ND FD AS 'FO ri',OWS: I 1. 'I'HE AMOU1V'Y' QlE` 'T'HTS TFTTER OF '"REDI'" i S RE'•DI]CErJ E3Y 1.')7r 100. 00 , TJ . 5. i]OLr~P~~S FOR A 1~~EW TO`.!'Ar, OF 60r 80(} . 00 U. S. i7d3LLARS. THI S LET`t°1F"R [)F CREI3IT 15 +[}`I'HRR~a,~ISF, r.3p?r-HAA7GEL]. THS S I5 AME1+T'1' MENT NUMBER 001 I THTS AMEATDMtx+lT `°.t}NSTITLlTES AV ItfiTEGRAL PART {7E'' ANI3 MUST BF ATTAC'HFD T{) THE C}RIGIA?AL C'.REF3IT. BANK OF AMERT:'A NT f~ SA DtJTNG BUSIA?E5S A5 SEAFIRST BANK BY: 41~. ~ r,~n A, AvP & LrTr. Ol? CREDIT aFFIcER cr ~ ~ DH~ c 03 N J~ a k" .~rr7) a r _fn] D L ~ FpRM 6075 AEV (]1 /97 AjsEAFIRsr~ Nas+ernt~er 25, 1996 Mr. Ranald C. Harrnan, F.E. Spokane Ccaunty Engineers NQr[kl 811 JEffeC5C1f1 SpQTCaIIe: WA 99260 RE: De►reloper: Shelley Lake De►relvpment Shelle}+ Lake Dear Sir: Funds in the amount of $187,900.00 are being held in a specnal nnninterest bearing accaunt in the name of Sheiiey Lake Develapmenl for the purpose of assuring cnmpletian of instaTlatinn of raadway surfaGing, curbing and starm d_rainage in Shelley Lake in accordance with the drawings and specifications as subrriitted ta and approved by the County of Spokane Engineer's Office (3cteber 7, 1995. Np funds wilI be disbursed f'rom ihis accounl withosat the prior written autharizatien of the 5pokane County Engineer. 'I'his seE aside of funds wilI nvt he revoked withcsut the consent of the County Engineer. In the eVenC that the completion and accepzance of thc above-named irnprQVements far rnaintenance by the County of Spokane are not accornplished within a period of one year from the date of this agreement, all funds remaining in Lhe accaunt will be forfeited to the CounTy of Spokane upon written request by the Spakane Gounty Engineer's Office to 5eafirst Bank. It is understcavd and agreed that upan forfeiture of the funds ta the County of Spokane, that the CDUnty of Spokane will lhen undertalce cofnpletion of Rhe improvements to be acGomglished wittain twelve (12) months frQm the date of the forfeiture of funds. It is further understood and agreed that in the evenF of any shortage of funds to cornglete improvements, the Caunty of Spokane may haWe recourse against ihe developer named above. Ik is specirically undeastoad and agreed by the parties, that in nolding funds fflr this development, Seafirst Sank is not ser`ring as guarantar for any additional Costs iracurred hy the County of Spokane in the cornpletion and accepcance of the aboWe-named improvements. ACGEFTED ANL3 APPROVEI] this day of ,1996. SHELLEY L EVEL P SEAFI Tik, NK HY: F. ~;i.!~.,.'P ~k BY• C',~ O8- R~r L. ~T~M~►rv, rR, P,~RrrrrrER BRi~ r~ A. ,f*CHaW A55I5TA~.JT ICE PRESTI3ENT BY ~.Zr./ ~ . RfCHARD C. ATELSC)N, PA,RTNER C}FF[CE C7F TBE SFC]KANE G[3UNTY ENGINEER BY: Seaikrst Bank West 601 Riverside Avenue, FPoor 515pokane, NlashEngtan 99201 Telephone (509) 353-1093 . S P ~ ~ i.r ~ ` ~ v u rv ~ 4 1][VISIi7N qF ENGiNEEAIAIG A[Vf] Lii7A65 • A IJIoJ[:alaA1 L7F TH$ PUBL[C WtJR[CS DEPARTIvfrNT William A. fuhns, E' E, County Engineer 'C]ennis 1v1 5catl, P E, T}irector June 2, 1997 Seafi.rst Bank . C/0 Rabert L. Heitman +7r. North 8205 37ivasion Streat Spvkane, WA. 99268 . i . . . . . ri na RE: 5he31y Lake P[717 P 1T5❑ Shelly f,ake I]euelopment Dear Sir ar Masiam: Please be adva.sed that the IrrevoCable Lettex Qf Credit Ncr G154865 iasued by your company aa surety €or insta3latione of rvads and aseociated drainage faci],ities for the above mentioned plat, dated May 28, 1997, in the current amaunt r,f $197,900,00 may now be zeduced ta $60, 8i}O.4Q 1 sbxty thflusand eight hundred U.S. dol3.arsf. Tf.you have any questiQns, feel free.t❑ call our affice Very truly yaurs, Sill Jatans, F.E. Spv~Can~ Cc~ ty~ Engisseer David A. Berto Plat Compliance 5usveyor 1026 W. Broadway Ave. •Spoknne, WA 99264=0170 •(509) 456-3600 Ff4)t {509} 329•3478 Ti)D: (509) 324•3166 2ND43vnd Reductian PRO,lECT Shelly Lake P175fl NAME PL dATE 02-lun-97 DRAINAGE fTEMS LfN17S QiJANTITY f'RICE COST i] prywell - 7ype A @ 10% EA 05 1250.(10 625aa c) f7rywel] - T}+pe B@ iQ°Io EA 07 1560.00 1092.00 3) Grate - Typ+a 1@ 10% EA 04 315.00 12600 4) Grate Typ~ 2 EA 340.0[} Ct 0[3 . 5] Grate - Ti ype 4~ 10°o EA 12 300.00 36000 s 16.00 66800 ) Bac~u ~ar°i~irv @ 1aa,~ cv 43 ' . "7) Cancrete Infet @ 1 a°r6 EA 04 7%00 300.00 , 8) C M Pipe 10" Dia LF 23 00 0.00 9) C AA Plpe 12" Qia @ 10% LF 193 27.00 521.10 10y C M. Pipe 95" Dia LF 2780 0.00 11 }C,M. Pipe 18" Dia @ 10% LF 11.3 31 50 355 95 12) Precast Manhvte EA 150000 000 13] 5olid lid EA 310 00 0.00 94] Elrtoh Excavabon CY 1000 0.00 15} Pand Excavativn @ 50°Io CY 345 10.00 345000 96] Seeding @ 100% SF 18520 007 12916.40 N❑N STANDARD QRF1lhIAGE ITEMS 1) tni:inert vaiJit c►,rb intet , EA zsa.no a.oo Z) n.00 3} o.aa 4) a 00 DRAINI4GE SUBT{3TAL 8814.45 15] hqor►uments @ i dD% EA 7 185.00 1295.GO 17) Bamcade LF 33.00 0.00 i$) 5tr'eet Signs @ 900°eb EA 3 85.00 25500 DTF#ER SIJBTC]TAL 155000 GRADING, SURFAC{NG, C11R8, AND 51[7EWALK 19] Raugh Grade @ 30% CY 433.8 8.0[] 3470.40 20) Tdp Course @ 10% CY 2494 1600 3990 40 21} 8ase Caurse CY 1600 000 22) AspFsalt Cattcrete @ 10°i6 Tvns 214.9 4440 9549.56 23] Curb Type A LF 7 0D 0.00 24} Curb Type B@ 10% LF 636 8 00 5088.00 25} Curb Type R LF 8.00 0.[)0 26j'`idewalk 40% SQ YD 1696 16.70 28323.20 NC7N=STANDAa[] R0AD bfiEl41S - 1 j 000 2) 000 3) 0.40 GRADING AND 5LIRFACl1VG 50413.55 fNSPECTION SERMIICES 1) Inspection 5ernces, Fieparta & A.s-Buslts for Public EA i . . G.00 , , .e • 2} Inspectimn & Record Dravsnnga for Pnvate Roads EA 1 4.OU CC]NSTRUCTIQN TOTRL 50,778.01 L1SE $60,600 00 ~ fi• ~ • 1} •~.~~y, I ~ f ~y C f~X r~ ♦ , . . ^ -n• ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ f ~!~`i~j~~~ ~ ~ _ ' f ~ , ► ~w~~.a ~ . • • k ~ . e . ~O~FICE ~OFKCOUTtYj~ENGI~1EER . • ~ .~!~r :f,~ . ,s.~, SpOlVfANE•COIN ASH1IJGTON~~' .:y'~ ~ . ~ • . , . rr ,.~'r:.: r•_ ` , ' . ! . • , " ' - ~i.' . i ~;;~w~';+~ w_ ~ , Y ' • ' , 19 „ . ~ Intei-office Co' nitation r'+.~~rt`'`' • • " , . , ) . 1',. ~.r '4 - ~1 } ~ =,~i9- ~ t'.Yt• ~.i~ ai ' i ~ T ~ ~ - 9~, ~ ' , . ~ . I Q s J ,,:i ~ r,". .:i.~ e ?',•7; ~y~ ~ ~i 7e► •1~ , f, S pY*. ' . ~~.}lti' *1~ t ~ ~ F/OfiT ~ ~ r'~ a • : ~ ~ ~ • • ' . V~ ot- •Subject ' `o _ 2'• ~ ~ ' ' . r • • } ' S. , f ti~~~.' i 1•4 . . R+je~~ •~y~.~,,l~ ~ '~,r,' _~7'`..-• , l l7 , AT i.-., ~3{,, . ~ • ~ , . ' ~ s , ~ ~~a' ~ - i 4 " '~s///~~~ Y D / ~'i . ~ ' ~ ~ "z~~~ •r c.~~ . r , .~r ;~~~i •,C• 7 t~ ~'y ~n • ~fy~~'<, ~ ~ • - ; . _ ~ ~ ~ ' 'd ~..1:. . dr r „ ~•~s~..~ t.r { _ ` ' ; . '~,y~s~•,,'s~ ~ ' ' ti - ~ r;y~,''~1~.~,:.'~`'`5`# 4 ~I i;~~ `•`':',~~j~~,j~`ewS'; • - . ~ . ` . ,;~tr~r•1:%=f , ~t i?' . ' , ,1,: , . " ' . • ~ , ~ ~~~4J ~ . . . ~ ~ °•r~ t t4Y~r v,'• , : ` ~ ~Y''' f; ~ J • J; O~i ~ • , Form 327-C.R.-'`. - ' , . iC~M ~ .r• r F~ . d'iy . ~r""`,~ `%.tiL ~ ei ' : ~.~,n.. _w.•Y..~~~'f.; ~ L".:~ ~Y, a.~. r t'~' ia7'!; w . r . ...N~~ if!1`'d'~trV.4 ~'j ~ r u .~J . _ . _ i .jnd Reducfian - - - - - ,-R❑JECT 5helly.Lake P17517 AfAME PL ' f)ATE 21-NaW-9E . DRNINAGE 17EMS UN€T5 Q9JANTeT's' PFiICE ~ CC35T 1) L7rywel! -Tppe A@ i B% EA 05 125000 62500 Fd 2) Dryweil - Type 6@ 60°Jo EA 4.2 156000 6552.00IC7 3} Grate - Type 1@ 90% EA 3.2 315.00 1008.00I0 4] Gra#e Type 2 EA 34000 000 5] Grate - Type A@ 60°!n EA 7.2 300 00 216(] 0p /0 63 Backfill Far CiW @ 60% CY 258 ifi QC1 4128.00/d° 7) Concrete Inlet @ 30°rG EA 1.2 750.00 900 UO /0 8) C.M. Pipe 10° Dia. LF 23.00 0.00 9] C M. Pipe 12" Uia. @ 't{]°ln LF 193 27.00 521.10!0 10J C.M. Pipe 95" Dia. LF 27.80 pAa 11) C M. P€pe S 8" Dia. @ 60% LF 67.8 31.50 24 35.701'0 12) Precasf,Manhale . . , EA 1500.00 0.00 13} 5tatid lid EA 31000 000 14] Ditch ExcavatiQn CY 1000 0.00 15) Pond Excavatiorr @ 60°!n CY 414 10.00 4140.00 .O 163 Sesding @ $ OU°Jo 5F 18520 007 1285,40 AlJ0 NON STANaARD DRAIiVRGE ITEMS - 1} VIIilbert Wault Curb Inlet Eq 250,00 0.00 2) 0.00 3) 000 Qr 0.40 DRAINAGE .^aU67QFTAL 2346620 16) Mvnuments @ 9 pt3% EA 7 185.00 1295.00 /00 97} Barricade LF 33.00 000 98) Street 5igns @ 1[}0% Er4 3 85 00 255 fl0/Ob C]TNEF2 SLFBT(J`fAL 1550.00 GRADING, SURFAC3NG, ClJR6, AND uIQEWALK 19} Raugh Gracle @60°lo CY 2602.8 800 20822.40 IQ ' 20) 7op Course @ 84°h CY 1496.4 1600 23942,40 21) Base Course CY 16.{)0 0.00 22) Asphalt Concre4e @ 60% Tans 12894 44.40 57249.36 !D 23} Curb Type A LF 7.0o 0.00 24) Curb Type B@ 5d% LF 3180 8 00 25440 00 !0 25] Curb Type R LF 8,00 0 00 26) Sidewaik @ 50p/a 5Q Y[? 2120 16 70 35404 p(} zjfQ• NOfV-STANQ,4RD ROAp 13EMS . . . . . , 0.00 • o , av • 3} 6.00 GRADIdVG AN❑ SURFAC[h!G 152858,16 INSPEC7iQN 5ERV1CE5 1) Inspectian Services, Repot'ts & As$uilts far Pu6fic F 4 i 000 2] lnspecGon & Record Drawings far Ptivate Roads EA 1 0.00 CC?NSTRfJCTIQN TOTAl. 187,87436 USE 161,900.00 . ~ SEAF►RST QAN►~ L/e No; c194e66 .BAV~K OF AMERICA NT & SA i]f)I-NG BUSINESS -A5 SEAFIRST,BANK- • INTERNATIONAL TRAL]E QPERI1TIfJNS 9[]0 FiFTH AVENUE, FLOaR 31. SEAT`I'LF. WASHIIVGTDN 98104 SEA'TTLE-FIRST NPiTIONAL BANEC MERCED INTQ BANK OF AMERIGA NT & SA EFFEGmI'47E 3ANiIARY 1 ■ 1997. MAY 2$, 1997 TRREVVCABC.E STALVDF3Y LETTER f]E CREDIT NO. G194$66 BENEFICIARY: SPpf{ANE GQUNTY 'E°NGINEEAS aFFICE ATTN: DAVE BERTO 1026 NORTH $RDADW~Y FLQOR 3 SPOECANE, WA 99250-0170 APPLzcANT; SHELLEk LAKE DEVELOPMENT $205 N. I7TVIST(7Nr SCJITE B sPoKANE, wA 99208 AMOU'[dT: CTSD 187,900.00 {ONE IiiJND~ED EIGHTx SEVEN THOUSANI] MINE HUNDRED ,AND N01100 GQLLARS) WE HEREBY ISSi]E OCTR IRREVf]CABLE STANLIBY LET`PER 0F CREDIT 11I0. G194$66 IN ]LOUR FAVOR■ WHTCH I5 AVATGABLE FQR PAYMENT BY YDUR L?RAFTS AT STGHT DRAWN aN LTS SHOWING THE NIIMBER AND DATE OF '7'HTS LETTER OF CREDIT. DFdAFTS ARE TO 13B ACCQMPAN2ED BY TI3E FOLLdWING f?QCUMENTS : 1. BENEFFCIARF' S STATEMEfVT SEARING A SIGNA'I'iIFiE P[]RPOK'&'ING 'P4] BE THAT OF AN ALTTHflRIZE❑ REPRESEA]'I'ATIVE OF SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEEk2S, 1026 WEST $R+DADW'P,Y AVENi1E, SPOKANE, WA 99260-0170 STATLNG:"I, 'PHE UNOERSIGNED Di]LY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF SP43FCANE COi7NTY ENGINEERS. HEREBY CERTIFY TI-IAT THE AMQUN`1' DRAWN UNDER THI5 LETTER OF CREI7IT, G194856. REPRESENTS THE AMQUNT 0F MONEY REQUI REIJ TO COMPLETE THE INS3'ALLATI0N OF ROADWAY F1vIPR0VEMFNTS INC:LUDING GRADIIVG, GFZAVEL, PAVING r CURBS, SIQEWALKS, STORM DRAINAGE. DRAINAGE SWALES, MDNUMENTS, STREE'I' SIGNS AND/OR DTHER W{]RK A5 IS INCIQENTAL AND RELATID THER8Ta IN ACGi7RDANCE WI'I'H TkE ❑RAWINGS ANfl SPFCIvICX'r[6~YS AS ' SU:iBMITTED TQ AND APFROVEQ BY TH~ SPOKANE C0UNT EHGINEERS' QFFICE ON (DATE RDAD PLANS APPRC}VED) 2. ORI4;INAL OF THIS LCTTER OF CREDIT COlVTINUE❑ ON NEXT PAGE FDRF.s 6075 fiEV 01V97 4 U ~IRST &4►VJ~fi L/C NQ: G194866 PAGEy 2 SANK OF AMERICA NT & SA DOIh'EG S[dSINESS AS SEAFTRST SANK INTERNATI(JNAL TRADE DPERATIQNS 800 FIFTH pVENUE. FLaOR 31, SEATTLE, WASHTNGTON 98104 THIS'LETTER OF CREDIT 9XPIRES AT 9[1R COUNTE~S CURRENT~k'LocATEn AT $00 FIk"TH AVENUE■ FLdOR 31, SEAT"I'LE, WA AT 3:30 P.M. ON JUNE 01, 1998 C3R ANY F[]TFJRE EkPI RATIQN DATE A5 PROG'TDED FaR BEGdW. T€iTS STIS,NDBY LETTER OF CREDTT SHALL BE AIITQMA'FICALLY EXTENDEO WITHGITJT PiA'IENDMENT FOR AN AaQITIONAL PERIOD OF 4NE YEAR FROM THE PRESENT ❑R EACH FUTURE EXPIRATIQN DATE UNLESS WE HAVE NOTIFTEO YQ[1, THE BENEE`TCYAAY, TN WRZTING AT LEAST Txr rtmY (30) DAxs BEFpRE SUcH ExPrRATION DATE TxAT w~ ~~~CT NnT TO RErrEw TxIS STANI3BY LETTER OF cREoaT. OvR NoTzcE OF sucH ELECTION SHALL BF DELIVERED VIA OVERNIGH'T COURTER T❑ THE ASC7VE A17DRES,S. , ,I , , . , , , WE HERESY ENGAGE WITH YDII THAT DRAFTS ANL3 DdC[]MENTS T]RAV+TN UNaER AND iN STRICT CdMPLIANCE WLTH THE TERI+tiS OF THZS LETTER ❑F CREDIT WILi, BE DULY HONOREL} LTPf]N PRESEN`I'ATION TO L]S. ALI, CHARGES RELA'I`TNG T❑ THIS LETTER {)F CREDIT DTHER THAN THC3SE OF THE I SS UING BANK ARE FC1R THE ACCf3C1NT OF THE BENEFICIp,RY. THIS GETTER 0F CRE17I`I' IS SLIBJECT Tb UNIF(]RM C[JSTOMS AND QRACTICE FQR DC]CUMENTARY CREDITS, 1993 REVISION, ICC PUBLTCATFON Nfl. 500. wp & LETTER {7F CREDIT dtFICER RIIGE P ~ENT &9TEAM MANAGER VIA DHL Fs7RM 6075 REV 0 1197 . ~ ~r ~P C) r--- A, T-i E C v i_r rv -r- ~ T]iVIs1C3N GF ENCINEF-AIIVG Aldp RCsAI?S • A DIV[S1CJN OF TI3E Pi1$LIC LMC7RIC5 DEPARTPaSEfJT William A. jahns, l' E., County En$ineer d)ennis M Scott, P E, l]irector ' sune a. 1997 seafirst Bank CIO Robert L. Heitman Jr. NoXth 8205 Division Street Spa3cr1ne, WA. 9920$ RE: Shelly Lake pUD g :.175o sneilY Lake nevea.opment near Sa.z vr Madam: Please be adva,aed that the Mvrtgage set aside funde igsusd by your company as surety fvr ansrallativns ot roads and asavGiated drainage facilities fvr the abvue mentianed plat, dated [3ctober 7, 1995, in the cuzrent amount rf $187, 900 . 04 may nora be reXeased. iw. . . n i C sa If you have any questions, feel free tv cal1 our office Very truly yaurs, Bill Jvhns, P. E. 5peakane Coure y Engineer ()a4e'5~- David A. Bertv Plat Compliance 5u.rveyor. 1026w. scoaaway ►rve. • spdkane, wA99260-0170 • (509) 456-3s~ FAx: (509) 324-3478 TtiD• (509) 324-3166 E May 29, 1997 ct 99,> Terry Lighffvvt - Spokane County Engineers Construction Departrtrnent 1 026 W. $roadway " Spokane, Wa. 99260 RE: CvnklinlRvtchfvrall4th Ave. Roadvvay Imprauements Dear Terry: A significant portion of the roadway improvemenfis have been cQmpleted araund the Shelley Lake developrr►ent. r The process af caanpletion vf the remaining pQrtian of sidewalks and storm water retention pand landscaping will and is continuing. Please reduce the xvad bond currently hePd in the amaunt af $1$9,000 tv the lvwest amount possible. Terry, your attention to t.his matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Robert L. Heitman, Jr. MAY.-2969.1(THU) 09J6 LANDMARK BUILDERS TEL-509 467 2578 P.001 May 29, 1997 Terry Lightfoot Spokane County Engineers Construction Department . 1026 W. Broadway Spokane, Wa. 99260 , RE: Conklin/Rotchford/4th Ave. Roadway Improvements Dear Terry: A sisnificant portion of the roadway improvements have been completed around the Shelley Lake development. The process of completion of the remaining portion of sidewalks and storm wateT retention pond landscaping will and is continuing. Please reduce the road bond currentty held in the amount of $189,000 to the lowest amount possible. Terry, your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ~ Robert L. Heimlan, Jr. E ~ Nave rnbe r 21, 1996 Rabert L. Heitman 8205 NartYx Division Spokaxie, WA. 99208 RE : She~ly Lake PraSo Landmark Builders Dear SiY' : Please be advised that the Sond amaunt requireri by Spakane Caunty as surety for installaC.ian af roads and associated drainage facila.ties fQr the above mentianed plat, has heen reduced to $187,900.00 (one hundred eighty ~even thousand nin.e hundred Tl. S . dollars) If yau hazre any questiQns, feel free to cal,l our office Very truly yours, Bill Jahns, P.E. Spakane County Engineer I7avid A. Serto Plat Cornpliance Surzreynr ASt BoI id Redt.!{Ct1t711 PRQJECT Shelly Lake F'7750 NAME PL DATE 21-Nav-96 aRAINAGE ITEMS UN178 [1UANTI`T'Y PRICE COST 1) prywell - Type A @ 1 Cf°Ju EA a.5 125004 625 00 2) C]rywela - Type B @ 60°/o EA 42 1560i]U 655200 3} Grate - Type 1@ 80% EA 12 31500 1008 04 4) Grate Type 2 EA 34000 0.00 5) iGrate - Type 4@ 60% EA 7.2 30000 2460 00 6} Backfill For DW @ 66°r6 CY 258 16.00 412800 7) Concrete InleB @ 30°lo EA 1.2 75004 904.00 S} C M Pipe 10" Dia LF 2300 000 9} C M Pipe 12" dia. @ 10% LF 193 2700 521 10 10) C M F'ipe 15" ❑ia LF 2780 000 11) C M Pipe i S" Dia. @ 6p°r5 LF 678 31 50 213570 12) Precast Manhale EFI 150000 000 13) 5olid lid EA 31000 [}.[1[1 14) []ftch Excavaton CY 1000 000 15) Pond Excavation @ fi{]°h CY 414 1000 4140.0[1 16) Seed"[ng @ 100% SF 18520 007 1296.40 N[71V STA1VdFyRD bRAIIVAGE ITEMS 1] Wdhert Vauft Curtr Inie# EA 25004 0.00 2) 000 3} 0.00 4} 0.00 ❑RAIAIAGE SUBTCITAL 2346620 16) Monuments @ 1 DQ°1o EA 7 18500 129500 17} Bamcade LF 33.00 000 18} 5treet 5igns @ 100% EA 3 85 00 25500 QTFBER SUBTQTRt 155000 GRADIiVG, SURFACING, CUR$, ANp SIOEWALK 19] F2vugh Grade @ 60% CY 26018 800 20822 40 20} Top Cmurse @ 50% CY 14964 16 00 23942.40 21) Base Course CY 1600 0.00 22] Asphaft Goncrete @ 60°Io Tons 12894 4440 5724936 23} Curh Type fl LF 700 0.00 24} Cur6 Type B@ 54°.6 LF 3180 800 2544000 25} Curb Ty,pe R LF 8 00 0,00 25) 5idewalk @ 50°/o 5Q Yf7 2120 1670 3540400 NON-STAhIQAR❑ RQAD ITEMS 1) 0 00 2) 004 3} 0,00 GRADING A#Vf] SLlRFACING 16285$.116 INSpECTqON SERVlCES 1} Enspectnra 5ervices, Reports 8 As-Buiits far Pubiic EA 0.0[} 2] [napecbon & RecQrd Drawngs fvr Private Raads EA I 0.00 GONSTRUCTION TQTAL 187,874.3E USE 187,900.00 , - . OFFICE C3F CC3U1VTY ENGINEER 3P4i{ANE CQ4INTY, WA5HINGTON ~ r DatP ,g lnter-off3Ce Gorrsmunication Te ff'J • ~~='p From Su6 jest ~ f~ - ~ I ~ 'd ~.(~FT 1'~ /a_ . Form 323-C k - ! ~ .Raad and arainage Bonding Estirraate ')f) _ PRDJECT Shefly Lake P1754~ NAME PL DATE 30-Dct-96 ' ~ QRAIhfAGE iTEMS UNITS QUAh1TITY PRICE COST 1p[3rywell - Type A EA 5 125000 8254 00 10 2} Drywefl - Type B EA 7 1560.00 10920.00 !v0 3) Grafe - Type 1 EA 4 315 00 1250 00 SD 4] Grata Ty,pe 2 EA 34000 000 5) Grate - Type 4 EA 12 30040 360000 (oFJ 6) BackFill For DW CY 430 16 00 6880 00 &Q 7] Cancrete Infet EA 4 75000 3€}{1000 '~O 8} C M. PiPe 1 Q"' Dia LF 23.00 000 9} C.M Pipe 12" l7ia LF 193 2700 5211.00 I0 10} C M. Pipe 15" Dia. LF 27.$0 0.00 11) C.M. Pipe 38" Dia. LF 113 31 50 3559 50 64 12) Preeast ManhaRe EA 1500[90 0.00 13) So1id &id E11 31000 000 14} Diich ExcaVaftan CY 1 0.00 0.00 15} Pnnd Excavativn CY 690 100{] 690000 60 16] 5eeding SF 18520 O.07 1298.40I00 - - NC]N STANDARD DRAIhIAGE ITEMS i] Wiihert Vault Cur4 Inlet'W--°-------~-- EA 25000 0.00 2) a.[10 3) 0.00 0.00 -----_________s. a3iAINAGE SUBTtJTAL 4887690 16) MDnuments EA 7 18500 1255 0U !0G 17j 8arricade LF 33 00 000 18} Street Signs EA 3 85.00 255.00 /,90 --v------------ t]YHE#i SIIBTaTAl. 1550.00 GRApiNG, 54JRFACENG, GURB, ANO SfDEWALIS 19) Rvugh Grade CY 4338 800 34704.00 j~O 20] Tap Caurse CY 2494 16.00 39504.00 &0 21) Base Course CY 1600 0-00 22] Asphalt Cnncrete Tans 2149 44.40 35415,60 (vQ 23) Curb Type A LF 700 0.08 24] curb Type e LF 6360 800 50880 afl 5'0 25j Cuc6 Type Fd LF 800 0.00 26} 5idervalk SQ YD 4240 1670 70808A0 5'0 NON-STAMI]AFtC3 ROA❑ ITEMS 1) 000 2} 0.00 3) 0.00 GRAf]ING A€JD SURFl1CING 29171160 1N5PECTION SERVICES 1] Irrspection 5ervices, Reports 8 As-Builts forPuhiic EA 1 0,00 2] Inspacfion & Fiecord ❑rawings fvr Private Roads EA 1 000 - - CO'NSTRLICTIDN TCITAL 342.13850 L! ' ~ fNSPECTIC7N TOTAt 0.00 £ OFFICE OF TH}3 C(3UNT.lt ENGINEFR SPDRANL COiTNTY■ WASHINGTON TC3: JIM R.AimKE FRQM : DAVE BEFtTO DATE : December 20, 1996 SLTIIJECT: BONT] ITEMS P1750 SY-IELLY TaAKE The bond for the above mentioned praject is for the follawing items : 1}A11 the items on the appraved road and drainage plans. 2} Bond has been reduced for vaork completed. November as, 1996 Mr. Ronald C. 1-fotinan, P.E. Spokane Cvunty Engincers Nvrth 811 leffcrson 5pokane, WA 93260 RE: 17cvelopcr. Shellcy Lake L7cvelapmcnt Shclley Lake I7eas Sir: Funds in the atnount ❑f $187,9[]0.00 arc beiiig held in a special noninccrest benrieig account in the nntnc nF Shclley Lake T]evelnpment for tho putposo or assur9ng com,ple[imn of installation vF rraadauay surfacing, curbing and storm drainage in Shellcy Lakc in accordance vvith the drawings and specificalinns as suhmilted to and approt+cd by thc Cvunty n#' Spokane Engineer's drfiice C?ctober 7, 1996. No funds wil9 be dis6ursed fram this account without tt7e prinr written authvrizatiQn of the Spokanc County Engineer. 'i`his set aside of funds will nat be rcavked witticaut the consctit of ttic Gounty Cngincer. [n the eVent that the carnplctinn and acccptance of the ahovc-named improvemencs for maintcnanc❑ by the County nf SpQkanc are not accnmplished wilhin a pcriad of one year f'rom the dale of Rhis agrecment, a11 funds remaining in the accoutsl wi11 be Correitcd tn the County aaf Spokane upon wrilten requesC by the 5pakane County Engincer's CIFFice to 5eafirst B ank. It is understond arad agrecd tha[ upnn fnrfeiture of the funds to the County of SpQkanc, lhal ttZC Cvunly oP Spqkanc will then undertake carnplelinn nf lhc improvcments tv he accomplished wilhin lweive (l2) months from tfic date caf the forfGilure of funds. It is furttier understond and agrecd lhai in tlic cvent of any shortage nF Cunds to eoinplele impravemcnts, the Count,y of 5pokane rnay have rccourse agairist the dcae1opcr 17aIt'1Cd abovc. It rs speeifically unc9erstnad and agrccd by the partics, that in hoIding funds for this devc1opmcnt, Seafirst Bank is not scrving as guarantnr fvr any addilional casls incurred by the Cvunty of Spokafie in the cnmpletinn and acccptance ❑f the aboVe-named improven7ents. ACCEPTED A1~D AF'F'ROVEI] ihic c1ay i)f ,1996. t $HELLEY LAKE,i]EVELOPMEN7` 5EAF[R5T NK k3Y; ~'1:~:~„` r'',f .f~~~:;i `.r~•_. BYj RCJBr--RT L. HEl'i'MAIV, !R, i'AR`I'NER dR[AN A.,ICHOW ASS 1S7"A~1T; ICE PRES T1]ENT BY.( ~ ~t%_ ~ 9 RfCHARI] C. NEGSi]1V, P11RTNER OFr-`[ ~ S I~E M NGINEER BY: Seaflrst Bank West 601 R{verside Aventie, Floor 5f5pok2ne, Washinglvn 99201 TelephQne (509) 353•1093 NOV.-1?'46(TUE)10:50 LANDMARK BUILDERS TEL:509 461 2518 P.001 - Novemher 12, 1996 Mr. Terry Lightfoot Construction Departmettt Spokaae Coimty Engineers 1026 W. Broadway Spokane, Wa 99260 RE: Shelley Lake Bond Reduction Plat #1750 Dear Terry: I have received the bond amouat oa Shelley Lake from Dave Berto in the amount of $342,000.00 As you aze aware we have installed the curbs and paving and stotm drainage ta 4th Avenue and Rotchford Drive. I would ask that we receive a bond reduction based on the amount of work completed to date, Sincerely, 4tq Robert L. Heimaan, Jr. RLHIbs r FEB. -QPIMRH 16:46 LANDMARK BUILDERS TEG :509 457 2578 P, OD? February 7, 1997 Bill John5 Spokane County Utilities 1o26 W. 8rc+adway 5prrkarte, Wa. 99260 RE : Shelley Lake,Side Sewer CannectiQns Dear Mr. Johns= Per our second telephone convearsatian at 3.00 PM vn Friday, Fcbruary 7, 1997, C& SExcauating & Chipping, InC. agree5 tv: Go four years beyond our prabation period to bs responsible f'or any side service prab lems that may arise . S3.ncerely, , C& B EXCA7ATING & CHI'PF'ING, INC. ook~ f(7~~ -4 • . Robert L. kfeitmar], Sr. FEB.-4717[FRII 16:46 LANDMARK BUILDERS TEL:509 467 2578 P,401 February 7, 1997 8i11 aohns Spokane County Utilities 1026 W. Broa+dway Spvkane, wa. 99250 RE: Blackhawk Nrarthwest, Side 5ewer Cvnnectfens Dear Mr. Johns : Per aur secand telephane cvnversation at 3; QQ FM vn Fr3day, Februaary 7, 1997, C& BExcavating & Chipping, Inc. wil~ ~bide by aT1 the contents of the ZBtter dated February 3, 1997 to Landmark Builders, Inc. from Xevin R. Cvoke, P.E., Sewer Plannfng and Aesign Manager. 51riCeTelya c & s ExcAvA2ING & cHxpPING. INc. RObGIrt L. He],tRl`eiTl~ Sr. sp C)~ I<a1,J E N'r -Y, L.ITFLITIES DIVSSIOAA • A dIVESION OF 7HE Es[lSLIC WOglCs aEPARTdvfEiV'9' N Brure Rawls, P E, Utilities Uireclor L7QiliS]S M. SCr]t[, P.E., Dsrecfor Febrtcary 3, 1397 Landmark Builders, Inc. Attrr: Buster Heitman North $205 aivisian 5trset Spakane, WA. 99208 Re: Blackhawk NW, 5ide Sewer Cannections Dear 6uster: This letter Ps a fallaw-up 4a the meeting of January+ 27, 1997, regarding the instaflatian vl side sewers on the subject praject. As s#ated at the meeting, the current instaflation +af side sewers is nat acceptab1e to the lJtifities ❑ivision in #hose laca#ivns where they are tapped inta the tvp vf the sewer main. These instaIlations d❑ not conform to the Gvun#y's 5tandard Plans and they are cansidered by the Cnunty to 6e unacceptab9e fram an operatinns and . maintenance standpaint. For this sewer peojecf to be accepted by the aivisican af Lltilities, the sitie sewers r,vi[1 need to be disconnected frorn the tap of the main and recvnnected in a Type "C" configuration as shawn vn Standard P6an Nv. U-7 5. Before proceeding with the side sewer wvrk, hawever, tFae Ime must be ehecked by #elevisian inspection to ideratify any outstanding prablems with hvrizontal or verfical alignrrient. fhave spvken with John Hvule, engineer with PW Pipe, regarding the appropriate distance betrnreen 4-inch taps far side sewers in this situativn. Based upon my discussion with N[r. Haule, t'he rep[acement taps mrast be made at Ieast 36 inches frpm the existing taps. Addi#iana9 requiremen#s for the replacement work are presented helaw: • AlI work must canfivrm to the Caunty's Standard F'lans and app1icable sections vf the 1996WSDOTIAP'WA S#andard Specifications. • Natify fhe DiV15tan of UtIIlt9e5 at lea5~ 24 h{]ur5 praar to starting fhe side sewer wvrk, sv that Enspect'ron personnel may be scheduled to observe the wQrk, 1026 W. Broadway • Spokane, WA 99260-0180 9 (509) 456-3604 FAX. (504) 456-4715 TL]D (509) 324-3I66 . • At the sxisting cannections, remave the 90 degree bends and instali standard PVG sewer pIugs in fhe PVC hubs o# the fNSERTA TEEs. • Instafl saddle tees at the new tap locatians, using gaskets specificaify designed fvr use with PW Rib pipe, irr strict accordance with thae manufacturer's specifications, • Cvre deili the haEes far Type "C" side sewer cvnnectivns no less than 35 cnches frvm the existing taps, measured center tvi center, and paralie] tv the pipeline. Piease calC me if yau have any questions regarding the approach outlined abave, or if yau need any addi#ivnal irafarmation. Sincerely, Kevin R. G vke, P.E. Sewer Planning and ❑esign iUlanager c: Dennis Scattl5pakarae Cvunty BEuce Rawlsl5pakane County . Bcil :1~islSpvkari'e :CauRty . Yerry LightfivotfSpvkane County F, lvz ~ •A FEt~ 0 5 1997 Is~OX-1:IF cCj:rjV ry ~ ~FCC. F I V E D JAN o 8 1997 SPoKAttE COUNlY ENfiiNEER ' January 7, 1997 Mr. 'Perry L7ghtfavt Spokane Caunty Engineers 1026 W. Broadway AVe. Spakane, Wa. 99260 RE: TV Sewex Fhase I Shelley I7ear Terry: Please schedule final TV inspection far fihe Shelley Lake sutSdiVision. Sincerely, 1'1*'tz - Robert L. Heitman, Jr. s a) 'C ! e 7 ~ ~ ~ 49'L / ~ ~ r _ *s • ASPIIALT PENAL'FY ASr ' PRDJECr NAME & NUMBER: PiLUAP, CC]N'I'RAC. or DEVF-LOPER: PAVINCa CDNNTR.ACTaR: nATE oF PLACENLErrr: t H ( -4 ~ "CLASS" OF bM FLA.CTD. "A-°r - ®roAid [TNTT' CQS'' QF A.C.~'. 00 Tab or Band Estirnate Shect)PF-RCENT QIL IN NEX: 'L % .('From Mix bcsi rn (r. ) UNiT COST 0F ASPH. [~IL IN NM: fBa~ed on Currety t L.ocal Invaice Cost~ A5PRALT PENA.LTY CALCULAnON: • Penalty Arnvunt ~ [(T.at Tornage X Z.Ini[ Cvst ACP} - (Lat Tons X Perccnt Oil X Urit Cvst af qil)l _ X (k'ercent Penaa,ity) IVvte. Please indicate ifpercent compaction gir+en belaw is ba.sed upan nucieaz' gauge densikies, or caXe densities by placin,g 211 "N„ (fvr nuclear ,gauge) ax a"C" (for core) next to ttic vaiwe in tlle % Comgaction colunui. Lot Tcans: ;56-b % Cornpaction: % Penal.ty: 5qo Penalty Amt. 530,60 Lot ''vns:Jl.~`~ %'o Cvmpactian: Q~/ % Penalty: 62YC7 Penalty Ami; Lot Tvns: Compactaon: . %Q Penalty; Penalty Amt: X.ot Tons: ~'o Compactivn; ~'o Penalty. Penalty Arnt: Lot Torts: % Crrmpactivn: . % Penalty: Penalty A,mt: , Ca~G C~G , For lvts fa,iIing compac'vn via nuclear methods, ihe contxactvr may request Uzat cares be kaLken and used tv detearznine campaction. Cazing cIiarges are assesseci at a xate af $75,00 for each cvre vbtaaned frvm a failing 1ot. Five cares per lot ace required tv determine percent compacdon: ,'Tatal, Coring Charges for Ab~~e Lats 4 104-5 au-s-'o . . Tv~~ PEN~~~ ~OUNT: Total genalLy a,maunt is equal to asphalt penaTdes p1E#5 CDI1-ng Ch3rge5: TotalpPeilalty Arnount far Abvve Lcrts - ' EIEL] BE!rgQ]RD QF P - ' DA'FE 4F PAVING:Z/-IJ-94 PA'VING CONTRACTDRdCaC ' C0NT"RAG"I' Ha . : EAV ozss PRflJECT NAME: s&,fA vL K r LaT # 2- ; TdNSX~-D ; GAUGE STREET INSPECTOR~ ~~SCR=PTxCH OF PAv32qa s su~~~~~ ~YPE, nEPTH,~ ~OA3DWAY sEcz=oN aee zeverse siQe vf-~vzm zor example descr.iptivn] . . ~ _Adav> ;2 '1 CLA ~C'tO r}Iv Rd7refil'he11 ;2gLj„~f~ f 2Pd M Sr~ 1 4ll4r /e1 z 9 ~ 5W _f-A.57- .2 LAAF-S. ~t, r ` A:3FHALT CONCREfiE FAVMdN'1' ~OIdPACTION CaNMC3L : Date Tested:jLjg, Is this a Re-Test? Rice Density:.a_6-.,3 ACP Class :0 B, C, E, E', G, C3ther : AT $ Thiclc z-v Lane: Lt ar Rt : EB, WB, tdB, SE, Other Leveling Wearing_X_ : Yeather: t Temp: Air -W Mat ABPHALT C4NCRETS PAYEME&T RJLNpON 3AMPLS WORK SHEgT ; (Refez tv WsFDOT Tes tI*thad Na.?I5, Cans truc tivrr Manuaa Chp. 9) . L ENGTH Q FPAiTIIMENT :_/a.-;L9 WIDTH 0 E PAVEM EN'C : Y-4 HEGINNING STATI[7N: ~~faq FiHDI~BG STATION: 22t~'£~ Use Iast (2) digits rvm toda s standard count t6 enter Rarrtiam No. (see reverse sfde vf.fvr•m far Randam Numbers Chart) (x. value) (length) Zength (y value) (wzd th) vtfset x I~_9 = 4.0 .270 x 5' x lz~ Laa; x .-1 L7 x ~ - -7`1 -i- - . Wzy x .30 x . 4n x .-L7 0 L3°7 x ASPHALT CD&C'RSTE P'AVgbdB]f1T CO'1dPACTI ON , OF7SET REAf]INGS - Beqinning S ta tian Length TE5T STA. DEP3H (1PCF) AVG. I RICE + 39Y ° t27 f 7A.5 U.S0411) 13 1► ~ * 4t2 7 14 f qj_ 4- + - lt4:3 41,7 ~ - Z- + 792- _7#~ 9;z -3 B"4 + 911, sAv~rr~.~ . - ~ ~ F PASS or FAz L CCMMENTS : , _ d CDNTRAC'1'6R' 3 SIG. INSPECTOR' 9 SIG • . - - DATE oF PAwzNG:J/-~~ - PAViNG CONTRAGTQR,_Ar,tjc ~ CQNTRACT No. : &jQy Z55- PRQJECT NAINiiE: ,VIELLY LO : T~NS~: GAUGE ST'~i.EE'~ FYdSPECTOR DESGRIPTION OF` PAVnTv Se SURP'ACIXqG TYPF I DFPTH, fie R02IW2lY ' 8ECTI43N (,~iee reverse s.zde ax zoxm rvr example aescaaptlon) & cra 2 ~ AcP a~, ~a~c~►~~~r~ 8f __j ar&-►?5rc-r1aAJ 6: S-z-" 1-19AaE Ie)2-9' ~',Cgpge: Ca!U31.5teM_C,6E_gp/ `►CdT'Tl' , . f ~q 74 ~S ASgHALT CnNCRETE PAVEMNT CQMPACTION CONTRDL: Uate Tested:&-1.3-% : Is this a Re°Tsst?j-k5 : Rice Density: ACP C].dSS; (25 Br Cs B, E, G, OthB1C i AT$ `1'h1Ck g;, Lane: Lt Qr Rt : EB, yTH, N8~ SE, Otner Leveling Weaxa,ng : Weather: Temp: Air Mat AS~HALT CONCRETE PAYEMEBT RAND4M SAdPLg tORK SRSgT : (Refer tv WSBDOr Tes t 1lfethvd Na. 716, Cans trur-t3vnt Manva2 Chp. 3) LENGrtH OF PAVEKENT : _,1029 ' WIDTH DF PAVEMENT : 12 ~ BEGINNING STATION. FNDING STATFQN: r . ~ Usa las t (2) di,gi ts from o a standard count to e n er Ran am No. ss (see reverse s3de vf.fvrm for Random Numbers chart) lx value) (Iength) lenqth (y value) (wid th) off s e t , 3F4- x 51, .346 x I.2 ' - ~ x • 71-r x .~3?3 x 1 - ARC I x = 4. ► CoDI x X - . ~ x - 'W x - ~ ASPHALT CL1gCItETR PAVEIdEST G4IdPACTIDH DF75E'1' REA3INGS Beginning S ta tian Length TES7` STA. DE= (FCF) AVG. 4- RTCE 't + t ~ N . 4' ► ~.~1 - t~l ~ 4 3 C + + , - + , ~!Icr v~1 ~ d 1 • AVG. ~ 4 I PAS9 vr FAI L , COMMENTS : f'nAL'Tq~e~AC~~'Q Qrtr TAS•~ner~r~D*ca 4r~ ~ C"~11~/4r~'1l1 ~ R= f - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - f - ~ - - - - = ~ - - ~ . ~ - - -k- - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - -r)i----a- - - ~ ~ _ _ -~w l 3.. + , f ~ 1 •x' - -F,- Tti- T- - - ~ ~ IGVLAND PACIFIC EfVGINEERING, INC. December 1, 1995 W.O. Nv. 93143 SPokane Cvunty Public Wvrks W. 1026 Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 Attn: Hill Hemmings, P.E. Re: Shelley T.ake Phase 1 - PE175o-94 CompaCtion Testing Un-Site Bi11: Per vur meeeting in yvur vffices vn Wednesday, November 29, 1995 and the discovery that some fill had bcen piaced vn future Rotchford Drive, I am submitting a set af inspectiQn reparts fcrr your recvrds. As yau are aware, filling within the future ri,ght-af way has ceased. In t,he future when this partion vf the rcaadvvay is to be canstructed (2 ar 3 years from now) cvmpaetivn tests every six ta eight inches tv exxsting ground wi11 be provided sv that there will he nv acceptance prQblems far the Courity. Shvuld in the future these tests not provide tl,ie required densiries, the roadway suhgrade (fi11 area) urill be stripped and re-campact@d. Please call with any questivns. Sincerely, Inl~ Pacific Engine.ering Co. r Toid R. Whipple, P.E. TRWItw enclosures cc: f~le RECEIVEd a EC 0 4 1995 707 West 7th • Surte zOQ 2020 Lakewaod {1rEve • suite zAROKANE CflUNTY EPiGINEER Spokane, WA 99204 Cneur d`Alene, Ip 83814 509-458-6840 • FA?C 509-458-6844 268-765-7784 • FA% 208-769-7277 ~ *►4GR►a Eart►r & gnvr'ronmenta► DAILY F1ELD RERORT PRQJBCT h1AME PROJECT NO REIA REPDRT Nv ~~w I 1y L. 1,2--C3 6 I LC?CATfON DATE AAGE 11-- 7-9S I oF 1 ARRIVAL T1ME DAY QF WEEK S 5 MOW T F . CLIEWT OR OWNER CLIENT OR DiNNEii EPRESENTATIYE 1 PHONE No ~ Fa w,~.f~ C~ ~C ~",~i ~►t r.~ ~ I~ GENERAL COM"fHAC']`OR GQNTRAC70R'S AEPRESE TATIVE 1 NE No ~ ~~c~ ►t~'r'~~~ SUBCaNTRACTOR SL18Ci7NTRACTQR'S AEPRESENTA7IVE P PHONE Na ! ,"M6 _ AG EBRLD REPRESENTRTIVE AG 1EPRQJEC NA R WEATMEA ERl1iPMEN4l18Eb e J"i7.C COMFAEIJTS (DBSCnbe work cpmpleted durinrj the day, arry problems snd [hair sduUwns] ~ JY L~ C'.✓•'}_~' 4 ~►e- t.c va t Gss~n S V"~o~t~ r,~~ ~ ❑~i~f C ,~~w.{~ 3,.n~c d ~_1' p CD. S_ _ ~i~.Y !~►.K at 4~ A~ ('a u.~ v~ C_Ar 1~ c.4-~ t...r'►.I ' f h/Q u. ~ "P~C- lr'x LE w4.tn ~ ~ "'o LU~ ~ rc ~ w- t1~? ~ e-v7~ 'Y~ I ~ f'c~ ~LAAL' ~ tiJ`I I i .n ,M1t Y~ ~ r~ ~ ~ Ur . QL' ~ p q~ ~p 5• { r7•[ ~ \IL y1~ T• i' 1 ~~'~c►.,~,~ ~ ~v~~t~- u ~Q+~a~4~. f~ ~mqf AGFiA E&E Field RePresen4atrve ~ ~""~v~s•• AGRA E&E Profect rViana9er T / ~ Cvniractors RepresentaUve Aat~ COntinued ❑ AGRA Eanh & Envfronmgnlal, InC (Rgv 7194) , . ~ RiAnmental DAILY FIELILa REPORT PAO.IECT hlhME PROJEC7 Na F[ECD RERORT Ho ~~~133 (a ? L,pCAnpN 6ATE PAGE C`,1)- 9-7S 1 oF ~ ARRIVAL, TIME DAY aF WEEN ~~30 hu- $ 5 MT WOF CLIENT pR pWN€A CLfE NT OR DW E RE PRE54NTATIVE I PHONE No 1FfkiONE No GENERAL DONTRAC70R CON7RACT4R'S REPRESENTATIVP J~-7 1 L L°-1r AA 1 F~ ~ 144r- SUBCONTFL4CTOR SUHGDNTRACT[7Fi'S REPRESENTA314E 1 PFiC7hE No c, RGHA Lp RERRESE AT1VE AGRA E&E PRiJJECT 7ER~ ~7f C VA& V Lr,, WEA.TMER ` E4l11PFAEhlT U9EY ~~~'c1.4. L 1~'1! , ~1 7,0 .J 17'G1- C(7M1atENTS (DescAbe arork ccxripleted duemg [he day, arry problems anl S416ir SoYutqnB) - - LI-P eng !l4_. V`~ ~ al v1 ~ ~A~ [ 1 T ~ 11`~' f'~R_1n.~1 ~Q-~LIfI l~i.~ ~ 7P L~1 hf~. r 1~ d V^ I ca,.\ gou . ~ - ~ ~ _ sg V~j . ~A- -~t~ D Sc `a~ r~C w.. ti1' Q I~ o tn V'VJ ui 4-r, wCb-~ a K~ .p t~►a~~ V, & u v-not 5 CL V-et 40 ~ ~C~ ~ r Q I~j. ~ e_~v ~ ~ ~ ~ p y I ~ I ~ - e"N - - - ~ - _ - ~ C:ZIA c - - _ ~ _ , ~r■~ - - -3 c ~ R~'aRA E&E Field Repr8semtabve AGRA E&E Project Manager ~ g Contractars Represernabve Date Cvntinued AGRA Earlh & EnvlrorkrtwtAl. !rkc (RBv 3l94) L• • . , . . . ~ ►h A►~ ~~rron►nenral C]AILY FIELI] REPOR7' gROJE~ NAME ~ ~ PROJECT No FIELp REPL3€cT Na 1~Y1336 ~ ~ RATE PAGE 4F ~ CQNIMENTS (Gescnhe work oompfgta$ dur5sg ihB day, any prn6lems arb thecr sdulians) l" ,,0 --+11_1,~1~ a • V'~ A~ Z-0 / cw _ L-C C lmg3x.'.•. ~ ~fv...~.~ AGRA E&E Fie[d Rep (InitialsTftm AGRA E8E Project Nlanager (Irsitials) Contractars Fiep. (Initials) Cortinued AsGF1A'Earth A Environm@nt8f, EnG (Rev 7194) OAraR►a Farth & Envrronmenfal DAILY FiELD REPORT PRQs1ECT IVAME Fq0.JECT fJt] FIELD REPC]RT Wa LOCATIpfd ~ 6ATE PWGE 9 S / aF I ARRIVAL TIiv1E QAY pF WEEIS 10.046;4., ssMTC~rF GLIENT 6Fi OWMER v CLIENf OR ~ER'S PRESEN'fATIV£I P QFdE Na < 1,J GENERAL CQNT ~C7 C4NTiiACT~~ ffEPRES~~T~«_E 1~ E Na r y +J 4: . ~ SUSC[)MTHRCTOH 5UBCAMRACTpR'S REPRESEHTATIVE 1 PHDAIE No nn pER AGRA E&E REPFiESEWYATIVE AGRA PFidJEGT rllV S4~ VLI wEnmER ~ y EauiPMerrr usED f ~Vtt-7 jol !~1-S t~,~. C6 DC1MkSENTS lQeBCnGe wrork canpleted dunng ttte dsy: an5' problem aM 'Ihetr SNNiDt91 d L► i 1Je- tZ 4-- 4L ~A~ 4m JIy''-,lah 1L•► ~ ~C LLL5 4k,~11,1 `r-i---I - ~ y!1 ~ S .r-• 46 ~ ~ ~ ~1n - - - ~ - - - ~ v+ 1 • . I ~ AC;RA E&E Fie€d ReprssentaGve RGR4 E8E Pro'ect Manager ~ ~ Cantractors Representative [7siP Cnntinu2d ~ ~ AGRA EBrth & EnHronrten[al. Irc (Ftev 7/84) ~ AG RA Earth & En►►ironmental DAILY EIELD REP[)FiT PRC7JECT NAME PR(AIFGT No FIELQ REPOR7 No S14EILy L-Ar-r- a~ve7L.b Pv"L-,u-r tz- +3-5(0 Li L.pCAT30N UA3-E y PAGE H~ !`vGl ~in~li~n 1t1~41 f *S 1 OF t7 ARRIVP,LTIFAE DAYOFWEEIS 7; 20 S5NV(DINTF CUENT OR pWNER CLIENT OR []WNER'S F#EPAES£EVTATI4E F PiiONE No IWIucac~ ~(~Cfa itt,sl, ~WY~he. S~I D PaENERAL CONTRAGTC7Fi CONTFIAGTCSR'S REPRE$ENTATIYE 1 PHi]F!E N❑ v- Tte,- IMIK"- O1e,r ?-2A6 -0-333 SLfHCONTFiAC7QFi SllBCONTRACTOR'5 FiEPRESENTATIVE I RHpNE M1f6 AGF'iA E8E F[ELD REPRESENTATlVE RGRA F&£ PRCUECT VuL4FFAGER QI+iVlCA ~ek-V`1 f'e_.~k-Y5oH WEATFiER EC]l7lPkfENT USEO 35`40°F avercaf , brecr.y 3-T57,4 Scvca~e&-5 , COMMEfVTS (Descnhe work oomplatad dunng lhe daY; an1' Problams and their sdutnns) _Ajcy_,v_.eJ o w-s i+E S~-~c~ t~ r~c~c v•, of t7 s i~ i ve s~ i 1 r~~•• r~ v~ ~-~i..~ ~.s~[~~ 4A'►re-.,,L 1a e+weee-. C3 loG.i[ 5 3 r4►•.d .9-J D ).A ce , Drn ~r~~LL. ~,[7~r vP ~r►-,n v, i`S f-L7°o° +-D I S+- 0 0 a-p. 3 z+[7 d+-v 3 34- 5O~ o~ 4~, C! °►n knoGIr Z. ~r ~Ati,41C.L eGi ~ °1-C 0P, SL,p w S CC-1 + u&11 P ~e_+v vt i i•+f ewe ~'~e~. a~ cs . • DehS a ~ 5/ `{-es+S Weve Ae_rP~p v&4., e eA p Tn 5 4'w[.4-vv.~, ~ I A (el ~:e r3 P_o+GL,+-Cw+-d Di,-i V.e F►-n w+.. 16 i-C70 +-a 1$ 4-570 , DQen S r 4r 4~, 4- to'., 4 tn +d.+ e s Gf wec4 Ca S rs kJ o f ~+G vu 18 f ~ 4- irYit k 3'd G p I,r f ~f • . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 117 p ~v r & (-re 45 ~ I - Ll ~ . Fa I I I, . c, kH r 55 3 a v-e c-, r~t ~ r•r e~ _ . T [„5 A I-eeA wC4 C, le r k.~ . I ci, d d[] y~4e r- C q 32- .4 S e~ f.e t) v vw.. r.,i Y,.a.,Ava - v ~ ~ c~. -~t.ti~~v . P'Ll 1 wct s 4-v y vikd e a 4.61' ,~es 4-5 we ►-e- +r,, ~ a s 4~L~_, . ~ L-Ls $I w2_,-e4v,~ 4,,,, e "I.. kq_+tL% Q_k.~rA F) v-.j_;~_e -+C-"2 i 3 Ar-o r,2 I-r,7 1 stoe-7 tnr 1 - vz S l w I+t., +fnP Yi] I ~,P L/ . e r _ 45e , ` DemsijLy ,l--es~.r ot.. ~.o r~.+ : f AGRA E&E Field Represen4ative ~ AGRA E&E Project Manager c ~ I~ 1 ) Cc~ntracto~s RepreserttatGve ❑ate-~L Gonbnued V, AGnn Esrsn a Envrronmenial. Inc (R6v. 7194) ~ A FR~!nmental D101[LY FIELD REPORT PROJECT NAME PRpfECT Ne FiELQ REPaRT No 5WtMLy LRK-LF l>L-V. 17, -133; 6 Li Lncpnarr oaTE a,aGe ll /Z~ 1 cn~` 2- vF ~ ARRIVAC.TfME DAY []F 1M1EEIL 7;Z-o SSNlLf~N TF CI.IEHT CSfi 6WNEFtl CLIENT pFl pWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE 1 PHQNE Na GEfWERAL CON'Yf7AC7t]R CON1fRRCTQR'S REPRE9ENTATIVE 1 PHONE Fit] &U$CDNTRACTOR SLFBCOF+I-"TRACT6R'S REPRE&ENTATIVE 1 Fh{QNE Na AGRA E&E FIELO REPFiESENTATfUE AGFik E&E PFtUIECT MANAGEFt WEATHER E(7UIF h9ENT USE{7 ConnanErn'S (Descnr,e work ewnpleted durcng tne day ary nro~ms s„d sneor swuWxss) GC71u T ?e'.- 4--0D 4-ra 3 3 +-O~`O d Yh e~AS vVeJ ~ (4-eO-Ws 4-$ 4md 13 --lg )o S V ~ cA e- -r~ w ,~~J,~fr~w.~~ p`~ ~'"~P~~7 ~ubC.~ v • ~ D~ L+~ S Y t►~/ ~'GS ~f wekj,4",~Y~Gi 4'Lc P IIt C3 F~ d T -LP_ io z~ ii d,,zy~ Pa ~~B ~ a r k I), LAI,; c I-, 1 C O t~r►. la rsL C. +2GE ► " u I~r~ I~ ~ ~n S ~ ~ e - ' ' ' . r',~ i V Wi W ~ ~ ~ ~ e- flop eind -ee1 eJ in at ere) G-6, VQ V4u "M r i 4-1-, nIA-5 1 ~e sdi I Wr~x rwz ;~e ~a ~ Lle), 4v L c9, . R (oti e R- K-ee `.lo 514e vjlj-~ c.~ ~la,~►~.e~_~~~~~w II s _~Cl:Iv Jc~ ~4-o .,v c•cj v42,~ AGRA E&E Field Representatrve AGRA E$E Pmject Manager J-d ~ i Confmior's RepresentaLve Qate 4;ontmuedf ~ ` AGRa. Eertr+ & Enwronmenfal, Inc (Hev 7)94y *AGRA €arth & Environmental 'aAILY FIELD REPORT 4 PROtECT NAME PRe7JECF Ho FIELD RERQRT Nc ~ 1-2-13,36 I tA 'd]ATE I PAGE ~ r IIzr 1.*s-- 3 a OF , SL9MMARY DF FIELD CDMPA'CTIOM TEST RESULTS VAHIATtDW FIELD FRC#v1 p[STANCE OFiV FIELD FIELD ppTlMUiul PASS TEST ELEV BELOW AAp+l'L [}ENSfTY ktp15T CU3vtP MCi19T QR TEST Na METHOD LOCATIQN (FEE'T) GRAL7E T"fPE (PGF) I%1 (°No) FAIL AlP 161Z q'4~ ~ ~ t~7 5 y, ❑ ~'o,z 2. 1-7 t5-0 up--- s,4 -3 )6 j- 40 vc-sJ~e, f, 5ff.-~~ 1) ~ ; s fto , 3 31 Y qx, V F lb #'10 Sw Sr~ 5~7.~t•~~"I -a5 Ilq. S. '1. ? q I. e ~ , ~ 14~90 I 1Z.'~.~ ~r ~ ~ 3Z.+7o 5,5i&C 1z5. 3 3.7 96,Z ~ q 4'q. ~ 3$tvD S. S~ 3 1z. D 3, `~i I $ ~3 t ~a 5 • s~~f.~ f ~`~IJ ~ N°~.5 azy,~ 2.9 cl s, 8 ~ 8~ 1dc4, PaJ 20v r40r- ~.e~,d~u~s~~~~±• " IZ6.~ 5,2 q7s " .F►~,... wc3~ I~~-. 3kd 54-mk-e I✓,5 4e 4,1r - fZ Y.y 7. $ 9 S. 5 rr rr WwCis, 2,J I 3.d Orx kw 1 Z& 35-- 0 98,5~ - ~ S~A te w3, J.3!0.Z A,3 lo 0 3 ~t 70 1U.5 j. LS _w -ce l 1 3, Y 1?6 Af PERCENT COiV1PACTION BASED ON SFECIFICATi If]IW ~ STAHDARf1 PROCTOR RSTFA 0 698 0 9C96 0 698 Q 65%D fi98 KMpDIFIEO PROCTC7R A57M 0 1557 ❑ 90% 0 1557 19 476 D 1557 Q OTHER ❑ l7TMER MA7ERIAL RE'FEFiEhlGE MRTE'RIAF. MAXIMLIM CiRY S7PTIMI]M TYPE SAMPLE Ha. DESCRI#'TION DENSITY (RGF) MOI5r {~y rEsT HuMBER ar - oENssrv TF-sr S d4y qvr SR I✓ a-~-~ Sr,+r~c~+~G►[~. 13 0• z g• z RT = RETEST r ~ TE5T METFiOD ~ N = NUC4EAR (ASLFA D 2922) sc ro saNo ODHF (AsrM D 1556) oc - oRIue cnaNnEA (nsrM 0 207) ~\GRA E&E Fisld Rep. (lnibals) ~ AGRA E8E Prqect Manager (iniAals) ~ Cvnirac#ors Rep (Initials) ConGnued`IA 1 IRh 8 Envlmmenta4, [nc {Rsv 7194} ! - Y ~ ~ ~rnrnental DAILY FIELD REPaRT ~ PFtDJELT NAME + PRCAEECT NG FIELO FiEPEfRT MO S14P' I- L-/ L.AK. e- VVV{- UPPkL7LJ T fIZ' 13 L'a ~ b OAI PAGE~ Or ~ suMMaRv vF FieLO coMPAcTIarv TEsr RESULTs VAFdATION FIgLD M01W1 ❑ISTATJCE C1RY FIELD FIELD pPTIMUFA PASS TEST EL.EV BEL(3W MATL OEPl9rT5' I4SD157 COMP NSQ15T, DR TEST Na NfET1iO0 LflCat'RC3N (FEET] tiRA[]E 1°S'PE (PGF) {i6} FAIL q 3 3 t 35- 1v ,std-P, ~ Z 1 [ z5-e 79- y96,S" r i~ 3$ f ~4a [ 27r Q 5, 1 el 7+ -zi-'40 S. SarJ~.~ ~ ! 0 9cf,Z Ito 3 1'7 1,3 }70 A1~5rr~. I ~ fz.~.5{ 4~Gr 47.2- 1 g ~~t ~C) 1 ~ - - 14 -i-bC3 S W.CUz IZ`[. cj 3, T 2CJ ~3t5"o Sv►• Scd ~ i~'N,I z.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 M ~ PERCEN7 COMP14CT1[3N BPiSED C]N: SPECIFIGFITfO1N: ❑ 5TNJDAfiO PRQCTOR A57ivS J 698 ❑91% £7 698 'LJ @596 a 6.98 * MOpIFIEG PRf,'CZOR RSTM a 1557 Cl 9096 ❑ 1557 0 90% D 4557 ❑ aTHER ❑ OTHER 3!] MATERiAL REFEFSENCE MATERIAL MW{IMLAd C1RY OPTIMLM TyPE 6AMRLE No OE5GRIPTI(1H DENSITY (PCF) MDI56 'fEST NUNIBER ' or = oF-Nsrrv resT R7 = AETEST ~ YEST METHOD H = NUCLERR (ASTM D 292f2) SC = 5A1dB CONE (+45TM0 1558) DO = pR1VE CYLINQER (ASTM 0 2937) A E&E Fislsi Rep, (Iniiials) Of Af3RA E&E Projed Manager (Initials) ~ Gvntractor's Rep. (fnitials) Gonhnued~ L I aGAn E&h & emironmen+al. inc, (aev Wsa) ~ INLANa PACIFIC ENGINEERING, INC. November 13, 1996 W.O. Nv. 93143 Ed Parry, P.E. Spvka~ne County Puhlic Wvrlcs W , 1026 Braadway NO+~ 14 S6 Spokane, WA 99260 5P01{AiVE COUNTY ENG1AE:-'Et Re: SheBey Lake, P.U.D. - PE-1750-94 5II3EWALK CONSTRUGTIQN CH.ANGE Dear Ed: Attached please find the plan shawing the praposed change ta the sidewalk alang 4th avenue and Conklin avenue. We gropase to keep part vf the existing sidewalk fvr the follawirag reasons: The existing sidevvalk is relatively new and in excellent condition. Ecanamically, it wauld make sense fio save as much af the existing sidewalk as passible. HaVing the road and- sidewalk separated by landscaping wcruld be aesthetically pleasing. We would Iilce to receive cvunty approval as svon as possible. Please review the attacked pian and let me kngw if yvu have any questivns, camments or required revisians. Respectfully, Tnland Facific Engineering Ca., Inc. Mark Katnrath mWk A~yo✓4 cc: file 7[]7 West 7th • Swte 200 2020 Lakewood Drrve • 5uite 205 5pokane, WA 49204 Cceur d'Alene, ID 83814 509-458-5840 • FAJ( 509458-5844 268-765-7784 9 FR?4 208-769-7277 ~ Il~emorandum I)ate: I7ecember 2, 1936 To; Bvb Brueggerrian, P. E. Urom: Ed Parry, P. E. 4F Subject: F1750 - Sttelley I,ake P.U.D. Flan Change; Sidewalk 1ocation on 4th Avenue 1. The project sponsor is propasing ro utilize snme existing sidewalk alang 4th Avenue and along Canklin Raad as shawn at attachment 1. The sidewalk alignment approveci by the Cvunty is shown at attachment 2. Phoros af the existing sidewalk are shpwn at attachment 3. 2. Tnstead vf prvviding new sidewalk adjacertt to 4th Ave. and along Conklin Road, the existing sidewalk wauld "meander" far about 250 feet, relative tv the curbline, along each street before meeting nevv sidev►+alk ad;}acent to the curbdine ❑n these rvads, 3. Other than a tie-in frvrn the nvrtherly curb ramg to the 4th Aae. sidewalk, it appears that the County could accept this prvposal. Please let me know yvur thoughts an this by Friday, 5 Dec 96, so khat we can respond to the prvject spvnsor. Thanks for your he1p. 746;1~~ ~ ► '~''Mfr`~. , ~ -3